World Evolution! Awakening Limit Grade Talent!

Chapter 47: Twins sisters Ava and Isla Past

Coming out of his thoughts, Aiden noticed his big sister had already parked the car; now they had to go through a security check to enter the school, and his school was huge. There are many different buildings, and their walls are reinforced so that even a sniper bullet wouldn't pass through the walls.

He can only imagine how much money they had to spend to build so many buildings with these reinforced walls; still, it would probably be less than how much he had spent on his secret hideout underground and all the stuff he had bought.

Compared to that it looks cheap, and the security that comes with them couldn't go inside with weapons because it's not allowed inside. Security was only allowed today because the parents of the children would attend today, so they followed, just two of them, both were girls with funny wooden masks on their faces, and their height and hair color were also the same.

Actually, all the guards sent by this aunt were all women, not single men. He doesn't doubt their competence as his aunt sent them, but he is sure he can beat every single one of them in hand to handle combat, and his shooting skills are also not bad.

But during these five years, he mainly focused on hand-to-hand combat and only one weapon, and he chose a sword after trying different weapons; it suited him and his sister the most, so she also learned swordsmanship.

My swordsmanship skill had finally reached B-rank a few days ago, entering B-rank after so many years. He has also noticed the speed of his learning is faster than other people, so he thinks it must be because of his physique, and some of the credit goes to his intelligence, breaking the limit of humans.

Other than his intelligence stats, he was not able to break the limit of any of his stats in these five years. Still, even his stats increase faster than others; he doesn't know his physique has such hidden perks, and he can't wait until his physique gets completed; currently, it's not even 1%.

When he first noticed this, he felt very fortunate and couldn't wait to copy different physiques however up until now, he hasn't found anyone with a special physique. He has seen one, but it's only a fragment of his physique; he doesn't know if it would increase the percentage of his physique because it's a complete one. Still, he would copy it when he gets the chance.

He hasn't focused on these guards before, but he can tell they are twins if they are following them inside. He can't let them follow inside with the stupid masks on their faces they are currently wearing. He is walking with Big Sis while both twin guards are following silently behind them.

He stopped walking and turned around, standing in front of the twins, whose faces were covered with stupid wooden masks, as he said in his captivating voice, looking at them.

"You both need to remove the mask if you want to follow inside."

Ava and Isla, both sisters, were behind the general niece and nephew to protect them; following them inside, it's been five years since they were assigned to this job by General May's orders.

The general has specially given them an order, even if they have to die to protect her niece and nephew telling them Nothing should happen to both of them and they have made sure of it.

All the 10 soldiers, including both sisters, accepted her order. She even gave them the option to back out before saying if something happens to them while they are guarding, she can accidentally kill them if that ever happens so they can back out now.

As expected none of the 10 soldiers back out because all of them are Orphans, and the general is the one who gave them a chance to live; they can even eat three times a day.

however they don't know what other's stories are, but they live in a Tier 3 city before going to the army picked by the general ten years ago; she was not a general at that time, but compared to this city, the difference is like heaven and hell.


The Tier 3 cities are like waste for the United Earth Federation; after the war, the Federation hasn't rebuilt everything or they can't rebuild; they don't know, but instead of creating a balanced society, they mainly focus on the building of developed cities where the war hasn't affected much within giant walls, naming them Tier 1 or Tier 2 cities, and people in the Tier 3 cities mostly live in slums; most of the houses it cannot be called houses there are basically tents.

Having three meals a day is a luxury there for both of them; only a small percentage of people in Tier 3 cities can afford it, and they don't have a father and a man to protect them.

So their mother had to work as a prostitute to take care of both of them to provide them with one meal a day, but the main reason for that was so they didn't have to live in fear of getting raped and killed by some sick people.

It's not that there are no police there, but they don't care what happens to slum people they are only for the people who live outside the slums, and 50 percent of people living in these cities basically live in slums, so, police is only a name; they don't expect anything from them.

The people their mother sells her body to she has begged to ensure that both of them are safe. Even if their mother was a prostitute, both of them loved her very much. Every night her mother comes home with multiple bruises on her body. Eventually, their mother died of illness, and at that time both of them were only 15 years old.

Once or twice every month, many doctors come to these big cities and come to the slums to give sick people free treatment and provide them some food.

But there are so many people that not everyone can get the basic treatment and food given to them. The sheer population of people living in slums is too big.

But sometimes they luck out after waiting in lines for many hours to get the packed food that tastes way better than the bland hard bread they usually eat they have to make sure to eat it right here because they don't know someone might stab them for a meal.

As for treatment, it's almost a miracle to get them Doctors couldn't keep with them with so many people being sick due to malnutrition and a dirty environment.

Their mother had to provide meals for them she didn't even tell them she was sick they would have done everything they could to give treatment to her they were also a little relieved knowing their mother didn't live the miserable life she lived taking care of them finally have a rest from selling her body to a stranger and live in suffering.

They cannot afford to give her a proper funeral, so they have to bury her themselves.

Isla cried all day but Ava comforted her she didn't cry much after her mother died maybe she knew it was eventually gonna happen and knowing there was a tough life ahead of them, they both had to take care of each other, so both of them lived as boys after her mother passed away, cutting their hair shorter and wrapping a cloth tightly around their chest area.

They also decided to move away from where they used to live because some people might recognize them even if their faces are usually covered in dirt people can still identify them furthermore they don't think they can protect themselves fully, so moving to a different part of the slum with different identities was the best choice for them.

People can move to Tier 2 cities, but there are some conditions to it. First, they had to be less than 16 years old, which means an adult also has to have some talent.

Neither of them has ever gone to school and they haven't seen a single person slum going to Tier 2 city because having two meals a day is a good day for them.

They couldn't afford to go to school. If they were given the chance, they should have tried their hardest and at least got some scholarship in Tier 2 would have been a dream come true for them, but their luck was not that good.

The next day, after having the funeral of her mother, they decided to find a job in the better area of the Tier 3 city moreover they couldn't even enter a store with their ragged clothes and dirty appearance, and people looked at them like some sort of animal, but those looks didn't bother them; they had seen way too much to have a problem with some looks from strangers.

Ava was the one who always took care of me, even if we both were of the same age. She considers her an older sister, as she usually makes decisions; she is also the smarter one between them, according to Isla.

Still, they wanted to live, not like her mother, who had no choice, and to protect them when they were kids, she had to become a prostitute. They know it's very difficult for someone to accept them at work.

But they were determined and still decided to find some work to earn some money, hoping it would work and someone kind person would give them work without caring about their appearance.

They were also very excited about it. The thought of working and earning money to eat delicious food was their dream, but after one week of finding work, they were kicked out of many places. They were depressed, and not one place decided to accept them.

They knew they were thin and weak and would do less work than healthy people, and they were happy to accept less money, but it didn't work well for them.

They had no food left to eat for the next day; they couldn't even eat one meal the next day from what was left behind by their mother for emergencies. At this rate, they would die eventually, as many people die of hunger on a usual basis in slums.

But in these few days, both sisters had seen a lot of military roaming around the little developed area when finding work, and they were not surprised by it as many criminals would hide in Tier 3 cities.

Both sisters possess a strong desire to live, even dreaming to see what's behind the tall wall they could see from kilometers away. They had seen someplace on the TV inside a store, but that didn't feel real to them because all their lives they had only seen broken-down buildings and dirty streets.

Seeing those beautiful videos, they both really wanted to go there, and both of them don't think they have any talent or money to get accepted by the government and be qualified to enter Tier 2 cities. Having the desire to live backed by Corner, Ava made a plan for solving their problem once and for all but the plan was risky.

She told the plan to her sister Isla about sneaking inside the military vehicle to get inside the Tier 2 city having no food and feeling hungry. Isla agreed with her sister happily, but both knew if they got caught, they would get beaten up.

Having no medical facilities for them, they could easily die, getting injured, but they would sooner or later die because of hunger, so it's the only option available for them, and the idea of successfully sneaking inside the Tier 2 city made them very excited.

She can already imagine their life would be much better than living in the slums.

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