Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 107 - 106: Triumphant Return i

Chapter 107: Chapter 106: Triumphant Return i

Translator: 549690339 |

“How did you use my power?” Yun Zhi looked at Lu Yang with some confusion. She knew that given his experiences, he had no right to access the profound and difficult God Descent Technique.

“Uhh… I just somehow gained a technique called Imitation Fist.”

“When I was training, I thought to myself, the Imitation Fist is a technique that emulates objects and gains their advantages. So why limit myself to mimicking animals? People can be mimicked too.”

“Among the people I know, Elder Sister, you’re the strongest, so I mimic you and gain your power.”

Yun Zhi:

She has been proficient in magic skills since she was a child and is considered a magic prodigy. She can learn any magic skill with just one look and correct its defect to make it perfect. She even extrapolated many long-lost magic skills, such as the God Descent Technique.

But she’s never seen a situation like Lu Yang’s.

“Even if I was to give you a bit of my power, it would be too much for you to handle right now. You should avoid using this kind of martial arts skill casually.”

Lu Yang understood Eldest Senior Sister’s meaning: Solve problems by yourself, and don’t summon me casually unless necessary.

“And you, leave Lu Yang’s body.”

Fairy Eternity, in a rare show of determination, shook her head in refusal: “I can’t separate from him.”

“Huh?” Yun Zhi’s voice rose by a pitch, and seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, Fairy Eternity quickly elaborated.

“I just revived, and my Divine Soul is fragile. I need a body to stay in. Lu Yang shouted my name and revived me, creating a special causality between us that forces me to stay within his body. When this special causality disappears and my Divine Soul is strong enough, I can leave his spiritual space.”

Lu Yang contemplated: “Like carrying a baby for ten months?”

Fairy Eternity indignantly refuted: “Can’t you use a more appropriate analogy!”

Lu yang shrugged. He lacked imagination and could not think of a better example.

“I can shatter your Divine Soul directly and revive you,” the Eldest Senior Sister’s eyes fell on Fairy Eternity, and she felt a heavy pressure on her.

“That won’t work. The knowledge of my name came from Lu Yang. Essentially, it was still Lu Yang who revived me. Your approach won’t work.”

Yun Zhi was silent for a moment. She then held up her single hand to control a technique, casting a golden imprint. The imprint was branded in Lu Yang’s spiritual space where it faded and disappeared.

“What is? ”

“This is a Divine Soul Imprint that I created. If you take any actions that are harmful to him, this imprint will be activated and shatter your Divine Soul. When that happens, hope that some fool will call your name correctly again in three hundred thousand years,” her warning was obvious.

Fairy Eternity shivered.

“You actually don’t need to be so cautious about me. After my Divine Soul is restored, I can directly reconstitute my Immortal body without needing to possess anyone anyway. Moreover, I need to sleep to recover my strength, and I don’t know when I will wake up.”

She yawned.

“Immortals can get tired too?” Lu Yang was surprised.

Fairy Eternity yawned again and again: “It’s all due to our fight earlier, which consumed most of my strength…”

As she spoke, Fairy Eternity’s eyelids began to droop, and she fell asleep: “Good night, don’t wake me up until the end of the world.”

Once Yun Zhi made sure Fairy Eternity was really asleep, she left the Spiritual Space and appeared in the world as a Divine Soul.

“Eldest Senior Sister, you’ve worked hard!” Meng Jingzhou greeted her with unprecedented politeness.

“Hello, Eldest Senior Sister.” Man Gu was as honest and straightforward as ever. Even though he had never done anything wrong, for some reason, he felt afraid when he saw Eldest Senior Sister.

“Don’t tell anyone about the revival of Fairy Eternity.”

“Yes!” The two said in unison.

Old Horse also echoed.

“And, stop messing around on the way and hurry back to the Seek Dao Sect!” Yun Zhi left these words, transformed her Divine Soul into a stream of light, and went back to the Seek Dao Sect to continue her meeting.

The three quickly packed up their playful attitudes, got on the horse-drawn carriage and left.

“Huh? How are we moving so fast?” Meng Jingzhou could see the scenery outside the carriage through the window. He noticed that the landscape was whizzing by at a speed ten times faster than before!

The old horse, previously slow and deliberate, was suddenly galloping at an incredibly fast speed, using spatial magic to traverse space. This speed was so fast that they arrived at the Seek Dao Sect in a fraction of the time they expected.

The old horse knew that Yun Zhi’s last sentence, “hurry back to Seek Dao Sect,” was not directed at them three, but at him.

“Ha ha, the Seek Dao Sect, I’m back!” Meng Jingzhou laughed with his arms wide-open, giving off a triumphant feeling.

Their mission to pretend to be a part of the demonic sect and act as villains, all to earn contribution points and show off their achievements, was finally at an end. So, the first thing they did upon returning to the sect was to exchange the contribution points at the Task Hall.

They walked into the Task Hall with heads held high, disregarding everything else, strutting around like three crabs fresh out of water.

Inside the Task Hall, missions collected from various places were posted all over the walls. Senior Brothers and Sisters were all searching for suitable tasks.

Lu Yang noticed that the task to find a Nascent Soul Stage Two-winged Fierce Tiger was still on the wall-it seems Master Li Hong from Shanhai Pass has yet to locate his beloved pet.

The task related to the possible discovery of a Cave Heaven on Kunwu Mountain was taken down, presumably because it had been fully explored.

There were new tasks, such as some places where the traces of Nascent Soul Stage Demon Cultivators were found and personnel were needed to eliminate them. Some places discovered ancient ruins and needed teams to explore them. There were also places where two Great Powers were divorcing and mediators were needed, and so on.

Seeing the three’s interesting way of walking, the Senior Brother on duty at the front desk teased: “Have you three disciples saved the world?”

Lu Yang modestly replied: “Almost. We’ve completed a secret mission and need to report to the Grand Elder.”

The expression of the Senior Brother at the front desk changed. A completed secret mission was a matter of great importance, beyond his capability to handle, and nobody dared to joke about it: “The Grand Elder is having a meeting in the Council Hall. Elder Brother Dai is in charge of the Task Hall in his stead. Why don’t you report to him?”

The meeting in the Council Hall had been going on for half a day and has not ended yet.

The Task Hall was located on Reward and Punishment Peak, the mountain presided over by the Grand Elder. In the Grand Elder’s absence, everything on the Reward and Punishment Peak was managed by Dai Bufan.

“Please inform Elder Brother for us.”

Dai Bufan was a bit confused when he heard the message from the Junior Brother. He didn’t remember assigning a secret mission to Lu Yang and his friends. Could it be arranged by the Master? But it didn’t make sense because the Master would tell him everything.

Suppressing his doubts, he said: “Let them in.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The three were invited into the core area of the Task Hall, where Dai Bufan was lying back in his chair, reading files. These were reports from all over, which contained information that could lead to potential tasks.

Dai Bufan put down the files, picked up his tea cup. The tea had been brewed with freshly plucked Enlightenment tea: “Speak up, what have you guys been up to?”

Man Gu, showing off his communication skills, said succinctly, “We joined the demonic sect.”


Meng Jingzhou glared at Man Gu, then explained to Dai Bufan, “Ignore Man Gu, we just joined the demonic sect.”

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