Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 262 Pinning Blame

After his day's work, Cygnus decided to call it a day and return to the manor. As they stepped inside the manor, several pairs of eyes were looking at him. He looked at his butler for answers but Mr. C only shook his head. Cygnus ignored them and went straight to the second floor as he intended to rest before dinner.

He was already lying on his bed when he heard a commotion outside of his room. He could hear that there were servants talking and were hesitating if they should knock on his door or not. Cygnus sighed and looked at his butler before using his head and giving him the signal to open the door to save the servants the effort of knocking.

There were gasps of surprise when Mr. C opened the door. The servants were a little bit flustered because they did not expect the door to suddenly open. They nervously looked at the butler and started to push one another to tell him what was happening.

To save them time, Mr. C took the initiative to ask them instead. "What happened?"

The servants looked at each other before one of them finally spoke up. "Mister, you see there are people outside and they are demanding an audience with the young master Rigel."

"Who are they?" The butler did not seem worried so the servant sighed and felt more comfortable to speak.

"I heard that they are associated with some of the council members that had died. They are angry and demanding that Duke Blackwell should not hide Young Master Rigel and cover for what he did." The same girl answered, she frowned and felt indignant because of the accusations.

"Did the duke address them already?" Mr. C took a quick peek inside the room before returning his attention to servants.

"Yes, he is currently outside and having a talk with those people and he also sent us to notify you on what was happening," she answered again with a bit of concern in her tone. She couldn't also help but take a peek behind the butler but she did not see anything.

"Thank you for telling me this. I will relay it to my master so you can go back to your work now," the butler gave them a small nod before he stepped back and closed the door.

He remained behind the door and when he heard that the footsteps were gone, he then returned beside his master. The room was filled with silence because Cygnus actually fell asleep but the butler was not sure if he heard the conversation. Instead of waking him up, he decided to sit down on the empty couch beside the bookshelf to wait for the master to wake up.

While Cygnus was taking a nap, the group of angry people were still seething in front of the duke. They intended to not leave if that person didn't appear in front of them. They needed to seek justice for their leaders who lost their life and for them to have that, the young master Ginehart should also die.

Galahad went ahead to face them and yet they were not yet satisfied. He had been reasoning with them for a while now but they wouldn't stop. They were insistent in remaining in the manor to wait for Rigel to come. The duke's patience was wearing thin because they were in the way of the restoration of the manor as if they did not see the destruction outside.

"You cannot stay here and hinder the servants from their work. Haven't you seen that we are busy? The manor is in a state of disarray right now and I have many things I also needed to deal with after the sudden deaths of the council members." The duke gave them all a cold look coupled with his cold look.

The people were silent for a while but they weren't fazed by the duke's words. They do not care what happened to the manor or the fact that they were becoming a disturbance. They were so focused on the justice they wanted that they actually ignored the duke's authority.

"Is the manor more important than the death of the council members? They died and the culprit is inside this building and yet you are more worried about this place than the people who had been supporting you for so many years!" One of them angrily shouted then a series of agreements followed that statement.

"If you have any evidence backing up your claims then you are free to accuse anyone but you only came here with only the words in your mouths. Now you even have the audacity to question my decision and authority?" The duke's voice was dripping with coldness and contempt at these people who only look at their gain instead of the benefit of everyone. "I do not have time to deal with the death of the council members because they left me so much work and that's also the reason why you are all there, to deal with their deaths and arrange for their funerals instead of coming here and causing an uproar. How irresponsible!"

His anger could be felt inside the living room where he decided to meet them. He had been holding back ever since they came but he was about to lose it. These people were extremely insensitive and have no thoughts of self-preservation or whatever.

"Irresponsible? We are not irresponsible, that is why we are here right now to demand you hand over the criminal!" Another voice shouted from the back and it earned another round of agreement from the other people.

"If that's what you say then so be it. I won't argue with you any longer." Galahad sighed and rested his head on his fist as he relaxed on his seat and watched them.

After that statement from him, he did not say any more words and this made the people uncomfortable because all he had been doing was staring at them. They started to look at each other but no one dared to leave. Some of them even started to talk and throw dirty water unto the Blackwell and Ginehart family but Galahad did not flinch nor did he show any reaction. He remained silent.

"You are all still here? It's been two hours already," a voice interrupted their tirade and their provocations.

They all looked back and saw that it was Rigel Ginehart, the person who killed their masters. They stared at him like hungry wolves ready to lunge and devour him. Cygnus grinned at them and shook his head at how they were looking at him.

"Why are you smiling, you criminal!?" A man from the group shouted. He was glaring at Cygnus and was angry because of his grin.

"Is there a reason for me not to grin when all I see in here are foolish people," Cygnus crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at him. "You all came here accusing me of a crime I didn't do."

"Don't lie! We have a witness that will prove that you are the person who killed them. We also believe that you also killed the other members yesterday." A woman spoke this time and she had a smug look on her face while speaking.

"Oh, then where is this witness?" Cygnus wasn't fazed by the fact that they apparently have a witness. He really didn't care though. He must have missed something when he was cleaning up a while ago.

"Don't even think for a moment that we will tell you where they are!" The same woman answered. She gave the master a sneer as she looked so arrogant.

Cygnus shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I don't really care if you don't tell me. I did not do any of your accusations and even if you have a witness that would not be enough besides, they all deserve it."

This statement made the people angrier. They all took a step towards Cygnus but they failed to reach him because Mr. C, Ignius and Reitou stood in front to block them. The three of them were looking at those people without any traces of expression on their faces. They were like robots and regarded them as a thing instead of humans.

"If Nina was here, she would certainly kill you all on the spot for this level of disrespect you are showing. If we look at the hierarchical system of this world, a duke is higher than any of you and I as a son of a duke still stands at a higher level from any of you." Cygnus took a step and passed between Mr. C and Ignius.

"We don't care and we won't be intimidated by anything you say and by those people who are protecting you!" One of them spoke despite the tense atmosphere and his shivering body.

"Of course, they will protect me! I am their master and I am of noble birth. What about you? You are all pretending to be noble even though you are truly not. This level of hypocrisy is really out of this world. Even your accusations are ridiculous when you yourselves know that your hands are bloodied." Cygnus laughed in mockery at how they were speaking of justice when all of them had killed a number of people just for their own goal.

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