You Practice Immortality, I Farm

Chapter 252: Opportunities are not always sent?

Chapter 252: Opportunities are not always sent?

Chapter 252 Aren't all chances brought here?

"It's really a pity. I thought that even if I couldn't kill the same-minded demon alone, I could get away with it. I didn't expect that kind of accident to happen."

The monk surnamed Kong shook his head and agreed.

"However, the whole journey of cultivation relies on the word 'struggle'.

Compete with the sky, the earth, and the people, to gain cultivation, and to win opportunities, so as to go further. "

"If you don't fight, chances and treasures will be taken away by other monks, and the gap between them will gradually widen."

"Especially if people like me don't have a great background, nor are we blessed with unique, one-in-a-million talents, we can't miss an opportunity."

"One step behind, step by step behind, if you miss it, it will be difficult to catch up with others."

The monk surnamed Kong said with some emotion.

Lu Xuan pondered for a moment, then said.

"Senior brother is right, but not entirely right.

Opportunities must be obtained by oneself, but only under the premise of ensuring one's own safety. If one takes risks to compete with others for opportunities, like the senior brother before, who died because of this, then what is there to fight for? "

"Junior Brother Lu, everyone understands this truth, but it's another thing to do it."

"Let me ask you, is there any opportunity in this world that you can get without taking any risks?"

Lu Xuan opened his mouth, but then he didn't know what to think, and kept silent.

He wanted to say that there would be no risk in cultivating Lingzhi, but when he got to the point of speaking, he felt that it was too absolute.

Well, there is still a slight risk.

For example, the fairy peach that always seduces me, the white-eyed tree that can't look directly at it, and the holy baby fruit plant that is fishing...

When the monk surnamed Kong saw Lu Xuan like this, he thought he was persuaded by himself.

"So, opportunities still have to be won."

"This time to encircle and suppress the Tongxin Demon, among the more than 30 inner disciples, only one died accidentally, and the others suffered minor injuries at most. There were even three Tongxin Demons from the same sect who were refined by the demon head of forming alchemy. Compared with chance, the risk is greater It's nothing."

"Oh, by the way, when it comes to the demon of the same heart, how do the brothers who got it deal with it?"

"After all, it is an evil and vicious thing. If one is not good, it may bring disaster."

Lu Xuan changed the subject and asked curiously.

"Of course it will be handled by the three inner disciples who hunted and killed the concentric demons. However, it is indeed troublesome to keep such evil things."

"So, if you are not sure that you can store it properly, you can hand it over to the sect in exchange for the Lingshi sword seal, etc."

The monk surnamed Kong replied.

"I see."

Lu Xuan couldn't help but have a thought in his mind.

"The concentric demon refines babies with five elements and single spiritual roots into poisonous containers, and then feeds them with blood and souls of thousands of babies for sacrifice. It sounds quite suitable for cultivating holy baby fruit."

In addition to the negative aura and spiritual soil, the daily growth of the holy baby fruit also needs the baby's ghost, blood essence, and soul to accelerate growth.

After obtaining the Holy Infant Fruit Strain, Lu Xuan suffered from the lack of channels to obtain such things. Unexpectedly, the three concentric demons hunted by the same family gave him an opportunity.

"Poor grade five holy baby fruit, which has been on standby in the small courtyard of Jianmen Town, only kept alive by the yin energy inside."

"It seems that a lot of attention has been paid to the exchange activities in the sect similar to the Qingtan Xiaohui. The three fellow sects who got the same-minded demon will probably try to digest it internally."

Lu Xuan secretly thought in his heart.

It had been a long time since he went to the small courtyard of Jianmen Town to inspect the underworld spirit plants. Fortunately, every time he passed by, he would leave enough nutrients to allow them to grow wildly and freely.

It has been quite a while since they came out of Langyue Fudi. Even if the three of them have been watching him and haven't noticed any movement for so long, they will probably relax slowly.

He decided to find a good time after a while and secretly go to the small courtyard of Jianmen Town.

"According to the normal growth cycle of the third-grade spiritual plant, the ghost-faced stone mushroom and the thorn bone may have entered the mature stage."

"They are all yin and evil spiritual plants, and I don't know what rewards will be given..."

He imagined in his mind that he had some inexplicable expectations for the light group rewards brought by the two kinds of underworld spiritual plants.

He bid farewell to the monk surnamed Kong and returned to his mountain peak.

Feng Falcon brought the young Jiao to greet him in time, and the Cloud-Treading Lynx hid among the trees, and casually revealed part of its figure, allowing Lu Xuan to see it just in time.

The demon ghost vine climbed down from a lush giant tree. There was a touch of light green on the top of the gray vine, like the traces left by the juice of plants and trees.

"Did you steal the spiritual plants on the mountain?"

Lu Xuan knelt down and said kindly.


The top of the ghost vine shook, and passed a thought to Lu Xuan, expressing his denial.

"Really not?"

Looking at the traces of plant juice on the top, Lu Xuan continued to ask with a smile.

"Really not..."

Ghost Vine continued to speak stubbornly.

"Oh, then these marks should have rubbed on you."

Lu Xuan made a haircut with **** together, and cut off the small section of gray vine with a click, teaching the demon ghost vine a little lesson.

Anyway, it can grow several roots after staying with Mixiantao for a while.

Back in the house, he sat quietly on a futon, silently thinking about what he had seen and heard today.

Neither he nor the monk surnamed Kong can convince the other. Perhaps in the eyes of the monk surnamed Kong, Lu Xuan is too cautious and has no vigor.

Lu Xuan didn't care about his opinion.

The biggest difference between him and others is that he does not need to go outside, risk his life, and compete with others for opportunities.

His opportunities are all on this mountain.

In the water firefly grass that can improve the cultivation level, in the third-grade Fenglei sword grass that has successfully mutated, and in the fourth-grade Xuanchong vine, Yunling pine, earth fire heart lotus, fifth-grade demon ghost vine, sixth-grade ancient strange In the wood poinciana.

This is also the reason why he hardly goes out to search for opportunities even after reaching the foundation establishment state.

"Well, the main reason is that I am a little weaker."

"When the cultivation base is improved a little bit, the treasures are a little bit more, and the hole cards are a little bit deeper, then you can try to see the outside world."

Lu Xuan secretly sighed in his heart.

He restrained his mind, circulated the aura in his body, and slowly followed the exercise route in "The Great Five Elements", constantly absorbing the pure and rich aura around him.

"Improve a little bit of cultivation, start with practicing hard."

After practicing for less than half an hour, a gray straw rope slowly came to his feet and touched it lightly.

Lu Xuan opened his eyes and saw a grass puppet with a big head and a small body standing quietly in the yard.

At the foot of the mountain, a somewhat familiar voice came.

"Junior Brother Lu, are you there? I'm Guan Wan, and I'm here to give you seeds."

"So it's Senior Sister Guan, I'm here right now."

The figure of the woman in the yellow shirt in the Chuan Gong Hall appeared in Lu Xuan's mind, and he touched the straw puppet that gave him a warning.

The corners of his mouth were raised, his heart was happy, and a thought flashed through his mind.

"Isn't the opportunity sent by me? Still need to fight for it?"

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