Yuan's Ascension

Chapter 446: The Second Intermediate Law (1)

Chapter 446: The Second Intermediate Law (1)

“Bloodforge King?" Wu Yuan blinked in surprise.

The title of Bloodforge Marquis was familiar to him due to Protectorate Xiong Yuan's explanation of Sagelings. But Bloodforge King? This was entirely new territory.

Nearby, High Immortal Wu Tian's face betrayed a flicker of shock. As a High Immortal, he fully grasped the weight carried by the title of Bloodforge King.

Wu Yuan turned to the imposing figure before them, his voice cautious but curious. "Astral Lord, what exactly is a Bloodforge King?"

Despite his confidence, the title itself didn’t seem easy to obtain at all. He dared not make any hasty promises.

One's ambitions should be lofty, but one's feet must remain firmly planted on the ground.

Astral Lord Yin He's warm voice filled the air, "You've only just entered my Bloodforge Devil Hall, so it's natural that you're not fully versed in the intricacies of the Bloodforge Battle."

"The Bloodforge Battle is divided into two categories: Golden Core and Amethyst Cradle."

"The Amethyst Cradle Bloodforge Battle isn't your immediate concern, but it's worth explaining for context. In essence, it's a clash of all the Amethyst Cradle cultivators from over a thousand first-tier divisions and more than four million second-tier divisions of the entire Bloodforge Devil Hall. The scale..." Astral Lord Yin He's voice deepened, "...is beyond your wildest imagination."

Wu Yuan stood transfixed, his mind reeling from the sheer magnitude of it all.

This revelation was staggering. The Redmoon Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall, a force that rivaled the Redmoon Immortal Hall, was but one of over four million such divisions?

Amethyst Cradle cultivators far outlived Golden Core cultivators. The number of peerless geniuses they must have accumulated over the eons... The very thought sent a shiver down Wu Yuan's spine.

Astral Lord Yin He continued, "The Amethyst Cradle battle is considered the ultimate battle of the geniuses within the entire Bloodforge Devil Hall. Any prodigy who rises to prominence in this battle can rightfully claim a place among the top-tier geniuses of the entire macrocosm."

Wu Yuan nodded, his face a mask of solemn understanding.

"In terms of scale, participation in the Golden Core Bloodforge Battle is not significantly smaller," Astral Lord Yin He added, his tone matter-of-fact. "Given the sheer abundance of Golden Core cultivators, this is only natural."

"For instance, my Redmoon Division alone expects to gather billions of Golden Core cultivators for the upcoming Bloodforge."

"The Golden Core Bloodforge Battle sees an estimated participation of over five hundred billion cultivators. However, the number of survivors is not expected to exceed five billion. The rest are completely wiped out." The Astral Lord's voice remained as calm as a still lake, but the gravity of his words hung heavy in the air.

Wu Yuan's heart thundered in his chest. The brutal reality of the Bloodforge Battle finally sank in – a casualty rate exceeding ninety-nine percent.

"Due to the overwhelming number of participants, the Golden Core Bloodforge Battles are conducted separately by each first-tier division," Astral Lord Yin He explained, his piercing gaze fixed on Wu Yuan. "This means your opponents are those from the thousands of second-tier divisions under the Silvermist Division. Their overall strength, while formidable, won't be entirely beyond your comprehension."

The Astral Lord's eyes glinted with knowing. "You've challenged the Dark Star. You should have some understanding of this, yes?"

Wu Yuan nodded slowly, "I do."

His mind raced back to the wealth of historical records within the Golden Core Dark Star. All such information was publicly available.

Silvermist Division historical record: level nineteen

Redmoon Division historical record: level sixteen

Silvermist Division current record: level sixteen

Redmoon Division current record: level thirteen

"I've reviewed your battle recordings," Yin He stated. "Based on my assessment of your current power, you should rank between the top 200 to 300."

Wu Yuan nodded again. This evaluation aligned with his own self-assessment.

Among the 500 billion Golden Core cultivators participating in the battle, ranking in the top 300 was a one-in-a-billion achievement – a truly terrifying level of strength.

Looking across the vast expanse of the immortal nation, his power placed him firmly among the top-tier of Golden Core cultivators.

"But remember," Astral Lord Yin He cautioned, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "it won't only be the geniuses of my Bloodforge Devil Hall participating in the Bloodforge Battle. A significant number of prodigies from the Silvermist Immortal Nation will also be joining the fray."

The Astral Lord's face twisted slightly, "I'm reluctant to admit it, but due to the sheer disparity in population, the Silvermist Immortal Nation is capable of producing several times, even dozens of times more geniuses than my Devil Hall."

Wu Yuan couldn't help but let out a silent sigh. The importance of territory in cultivating talent was undeniable.

It reminded him of how the Redmoon Immortal Hall, occupying the vast mainland of the immortal continent plane, consistently produced far more peerless geniuses than the Bloodforge Devil Hall's Redmoon Division.

This was a reality that no one could change.

"While only a select few geniuses from the immortal nation will be participating in the trial, the truly exceptional among them are in no way inferior to the top-tier geniuses of our devil hall. In some cases, they may even be stronger."

The Astral Lord's gaze bore into Wu Yuan as he delivered his assessment. "Taking these additional factors into account, given your current strength, you will likely rank around the 500th place in the Bloodforge Battle." His voice softened slightly. "Your chances of claiming the title of Bloodforge Marquis are considerably high."

"The title of Bloodforge Marquis is bestowed upon Golden Core cultivators who rank within the top 800. This ranking is determined by two factors: the number of Blood Devil Tokens acquired and performance in the ultimate opportunity challenge."

"Your Blood Devil Tokens count represents the number of opponents you've killed. The more you slay, the more tokens you accumulate, and the greater your chances during the ultimate opportunity challenge."

Astral Lord Yin He's gaze intensified as he continued. "The ultimate opportunity challenge is a test of not just raw strength and luck, but also talent." His eyes seemed to pierce through Wu Yuan. "Talent! That is your key to competing for the title of Bloodforge King."

"However, there can be only one Bloodforge King." His voice rang with solemnity. "Only the cultivator who ranks first in the Bloodforge Battle can claim the coveted title of king."

Wu Yuan fell into a contemplative silence.

Top 800? Wu Yuan believed in his strength and talent. Naturally, he aspired to compete for the title of Bloodforge Marquis.

But Bloodforge King? Even with Wu Yuan's unwavering confidence, he dared not claim he could defeat all the peerless geniuses in the vast Silvermist Immortal Nation.

Even in terms of raw talent, he might not necessarily stand at the pinnacle of his generation across the entire immortal nation.

After all, the Silvermist Immortal Nation was a realm of unimaginable vastness, encompassing over six thousand immortal continents and countless beings. Who could say how many peerless geniuses lurked within its borders?

"Astral Lord." Wu Yuan chose the path of honesty, shaking his head slightly. "Frankly, acquiring the Bloodforge Marquis title is within my capabilities, but the Bloodforge King?" He met Astral Lord Yin He's gaze, a hint of nervousness creeping into his voice. "I don't have that level of confidence."

Admitting his lack of certainty to the Astral Lord felt akin to an employee confessing their inability to complete a task to their superior. How could he not feel a twinge of anxiety?

Wu Yuan's tension was palpable, and even High Immortal Wu Tian nearby appeared slightly uneasy, fearing that this admission might provoke the ire of the great Astral Lord.

To their surprise, Astral Lord Yin He's face broke into a warm smile. "Haha! Good," he chuckled. "If you had told me you were confident, I would have doubted my own judgment."

Wu Yuan released a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, relief washing over him.

"However," Yin He's tone shifted, a glimmer of something unreadable in his eyes, "as long as you can qualify for the ultimate opportunity, there is still a sliver of hope for success." The Astral Lord's smile held a hint of mystery. "When I speak, I never shoot without aiming."

Who was Astral Lord Yin He? Among the countless Archimmortals within the Silvermist Immortal Nation, he stood at the pinnacle. A peerless powerhouse who had lived through countless years, he possessed a deep understanding of the secrets behind the Bloodforge Battle.

True, in terms of raw strength, Wu Yuan was not at the top. But in terms of potential? He was undoubtedly top-tier. Moreover, Yin He had detected a special quality in Wu Yuan that set him apart.

"Don't be discouraged," Yin He said. "There are still three years remaining. Cultivate diligently in the devil hall for this time, and I believe your strength will most certainly improve." His smile widened slightly. "When the time comes, you will see a genuine possibility of seizing the title of Bloodforge King."

Wu Yuan bowed respectfully, his voice firm. "Understood. I will do my utmost."

Internally, Wu Yuan harbored doubts, but Astral Lord Yin He's confident tone made it impossible for him to voice further skepticism.

Hope of seizing the title of Bloodforge King? High Immortal Wu Tian couldn't hide his surprise.

The title of Bloodforge King was not easily won. Statistically, among the over five thousand second-tier divisions under Silvermist, it would be the Redmoon Division's turn to claim the title only once every 500,000 years or so.

But reality was far more complex. Each time, numerous geniuses from the immortal nation would participate in the battle, further diminishing the odds.

As a result, the last time the Redmoon Division had seized the title of Golden Core Bloodforge King was over two million years ago. The last time before that? A staggering three million years in the past.

If Wu Yuan were to cultivate for another century, his strength would increase greatly. In that case, High Immortal Wu Tian would consider it a real possibility. But at this moment? Hope seemed faint, almost negligible.

Historically, a Bloodforge King was forged primarily through bloodshed, with the ultimate Bloodforge opportunity challenge playing only a minor role. In fact, 99% of Bloodforge Kings had been peerless geniuses ranked within the top ten in accumulated Blood Devil Tokens.

A Bloodforge King emerging from beyond the hundredth place in terms of Blood Devil Tokens accumulated? In the past hundreds of millions of years of recorded history, such an event had never occurred in the millions of Golden Core Bloodforge Battles held by the Silvermist Immortal Nation.

Astral Lord Yin He's voice cut through Wu Tian's thoughts. "Remember, I cannot guarantee whether the Astral Monarch will accept you as a disciple if you win the Bloodforge King title." A smile played at the corners of his mouth. "But, I will personally recommend you to the other Astral Lords in my Bloodforge Devil Hall who excel in the Celestial Body Dao. They will take you in as a disciple."

Wu Yuan's brow furrowed in puzzlement.

Meanwhile, a flash of envy crossed High Immortal Wu Tian's face. An Astral Lord taking Wu Yuan as a disciple? Even he, a High Immortal, had no hope of becoming a nominal disciple to an Astral Lord.

For an Astral Lord to take on a disciple, one of two conditions had to be met: either they were extraordinarily fond of the disciple's character, or the disciple was truly a peerless genius. Clearly, Wu Yuan fell into the latter category.

"Additionally," Astral Lord Yin He continued, "I promise you this: If you win the Bloodforge Marquis title, I shall grant you the position of World Master of Summerpeak."

The Astral Lord's eyes seemed to glow as he spoke his next words. "If you become the Bloodforge King, even if you should perish in the future, I will still protect your family and bloodline for a million years."

Wu Yuan listened with bated breath, his heart racing at the implications of these promises.

Even though he knew that the Astral Lord might be painting an overly optimistic picture, those who were true masters of such enticement could make others believe that anything was possible, as long as they wanted it badly enough.

At the very least, the prospect of becoming the World Master of Summerpeak alone made it worthwhile for Wu Yuan to strive for the Bloodforge Marquis title with every fiber of his being.

Wu Yuan's resolve crystallized. For the remaining three years, I will focus fully on cultivation. My qi refiner self in the Dragon Star Immortal Sect may not be participating in the Bloodforge Battle, but I mustn’t slack off. I must strive to step through the threshold of the Longevity Dao.

Once Wu Yuan comprehended two Intermediate Laws, and if he could successfully combine them, his strength would experience a monumental surge.

"I will do everything in my power to assist you over the next three years," Astral Lord Yin He said. "As a reward for successfully clearing level thirteen of the Dark Star, I will grant you three million merits. You may use them however you see fit for your cultivation."

The Astral Lord's gaze swept over Wu Yuan's form. "Furthermore, I notice you are only at the seventh-stage Spiritual Body phase. I will provide you with a resource called Terrasource Sun Fluid, which is perfectly suited for your current state. Absorb it diligently, and you should be able to reach the ninth-stage Spiritual Body phase before the battle begins."

"Lastly, I will grant you a teacher."

Wu Yuan's eyes widened in surprise. "A teacher?"

With a wave of Astral Lord Yin He's hand, countless points of light converged in the air. They swirled and coalesced, forming a shadowy figure enveloped in black robes at the far end of the grand hall.

The newcomer exuded a chilling aura of death. An almost palpable killing intent emanated from his form, as if he were the very embodiment of a god of slaughter.

"This is Astral Lord Chen Deng from the Silvermist Division," Astral Lord Yin He's voice was soft. "He is proficient in the Celestial Body Dao and stands as my equal."

Both Archimmortal Wu Tian and Wu Yuan bowed deeply. "Greetings, Astral Lord Chen Deng."

Inwardly, both were struck with awe. Another Astral Lord?

Chen Deng's voice was somber, tinged with an eerie quality. "Yin He, this young cultivator must be the Wu Yuan you spoke of."

As Chen Deng's piercing gaze fell upon Wu Yuan, Wu Yuan felt his heart quiver instinctively.

"Indeed," Yin He nodded, turning to face Wu Yuan."Wu Yuan, Astral Lord Chen Deng has nearly comprehended the Celestial Body Dao in its entirety. I sought him out specifically for your benefit."

"For the next three years, he will tutor you once a month, a total of thirty sessions."

Wu Yuan's eyes lit up.

Indeed, he had his master's guidance, but his master was only a Sixth Tribulation High Immortal. How could that compare to a great Astral Lord?

The magnitude of this gesture wasn't lost on Wu Yuan. He realized that Astral Lord Yin He must have paid an enormous price to secure these personal tutoring sessions with Astral Lord Chen Deng.

Yin He's voice softened. "I've done everything within my power to aid you, Wu Yuan. But your eventual growth, and whether you can seize the title of Bloodforge King, will ultimately depend on your own efforts."

Wu Yuan bowed deeply. "Understood. Thank you, Astral Lord."

Then, Wu Yuan turned to face Astral Lord Chen Deng in the distance. He bowed again, "I will be troubling you, Astral Lord Chen Deng."

Astral Lord Chen Deng responded with a slight nod, "In one month's time, my incarnation will visit your mansion to begin your instruction."

Wu Yuan nodded.

"I have explained all you need to know for now," Astral Lord Yin He's voice rang out. With a casual wave of his hand, an invisible force enveloped Wu Yuan and High Immortal Wu Tian. "You may take your leave."

In the blink of an eye, Wu Yuan and Wu Tian found themselves transported outside the shrine.

Within the shrine, only Astral Lord Yin He and Astral Lord Chen Deng's incarnation remained, their gazes meeting across the vast expanse of the hall.

"Well?" Yin He's voice carried a hint of amusement. "What are your thoughts?"

Chen Deng's response was measured. "The boy shows promise. He does indeed qualify to be my nominal disciple. However, whether I take him as my disciple will depend on how events unfold."

"At the very least, we must wait until the Bloodforge Battle concludes."

Astral Lord Yin He Yin He's voice was soft, "Very well, do as you see fit. We are friends, after all. You are the only person I’ve recommended him to. You should be aware that his talent far surpasses that of the average Bloodforge King. A suitable successor isn't easily found."

"I am well aware," Chen Deng replied, his voice betraying no emotion.

Within the entire Silvermist Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall, only one Bloodforge King emerged every century.

And Wu Yuan? His talent was nothing short of extraordinary, potentially the most promising cultivator to emerge from the Redmoon Division in ten million years.

In Astral Lord Yin He's seasoned eyes, Wu Yuan could rightfully be considered a once-in-a-millennium prodigy throughout the entire Silvermist Division of the Bloodforge Devil Hall.

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