Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 118 The Secret Of Resonance

Chapter 118 The Secret Of Resonance

“Before anything else, I would like to thank Ethan, Noah, and George for making the long-held dream of Dud Manor possible,” Henry said as he raised his glass. “Now, we can walk with our heads high because we are the Champions of the Clash of Manors. I’m not one that likes long speeches, so that’s all from me. Cheers!”


Everyone raised their glass and cheered happily as they started their celebration.

Chloe and Nicole, who were given permission to join them, didn’t hold back and enjoyed the food and drinks that Henry and George carried back to the Dud Manor from the Academy’s kitchen.

An hour after the party started, Ethan found himself standing in front of everyone, as he told his Manor Mates a little more about him.

This was a request that came from Noah, because he wanted to know more about Ethan. The same could be said for the other members of Dud Manor.

They were very curious about Ethan’s background, so they listened to his tale very seriously.

“I grew up in the countryside with my Grandparents,” Ethan said with a smile. “Since we have a farm, my main role was to help them take care of miscellaneous work. My Grandma is a strong believer of the phrase, ‘Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained’, so she would encourage me to try different things and explore all of the possibilities.

“This may sound funny, but I was very adamant about going to the academy to study. Because of this, she threatened to tie me up, and send me there in a cardboard box.”

This earned him some laughs from the people who were listening to his tale. For them, they felt truly lucky that Ethan enrolled in the academy and became part of their Family.

“The one that recommended you here is Professor Ophelia, right?” George asked. “How did the two of you meet?”

“I’m sorry, but this is a bit complicated,” Ethan replied. “Professor Ophelia also forbade me from telling anyone about my connection with her.”

This was partly true because Professor Ophelia wanted to keep the fact that Ethan coming to the academy was due to an accident. Because of this, she cautioned Ethan to not divulge the true story to anyone.

Ethan wholeheartedly agreed with this arrangement because right now, he was very happy with his academy life. Also, he didn’t want to create trouble for the Professor who had helped him get the basic needs for a Wizard like him.

“Then, can you tell us a bit about how you are able to use Partial Resonance?” one of the three girls in the Dud Manor, who was a third year asked. “Even a little information about it is good.”

The young lady who asked Ethan the question was named Lucy Kinsley.

Although she hadn’t interacted with Ethan much, she had left a good impression on him due to her kindness when he first arrived in the Dud Manor.

“Alright,” Ethan replied. “I will tell you what I know about Partial Resonance.”

The moment Ethan said this, everyone in the room became silent. Even Nicole and George, who usually had a carefree attitude, were paying close attention to Ethan.

They were afraid that if they did anything, they would miss the opportunity of finding the key to unlocking the secret of the spell that all Wizards and Witches yearned for, which was Resonance.

During one of the times when Ethan was inside Illumina’s world, he asked the Mermaid Princess how he was able to use Resonance.

The Mermaid Princess answered him honestly, but he still didn’t understand much of it even today. However, he remembered her exact words, which he relayed to the others that were with him at the moment.

“Resonance is the power that can be achieved when a Person’s Origin Magic resonates with their Core Magic,” Ethan stated. “This is what you will read in books, as well as the things that the Professors in the Academy will tell you. But, for those who can actually use Resonance, the explanation is a bit different.”

If everyone was paying serious attention to Ethan earlier, now they were all looking at him as if what he was going to say would change their lives forever.

Their gazes locked onto his face, as if they were afraid of missing a single word that he would say from that point onward.

“When I went to Limeburgh Town to buy a wand, the owner of the shop, Mr. Mason, told me that it’s not the person who chooses the wand. It’s the wand who chooses the person,” Ethan explained. “At first, I didn’t understand this, but when I got my wand, I got this indescribable experience that couldn’t be explained through words.

“I don’t know if you have experienced the same when you got your own wands, but for me, it was a truly surreal experience.”

Ethan paused before continuing his explanation.

“Your Origin Magic will always be with you until the end of time,” Ethan stated. “Although you might discover it a bit late, it doesn’t matter because it is already a part of you. So, the first thing that you have to understand is not your Origin Magic, but your Core Magic. The magic that you always hold firmly in your hands.”

As if to make a point, Ethan summoned his wand and showed it to everyone.

“The Core Magic is what allows you to put your Origin Magic to use,” Ethan explained. “For most Wizards and Witches their wands served as the main tool to allow their Origin Magic to manifest. Of course, there are Wizards and Witches who can use spells without using wands.

“That is fine in its own way, but they will not be able to use Resonance, or Partial Resonance, because they haven’t met the requirements. It doesn’t matter how strong a person’s magical power is or how big their mana capacity is.

“At the end of the day, if you treat your wands as mere tools, and not companions, you will never achieve any kind of Resonance even if you were to become the strongest Wizard or Witch in the world.”

Ethan’s explanation made everyone’s eyes widen in shock. They never thought of their wands as companions, but simply a tool that allowed them to manifest magic.

If what the handsome teenager said was true then their approach to pursuing Resonance was wrong.

“Talking to our wands?” Chloe muttered as she summoned her wand to take a good look at it. “Is it even possible?”

Ethan smiled as he looked at his cousin, who was staring at her wand, daring it to talk to her.

“I can only tell you what I know,” Ethan replied. “As for the rest, you will have to find out for yourself if what I say is wrong or not.”

The handsome teenager wanted to say more, but Illumina cautioned him that spoon feeding others might have an opposite effect in their pursuit for the strongest spell in existence.

Because of this, he deliberately left out one piece of information, which they would discover once they managed to talk to their partners, who had always been with them the moment they entered the World of Magic.


Author's Note: Just got back home from my vacation, so I'm still quite exhausted. Will resume regular 2 chapter release starting tomorrow.

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