While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 69: Massacre ensues

Chapter 69: Massacre ensues

Even with all my means and abilities, there was only so much firepower that I could take on myself. With one of the bars flashing in my peripheral vision making sure that I would know that I could repeat this kind of feat only a few times more, I realised I had to avoid a direct clash by all means possible. 

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to protect the people around me. Even though I didn't know most of them, even though a bit of blood would only legitimise my cult I just couldn't bring myself to sacrificing them for my own personal gains. Even if they coincidentally also meant turning this world a better place for them all.

That's why, still keeping the bullets in the air and using the surprise and confusion amongst the ranks of the enemy, I pulled out my phone. With just a few touches of the screen, a live streaming event started on my recently popularised profile. While the majority of my followers came from the nearby areas as they were directly related to the events, people all over the country and the world had access to it. 

And I was perfectly sure that within just a few first seconds, some of them would launch my stream.

"Everyone! I'm speaking from the street just beside the construction of the Boruta's cult chapel. Right here, behind my back, you can see the place where the Government murdered a family of tree in order to obtain some kind of mediocre weed. After our attempt to give those poor people a proper burial, they suddenly declared us as a terrorist organisation"

Turning my phone around so that the camera would face a wall of bullets while the screen would turn visible for the police for a moment, I finished.

"Before opening fire for no apparent reason. For me, that's an act of terrorist and treason against the ultimate rulers of those lands, the people."

Right now, the ball was on the government side. Whether they would stop or press the attack, the voice of the people across the entire world would be on my side. If only I could withstand the initial attack, it would spell the end for the local government if not one of the whole nation. 

After all, in those volatile times, what kind of warlord, bully or neighbouring government would be so passive and naive enough to miss such an opportunity to grow in power? 

That was the third reason that I decided not to share with the crowd. It was not something that I could say to them or to anyone already tuning in to the stream. With the number of viewers growing with each second I could tell that the entire platform was already exploding with the news.

What a great and so far, cheap way to get even more popular!

Soon, before the police would react, at least half of the crowd behind me pulled out their phones. Some were taking photos, some recording, some most likely started streams on their own. 

This world was not Ayda's place where one could exert strength without consequences. Here, only by acting carefully and steadily like me could one attain dominance.


As if ignoring the insane odds he was at, the government didn't bend. The flashes of muzzles appeared once again. But this time, I could clearly see that the triggers of the police's weapon were turned to the auto mode. From how the officers fingers were tensing, it was clear they didn't intend to pull it off the trigger anytime soon. 

All of that resulted in red warnings flashing through my entire vision. The system of those additional bracelets was clear with what the outcome would be if I decided to stand idly. And quite obviously, I didn't.

This time, there was no delicacy. Instead of wasting the energy to act with grace I simply unleashed my repulsion. My repulsion towards the ideals that made those people act others like disposable goods. My repulsion towards the people responsible for the death of my parents. 

And with just a slight addition of the sea of my hate, the initial push from repulsion turned into a blanket of silent death that befall the ranks of the policemen. 

But as they started falling down, their bodies tensed up. And so did their fingers.


In one, fluid song, all of the guns fired. Some of the bullets managed to go above the heads of everyone. But some fell right into the tangled mess of the bodies within the crowd.

For a moment, nothing happened. Secondary unit of the police that stood deeper in the street just watched as their colleagues fell to the ground. The people shoot on my side failed to notice what happened to them. Those standing beside the victims of the salvo were the first ones to react.

And then all hell erupted.

"I made my choice. Now it's up to everyone to make yours."

I was incapable of stopping the bloodshed. Halting all the lethal bullets would sap my strength before I could actually stop the salvo. The best I could do was protecting myself and those standing directly behind me. It was the government that initiated this bloodshed. 

But I wasn't willing to stand idly like a cattle led to a slaughter. With this simple sentence on my lips, I marched forward. Now that I released a huge amount of magic, it seemed as if the system of my additional, clearly military bracelets managed to finally tune in to my flow of magic. 


Reaching with my hand forward, I grasped down on the air with my fingers, as if someone's throat was there. With my magical energy rushing forward, nearly half of the second police unit fell prey to the tiny bullets of magic. Invisible to a naked eye, they penetrated deeply into the brains of the officers before exploding with a sudden wave of repulsion. 

Only a few managed to escape the ordeal. Two of them by avoiding the death ordained for them. With the crowd already splitting into two groups, one of which was charging after my lead while the other was running away directly through the construction site, the second unit of police collapsed, with most of its people dying without even a single visible injury, the morale of the enemy forces had to be at all-time low.

And then my vision on both sides exploded with redness.


Instantly using my magic megaphone to alert everyone, I jumped up and used my repulsion to explode myself away, back towards the stage. With a corner of my eyes, I noticed that Pavlo turned out to be unlucky. With a pool of blood forming around his head decorated with a red hole, it was clear that he was unlucky enough to get shot with one of the few bullets that entered the crowd. But then, my attention was brought back to the place from where I just escaped.

Right when the entire street exploded. Not caring for the policemen that were left there, a huge ball of intense fire swallowed everyone nearby, along with a huge chunk of the brave people that followed me. Then, the shockwave reached my body, slamming me against the half-finished side-wall of the mansion. My bones shook, threatening to crack 

But ultimately my body held on. Sadly, the same couldn't be said about most of those that were closer to the explosion. Grovelling on the air while rubbing their bleeding eyes and ears, they were the last straw that broke the back of my calmness.

Seeing all those victims of this idiotic attack, I felt my rage burning me up. And then, the true force of the enemy finally revealed itself. 

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