Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 121 - 120 - Ancient Oddities i

Chapter 121: Chapter 120 – Ancient Oddities i

Translator: 549690339 |

On the balance, Fairy Eternity’s judgement was indeed sharp; this time was just an exception. If it were any other treasures, it wouldn’t be wrong to consider it a fortunate encounter.

But Fairy Eternity didn’t see it that way. This was her shame. As an Immortal, she fell flat on her face in front of a junior twice.

Don’t I have any dignity as Yellow Bean?!

“Fairy, if you are free, then goback to sleep,” suggested Lu Yang.

“Kid, don’t assume this fairy only got this bit of ability!” Fairy Eternity rebelled and worked hard to prove herself useful.

“This fairy was among the top powers in ancient times, owning countless treasures during her lifetime. For instance, I buried numerous treasures, including Immortal treasures, at North Star. I still remember the exact location. If you can find it, establishing your sect and bestowing favors will be a piece of cake.”

“But didn’t the Ancient Nameless One refine all the stars? Where should I find North Star?”

Fairy Eternity contemplated for a moment before continuing, “This fairy can also guide your cultivation, which will lead to more accomplished results, exceed the progress of your peers, and your cultivation will be more stable and flawless.”

“Thankyou, Eldest Senior Sister can guide me.”

“Does that girl have as much broad knowledge as I? The guidance I offer is definitely more comprehensive. She isn’t capable of covering every aspect, there are holes everywhere. To use your foundation establishment as an example, your foundation establishment is… is quite perfect indeed.”

fl II

Fairy Eternity confessed that, from her critical perspective, Lu Yang’s foundation establishment could be called perfect, not a single problem could be found.

“The-The other thing is, as a female, I have meticulous thoughts and can help you pursue the girl you like!”

Lu Yang noticed Fairy Eternity was out of ideas, she simply abandoned her Immortal identity.

“No need, Eldest Senior Sister told me that cultivating should maintain abundant kidney essence.”

“Superficial!” Fairy Eternity scoffed at the Eldest Senior Sister’s viewpoint, “Have you not heard of a man from ancient times who, night after night, indulged in carnal pleasures with a hundred concubines, and his cultivation advanced by leaps and bounds because he practiced the Love-making Technique?”

“Do you want this cultivation technique? I have a few copies here, they suit you.”

Lu Yang asked calmly, “First, tell mewhat happened to that guy who had a harem.”

“He was violently torn apart by his concubines… However, that’s not the point. The main point is how rapidly his cultivation improved!”

“His life was lost rapidly as well.”

“I, the Fairy, have seen many magic skills, and can teach you how to counter them, such as the Great Divine Skill of Verbal Spell. Whatever he said could come true, it’s the epitome of causality magic skills!”

“When I was in the Transcendence Tribulation Stage, I encountered an enemy who could use the Verbal Spell. He was my formidable rival, truly fearsome, and was blessed by heaven and earth. Everything he said could become reality. He was omnipotent.”

“However, despite his strength, he ultimately couldn’t defeat me!”

Lu Yang was shocked. The Verbal Spell seemed extremely hard to deal with, yet Fairy Eternity was able to defeat such an enemy. That was horrifying.

Then again, although Fairy Eternity was a bit unreliable, the ancient times were chaotic, there were competitions among geniuses, great powers fought to the death, and only five ascended to Immortality in the end. Fairy Eternity emerged as the victor in such circumstances that proved her exceptional talent.

“How did you defeat him?”

“I ambushed him at that time. It was probably good that he was too well protected by the Verbal Spell, and hadn’t been hit much. He shouted, ‘I’m dying of pain,’ and then he died.”

Lu Yang: “…”

What kind of waste is this?

“Unfortunately, the lineage of the Verbal Spell was severed upon his death.”

Seeing Lu Yang struck with shock, Fairy Eternity’s confidence greatly increased, “In addition to countering magic skills, I can also teach you skills. Ever heard of the Great Divine Skill Shrinking Ground into Inches? This is a rare spatial magic skill, even in the ancient times, it was barely learned at the Golden Core Stage. But under my guidance, you can learn it now.”

“Shrinking Ground Into Inches?” Lu Yang was secretly delighted. Eldest Senior Sister shortened a lot of things during the teaching process. This time, with an Immortal teaching, there wouldn’t be any problems.

Fairy Eternity noticed Lu Yang’s interest in this Divine Ability and patiently taught, explaining each step of the magic skill clearly. Lu Yang pulled out his notebook and was nodding and taking notes like a diligent student.

After a while, Fairy Eternity looked at Lu Yang who was crawling around and shrinking his size in the dirt. She sank into deep self-doubt about her teaching skills.

Is there anything Fairy Eternity hasn’t seen before?

She hadn’t seen this before.

The good news was, Lu Yang’s comprehension of the two magic skills Shrinking Ground and Into Inches was growing deeper. He could now shrink from the original three inches to one inch, and the speed of his casting also increased noticeably.

“I can do more than just that spatial magic skill!” Fairy Eternity fully demonstrated the vast reserve of magic skills a fairy should possess.

“What is it?”

“Heaven and Earth in an Inch! The counterpart of Shrinking Ground into Inches!”

“When you master Heaven and Earth in an Inch, even the farthest distance will appear close. You only need to take one step to reach your destination!” Heaven and Earth in an Inch was a more difficult magic skill to master than Shrinking Ground into Inches. Initially, Fairy Eternity worried that Lu Yang wouldn’t be able to learn it and would lose his confidence, so she didn’t plan to teach it.

Now, she only worried that Lu Yang wouldn’t learn it incorrectly!

“Heaven and Earth in an Inch is a skill that requires a high understanding of spatial comprehension. It is hard to learn this skill without establishing a foundation with other spatial skills. Do you have the confidence to learn it?”

Lu Yang thought and felt that he had learned the Cleaning Clothes Spell, which could summon clean clothes, a typical space magic skill.

So, Lu Yang nodded, and Fairy Eternity started to teach.

“When learning Heaven and Earth in an Inch, the process is basically the same as Shrinking Ground into Inches. First, you need to recite the spell words. Listen carefully…” Fairy Eternity recited a piece of obscure old language which was difficult to memorize.

But, at this point, Lu Yang had already created a Spiritual Space, and his spiritual sense was strong. In a short while, he memorized the old saying.

Fairy Eternity could see that Lu Yang was very talented in learning magic skills.

“Next, you have to have a map in your mind, and visualize yourself in a certain location on the map while reciting the charm.”

“When your thought, spirit, and energy fuse together, you can teleport yourself to the destination with a thought.”

Fairy Eternity warned, “But you must remember, the teleportation distance is related to your cultivation level, and as this is your first attempt, it is not wise to choose a distance that’s too far.”

Lu Yang, following Fairy Eternity’s instruction, carefully tried it out. He simultaneously chanted the incantation and visualized Sky Gate Mountain in his mind. He then shouted, “Heaven and Earth in an Inch!”

And nothing happened.

Fairy Eternity continued to say, “Take a step! The meaning of Heaven and Earth in an Inch is that your destination is right within reach, just a step away, so you need to take one step!”

Only by stepping out would he know if he had succeeded.

Lu Yang took a step. The scenery under his feet changed. Both he and Fairy Eternity were overjoyed momentarily thinking he had succeeded!

“Wait, look at your feet!” Fairy Eternity shouted.

Looking down, Lu Yang broke into a cold sweat. Beneath him was a vast abyss, bottomless!

He turned his head to look behind him and noticed that there was a cliff behind him.

So, the function of Heaven and Earth in an Inch was to make him stand on the edge of the world?!

Lu Yang had no time to complain, his feet had nothing underneath, and he was hovering in the air.

He flipped his feet twice before falling into the abyss.

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