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7 months ago
Our protagonist was one day summoned to another world. The summoner was a slender young... Read more Our protagonist was one day summoned to another world.The summoner was a slender young girl who could use magic.However, the fate that awaited him there was not a heroic tale overflowing with hopes and dreams.«Do I perhaps have the blood of a hero destined to save this world?»«Bzzt! Nope. Wrong answer! You are a toy with the purpose of being tortured!»A story of a slightly dangerous 너 (You)and a slightly strange 나 (I)meeting in a slightly lonely place (Asylum). Collapse Calm Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Depictions of Cruelty, Fantasy World, Loli, Magic, Male Protagonist, Manipulative Characters, S*aves, Torture, Transported to Another World, Trap Anyone actually read this?? Spoiler Yo intenté leerlo, pero no entendí nada it's a very good story and the mc isn't strong but knows how to adapt well this one is one of a hell story, a really good one, god makes you guys feel. and you will not like it :D Oh a Trap tag.... Hehehehe Bussy is this a good read? iam curious now, is this a good story?