Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 105 The Head Prefect Of Dud Manor

Chapter 105 The Head Prefect Of Dud Manor

The members of Dud Manor looked at their Head Prefect with confident smiles on their faces as he walked up to the arena.

Ethan didn’t know why Luna, Noah, and the others didn’t look worried about Henry’s battle. In fact, they were even giving off the vibes that this was already in the bag.

For him, all the Head Prefects of each Manor, was supposed to be the strongest Wizard or Witch among the Fourth Years.

This meant that the one that his Head Prefect was going to fight was the strongest fighter of Jaeger Manor, who hadn’t had the chance to fight in their previous battle against the Eques Manor.

‘If Sir Henry loses, then the score will end in two victories and two defeats,’ Ethan thought. ‘This will be the same outcome as their fight against the Terra Manor, which would put Jaeger Manor in a favorable position.’

While Ethan was the only one in Dud Manor who was feeling worried about Henry, the young man in question was now looking at his opponent with a smile on his face.

“You have one hell of a First Year, Henry,” the Head Prefect of the Jaeger Manor, Eren, said in a calm manner. “Did you tell him to do this? Did you sacrifice his reputation for your team to gain an advantage?”

“Ethan is indeed exceptional and, no, I didn’t order him to do this,” Henry replied. “He came up with this plan all alone, and I didn’t expect him to go this far for us.”

“I wish someone like him was in Jaeger Manor,” Eren shrugged. “He would definitely be a good candidate as the next Head Prefect.”

“Too bad, but the Dud Manor is his home,” Henry commented. “He won’t be going anywhere.”

Eren snorted, and Henry smirked.

Both then took their wands out at the same time and took a dueling stance.

Professor Barret raised his hand because there was no need to tell the Head Prefects about the rules of the tournament.

“Duel Start!”

As soon as the battle started, Eren’s wand immediately merged with his body, allowing him to transform into a three-meter tall Black Werewolf.

This was Eren’s Origin Magic, which granted him incredible speed and strength.

Henry’s wand, on the other hand, transformed into a silver dagger that he held in a reverse grip. He then stared at the towering monsters in front of him with a fearless smile on his face.

Ethan could feel his heart beating wildly inside his chest because he thought that his friendly, and dependable Head Prefect would get seriously injured by his opponent.

However, a minute later, his eyes widened in shock at what he saw.

Eren, who had transformed into a werewolf, charged at Henry like a juggernaut that was about to smash someone to meat paste.

Henry, on the other hand, held his ground, and waited for his opponent to come within strike range.

The moment the two fighters were only a few meters away from each other, Henry dashed forward, closing the gap in a heartbeat.

A moment later, the Head Prefect of Dud Manor, slid in between the Black Werewolf’s legs, evading Eren’s charge, which would have seriously injured him if it hit.

Suddenly, and without warning, Henry threw his dagger at the Werewolf’s back.

Ethan thought that this move was made in order to embed the dagger in Henry’s opponent, but he was way off the mark.

Instead of the dagger embedding itself in its target, Henry suddenly appeared where the dagger should have been and kicked his opponent in the back, sending the Black Werewolf flying.

“What?!” Ethan stood up in shock due to how unexpected that move was.

Henry had swapped places with his dagger, allowing him to attack his opponent at point-blank-range with a kick to the back.

The blue-haired boy’s eyes then glanced at the place where Henry was earlier, and found a silver dagger firmly embedded in the arena.

A moment later, this dagger flew towards Henry’s hand, which he once again held in a reverse grip.

“You’re as strong as ever,” Henry said as he looked at his opponent, who had now propped himself off from the ground.

“Are you being coy?” Eren asked in annoyance.

“No. I’m being serious. If you were an ordinary human, you would have been unable to stand up after receiving that kick.”

Instead of answering, a low growl escaped Eren’s jaws.

Due to the Black Werewolf’s body being completely black, others weren’t able to see that Henry’s shoes had created a dent in his back, making him feel pain.

Eren didn’t even bother to cast any spells at Henry because it was futile.

The Head Prefect of Dud Manor’s incredible fighting abilities were known to all the Third Years as well as the Fourth Years.

His nickname, the Mage Slayer, wasn’t just for show. He was indeed very capable of killing Wizards and Witches if he felt like it.


That was because Henry was completely immune to offensive magical spells. This made him a Wizard’s and a Witch’s worst enemy.

Not only that, Henry was really strong. In fact, he was so strong that many people believed that he had the bloodline of giants flowing through his body.

His kicks and punches could smash boulders, and with his instant teleportation magic, involving his dagger, he was a force to be reckoned with.

This was also why he was referred to as the strongest Fourth Year of Brynhildr Academy, because no one, except for one person, could defeat him in battle.

“Today, I will show everyone that I will surpass you!” Eren shouted.

“Eat more, sleep more, and live more,” Henry commented. “After doing that for a few years, you might indeed surpass me. But that is something far off in the future. Right now, you are no match for me.”

Eren roared in anger. “We’ll see about that!”

“There’s nothing to see,” Henry stated as he took a fighting style. “But, feel free to try.”

Two minutes later, the Black Werewolf’s body flew outside of the arena and returned to its original form.

Eren had lost consciousness and was carried away by the Medics of the Academy to be treated for the injuries he received in battle.

Although Eren was wearing clothes, the moment they were removed, everyone would see dozens of bruises on his body.

He had also suffered internal injuries as well as some broken bones.

Ethan then looked with awe and admiration at his Head Prefect, who had raised his right fist high in the sky to declare his victory.

All the members of Dud Manor cheered and applauded Henry for his outstanding performance in battle.

Even Nicole, who prided herself with her combat abilities were genuinely impressed by how formidable Henry was.

Originally, Ethan, and Nicole, thought of Henry as just a friendly senior, who always looked out for his juniors, as well as Manor Mates.

Only today did they realize that behind his casual and carefree demeanor was a very formidable fighter.

A fighter who could even trample a three-meter-tall Black Werewolf, as if it was a kitten, who had no means to defend itself.

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