YUGIOH: It's Time to Duel!

Chapter 26: The Introvert against the Blond Hair Boy

Chapter 26: The Introvert against the Blond Hair Boy

NVM problem solved

Hey guys, just letting you know, now that author notes will be placed at the end of the chapter there will be a [] with a number within to index which info to answer your questions.

Also after duelist kingdom, should I add the virtual world arc? It was only 2 to 3 episodes long but Yugioh consider it as an arc anyway and it honestly didn't contribute much to the story so tell me how you guys feel!

[3rd POV]

Yuna calmly gazed at her hand as a small plan formulated in her head: "First, I will use Foolish Burial and send a monster from my deck to my graveyard. Second, I will summon Dragon Knight of Creation, set two cards, and end my turn."

The familiar knight with golden armour was summoned to Yuna's field. The Knight proudly raised his fist at the thought of being brought to battle before pointing his giant sword at Joey.

[Dragon Knight of Creation: 1800 Attack, 600 Defense]

Joey frowned and recalled it was the same starting move Yuna had used against Keith and Bonz at the start of their duel. However, this time, Joey was cautious; she must have something planned...

He stared at his hand, and it was perfect. Joey smiled enthusiastically and initiated his counterattack: "I will summon Baby Dragon!"

A cute little dragon appeared on the field. It eagerly flew around and tried to act intimidating.

[Baby Dragon: Attack: 1200, Defense: 700]

"Then I will activate Time Wizard's effect in my hand and play this card as a spell!" Joey declared, and a clock with limbs manifested in the middle of the field.

"With Time Wizard, I can spin a roulette, if I succeed, time will be altered, but if I fail, it will destroy all my monsters!" Joey announced: "Let's go, Time Wizard!"

The Time Wizard lifted his staff and created a spinner. The arrow spun rapidly before finally settling on the image of the Time Wizard itself. The clock monster eagerly celebrates and activates its magic affecting the arena and covering it in bright light.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

When the light dimmed, a humongous dragon stood on Joey's field. It has brown scales, sharp teeth and a body full of muscles.

"By forwarding time, my Baby Dragon has grown, so now it's no longer Baby Dragon but Thousand Dragon!" Joey declared.

[Thousand Dragon: Attack: 2400, Defense: 2000]

"However, since time has moved forward, your knight was now an old man!"

Contrary to his original glorified appearance, the Dragon Knight of Creation's body was frail and skinny. Unable to stand, the Dragon Knight of Creation groaned and collapsed on one knee as he barely had enough strength to lift his sword.

[Dragon Knight of Creation: Attack: 1800 -> 900, Defense: 600 -> 300]

"Now it's time to attack!" Joey shouted: "Destroy that knight!"

Thousand Dragon charged; each step was like an earthquake, shaking the room. Dragon Knight of Creation was too weak to defend himself and fell to Thousand Dragon's claws.

[Yuna Sano: 2000 LP -> 500 LP]

"Alright! Joey almost won in one move!" Tristan cheered on the sidelines.

Tea nodded: "Yeah, it was surprising how much stronger that doofus is getting, right Yugi?"

However, Yugi didn't answer and watched thoughtfully: "I'm not sure..."

"Huh, what do you mean?" Tristan questioned doubtfully: "Is there something I'm not seeing?"

Yugi shook his head and explained: "We have all seen how Sano-san has battled. She easily defeated Kaiba, the world champion. She has two set cards but has activated none of them. Isn't that weird? I might be wrong, but I just felt worried..."

Their excitement died down, and the crew watched the match thoughtfully. Yugi was the strongest among them; they should take his words seriously, and seriously, they should...

As soon as Dragon Knight of Creation left the field, Yuna announced: "By destroying Dragon Knight of Creation, you have triggered the Keeper of the Shrine in my hand!"

She revealed the card to Joey, and to his surprise, it was a monster card. Immediately, Yuna specialed summoned the monster in defence position, and a small platform rose from the ground, and a figure sat on the elevated land. It was an elderly being with scales covering his body. A pair of dragon wings protrude from his back, and horns on his head.

The old man stroked his beard and chuckled as he spread his arms, gesturing at the Thousand Dragon like a grandfather welcoming his grandchild.

[Keeper of the Shrine: Attack: 0, Defence: 2100]

"With Keeper of the Shrine, whenever a dragon monster on the field is sent to the graveyard or destroyed, I can special summon it from my hand or graveyard!"

"I see..." Joey muttered: "Finally, I will set a card face down. It's your move, Sano-san." As soon as Joey ended his turn, Yuna smiled and immediately activated one of the set cards: "I will use Solemn Wish. Whenever I draw a card, I gain five hundred life points!" she said while drawing, and her life points increased.

[Yuna Sano: 500 LP -> 1000 LP]

Joey gritted his teeth upon realizing Yuna had a way to replenish her life points. Now he felt like there was a time limit to the match, and he would surely lose if the game dragged on for

too long...

"I will use Pot of Greed to draw two cards from my deck." Yuna declared when a green vase with a goblin face appeared. The pot licked its lips before shattering as Yuna added two more

cards into her hand.

[Yuna Sano: 1000 LP -> 2000 LP]

"Then I will use Keeper of the Shrine's second effect! During my Main Phase, the Keeper of the Shrine can be treated as two tributes! Thus, I will use Keeper of the Shrine to tribute summon

Arkbrave Dragon!"

The elderly monster transformed into millions of bright particles and transformed into one shining orb. The sphere then began to stretch and contort, gradually forming into the shape

of a large dragon.

The monster has white scales with golden ridges and blue tints at the end of its claws, and four wings grew from the dragon's sides. An emerald was embedded on the dragon's forehead, and two crystalline bristles protruded from the back of its head.

[Arkbrave Dragon: Attack: 2400, Defense: 2200]

"Now Arkbrave Dragon, attack Thousand Dragon!" Yuna ordered, and Arkbrave Dragon charged relentlessly.

"Hey, won't that destroy both our monsters!?" Joey stammered but was surprised to see Yuna's unfazed expression: "Tsk, I won't let that happen! I will activate my trap, Kunai With


"It would give Thousand Dragon five hundred more attacks and force Arkbrave Dragon into a defensive position."

[Thousand Dragon: 2400 Attack -> 2900 Attack, 2000 Defense]

Yuna nodded as Arkbrave Dragon obediently returned. It lay on the floor and quietly lowered

its head.

"Then my turn ends," Yuna said and crossed her arms.

Joey draws while analyzing the field. Yuna has Solemn Wish, one unknown set card, and a monster in a defensive position. Things seemed to be in his favour, but Joey couldn't

understand why he was still afraid.

Frustrated, he clenched his fist: "I will summon Axe Raider!"

A muscular warrior wielding a battle axe arrived next to Thousand Dragon. The warrior waved

his weapon and smiled at the sensation of an incoming battle.

[Axe Raider: Attack: 1700, Defense: 1150]

"Then I will equip my Axe Raider with the legendary sword, granting him three hundred more


The axe vanishes out of the monster's hand, and a sword replaces its place. Axe Raider acted disgruntled on removing his favourite weapon, but he reluctantly wielded the blade as it gave

him strength.

[Axe Raider: Attack: 1700 -> 2000, Defense: 1150]

"Finally, I'm attacking your Arkbrave Dragon with Thousand Dragon. Go!"

With Thousand Dragon's potent attack, Arkbrave Dragon fell helplessly. However, in doing

so, it has reactivated Keeper of the Shrine, bringing him back onto the field...

[Keeper of the Shrine: Attack: 0, Defense: 2100]

Joey felt a bitter taste in his mouth, and he realized that unless he banished Yuna's monster,

the Keeper of the Shrine would always return to the field...

"Such a tough card," He murmured: "It's your turn..."

[Yuna Sano: 2000 LP -> 2500 LP]

Suddenly, Joey winced when he felt his eyes getting irritated. He glanced at the source of the

annoyance and frowned. On Yuna's field was a shiny green gem that felt strangely nostalgic. After a few seconds of contemplation, Joey gasped. That's the emerald Arkbrave Dragon has on its forehead! What was it doing there?!

As if responding to his thoughts, the emerald emitted a bright light. Everyone covered their eyes from the blindness as Yuna's voice entered their ears.

"Arkbrave Dragon's effect has activated! If this monster was sent to the graveyard last turn, I can special summon one level seven or eight dragons from my graveyard!"

"One level seven or eight dragons?" Joey exclaimed: "Wait, you don't mean?!"

Yuna smirked: "I will special summon Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

The emerald burst into pieces as a golden dragon replaced its place. Joey grimaced: "To think

I would be fighting that...."

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: Attack: 2800, Defence: 2800]

Compared to Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Yuna's Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand was fear-

inducing. The monster's effect was nothing to scoff at, and he thought his chance of winning

had dropped to an all-time low.

"With Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect!" Yuna continued: "When it was special summoned from the graveyard, I can banish one monster on the field or grave while Felgrand

gains the amount of attack and defense equal to its level multiplied by one hundred! The one I choose is Thousand Dragon!"

Thousand Dragon howled in pain as Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand condemned it, and the monster transformed into a golden orb before being absorbed by the dragon completely.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: Attack: 2800 -> 3500, Defence: 2800 -> 3500] "Now I will attack!" Yuna shouted: "Destroy Axe Raider!"

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand howled and unleashed a beam. Axe Raider released a desperate

warcry and charged with his new sword. Unfortunately, his strength doesn't match his

unwavering attitude, and he dies helplessly.

[Joey Wheeler: 2000 LP -> 500 LP]

"I will use Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand's effect. If I destroy a monster, I can bring a Level

Seven or Eight dragon back from my graveyard! I summon Arkbrave Dragon!"

[Arkbrave Dragon: Attack: 2400, Defense: 2000]

Yuna: "Then I will use Graceful Charity, and I can draw three cards and discard two from my


[Yuna Sano: 2500 LP -> 4000 LP]

"With this, I will use Keeper of the Shrine's effect again and summon Blue-Eyes White

Dragon, using it as tribute!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: Attack: 3000, Defense: 2500]

"Oi oi, this is a joke, right?!" Tristan shuddered.

Tea: "Poor Joey. How is he going to win now?" Yugi clenched his fist: "C'mon, Joey, don't give up!"

Joey gritted his teeth and sighed depressingly. On the other side, three gigantic dragons

loomed over him and his pathetic field. Despite his awful situation, losing wasn't an option for him. He desperately needed the money, but to do that, he had to win.

He drew, and a plan formed in his head. With the cards in his possession, there's no way that Joey can fully defeat this powerful board, but at least the best he can do was to stall...

"I will first use Pot of Greed and draw two more cards." Joey declared as he filled his hand:

"Then I will use my second Pot of Greed!"

After the tag team duel with Yuna, Joey understood the limitations of his deck, which was that he barely had any spells to help him. Thankfully, his friends supported him by lending them

their spare cards, and Joey managed to build a stronger deck which helped him


Joey: "I will set a monster and two cards face-down. I end my turn..."

"Is that so," Yuna muttered softly and drew another card.

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 4500 LP]

"Then I will attack your set monster! Go, Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!"

"Wait, not so fast!" Joey yelled: "I will activate my trap card, Chasm of Spikes! When my

opponent's monster attacks, I can destroy that monster, and they will suffer a quarter of damage equal to the monster's attack points!"

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand dived downwards but accidentally fell into a deep hole full of

spikes. The sharp edges pierced the monster's body, killing it.

[Yuna Sano: 4500 LP -> 3600 LP]

Yuna instinctively scrunched her brows: "With my dragon defeated, Keeper of the Shrine in

my graveyard will activate.."

"I won't let that happen!" Joey shouted, straining his voice: "I activate my second trap, Graverobber, and I will steal Keeper of the Shrine from your graveyard! Then I will be the one to use Keeper of the Shrine's effect, and I will special summon him in defence position!"

[Keeper of the Shrine: Attack: o, Defence: 2100]

Yuna was surprised as her monster was summoned onto Joey's side of the field. Without her

knowledge, a small smile appeared on her face. Yuna knew the reason behind Joey's desperation, and she felt guilty that Joey would be brought to despair if she won. However, watching Joey fighting with everything he got, Yuna chuckled as she realised that it would be rude to hold back.

"I will end my turn." Yuna said: "It's your move." [1]

Joey nodded and drew, his eyes widened, and a small hope rekindled in his heart: "I will

tribute the Keeper of the Shrine and summon Red Eyes Black Dragon!"

The old man chuckled when a dark shadow engulfed him. A fierce creature rose from the darkness, and the dragon screeched in rage.

[Red Eyes Black Dragon: Attack: 2400, Defence: 2000]

"Then I will use Dragon Nail and grant Red Eyes Black Dragon seven hundred more attacks!"

[Red Eyes Black Dragon: Attack: 2400 -> 3100, Defence: 2000]

'Arkbrave Dragon can revive Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand,' Joey pondered: 'Then I should

defeat Blue Eyes White Dragon First!'

"Red Eyes Black Dragon, attack!"

The monster roared and lunged at Blue Eyes White Dragon. The two dragons clashed; both

seemed to be equal strength. However, Red Eyes Black Dragon gradually gained the upper hand and struck down its opponent.

[Yuna Sano: 3600 LP -> 3500 LP] Naturally, the Keeper of The Shrine returned to Yuna's field.

[Keeper of the Shrine: Attack: 0, Defence: 2100] Yuna: "I will use Keeper of the Shrine's third effect."

"Third effect?!" Joey felt baffled as he couldn't believe how troublesome this elderly monster


"If the dragon sent to the graveyard was a normal monster, I can add one normal dragon

monster from the graveyard to my hand." Yuna explained and revealed to Joey the chosen

card: "I will bring Blue Eyes White Dragon back into my hand."

Joey scowled: "I will set one card face down and end my turn."

[Yuna Sano: 3500 LP -> 4000 LP]

"I will use Keeper of the Shrine's effect and tribute the monster to summon my Blue Eyes

White Dragon again!"

[Blue Eyes White Dragon: Attack: 3000, Defence: 2500]

"I won't let you!" Joey shouted: "I activate the set trap Trap Hole! If my opponent summons a

monster with one thousand or more attacks, I can destroy it!"

As soon as the Blue Eyes White Dragon arrives, it implodes.

[Yuna Sano: 4000 LP -> 2500 LP]

"Alright! I manage to take down her life points by a bunch!" Joey pumped his fist in


Yuna smiled wryly and attacked the set monster with Arkbrave Dragon before ending her turn.

The monster was a weak Tiger Axe that perished when it couldn't even cry out in pain.

Joey was deterred as the monster was originally planned to be a meat shield. He drew a card

and couldn't believe his insane luck!

"I will activate Monster Reborn to revive Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!" Yuna scowled as her trump card was used against her. Fa She could tolerate Keeper of the

Shrine being stolen, but when it was Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, Yuna couldn't help but feel slightly disturbed...

Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand was revived onto Joey's field and it roared gratefully. The Dragon momentarily glared at Joey before facing its own master with reluctance. [Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: Attack: 2800, Defence: 2800]

"With Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand, I will banish your Arkbrave Dragon, and it will gain

attack equal to its level multiplied by one hundred!" Joey explained as he tried to remember Yuna's exact words.

Arkbrave Dragon was consumed by Felgrand and transformed into energy as the dragon grew and its scales became more vibrant.

[Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand: Attack: 2800 -> 3500, Defence: 2800]

"I can win this!" Joey grinned like a child: "Sano-san has nothing on her field now, and her

Arkbrave Dragon couldn't bring back any more monsters!"

He glanced at his friends, and they were as excited as him. Joey then turned to his best friend Yugi and paused. Yugi, however, wasn't smiling as he stared at Yuna sceptically. Joey's smile disappeared when he felt a sense of anxiety. He twisted his head and frowned

when the huge turn of events didn't faze her. Instead, Yuna expressed pity and regret at what she was about to do.

"I... I will end my turn..." Joey stammered as he couldn't attack her with no monsters: 'Calm

down, Joey! With Red Eyes Black Dragon and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand at my side, I can't


[Yuna Sano: 2500 LP -> 3000 LP] "Wheeler-san, Why do you want to win?" She asked out of the blue, stopping Joey in his


Memories of his little sister appeared in his mind, and he clenched his fist. Why does he want the money so bad? So he can pay the surgery bill for his ill sibling! Joey couldn't understand why Yuna had asked this question until he looked into her eyes. It was the same resolve as his,

and he realized that she had something just as important to her.

"I will activate my spell card Change of Heart!" She declared: "And I can take control of one of

your monsters until the end of this turn!"

'Is she going to take back Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand? Even if she attacked my Red Eyes

Black Dragon with it, I would still have one hundred life points left, so it should be fine?!' But contrary to his belief...

"I will take your Red Eyes Black Dragon!"

Red Eyes Black Dragon roared as its mind was hypnotized. The dragon flew to Yuna's side and

lowered its head like a loyal dog.

"Then I will normally summon Koumori Dragon and activates Polymerisation, fusing Red

Eyes Black Dragon and Koumori Dragon on the field!"

Everyone: ??????

A terrifying black portal absorbed the two monsters as material. After a few seconds, an

ominous creature emerged that could be described as horrifying...

"W... what is that thing?" Joey uttered in shock.

"Wheeler-san," Yuna called to Joey, grabbing his attention: "I also have something important I'm fighting for, so please forgive me okay?"

Yuna smiled: "Now @#@$%! # attack Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand!!!"

The creature howled with hatred, and Divine Dragon Lord Felgrand was killed in a blink of an

eye, and with that, Joey's life points were depleted...

[Joey Wheeler: 500 LP -> 0 LP]

[1] In the Duelist Kingdom, a duelist can only declare an attack using one monster in case you

forget since most duels right now was when everyone only has one monster on the field


I hope you enjoy

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