Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 23: The Twins and Memories

A years later.

While Xiaoyun and Leyan were on a vacation to Hainan, she suddenly threw up again.

After a doctor's visit, it was revealed that Leyan was pregnant again, which didn't surprise the the two as they stopped wearing protection to give Yuqi a sibling.

However, what was concerning to the two was how the belly was getting much bigger than last time.

As months went by, Leyan could barely walk despite being able to walk easily the last time she was pregnant.

So the two decided to check with an ultrasound at the hospital, which revealed Leyan was having a twin.

"Oh my god, this has to be a joke... This can't be happening."

Xiaoyun suddenly collapsed to the chair behind him as he covered his face in despair.

"What's wrong, honey?" Leyan asked, confused by Xiaoyun's sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well right now. I'll be back later."


Before Leyan could ask why, Xiaoyun rushed out of the room, seemingly to be scared of something.


After leaving the hospital, Xiaoyun sat down in a nearby park and tried his best not to think about anything.

Eventually, someone tapped his shoulder.

As Xiaoyun turned around, Wuli was right behind him.

"What's wrong? Why are you looking like a lost sheep? Why aren't you with Leyan?" Wuli asked curiously as she sat next to Xiaoyun.

"I-I don't know... It's not Leyan's fault. I am just... sick."

"Sick? You looked perfectly fine to me."

After a short silence between the two, Xiaoyun finally spoke up again.

"The twins she is having are going to be a boy and a girl."

"Oh, you guys are having a twin? Congrats."

As Wuli congratulated Xiaoyun, she suddenly noticed He didn't look happy at all. Instead, he looked the opposite, as he still maintained a cold face.

"Um... Do you only want one instead of a twin?"

"No, it's not that. The doctor didn't say it was going to be a boy or a girl, but I keep having memories of seeing Leyan with both."

"Huh? Are you sure you're not just having deja vu or something?" Wuli suggested.

"I'm sure of it. The same thing happened when she had Yuqi. I even bet with her, guessing it was going to be a girl."

"Well, that's just a 50/50 bet. Besides, why are you looking so depressed? You should be happy Leyan is carrying a twin for you.

Do you know how many women refuse to go through pregnancy for their husbands? Cheer up, man."

Wuli slapped Xiaoyun on the back, but Xiaoyun still looked just as depressed as earlier.

"Okay. Just tell me what's the issue... Don't just sit here looking all depressed and keep it to yourself."

After almost sitting still for ten minutes, Xiaoyun finally decided to speak up.

"Can I tell you something? I don't want you to tell it to Leyan."

"What is it? I promise I won't tell her."

"I think I might not be from here."

"Huh? Like an alien of some sort?"

"Yeah, exactly. My memory has been constantly dreaming of some sort of Zombie apocalypse.... What's more sick is I have been to dream of fucking Leyan."

Wuli froze for a second before coming back to her senses. She couldn't believe what had just come out of Xiaoyun's mouth.

"Are you crazy? What Zombie apocalypse? You are probably just seeing too many movies or conspiracy theories. A-Also, Leyan is literally your wife. What's wrong with dreaming about that?"

Wuli stuttered a little as her brain suddenly flashed back to the night she saw the two doing in the bedroom with Shuli.

"But the issue is..."

Xiaoyun hesitated for a second but decided to confess to Wuli.

"I was dreaming as if I was her son... doing it with Leyan from the future."

Wuli's mouth dropped for a second as she was caught off guard again. But this time, she instantly drew up a conclusion.

"Xiaoyun... I think you need to see a psychiatrist. You are clearly not in your right mind——Um, maybe it's just some mommy kink. I had seen a lot of people like that kind of stuff."

Wuli quickly changed her answer at the last second when she noticed that Xiaoyun's face had suddenly turned dark.


"Xiaoyun, if you really love Leyan, you shouldn't leave her in the hospital like this. Are you going to leave Leyan just because of some memory?

Come on, let go. Stop sitting here and worry over something that might not even happen. Leyan needs you right now."

Wuli helped Xiaoyun back up as they began walking toward the hospital.

"You're right... I need to be there for her. Thank you, Wuli."


As the days got closer and closer to labor, Xiaoyun's anxiety had only gotten worse.

Leyan could tell Xiaoyun was hiding something from her, but when she asked about it, Xiaoyun simply smiled and said nothing.

Just as Leyan was staying in the hospital, anticipating going through labor, Xiaoyun was still sitting at home with Wuli right in front of him.

"Xiaoyun, why are you still sitting here? Is it really that big of an issue? Even Leyan can notice you've changed." Wuli pointed out in anger.

"I-I changed?"

Xiaoyun looked back at Wuli in surprise.

"Yes, you had been drowning yourself in work on purpose and barely even touched her. Does Leyan become less attractive to you because she has given birth?"

Wuli spoke louder and louder as if she were questioning a suspect who was guilty of something.

"What? No, I just haven't had the time... And how do you know I——"

Just as Xiaoyun is about to question Wuli, she suddenly flips out in pure anger.

"That's beside the point! You men are really just a bunch of dirty pigs. Why did Leyan even marry you?"

Wuli immediately got up from the sofa, getting ready to leave as she put her shoe back on.

"I'm sorry. That memory haunts me every time I fall asleep. I don't know how I'm going to face her."

Xiaoyun finally confesses his anxiety as he runs out of solutions to keep himself going.

"Always that stupid memory. Your son isn't even born yet, and you're scared of your son. You are just fucked in the head."

Wuli suddenly slaps Xiaoyun right in the face, leaving a very visible red mark.

"Why did you——"

Before Xiaoyun could stand up and ask why, Wuli started rolling up her sleeve.

"You know what, let me knock some sense into you before you ruin Leyan's marriage."

Wuli pulled him upright by the collar as she slapped Xiaoyun's face on repeat. But Xiaoyun doesn't resist, as if he knows he is in the wrong.

"YOU KNOW HOW MUCH LEYAN HAD TO SUFFER? She has to go through labor twice for YOU! AND YOU OVER HERE are sitting here being all indecisive.

Do you know how much precious time you wasted? She could have been marrying someone who isn't sick in the head like you and has a happy family.

BUT YOU ARE A FUCKING DICKHEAD. YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE A FATHER. WAKE THE FUCK UP. Do you hear me? If you still love Leyan, what the hell are you waiting for?"

Wuli finally let go of Xiaoyun as he collapsed onto the sofa, his head still dizzy. However, the dizziness wasn't from the slap.

Rather, it was from Wuli's words.

"I... You fucking right, I should be there for her."

Xiaoyun's eyes looked determined as if he had finally become a changed man.

"Finally, some sense has gotten into you. Go now before you ruin your marriage."

Wuli let out a sigh of relief as she fixed Xiaoyun's collar back up before pushing him to the garage.

Before Xiaoyun could fully process everything, he was already in his car, with Wuli sitting next to him.


In the hospital.

"Is Xiaoyun here?" Leyan asked as she turned to the right where Shuli was standing.

"Nope. That idiot is probably still at home right now, but I called Wuli to check up on him," Shuli responded.

"It's fine... You guys don't need to be so harsh on him... I think he's just going through some——"

Before Leyan could finish talking, the door to the room was opened.

"Okay, ma'am, it's time."

The doctor kicked Shuli out of the room as several nurses came in with different equipment for labor.

A few minutes later...

As Xiaoyun and Wuli rushed towards where Leyan was staying, they noticed Shuli already standing outside by the door.

"Xiaoyun! What took you so long?" Shuli curiously asked.


"This idiot couldn't get over his mental block earlier. Anyway, go in before it's too late, you dummy." Wuli explained.

Xiaoyun didn't argue back as he knocked on the door and waited.

After a short second, a nurse came out.

"We can't allow you guys——"

"I'm Leyan's husband. Can I please be with her?"

"What took you so long? You don't know your wife is going through labor today," the nurse asked curiously as she closed the door.

Xiaoyun only awkwardly scratched his head as the nurse walked him inside the room and then helped him put on a sheet to cover himself.

After everything was prepared, Xiaoyun could finally walk to Leyan's bed.

"I'm here, Leyan. I'm so sorry for leaving you like this." Xiaoyun sincerely apologized as he moved closer to her hand.

"Hm? What happened to your face?" Leyan asked curiously as she noticed Xiaoyun's bruises on his face.

"It's nothing. I just fell down the stairs. I love you, babe."

"Why did Wuli say to you? You sound like a different person... But I like it." Leyan smiled as the doctor and nurses finished setting everything up.


A week later...

Leyan and Xiaoyun were able to bring the twins back home after a checkup to ensure their health.

And just as Xiaoyun had predicted, it was a boy and a daughter.

Still, Xiaoyun has moved on and didn't think much of it, as the moment he saw the two babies, every doubt disappeared.

"Hey honey, what should we name our kids?"

"How about Xiaoyun and Xiaoyue? And we can just call our daughter Yueyue to make it easier to distinguish them." Xiaoyun suggested, using the same name as the one in his memory illusions.

"What a coincidence. I was thinking that, too."

"Well then, let's go home now!"


Another week quickly went by.

Xiaoyun finally decided to quit his job full-time job, opting to occasionally go to work to spend more time with Leyan and the three babies.

Somehow, the company started to become more profitable as the new prospects were allowed to be more hands-on and bring new and risky ideas.

Leyan's parents also drove back to Xiaoyun's house to let Leyan take care of Yuqi once again, as she had been brought away during the week of her labor.

Everything was going peacefully at home as Xiaoyun's and Leyan's relationship was now closer than ever.

But just as the twins were about a year old, Leyan suddenly decided to ask Xiaoyun something.

"Hey honey, do you think we should hire a maid or a babysitter? I want to go back to work. I kind of miss it.

Yuqi is almost three years old now, and I can store the breast milk for the twins every morning."

Xiaoyun thought for a second, then nodded in agreement.

"I mean, I can take care of the three. I barely go to work now. But are you sure you want to leave the kids? Xiaoyun and Yueyue are going to miss you."

Xiaoyun raises his concern as he helps Yuqi build a small wooden block castle on the floor.

"Yeah. I'm sure of it. I think I've been spending too much time with kids... I'm getting a little tired, especially from the crying."

Leyan unbuttons her shirt and raises her arms to allow the twins to start suckling her breasts.

"I still remember someone said they wanted a 'big family.' Hmm, I wonder who that was." Xiaoyun joked.

Suddenly, Yuqi accidentally runs over the small castle the two had just finished building and starts crying.

"Qiqi, don't cry, okay? Daddy is going to build a new one—an even bigger one that you had never seen before."

Xiaoyun gently patted Yuqi on the back as he began building it with his other hand.

"I'm serious. It feels like we have no time for ourselves, you know." Leyan's face suddenly blushed red as she looked down at the twins.

"Fine, you can go back to work. I will just stay home and take care of our children... Yuqi, here's your new castle!"

As Xiaoyun finally finished building the castle, Yuqi began to examine it by walking around in a circle.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the front door.

Xiaoyun got up and went to open the door, only to see Wuli and Shuli outside.

"Come on in."

Leyan waved as she noticed the two outside as well.

"Oh my god, is that Yuqi? She's so cute!" Shuli yelled out as she excitedly rushed over to Yuqi and hugged her.

"Hey, Leyan, how is it going?" Wuli asked as she sat down next to Leyan.

"I'm doing fine. How about you?"

"Well, I just got fired after punching somebody who tried to harass me. They really think my black belt Taekwondo was just joking."

Wuli looked a little defeated as she thought back to what happened yesterday.

"Oh, what a coincidence, we were just looking for a babysitter. Do you want to do it?" Leyan suggested.

"Nah, I hate being near babies. I don't have the heart like Shuli."

"Hey! Babies are so cute! Don't say that!" Shuli yelled back, accidentally scaring Yuqi into crying again.

"Hey Qiqi, look, it's a train!"

Xiaoyun took out a toy train, and Qiqi was instantly distracted as she stopped sobbing.

"Well, I am still surprised Shuli still has a job as a kindergarten teacher when she always yells so loud," Wuli commented.

"Well, maybe being loud is how someone controls a bunch of unruly kids in kindergarten," Leyan commented back.

As the two watched Shuli and Xiaoyun play with Yuqi, Wuli suddenly noticed something about Leyan.

"Um, Leyan... was your chest always this big, or am I going crazy?"

"Oh, these? They just get bigger when you have kids. To be honest, I kind of hate it. In less than a year, I have had three different sizes of bras.

And they're just so heavy to carry around... If it weren't for Xiaoyun, who asked me to keep it, I would have asked for reduction surgery." Leyan complained, not seeing Wuli's face turn jealous, who was only a third of her size.

Suddenly, Xiaoyun's phone rang.

"I be right back."


The phone call was from his business partner, who had been calling for the past several weeks.

"What you want?" Xiaoyun asked as he stood in the backyard alone.

"I just wanted to remind somebody that people are getting jealous of a certain person who is making a lot of money."

"I thought I still had one more year——"

"Yeah, but some people are getting impatient. I can only tell them back for so long before something bad happens," the trading partner warned.

"Fine. I will announce the company's going public next week. How much of the percent do they want?"

"The officials and businessmen don't want much, just forty percent."

"Forty percent? Are you crazy? The best I can do is thirty percent." Xiaoyun yelled in anger.

"I'm just a messenger. There's no point arguing with me. Just one more thing you might want to hear.

I heard that some higher-ups consider the contracts you made the stockholder sign to be void and that a certain security commissioner is under investigation for abuse of power.

If I were you, you might want to please them. But that's just me... You want your family safe, right?"

Hearing the threat, Xiaoyun quickly calmed back down as he thought about it for a second.

"Fine, I will do forty percent. But you have to wait until next month." Xiaoyun pleaded.

"There's no need to play smart. We know what you're trying to pull off. Trust me, just go public. You will get even more money to make your company bigger——"

Xiaoyun hung up the phone before his business partner could finish talking.

"And a bunch of stockholders are holding me back, huh?" Xiaoyun murmured as he walked back to the living room.

"Hey, Shuli and Wuli, if I am willing to pay you two double your salary of whatever you have right before, can you two be our babysitters?"

Xiaoyun suddenly suggested, which surprised Leyan as she thought Xiaoyun wanted to raise the kids himself.

"What's wrong, honey?" Leyan asked in a concerned voice as she realized it had something to do with the phone call.

"I am going to get extremely busy next week... I can't keep my company private anymore." Xiaoyun admits it as he didn't want to hide it from Leyan.

"Um, sure, the kindergarten is in summer break right now anyway. I got nothing else better to do."

Seeing Shuli agreeing to it, Wuli nodded in agreement as well.

"Fine, not like I have anything better to do."

"Well honey, look like we found our babysitter."

"Yeah... I guess."

Leyan felt a little concern for her babies as she looked back at her two best friends.

"Don't worry, I am a professional! I'm qualified to be a teacher! I can teach Yuqi and even give early education to the twins!"

As Shuli lifted Yuqi in pure excitement, Yuqi suddenly burst into tears again.

"Daddy! Help!"

Wuli facepalmed as she grabbed Yuqi away from Shuli and put her back down onto the castle.

"Are you sure we should have them as our babysitter?" Leyan asked in a concerned voice as the two started trying different thing to make Yuqi smile.

"I'm sure of it. There's no one I trust more than these two."

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