Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead

Chapter 4

After the virtuous consort left, Emperor Zhouwu executed several escape missions. Unfortunately, the palace maids watching over him were too diligent. Often times, he didnt even take that many steps out before getting carried back. There was not even half a chance. After more than ten tries, the little puppys weak body could not take it anymore. Emperor Zhouwu had no choice but to give up.

With his front legs straight, he patiently squatted at the door waiting for the virtuous consort to return. Having the virtuous consort with him lessened his anxiety and unease by a lot. This type of dependent feeling was planted in the depths of his hearts at his first sight of the virtuous consort, a feeling that even he himself has not perceived.

Quarter til ten, Meng Sangyu strode back with her attendants. At the sight of her figure, Emperor Zhouwus dark eyes lit up, uncontrollably took a step forward, his fluffy tail wagging back and forth behind him, completely giving away his happy feeling. Noticing his ludicrous behavior, Emperor Zhouwu stiffened, standing in place unmoving.

Meanwhile, Meng Sangyu also saw the little brown fur-ball standing at the door. She quickly walked up and scooped the little fur-ball into her arms. Her clear voice was filled with delight, Is ABao waiting for me to come back? What a good boy!

Emperor Zhouwu felt his forehead smooched by the woman a couple times. This passionate carefree virtuous consort is one that he had previously never seen. This woman was like a volcano, her tender and fiery red heart hidden in envelopes of freezing stone, never carelessly letting it show. Realizing this point, for reasons he did not understand, Emperor Zhouwus heart wrenched. It wasnt painful, but it felt somewhat stifling.

Meng Sangyu carried ABao back into the palace. Her heart jumped a little with excitement seeing that ABao did not struggle this time. She gently pet ABaos back over and over. In this cold Forbidden Palace, only the little one in her arms truly belonged to her, without her having to worry of being betrayed.

Emperor Zhouwu warned himself not to be entranced while squinting his eyes in comfort to her loving touch. The instincts of animals were too powerful, it was difficult to resist.

Head Nurse Feng brought a pot of tea in, filling her masters cup, worriedly saying, Since the emperor has awoken he has already rested seven to eight days, why has he not yet returned to work nor called on any concubines? Could it be that there are major issues with his body? If this continues, our great Zhou will fall into chaos!

The Emperor Zhouwu who was still resisting against his instincts immediately woke up and perked up his ears to eavesdrop on the twos conversation.

Meng Sangyu lifted the teacup to her lips, took a light sip, slowly and untroubledly replied, The emperors rule has been extremely strategic, in the short-term trouble will not be able to rise in Zhou. There is no need for us to worry about something so irrelevant. When the time comes, we shall see.

How is being worried about the emperors body something irrelevant? Your ladyship, please do put some heart to the matter. Head Nurse Fengs head hurt, criticizing her lackluster attitude, Look all these concubines in the palace, who isnt sending someone to express their concerns to Qianqing Palace everyday? The herbs and soups and incense bags are continuously flowing into the palace. Even Noble Consort Li kneeled outside Qianqing Palace for half a day. Rumor has it that these past few days she has already hand copied several books of Buddhist scriptures in prayer for the emperor. Your ladyship you should not fall behind others no matter what!

Bi Shui and Yin Cui have already become tired of listening to Head Nurse Feng motivating the master to to curry favor. They eyed each other, both seeing a face of helplessness on the other. The masters situation, the short-sighted Head Nurse Feng still cannot understand in the end, but her loyalty to the master is unquestionable.

Meng Sangyu continued drinking tea with her head down, secretly hiding an eyeroll, that was actually in plain sight of the Emperor Zhouwu in her arms.

Whats this expression supposed to mean? She doesnt think its worth it to worry about us? Emperor Zhouwu furrowed his brows, that stifling feeling appeared again.

Meng Sangyu put down her teacup, and opened her mouth with a sigh, herbs, soups, incense bags, scriptures, talismans, which have I not sent? These things only need to be lightly expressed, if we do too much others would just become annoyed instead. The emperor right now needs rest, with how theyre acting are they worried about the emperor or are they trying to kill the emperor? They should take care, for the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Not only clever, but also considerate! The stuffy feeling in Emperor Zhouwus chest disappeared, secretly satisfied, but thinking that the one receiving all this consideration is an unknown monster, his heart burned in anger.

Head Nurse Feng ran the thought through her mind and also thought that her masters answer was reasonable, laying this matter to rest.

After getting past Head Nurse Feng, Meng Sangyus red lips slightly curled secretively into a sly and proud little smile, making her originally vibrant visage even more lively. Emperor Zhouwu collected her expressions through his eyes, his black eyes slightly sparkling.

By this, it seems the virtuous consort isnt all that unlovable, he thought to himself. But quickly, the virtuous consorts actions made him want to eat his words.

Is the sandbox prepared? Meng Sangyu looked at Bi Shui to her side.

Your ladyship, it has already be prepared. Bi Shui bowed in response, beckoning at the little euniche at the door with her hand. The little euniche nodded and carried a bronze plate full of sand in, putting it in a corner of the hall.

Meng Sangyu carried ABao over, bent down and put him next to his sandbox. She poked his little head and asked, ABao do you know what this plate is for?

Emperor Zhouwu unconsciously rubbed against her finger. Then, becoming angered by his own weak self-control, he angrily glared at the perpetrator.

But this glare was automatically read as confusion by Meng Sangyu. She tapped his nose and laughed, This is for ABao to use for pee-pee and poo-poo. If ABao pee-pee and poo-poo carelessly and make the hall stinky, well punish ABao with one less meal, understand?

Pee-pee poo-poo? What? Emperor Zhouwu scrunched his brows, understanding only at the second half. Then his body, stiffed up, glaring with blazing flames in his eyes at the woman before him. This is humiliation! This is humiliation towards the valiant emperor of the great Zhou!

Again misreading ABaos passionate eyes, Meng Sangyu contently nodded her head. Lightly padding the others little head complimenting, Not bad, our ABao is so smart!

Pfft, Bi Shui and Yin Cui behind her couldnt contain their laughter.

Suppressing her laugh, Bi Shui teased, How does Your ladyship know that ABao understood?

No matter whether he understood, I still have to compliment him. Animals also have thoughts and emotions, in fact, theyre much more sensitive than us to them. The kindness, maliciousness, love, hatred in our voices can all be picked up by them. If I complimen him, he will feel happy, and also grow more healthily. Do not scold and beat little animals because they cant express themselves, they can become sad as well. Dogs are incredibly smart, about the same as a two year old child. Not to mention, our ABao is a poodle, the second smartest amongst dog breeds. So he will quickly be able to understand what I mean.

Meng Sangyu softly explained, without knowing how much impact her words brought to Emperor Zhouwu. He slowly relaxed his body and lowered his head, a complicated look emitted through the bottom of his dark black eyes. Full of benevolence towards animals, but full of cruelty towards humans, this woman is so complicated. Also, she is rather erudite.

Unknowingly, Emperor Zhouwus negative feelings towards the virtuous consort was again decreasing, but his curiosity was instead thickening.

After teaching ABao various life skills and seeing that ABao always looked focused, as if he understood her words, Meng Sangyu felt a sense of satisfaction that she had never felt before. From now on, she had a companion at last.

The sunlight of early autumn had a shade of yellow-orange, not too stinging not too scorching, blanketing warmth on the body, indescribably comforting.

Commanding the servants to place a couch in the garden, Meng Sangyu lazily curled up on the couch while drinking tea and flipping through travelers tales.

The ABao who has been under watch for an entire morning also received temporary freedom. He was currently exploring the geography in the garden, calculating a route of escape.

Two hours later, a palace maid hurried over. She did not dare to disturb the virtuous consort currently engrossed in her book, instead scooching over to whisper her report to Head Nurse Fengs ear. The colors on Head Nurse Fengs face immediately changed.

Emperor Zhouwu who had already got tired of roaming consciously returned to Meng Sangyus side. He currently laid below the couch with his eyes closed. Using his hearing that was now many times better than before, he heard the words Emperor, Grand Preceptor Shen, Gracious Consort. He immediately opened his eyes and looked to Head Nurse Feng.

Head Nurse Feng waved away the palace maid and quickly walked up, bending down to beside Meng Sangyus ear and quietly said, Your ladyship, just a moment ago the servants received information that the emperor called in Grand Preceptor Shen this morning. The two had a secret meeting for four hours in the Imperial Study. As soon as the grand preceptor left, the emperor called on the Gracious Consort to accompany him in the Imperial Study. It is said that he even ordered Chang Xi to send in many memorials. At this time he has already started working on matters of the state again.

(TN: Memorials are basically reports from attendants of the emperor that are folded accordion style. It was the basic method of communication between the emperor and his attendants on the matters of the state. Only officials are permitted to send up memorials up to a department that sorts them and usually high-ranking officials filter them to what needs to be seen by the emperor. Only high-ranking officials can directly file memorials to the emperor.)

Emperor Zhouwus ear twitched a little.

Meng Sangyu put down the travelers tale in her hands, rubbed her chin and asked, He saw Grand Preceptor Shen and not Minister Li?

Grand Preceptor Shen is Gracious Consort Shen Huirus father, the teacher of Emperor Zhouwu since his youth, a figurehead of the principled civil court officials. Although he holds high prestige, he has little actual power. The opposite would be Noble Consort Lis father, Minister Li. Minister Li is one of the people who holds actual power in Zhou Dynasty. If Emperor Zhouwu were to start attending to the state, the person he should call on first should be Minister Li and not Grand Preceptor Shen. Something is up!

Meng Sangyu slightly furrowed her neat brows, murmuring, Seems like the emperor was really injured pretty heavily this time, rather unable to attend to stately matters. Otherwise, he would not heavily rely on Grand Preceptor Shen and move away from Minister Li.

Grand Preceptor Shen understands the emperors heart well. It can be said that he is the person Emperor Zhouwu trusts in most, and also is the one he would rely on in times of difficulties. On the other hand, although Emperor Zhouwu gives power to Minister Li, he also is skeptical of Minister Li. Otherwise, he would not raise the power of the Meng family to restrain the Li family. In the end, the Meng family and Li family are just pawns for Emperor Zhouwu to balance the powers of the state. She and Noble Consort Li are just the sacrifices of this political war.

Thinking of this, Meng Sangyu pressed on the side of her forehead and quietly sighed.

Emperor Zhouwu below the couch was in shock. That monster didnt continue dormancy but instead called in Grand Preceptor Shen and Huiru? Will he harm them?

Emperor Zhouwu suddenly jumped up and rushed towards outside the palace. He didnt manage to run out before Bi Shui quickly caught him and quietly scolded, ABao, dont run around, be careful of getting lost!

Head Nurse Feng did not notice ABaos movement. After she heard her masters words the worry on her face thickened, she hesitantly asked, Since the emperor trusts in Grand Preceptor Shen he will definitely give favor to the gracious consort. Your ladyship, what should we do?

What to do? Nothing! Meng Sangyu laughed, uncaringly waving her hand, who the emperor wants to give favor to is his freedom, it is his graciousness to pass favor, there is no place for us to have a say.

At that, she reached her hand out to Bi Shui, Let me hug ABao.

Bi Shui heeded and handed the struggling Emperor Zhouwu into her masters arms.

Head Nurse Feng saw that her master did not wish to speak of the matter and closed her mouth.

Falling into a familiar embrace, the light flowery scent of the virtuous consort at the tip of his nose, his fur softly pet over and over, the anxiety in Emperor Zhouwus heart was calmed and he had room to contemplate.

If he was the one possessing someone elses body, to avoid being found out, staying dormant for a period of time to figure out the situation is a must. The next step would be to get rid of those who were already most familiar with the original owner of the body, in order to protect himself. But, the monster in Qianqing Palace did not do this. Instead, he called in the attendant and consort closest to the original owner, would he not be afraid of getting found out? The leader of the hidden guards Yan Junwei, the Head Manager Euniche Chang Xi, Grand Preceptor Shen, Huiru, any one of them would be able to discover the monsters identity!

But since they did not show any signs of movement, that means that this monsters behavior is one that they are allowing. Perhaps they are even helping the monster hide his identity. Otherwise, this monster would not call on Huiru to the Imperial Study when he started to attend to the state. Huirus intelligence is not less than a mans, capable of even a position in court, attending to some governmental matters should not be difficult for her.

Could it be that they want to help the monster coup? Emperor Zhouwu rebuted this thought as soon as it emerged in his mind. Grand preceptor and Huiru would definitely not betray him, Chang Xi and the hidden guards are even less likely!

Thinking back and forth, Emperor Zhouwu reached the conclusion that was closest to reality he didnt actually wake up. The emperor in Qianqing Palace is not a monster, but a substitute that the grand preceptor, Yan Junwei and Chang Xi found together while Huiru was helping the substitute hide his identity.

The Barbarians at the borders are invading at the various kings of the different regions have also been restless. He also doesnt have any trustworthy brothers to substitute him for governmental matters. In court there is the greedily ambitious Minister Li, in the harem there is the restless concubines with powerful family backings, all with their eyes set on the positions of the heir and empress.

With inner and outer turmoil, if the fact that he was unconscious was let out, Zhou would fall into war and chaos, and his own throne would undoubtedly be lost. See such, finding a substitute for himself was a decision made without a choice. Its good that this time he only brought his hidden guards, the grand preceptor and Chang Xi to Thousand Buddha Mountain. Otherwise, his comatose would not be able to be hidden!

After he thought through the last part, Emperor Zhouwu was able to put half his heart back into his pocket and sighed a heavy breath of relief. Only after did he realize that the woman who was currently holding him also guessed part of the reality, he really was injured heavily! But despite her correct guess, this woman was still sunbathing with her eyes closed, her expression very relaxed. Isnt she disregarding him a bit too much?

Thinking this, that stifling feeling returned.

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