Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 150: The World Changing Error

Chapter 150: The World Changing Error

"Girls! Skills! Now!" 

Darcel roared to the girls and pointed his black flaming scimitar to the scientist whose hands were glowing in the same chilling blue ice aura again.

Darcel didn't care though, and right when he finished talking, he blasted forth his Fiery Slice skill! 

"Right!!" Both Aniela and Masami roar and instantly surged forth their Martial Skills.

Aniela's scimitar got enriched with powerful black flames and shot out her Fiery Slice Martial Skill. While Masmai's aura claws shimmered with raging blue flames and she fired out her Fox Claw Martial Skill.

Two thin, powerful streams of black flames tore to the scientist, and two bright blue flaming fox claws barrel straight him as well. 

The scientist felt utterly suppressed under the combination of three powerful Martial Skills.

But, right when the Martial Skills was about to hit him, a tiny gray spark swirled at the center of the scientist's ice blue aura hands. 


Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's Martial Skills caused a tremendous explosion of power to quake the ground for miles!

Darcel cruelly smirked, but he swore he felt a spike of extensive energy while their powers exploded out. Neither Aniela nor Masami felt any strange type of energy, firmly believing they had just won the battle.

However, not even a second after the explosion, three blue beams shot out from the center of the blast. 

The beams sailed straight at Darcel, Aniela, and Masami, respectively. 

The trio had just fired their Martial skills and couldn't react at all to the lighting like speeds of the three blue beams. 

At the same time, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami got struck right in their chest by the blue beams, tearing right through their clothes, spraying blood wildly into the air. 

Their eyes widened as immense abrupt pain assaulted their senses. And like rag dolls, the three blue beams sent them tumbling back to the snowy ground.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami rolled in the snow for a few meters before quickly standing right back up. 

A big hole was made right in their clothes, showcasing their bloody chest.

Blood dripped down their clothes, staining their bodies all over. Pain, actual great pain, swirled in Darcel, Aniela, and Masasmi's eyes. 

Even as they now have tremendous resistance to the cold, the scientists' blue beams caused their bodies to tremble from the cold.

As well, their pain tolerance is usually high, but that last attack truly did a number on them. 

When they had stood up, for a very brief moment, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami notice some odd patches of gray snow plaguing the area. 

Aniela and Masami thought it was a bit peculiar. But they didn't put much thought into the gray snow, merely assuming it was dirt. Neither of the girls felt or sensed anything strange or out of the ordinary. 

It was only them and that one rat scientist in front of them.

Yet, with Darcel, he wrinkled his eyebrows. 

He didn't sense anything else in his Spirit Sense, yet he felt like there was some form of energy swirling. It was odd. He couldn't explain to himself what it was, yet he felt like he was stepping on some invisible force.

But Darcel couldn't keep his attention on some unexplainable sensation for long. 

His and the girls' focus was quickly reshifted when their eyes trailed back to the scientist. Their painful expressions turned into small grins.

"Well, well. Looks like someone overestimated themselves." Masami cruelly mocked seeing the scientist's current pitiful appearance. 

He was in a far more pitiful state than the trio.

His white coat and clothes were shredded, revealing his torn up and bloody battered body. A mix of blue and black flames sizzled on the scientist, and his glasses were nowhere to be soon.

And yet, when Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's eyes trailed specifically to the scientist's face, they became confused. 

"Heh-heh-HAHAHA!!! I didn't overestimate anything! In fact! I still underestimated all three of you!!"

Yes, on the scientist's face, a wild, insane smile was plastered on there. 

Aniela and Masami had ludicrous expressions staring at the crazed scientist. They believed this guy had just completely lost it being on the back robes like this.

However, right when the crazed scientist stopped talking, Darcel's Spirit Sense frantically went off like a chaotic storm!

Darcel felt an insane amount of tension-filled his body. He didn't know why or how, but for some reason, he could now clearly pick up on the same immense mass of power he felt when their Martial Skill went off.

His eyes shot to the ground only to see the same gray snow spreading from right under his feet! Darcel's eyes widened, and he quickly fired a black fireball through the snow. 

Once part of the snow was cleared up, Darcel's expression froze. 

It wasn't merely the ground under the snow. It was now in this odd gray energy!

"Hoh?! Finally, notice, huh?! Hahaha!! Too bad it's too late now!!" 

As the scientist insanely shouted, Aniela and Masami whipped their head back, only to be surprised at the mass of gray energy rising through the hole Darcel's black fireball made.

Even now, the girls still couldn't sense any power from the gray substance. But on instinct, they felt their bodies run cold, looking at the gray energy. 

Whatever that was, they knew they can't just let it get to them!

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami attempted to swirl their powers and move their bodies. They were most definitely going to intercept whatever crazy plan the scientist was brewing.

Aniela and Masami violently cursed in their minds as they couldn't believe they didn't notice energy just under their feet! Simultaneously, they also couldn't understand why can't their Spirit Sense pick up on the energy?!

Darcel was in a more distraught state, realizing he could've noticed the gray energy a lot sooner. The gray snow, that spike of energy when their Martial Skills hit, everything pointed to this.

Yet, after all this time until now, Darcel firmly believed he and the girls could take care of this in their usual direct way. Nothing had really given him and Aniela specifically a life and death challenge for some time. 

But no matter the mistake, Darcel has assured he and the girls will rectify this error now!

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's immense transformed powers quickly surged, and they immediately tried to pounce their bodies forward.

However, when they tried to move, a tremendous suppression enraptured their bodies, dispersing their mighty transformed powers!

All three of their bodies became incredibly sluggish. 

"Shit!" The trio fiercely cursed as they were basically moving in slow motion now.

Their eyes shot to the scientist in a mix of surprise and hatred, realizing they fell right into his trap. 

Darcel and Aniela simply couldn't believe it. 

They had encountered suppression of pure power before. Still, during those times, their souls had protected their veins, allowing them to at least move around normally.

Yet this strange gray energy.it completely suppressed their entire being! 

Down to their body, Martial Veins, and souls, nothing was spared from getting suppressed.

Although going unnoticed for now, Darcel and Aniela's bloodline running in their bloodstream was starting to frantically boil over. 

Masami though, her frustration climbed its height as she was never protected from power suppression in the first place. 

She was nearly completely immobilized. Only a small spark pulsating deep inside her soul, right where Darcel's Darkness Soul link was, kept her from becoming entirely frozen.

"Hey! Don't be upset! Instead, marvel in this glorious sight!" 

The scientist got the trio's attention, and he had pulled a tiny dull shard piece that was glowing in the same gray energy Darcel saw from the ground.

Right, when that small gray glowing shard piece appeared, for miles, the snow instantly turned gray, and an immense power spewed everywhere! 

"Wh-what the hell is this?" Darcel struggled to utter out as he felt the suppression increase even more.

But at the same time, he was finally feeling his bloodline and soul crazily boil over, wanting to go even beyond his current limits.

The scientist cruelly smiled at the trio, and he began to openly say, "Since this fight is pretty much done here, I'll at least give you brief final words before your sacrifices. You see, this is my project to perfect path to pow-"

"Who cares what you have to say?!? HAH!!!"

Aniela had suddenly interrupted the scientist as her white Light grew frantically intensify. Her bloodline powers abruptly increased, and small streaks of white wings began to fizzle in over her bloodline arm.

Like Darcel, Aniela was feeling her bloodline and soul crazily boil over whatever this strange power was. 

And she didn't care at all what this damn scientist has to say! 

She may have fallen into this rat trap, but she's going to finish this now!

With only her bloodline arm, Aniela had actually managed to greatly resist the tiny gray shard immense increase of power suppression! She could only move her bloodline arm, though, but that didn't matter to Aniela.

She quickly reached into her pockets and brought out the scalpel. 

And a crazed expression twisted the scientist's face. "WH-WHAT?!? How?!? No-" 

"You're done!!" Aniela interrupted the scientist's horror shock, frantically pouring all of her power into the scalpel, making it shine a bright multi-color ray. 

The scientist fished out his own scalpel that now had gray shine mixed in with its silver aura.

A small portion of gray energy attached to the scalpel, nearly shattering the scientist's body in the process, but he couldn't lose here! 

"DIE!!" The scientist flung his scalpel, making it sail through the air by the gray energy.

"DIE!!" Aniela flung her scalpel with a strand of white Light bloodline powers as well. 

But right before the two scalpels clashed, Darcel's bloodline arm began to fizzle in black wings as his powers frantically increased.

Darcel couldn't do anything about the scalpels clashing, so he instantly flashed right next to Masami in a Darkness spark. 

Masami felt her frustration boiling over until her eyes widened at a spark of Darkness popping up in front of her. 

Darcel had suddenly appeared right in front of her, and he covered her whole body with his.

And right then, the two scalpels violently clashed against each other. 


The ultimate clash of Aniela's multi scalpel power, the scientist scalpel power, Aniela's frantic bloodline powers, and Darcel's fierce bloodline powers finally caused the formation underneath them to fully activate!


The whole area between the scientist and the trio was drowned out in a gray aura. 

And it didn't just stop there. 

The gray snow that plagued for miles suddenly explosively increased, and right from where Darcel's group and the scientist fought, a gray beam shot into the sky!

The gray beam broke past the sky limit, tearing straight towards an invisible force that blocked even the most powerful cultivators on the entire Verdant Tide planet. 

But when the gray beam clashed with the invisible force,


A resounding shattered boomed in the sky, covering the entire Verdant Tide planet! 

The gray beam easily shattered the divine barrier in the sky and drowned the whole sky in an eerie gray aura.

And right where the gray beam was coming from, neither Darcel, Aniela, Masami, or the scientist were anywhere to be seen. 

Their presence vanished entirely from the area.

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