Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 66 The Power Of Those Who Believe In Magic [Part 2]

66  The Power Of Those Who Believe In Magic [Part 2]

Ethan, who was at the trajectory of the black fireball, was planning to move to the side in order to avoid the incoming spell.

However, when the black fireball was a few meters away from him, it exploded mid-air, pushing him back due to the aftermath of the explosion.

“What’s wrong?” Langston asked with a sneer. “That is just the opener. Did that wake you up from your delusion of beating me?”

Ethan, who had skidded a few meters from where he stood, narrowed his eyes and held his wand tightly. He then tapped it on its chest and said a spell softly.

A spell that he had said repeatedly when he was training with the straw dolls in the Training Grounds.


At that moment, he felt a sudden change in his body, making him feel a bit stronger than before.

The majority of the Professors who were watching the duel didn’t notice the changes in Ethan’s body with the exception of the Headmaster, as well as Sir Lionel, who was responsible for teaching this spell to the First Years.

The two didn’t make any comments and simply watched the battle more closely to see what was going to happen next.

Ethan, who had strengthened his body using a spell, charged at Langston with Pitchfork and wand in hand.

The handsome blonde boy only smirked at Ethan’s futile attempt and unleashed a bigger, and more powerful Fireball that he also detonated mid-air, pushing Ethan back each time.

Clearly, he was playing around with his opponent, thinking of him as not a threat to him.

He was doing his best to hold back his attacks in order to punish the Dud who dared to accept his challenge in a magic duel.

The students, especially those that belonged to the Schwartz Manor, cheered for Langston and laughed at Ethan’s pitiful attempts to close the distance between the two of them.

Some of them even glanced in the direction of the other Duds and made funny faces in order to infuriate them.

However, the members of the Dud Manor stood firm and simply looked at the battle with their serious gazes.

One of their members was fighting. Even if the chances of winning were zero, all of them supported Ethan with their hearts and spirits.

The young man's uniform was already torn in several places. Even though Langston was making his attacks explode mid-air, the impact was enough to wear out the defensive spells that had been placed on the academy’s uniforms, in order to protect their students from offensive spells.

“Looking at this is so awful,” one of the Professors from the Terra Manor who specialized in healing said softly. “I hope the Headmaster can stop the duel before Ethan truly gets hurt. If Langston didn’t detonate his spells before they reached his opponent, Ethan would be seriously injured by now.”

Professor Violet nodded her head in agreement. If this was an ordinary duel, she would have already stopped it using her authority.

Unfortunately, this was a battle between the two Pillars of the Academy with their title on the line.

Only the Headmaster had the qualifications to stop the battle and, right now, Professor Rinehart was still not making a move to stop the duel.

A few more minutes passed and Ethan’s uniforms were nearly in tatters. Clearly, Langston’s goal was to humiliate him in front of the entire academy, and ensure that the teenage boy wouldn’t be able to raise his head ever again.

However, even if his clothes were nearly destroyed, Ethan’s eyes never wavered.

Even if bruises were starting to appear, and faint lines of blood could be seen on his skin, the young man’s gaze was firm and determined.

This earned him a bit of admiration from the Professors of the Academy, especially those from the Eques Manor, where Combat Wizards and Witches lived.

For these students, losing a duel wasn’t important. It was the spirit with which one faced their enemy that mattered.

Originally, they didn’t think much of this duel. But the longer it continued, the more invested they became of Ethan.

Before they knew it, they were silently cheering for the handsome young man to win.

He may not have strong magical powers, but his courage when facing great adversities, touched them in ways they never thought possible.

Perhaps getting bored of the game, Langston decided to end it all.

“Infernus ignis Territorium!”

Black flames rose up from the ground, covering the area where the two of them were fighting.

This spectacle made the Professors that belonged to the Dark Arts nod their head in appreciation.

The only places that were untouched by the flames were the places where Ethan, and Langston were standing.

“Such strong magical power,” one of the Dark Arts Professor said. “As expected of someone from the Kerr Family. His future is limitless.”

His colleagues also agreed with his words, but didn’t say anything else. They simply waited for the duel to end, which would be the most one-sided duel among the Pillars of the First Years.

Sensing that the battle was nearing its end, the students of Schwartz Manor all chanted in unison.

“““Finish him!”””

“““Finish him!”””

“““Finish him!”””

Langston glanced at his supporters and gave them all a winning smile before shifting his gaze back at the teenage boy, who no longer had a path of escape.

“There’s no place for you to run,” Langston said evilly. “This match is getting boring, so I’ll send you off with my strongest spell. Rejoice for you will be the first one that will experience the spell that I have mastered recently.”

Langston then pointed his wand at Ethan and black flames started to swirl from its tip.

“Draconis nigri descensus!”

The roar of a dragon reverberated in the surroundings making everyone look at the ferocious beast that had formed above Langston’s head that was made up of black flames.

“Goodbye, you Filthy Dud!” Langston declared. “End him!”

After hearing its Master’s order, the Black Dragon then flew towards Ethan with the intention of ending the match.

Chloe, subconsciously covered her eyes with both of her hands because she couldn’t bear to see her cousin get hit by the flaming Dragon, who could turn anything it touches to ashes.

All the Professors of the Academy looked at their Headmaster, who had already taken his wand out.

Clearly, he intended to finally stop the battle and ensure that Ethan wouldn’t suffer any lasting injuries from the duel.

However, before he could even do anything, Ethan leapt towards the black flames that prevented him from going anywhere.

However, he didn’t leapt back, or leapt to the side in order to evade the dragon.

He left forward with the intention of charging towards Langston, who was looking back at him with a sneer.

Within the black flames that covered the dueling area, Ethan’s roar that was filled with determination echoed in the surroundings, catching everyone by surprise.


A flash of blue light appeared, and the Hellish Flames, as well as the deadly Black Dragon that was meant to deal the final blow to the blue-haired teenager were cut cleanly in half.

In front of everyone’s eyes, Ethan swung the pitchfork in his hands, which was now coated with a torrent of water, upwards, as if he was about to sweep away some trash and send it to oblivion.

“Rising Dragon Swipe!”

This time, it was not a Dragon’s Roar that reached everyone’s ears.

The only thing that they heard was Langston’s pained scream, as the torrent of water sent him flying to kingdom come.


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