While Others are Leveling Up, I Alone Will Cultivate Until Mahayana Before Making My Move

Chapter 319: Chapter 189: Sixth Level of the Return to Void Realm, Re-entering the Slaughter Battlefield! (Third Update, Requesting Monthly Votes~)_3

Su Xing stroked his chin, deep in thought, as he looked toward the simulation panel.

[In the twelfth year, after mastering the Li Fire Technique, you arrived at Demon-Subduing Pass.]

[At that time, the situation at Demon-Subduing Pass was relatively good, with a large number of powerful humans over the years staunchly defding the pass from the Demon Race.]

[Knowing of your arrival, the "Dare-to-Die Army" were all excited, and you eagerly greeted them.]

[Afterward, you wanted to kill a Legdary Level Demonic Beast, but you never had the chance to counter one.]

[In the thirteth year, you successfully found a Legdary Level Demonic Beast, and after battling it for hundreds of s, you slew it.]

[You extracted the Flesh Essce of the Legdary Level Demonic Beast, returning to Demon-Subduing Pass to try refining the Rebirth Pill.]

[Your mastery of the Rebirth Pill was already highly proficit, the only thing missing was the power of the flames.]

[And now, the Mahayana Level Li Fire Technique just met this requiremt.]

[Thus, you spt a month successfully refining over t batches of Legdary Level Rebirth Pills.]

[After taking the Legdary Level Rebirth Pill, you indeed felt an uncontrollable surge of manic and gloomy emotions within you.]

[But having overcome the five barriers of Divinity Transformation, you were extremely resistant to these negative emotions, allowing you to contain them well.]

[However, you also discovered that you could only take one Rebirth Pill a day at most, as multiple doses would bring on negative emotions.]

[Fortunately, you had no resistance to the Rebirth Pills, and could take them daily, suring a steady increase in ergy.]

[You tried using the Rebirth Pills for a month of cultivation, and indeed, your strgth increased much faster than before.]

[But your purpose wasn't just to hance your Body Refinemt Cultivation Level, so you continued to cultivate daily with Spirit Stones.]

Su Xing nodded slightly upon seeing this and murmured:

"Indeed, with the Rebirth Pills, the hancemt of my Body Cultivation strgth will be much easier than before!"

"The only problem is… I don't have many Spirit Stones left now. I wonder if they are ough to get me to the Sixth Layer of the Return to Void Realm?"

Su Xing was somewhat worried, but he decided to give it a try anyway.

His gaze returned to the simulation panel.

[In the fourteth year, you spt 50,000 Spirit Stones in one year, making some progress in your Qi Refining Cultivation.]

[In the fifteth year, you focused on cultivating and spt another 50,000 Spirit Stones, advancing your Qi Refining Cultivation by a large step.]

[By the sixteth year, you had less than 0,000 Spirit Stones, which was just ough for two years of cultivation.]

[But you decided to continue trying to see if you could make it to the Sixth Layer of the Return to Void Realm.]

[As you cultivated day and night, two years slowly passed by...]

[In the eighteth year, you had made significant advancemts and had reached the latter half of the Fifth Layer of the Return to Void Realm, not far from the Sixth Layer.]

[But at this momt, you had run out of Spirit Stones and had to settle for cultivating daily with Spiritual Energy.]

[Ev though the Spiritual Energy was dse in the Spirit Field Cave, it still couldn't augmt your cultivation speed as much as using Spirit Stones did.]

[Your Cultivation Level was in a slow growth phase.]

[In the nineteth year, Luo Shuying's homeland was breached.]

[Under your proposal and with the help of the Human Race, ts of thousands from the Spirit Race fled to Blue Star and joined Demon-Subduing Pass to fight against the Demon Race together.]

[The pressure on the Human Race at Demon-Subduing Pass greatly decreased, you consoled Luo Shuying and continued to diligtly cultivate.]

[In the twtieth year, the third year without any Spirit Stones, you longed for the days wh you used to cultivate with Spirit Stones every day.]

[After the cultivation speed dropped, besides daily cultivation, you also began to search for unexplored copies that might contain deposits of exotic metals.]

[Over the course of a year, you explored sev or eight Forbidd Level copies.]

[Slaying five or six Martial Emperor Level copy bosses, and ev two Legdary Level monsters!]

[Despite this, you still couldn't find any undiscovered exotic metal mines.]

[In the twty-first year, you undeterredly explored several more copies, but still couldn't find a mine copy.]

[Thus, in addition to cultivating each day, you explored the major copies, hoping to find one that contained an exotic metal ore.]

[So, three years slowly passed...]

[You still hadn't found an exotic metal mine copy in the d.]

Su Xing shook his head in some disappointmt upon seeing this.

However, this was not beyond Su Xing's expectations.

If copies containing exotic metals were that easy to find, the high-ranking exotic metals wouldn't be so precious.

Moreover, it precisely indicated how lucky Su Xing was wh he found that Red Lotus Demon Cave copy!

His gaze returned to the simulation panel.

[In the twty-fourth year, you searched a few more copies to no avail.]

[Knowing you didn't have much time left in the simulation, you didn't waste a momt and fully committed to breaking through to the Sixth Layer of the Return to Void Realm!]

[Over these years of cultivation, you had also reached the peak of the Fifth Layer of the Return to Void Realm, only a short distance from the Sixth Layer.]

[At the start of the twty-fifth year, you withdrew the hundreds of thousands of drops of Spiritual Liquid you had accumulated.]

[You decided to take a deep breath and break through to the Sixth Layer of the Return to Void Realm!]

[After two months of seclusion, digesting all of this Spiritual Liquid, finally... you barely stepped into the Sixth Layer of the Return to Void Realm!]

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief at seeing this and whispered:

"Thank goodness, I've stepped into the Sixth Layer of the Return to Void Realm..."

But immediately after, Su Xing also felt some concern. If he continued at this rate, he feared it would still take two more simulations to reach the Great Perfection of the Return to Void Realm.

"So, it's still better to plant another batch of Gathering Spirit Flowers and figure out a way to collect more Spiritual Liquid to accelerate the training in the Qi Refinemt Realm!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

His gaze returned to the simulation panel.

[In the twty-fifth year, the situation at Demon-Subduing Pass took a dire turn, and you also arrived within the pass.]

[This time, you left Demon-Subduing Pass alone without saying goodbye to anyone and set foot onto the Slaughter Battlefield...]

[You walked toward the direction of the Blood Moon for a long time... Time here seems to have lost its clarity.]

[You could only feel the Blood Moon in the sky growing larger, as if it was getting closer to you.]

[Besides that, the red-eyed Demonic Beasts you countered along the way grew from weak Gold, Master Level...]

[Up to the point where you met Demon Kings, Demon Emperors...]

[You knew, you were not far from countering the lost Legdary Level Demonic Beasts.]

(A 5,000-word update for today, looking for monthly tickets~)

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