Why Are You So Obsessed With Rejecting Affection?

Chapter 85

Shuelina put on the dress right away after an unexpected accident. The Emperor had sent his Secret Knights in advance to Madame Jacquelines shop since the dress would be exposed to everyone. He knew that someone would stick to investigating or retaliating against the person that had commissioned Shuelinas dress.

That child is a person whose identity shouldnt be revealed.

Whether it was the real culprit who kidnapped the baby Shuelina or not, he has no intention to leave that person alone.

Did you catch them?

Of course.

The Emperor smiled bitterly at the knights words. One by one, holding the end of the thread and untying it, he believed that he would be able to get rid of all the enemies and hold his daughter in his arms.

* * *

Todays the last day of New Years Eve. The Imperial Palace was decorated like the fresh nature for the Spirit Festival. It was noticeable how the maids and attendants were in a frenzy to finish it in a day.

It was easy for me to prepare.

Since spirits are natural beings, people do not decorate their dresses glamorously as they do when they attend regular parties. The only decoration on the light, yellow-green dress, which had no ruffles or cinched waist on the loose and simple gown, was a translucent fabric that fluttered backwards like wings. On top of that, only flat shoes could be worn without heels and decorated with flower vine patterns.

It was traditional that everyone who attends the Spirit Festival would wear the same style pretending to be a spirit themselves.

Are you okay? Your hands are cold.

The Grand Duke asked as he held my hand tightly. Wyndert had a worried face as well as he stood on my side.

Thats right, I feel nervous that I cant help but feel cold. I am feeling this tension due to the accident that I would have today.


Azuela and the Empress seemed to have felt a great sense of crisis since the first day of New Year. They contacted the messenger that had been locked up in the Grand Duchy the very next day. The messenger was instructed to further expand the activities of the monster cat, Miya.

Since the Grand Duke had ordered for the preparations to begin after we arrived in the Imperial Capital, it means that Miya has been practicing running wild for nearly ten days already. Though it was a pity for the empress that this attempt from her has already ended in failure.

But today is still an opportunity for me.

Today was the time to net Azuela and the Empress because I planned to release Miya, whom they believed would be in the Grand Duchy, into the Imperial Palace!

Miya is now in a quiet place on the outskirts of the Imperial Palace with someone I could trust. They will take off Miyas ribbon at the appointed time and she will invade the Imperial Palace as a monster.

Come on, were going this way today.

It was a different direction from the last party hall.

I followed the Grand Dukes guide and walked along the corridors of the Imperial Palace. I saw a beautiful garden when I went out of the Imperial Palace through the big door on the first floor.

I dont know what kind of device they used, but the flowers and the greenery of the garden were well maintained even in the winter. Many people, who were also disguised as spirits, were heading somewhere in the backyard.

It was a beautiful sight and yet, I could feel my heart pounding ominously inside my chest. At this point, I felt like this chest pain was acting like a warning for me.

Here is

That anxiety was further amplified when I saw the huge temple built on one side of the backyard. I cant exactly remember what it was, but this place was somehow making my heart ache and it felt ominous.

D-Dad, is this a temple?

Shushu, whats going on? Your lips are blue.

I grabbed my chest as I asked the Grand Duke, but he only paid attention to my pale complexion. I waved my hand once and asked him for the answer.

Yes, this is the temple where the spirit deity is said to have descended. Todays event will be held in front of the Spirit Mirror.


I sighed a little and shut my mouth.

Spirit Mirror. So it was because of the Spirit Mirror.

This was the place where Shuelina died. From what I can guess, Shuelinas body returned to the past and thats when my soul entered. In any case, this was the place where the original Shuelina died..

It was Shuelinas grave.

Thinking about how frightened and lonely she must have been while going up to the mirror knowing she was going to die, I could understand how her body reacted now. The place where Shuelina met her end was scary, but I was even more curious.

Arent you in pain?

Wyndert asked, glancing at my forehead. Then he pulled his hand back from my forehead after muttering that the jewel powder was falling off.

No, Im fine.

Recalling the past is certainly meaningful, but a more important event awaits us now. I have to keep my mind straight because Miya is under my control.

I had to keep my eyes on Miya, who would really become a monster if left completely out of control, so that she would not cause any harm to humans or cause major property damage.

Today, almost all of the nobles have really gathered.

Probably because it was the last day of the celebrations, there were a lot of people when we entered the temple. There were children I had met last time, and adults I hadnt met.

Is that a mirror? I asked, pointing to the shiny framed surface in the middle of the hall that was flickering in five colors.

It felt so soft and warm, a power that I knew well it was spirit power. Next to it was a large silver bell.

The Spirit Mirror is a door to the spirit world

I could feel the spirit power in the mirror, and whenever I was touched by the radiating rays of colorful light, I felt as if my body was melting away softly.

But the strange thing is why does it feel like I was looking at Kaiden when I looked at the mirror? It was slightly mixed with the vast sensation the dragon was giving me.

It must be an illusion.

What does Kaiden in the Grand Duchy have to do with the Spirit Mirror?

I quickly shook off those thoughts and began to explore my surroundings with my eyes. It was an all-white space, but the light from the mirror that hit the walls dyed them in vibrant colors.

His Majesty the Emperor, Her Majesty the Empress, His Highness the Crown Prince, and Her Highness the Imperial Princess, are entering!

As I was looking around, it seemed that it was time for the Imperial Family to enter.

Lucas and Azuela followed after the expressionless Emperor and the soft-smiling Empress. Azuela had a visible smile unlike a few days ago. When our eyes met, sparks flew out from her curved eyes.

She pulled up the corners of her mouth as if laughing at me when she discovered me, then she followed her family toward the mirror.

You were laughing at me because you thought I was here having fun without knowing anything.

She mustve been thinking that the Grand Princess was just here enjoying the event without knowing what was about to happen.

I calmly bowed my head and thought of Miya. A pitiful cat that would soon be running to this place in pursuit of the one who created it.


Then, lets pray for good luck in the coming year and offer sacrifices to the spirit god.

Said someone in a white robe who stood next to the Spirit Mirror and rang the bell using a silver rod as everyone gathered to stand. It seemed like he was the high priest who worshiped the Spirit God.

The emperor approached him with an expressionless face.

The light

Each time the bell rang, the light from the mirror flickered louder. The appearance of the Emperor dyed in that light somehow reminded me of bad memories. I hated the way I turned my back to stop myself from feeling that way. I was about to feel depressed when I remembered how that back had left Shuelina in a fatal situation.


I was about to pursed my lips, but the Emperor turned slightly and our eyes happened to meet. His eyes were softer than I imagined. I could somehow feel his depression and anxiety before it slowly faded away when I received those eyes.

Your Majesty, I ask for your spirit power.

The Emperor placed his hand on the mirror as the high priests words fell. As if the Emperor and the mirror were connected, a blue-ish energy surrounded them. It felt as if a cool wind had blown for a moment.

The Emperors spirit power.

The passage of spirit power coming out of his head was clearly visible in an instant. It was my first time to see someone elses spirit power, so I didnt expect it to be so clearly visible.

I realized something as I was admiring the splendid spirit power that colored the temple. Perhaps it was because he didnt do his best for me, but.

Why? I think I have more spirit power than the Emperor.

I had never seen anyone using spirit power until now so I had no idea myself, but seeing this in person gave me such confidence. It would sound like a groundless claim if I told this to anyone, but I obviously had the upper hand in the amount of spirit power as if the container holding my spirit power was larger.

The mirror containing the emperors spirit power shone even brighter, and then radiated light into the sky through the hole in the ceiling. Then it spread slowly and wrapped around the inside of the temple as if it was a round curtain.

I heard that it is a special spirit force that prevents anyone from going out until the event is over. It was surprising how it wasnt the Emperors will but just an expression of an unknown beings will.


Long live Your Majesty!

When a large pillar of light came out, everyone started cheering together. Certainly, seeing a scene like this, even the noble Pharaohs would not be able to help but admire the Emperor as much as today.

Besides, as I learned last time, that light could be seen by all the people of the Imperial Capital. It was believed that through this light, the spirits will grant their blessings this year as well.

As the Emperor descended under the mirrors altar, the high priest solemnly said, Now, lets choose the spirit of the year.

Then, as if by silence magic, the quiet people suddenly became noisy and started whispering something.

Is it going to be the Imperial Princess again?

It could be His Majesty the Crown Prince.

Being selected as the spirit of the year was the event people were most looking forward to. According to one theory, the higher the spirit power, the higher the probability of being drawn. It was hypothesized that spirit power would be the standard, as most members of the Imperial Family were chosen.

On the other hand, there was an ambiguous hypothesis that a clear soul can also be the standard, as it was very rare for a non-Imperial Family to be chosen.

Because of that, Dad praised me as having a reasonable chance of winning, so I was a little embarrassed.

Because the Grand Duke insists that whatever is good is mine. When I glanced at Azuela, she was looking up at the altar with a look of anticipation, as if she was also aiming to be chosen this year as well.

Even in the original work, Azuela was selected every year in a row.

So, if it was the original, it would be like this again. Without much thought, I closed my eyes and prayed as the high priest instructed.

Please help Miya do well.

Originally, I had to pray for the years well-being with a reverent heart. But honestly, Miyas counterattack was bigger than this years spirit blessings in my opinion. Everyone was looking at me with shocked expressions when I opened my eyes after praying for Miya and my familys well-being.


I felt something uncomfortable on my head and forehead, so I fumbled around and ended up seeing that something like a circle of light was on it.


This was not the time to be carefree while thinking about the original.

If spirit power was really the standard in the first place, unlike in the original work, a lot has changed since Azuela was unable to take away my spirit power!

I didnt come here for this in the first place

Their prickly gazes drilled into me.

The spirit of the year is Grand Princess Vaillot!

The temple, which had been quiet for a while, soon became noisy.

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