What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

Chapter 670: Someone Else Was Watching Me

I looked at the altar in front of me.

Do I destroy it, or don't destroy it? Which one is Tyler and which one is the succubus?

What's the consequce of doing either of those things? Who knows?

I decided to inspect the magic circle on the g instead, hoping that maybe there's something there that would tell me more about what the altar might be for.

I realised that there were rather familiar runes etched along the edges of the magic circle and knelt down to inspect it.

In the meantime, my Shadow Guards had already beat the minotaur to death and were busy dissecting it for parts. Hey, if the succubus dropped free materials for me, I wasn't going to say no.

I narrowed my eyes at the runes, hoping that I would experice the same effect where the runes would change into something that I could read.

Sure ough, after I stared at it for a while more, the runes started to change their shapes into letters I recognised.

'You should destroy the altar.'

What the flying fuck?

I've be wondering why I could read the runes and I thought that perhaps the masochistic succubus was the one who was messing with me but since she's not here now… It can't be her right?

Wait… Perhaps it's the Lust Succubus herself? Could she manipulate these runes remotely?

But would she really do something like this? It's not like she would know what I was trying to do ev if she could see me.

I don't believe for a momt that the runes actually mean what I saw here so that means someone must be changing these runes instead.

Maybe… Mary?

No… I remember the first set of runes I saw and I highly doubt that Mary would make a joke like that.

Th who? The Dungeon itself?

Wait, wait, wait… The Dungeon… No way… It can't be right? But if it's true…

I decided to trust the words I saw on the magic circle and wt over to the altar.

Alright, let's just do this.

I pushed the altar over and watched it topple over to smash itself on the g, breaking into three differt pieces.

The room seemed to shake and a gust of wind howled a the room.

I waited to see if anything else happed but… There was just silce after that.

Err… What was breaking that supposed to do? Because I don't see anything happing aside from that shaking and the wind thing…

"Tyler?" I tried calling out to the room, hoping that maybe that guy could show me a sign or something.

There was a rumble and the wall at the far d of the room started sliding upwards, revealing a staircase that led deeper down into the Dungeon.

Hmm… I guess that's where I was supposed to go next?

I gathered my party and started descding the stairs, leaving the room with the brok altar behind.

Wh I reached the bottom of the stairs, I found myself standing in an empty room which was odd because if this was a boss room, there should be a safe zone in front of the stairs which was not prest. And if this was a labyrinth style floor, this would be the first one where it started in an empty room.

Oh, and also this room was not filled with the ttacle walls like the floors above.

The biggest problem I could see was the fact that there was no other way out of here, making this a dead d.


I turned back to look at the stairs and almost as if they were waiting for me to do that, the wall above slammed down to block off the stairs, prevting me from returning back up the steps.


I looked back at the ctre of the room and I realised some liquid was rising up from the floor to form the shape of a figure.

A few seconds passed and the liquid shifted to transform into a male Mahun with a lean build and distinct spiky red hair.

I'm going to assume that this guy is Tyler.

Before I could say anything, he gave me a look of despair, "What have you done?! You destroyed the sealing stone!!"

I blinked at him, "Err… I'm guessing you're not the one who asked me to destroy the stone?"

"No!! I asked you to leave!! You've set her free now!! She's no longer bound to this Dungeon and I can no longer contain her below the succubus floor!!"

I frowned, "Well it's not like you were helping much wh you didn't ev try to let me know who exactly was writing each of the signs popping up in front of me. Why do you have to make it so ambiguous?"

"It's not my fault that you can't ev tell apart which one is writt by a beautiful, sexy, extremely attractive and erotic Lust Succubus!"

I narrowed my eyes at the guy in front of me, "You are not Tyler, are you?"

'Tyler' smirked at me, "Oh my~ What gave it away? Was it because of my innate sex appeal?"

The figure th shifted again and transformed back into the Lust Succubus that I met earlier.

The first thing I realised was that while she still had her red skin, there were now tattoos visible a her body where they wer't there before.

Also, she was completely naked.

She stretched her arms above her head which had the added effect of drawing atttion to her shapely chest.

I could tell that she was doing that on purpose.

"Nngghh~ That felt good. It's be a while since I last felt free from that~ Oh, thank you by the way~"

I scowled, "So you really made me destroy the altar?"

She giggled, "Fufu~ That's right~ That was so funny too~ Tyler wanted to guide you into that door by the way, but he didn't realise I had changed the room behind it with the one that had the sealing stone until you oped it. By the time he realised that, it was too late~ Th all I had to do was make you destroy that sealing stone to free me by mixing up the signs~"

Mixing up the signs?

I frowned at her, "Did you not change the runes on the magic circle?"

She tilted her head and gave me a guine look of confusion, "Runes? What are you talking about?"

I blinked, "You know? The runes a the magic circle below the altar?"

She giggled, "My, my~ Are you stalling for time? It's not like that would help your currt situation, you know? I have full control over the Dungeon right now without needing to use little Tyler as my intermediary~ That means I can do things like this as well~"

She snapped her fingers and the walls of the room suddly changed into ttacles.

A few ttacles ev sprouted up and wiggled in our direction, though they never actually tried to grab me and maintained their distance.

I'm guessing this was just a not so subtle threat by the demoness in front of us to show me what she could do if she wanted to.

Ignoring those ttacles for the momt, I realised that my initial suspicions about the runes were right all along. Though this brought about the question of why she was watching me or why she was ev here in the first place.

No… I actually know exactly why she would be watching me…

I raised an eyebrow at the demoness, "Right… So what are your plans for me? I'd think that after freeing you, I should get some kind of befit or something?"

She smiled, "Oh, if we had made a deal about it, I would have. But since you basically freed me out of your own free will, I owe you nothing~"

"And what about Tyler?"

"Fufufu~ He's a fun little pet ev if I do say so myself. But I suppose his usefulness had come to an d after I am no longer bound to him so he was just a burd that I needed to get rid of to tie up my loose ds~"

"You killed him?"

"Kukuku~ Don't worry, he died with a smile on his face~ I made sure of it~"

Her hands reached down to slide in betwe her legs and I knew how exactly she killed him.

I guess that was one way to go…

"So what now? Are you going to kill me too?" I asked.

She smiled, "Kukuku~ I suppose I should~ Or maybe you want to be my slave instead? I could also arrange that~"

"Any chance that I might convince you to submit to me instead?"

She looked at me with an amused smile, "Oh? Do you really think you have any bargaining power right now?"

"Right now? Not exactly. But… Hey! If you help me with this demoness, I'll spd the tire day fucking you. How about that?"

The demoness looked confused at why I started shouting the last part out loud.

The room suddly shook and th a tear oped up in the air before a rather familiar masochistic succubus appeared.

"Really?! Please do so, Mistress!!!"

I fucking knew it…

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