Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 34

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Before QiLeren could find the stranger in the darkness, several silver streaks shot past him in quick succession, each arrow finding its target with pinpoint accuracy and killing all the wolves who dared to set foot within a few metres of the fire with its bone-piercing force. The rest of the hungry pack turned and fled, disappearing quickly into the shadows.

Silence settled around them, the rustling of trees fading until all that was left was the quiet crackle of the bonfire.

QiLeren was keenly aware of the stranger lurking closeby; in fact, he wouldnt be surprised if there was another arrow aimed at the back of his head, ready to fire at the slightest sign of animosity.

To be honest, he was more afraid now than when he was surrounded by wolves. The one he faced now was definitely a player of far superior skill, someone who could kill him as easily as they killed the wolves. He didnt even know where they were hiding.

The sheer gap in power sent chills down QiLerens back. He had to say something,anything, to discourage the stranger from killing this potential rival if nothing else.

He raised his hands slowly in appeasement and said with a slightly trembling voice, Hey there? Thank you for saving me.

QiLeren wracked his brain for things to say.

Do you know ChenBaiqi? She told me about you and how you accepted the same quest as me I promise I dont have any ill intent if you dont mind, perhaps we can consider working together? Considering ChenBaiqis tone, she probably knew the owner of the black bird. Whether or not they were on friendly terms was left up in the air, but it wasnt like he had any other options.

QiLeren heard what he thought might be the soft sound of a weapon being put away before the branches above rustled lightly under the weight of a persons agile steps.

Someone dropped onto the ground before him.

Illuminated by the soft light of the fire, QiLeren took in the sight of the stranger it was just one look, but ChenBaiqis reason for calling her a cold beauty was made crystal clear.

The stranger was dressed in the same sacrificial gown as him, though what was once a loose gown was now bound tightly around her body, its sleeves cut off and hemline shortened. Her long hair had been tied up into a high ponytail, revealing refined features that held the poised beauty of a rose covered with frost and snow.

QiLeren stared. Something akin to warmth unfurled within his chest perhaps some would call it love at first sight.

A gorgeous face that gave off an icy vibe due to her overall aura of a cold beauty, coupled with long legs and the maturity that came with sheer competence? Was she not the physical embodiment of his perfect goddess?

He had to leave a good first impression.

QiLeren stamped down the chaos of his trembling heart and forced a pleasant smile for his goddess. Hello, pretty goddess, my name is QiLeren.

Was he seeing things or did her eye just twitch?

He took a step forward before continuing, Whats your name?

He mightve hit some dangerous trigger with this, QiLeren thought as his goddess drew a short knife hanging by her side in a sudden motion and hurled it towards him. Had he said something wrong? Why was she trying to kill him?

Most importantly, he hadnt saved a file yet for the goddess to kill him a few more times until she was happy!

In the instant between life and death, it was obvious that QiLerens brain was no longer functioning correctly. The expected pain, however, never came. The short knife had instead embedded itself by his feet or rather, in the triangular-shaped head of a rather colourful snake.

Oh. It was to save him. Feelings complicated, QiLeren carefully sneaked a glance at his goddess. Her deep eyes reflected a faint blue hue in the campfire as she shot him a cool look. His glance was probably not as sneaky as hed hoped.

QiLeren hurriedly bent down and pulled the knife from the snake. It was heavier than it looked, despite the pair of fullers that ran down its length, glinting its cold lethality in the night.

Here. Pinching the blade between two fingers, he presented the knife handle first, which his goddess accepted and slotted back into its sheath she had two short knives on her person, QiLeren noticed, and neither were in the inventory but rather belted to her thigh.

It was probably faster to use them this way.

Contrary to his expectations, his goddess seated herself by the campfire and started cooking some meat jerky she took out of the inventory. As the inviting smell of warmed meat wafted through the air, QiLeren quietly lamented the rations in his stomach.

Somewhat desperate to make conversation, he coughed lightly to draw his goddesss attention, then closed his mouth when she looked at him.

What if he, having never gone after a girl before despite having being alive for twenty-five years already, said the wrong thing?

The black bird descended down from its perch and landed on his goddesss shoulder, before crowing in disgust at the meat she offered. It flew to QiLeren with hopeful eyes.

Should he feed it?

Seeing QiLerens prolonged hesitation, the bird bit him on the arm and flew back to its owner in a fit of irritation.

QiLeren stole a peek at his goddess. She was chewing on her meat with a blank expression and exuded unapproachable animosity.

Damn it, she clearly didnt want to talk! She hadnt left yet though, so she must be at least somewhat willing to get along with him temporarily?

Gathering his courage, he finally spoke again to the crush he had fallen for at first sight. I My name is QiLeren. Whats your name?

The beautiful stranger lowered her meat jerky and fixed him with an indiscernible gaze, blue eyes seemingly glowing in the night. The half of her face illuminated by the campfire looked almost ethereal, though her eyes held no trace of emotion no joy, no sorrow, no vitality.

QiLeren swallowed. This person sitting in front of himwas she even a player?

His goddess stared at him for a beat longer as QiLeren inwardly panicked and held his breath to meet her gaze, then coolly turned away and resumed eating her meat jerky.

QiLerens mind exploded into a flurry. What was that supposed to mean?!

The black bird on her shoulder gave a sudden squawk, before craning its neck and saying, Shes mute, shes mute!


I swear on mybird-tue that Im telling the truth! the bird added, sprouting nonsense in its annoyingly inscrutable way.

QiLeren had no idea if the bird was intelligent or not, but given that it had screwed with him twice already, its virtue, no, bird-tue, was pretty much non-existent. Its a wonder how his goddess puts up with it.

Even worse was that his goddess didnt correct its words. She quietly looked at QiLeren for a bit, before adding more firewood to the fire and closing her eyes as she leaned back against a tree.

QiLerens chest immediately warmed with the pride of being trusted. Was she about to sleep?

His goddess! Was going to sleep right in front of him!! She trusts him enough to keep watch!!! A nagging voice in the back of his mind mocked him for being so weak that there was no reason for caution, but he squashed it down and concentrated instead on staying awake and being the best night watch his goddess would ever meet.

In the quiet woods, the strange calls of unknown birds and crackles of the bonfire filled the air as time passed in slow seconds. Now that she was asleep, QiLeren could finally study his goddesss face with audacity the more he looked, the more he felt his inner appreciation for beauty awaken. Goddamn it, how could she be so pretty! Her smile could bring ruin to the world with its sheer radiance if she ever showed it.

The woods at night was a little cold. QiLeren lightly gathered the blanket he had discarded onto the ground before to cover the sleeping girl, only to meet her opened eyes not a few steps in. The reflection of a dancing flame burned within her pupils, alluring and unearthly.

Its cold at night, QiLeren explained, handing over the blanket with forced calm. Here, you can use this.

Thankfully, she accepted his offer, drawing the blanket around herself as she closed her eyes again.

QiLeren silently gave himself a pat on the back. He didnt mess up this opportunity to show his ability to be a great boyfriend. Perfect performance!

Despite his excitement, QiLeren found himself nodding off as he stared at the bonfire. Its light and warmth drew away from him, farther and farther into the distance until it disappeared altogether.

He fell asleep.

It was a deep sort of slumber, unwilling to let go even as QiLeren awoke to the sound of bird calls. He took a few minutes to realise where he was before struggling to sit up.

Something fell onto his lap. It was the blanket he had given his goddess last night, now draped over his body. The bonfire next to him was burned out, and when he looked to the tree trunk nearby, the figure that had been resting there last night was long gone.

Bathed in the hazy light of daybreak, QiLeren couldnt help the bitter taste of disappointment that rose to his tongue.

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