Water Magician

Chapter 474: In the Midst of the Storm

Editor: Tseirp

The Lone Dark managed to safely avoid both the massive school of flying fish and the Krakens lurking beneath them.

What was expected to be a turbulent voyage turned out to be uneventful.

For two days, they did not encounter any major problems.

“Where are the pirate ships and ghost ships, I wonder?”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

Ryo and Abel were relaxing with coffee on the deck after lunch when Ryo suddenly brought it up.

Of course, the Lone Dark hadn’t been attacked by pirates or encountered any ghost ships.

“I thought on voyages like these, it’s common to run into pirate ships or ghost ships, but we haven’t come across any.”

“The usual, huh? Generally speaking, pirates don’t attack warships.”

“Huh…now that you mention it, you’re right. In that case, maybe we’ll help a merchant ship being attacked…”

“Well, that’s not out of the question… On land, people travel along roads, so it makes sense that we might come across a raid and help out. I’ll admit that. But out here in the vast ocean, who knows?”

Ryo was surprised by Abel’s response.

Normally, he would say something like, “There can’t be so many bandits with the state of national security,” but this time it was different.

“Abel, your tone has softened.”

“What are you talking about? Even in a stable country, it’s not unusual for bandits to show up on the outskirts or in remote areas. The Kingdom of Knightley has relatively good security, but not every country is like that.”

“Especially on the sea?”

“Yeah. According to sailors, the shipping routes and fishing grounds are mostly fixed, so even in the wide ocean, it’s possible to run into trouble. But honestly, I wouldn’t know.”

“I see.”

It was at that moment.

One of the crew members, who had climbed the mast to keep watch with a telescope, shouted out.

“Captain! A ship spotted to the northeast! Only one vessel.”

Hearing this, Captain Gorick ran to the bow and aimed his telescope ahead.

Ryo and Abel also rushed to the bow.

Last time, they saw ‘something’, but they didn’t know what it was.

This time, however, the crew specifically said ‘a ship’, so it was clear that it was indeed a vessel.

“Abel, could it be…?”

“No, it’s just one ship, right? Even if it’s a pirate ship, once they realize we’re a warship, they’ll flee.”

“No! It could be a ghost ship!”

“I don’t know about that.”

The two spoke in hushed voices.

Even the king didn’t have any information on ghost ships.

However, the fact that Abel knew the term ‘ghost ship’ suggested that they existed in ‘Phi’…or at least that ghost ship stories were part of the lore there.

“You know about ghost ships?”

“Of course. They show up in all sorts of stories. But I’ve never seen one, nor have I heard of any confirmed sightings.”

It seemed even ghost ships were hard to come across.

Although their conversation likely wasn’t overheard, the crew member atop the mast shouted another update.

“It appears to be a large broad-hulled ship from the archipelago! It’s heading straight for us. Keeping the same course!”

“Is it flying a national flag?”

“It seems there’s a flag at the top of the mast, but we can’t confirm it yet!”

“Keep an eye on it!”

The crew member and Captain Gorick continued to shout at each other.

Between the sound of the waves and the various noises on deck.

It was necessary to raise their voices.

“Oh, Abel-san, Ryo-san. While it’s not entirely certain, it seems to be a warship from one of the archipelago nations.”

“Archipelago nations? So, not from the archipelago region?”

“Yes. There are several islands and small countries between the archipelago region and the continent. If we were on our planned route, we’d be familiar with the countries we’d encounter, but…”

“We moved east to avoid the Krakens.”

“Exactly. They might want to board us for inspection. It’s a common occurrence on the sea.”

Captain Gorick responded with a wry smile.

“Could it lead to a fight?”

“Normally, no. But in these situations, we always prepare just in case.”

As he answered Ryo’s question, Captain Gorick glanced around.

Indeed, the crew’s movements were different than usual.

Although the gear was simpler compared to what Abel wore, the crew had started donning leather armor.

Normally, under the hot sun, and with the vast ocean providing little chance for surprise attacks, they wouldn’t wear armor.

“Abel, we should get ready, too.”

“Y-yeah. Though, I’m always wearing leather armor…and you have your sword on you, right?”

“It’s mental preparation! Oh, and the book! We should put away our books and bags.”

“Got it.”

Abel nodded in agreement with Ryo’s observation.

“For now, the two of you should stay in the captain’s quarters at the stern. There are doors and windows there, so you can observe the situation.”


“Let’s store the book in the captain’s room, frozen.”

Once again, the crew member atop the mast shouted.

“The flag has been confirmed! It’s from Bor!”

Captain Gorick nodded.

“Bor is one of the archipelago nations. And that ship, as expected, is a large broad-hulled vessel from the archipelago. In terms of size and crew, it’s about the same as the Lone Dark. Among the ships of the archipelago nations, it’s one of the largest. For a ship like that to be conducting inspections over such a wide area… Something must be going on.”

“I understand. We’ll head to the captain’s quarters.”

Abel replied, and Ryo bowed in agreement.

As the two were about to enter the captain’s cabin, a shout came from the lookout on the mast for the third time.

“Captain! A storm is coming!”

“What did you say?”

Captain Gorick responded, his tone full of suspicion.

Ryo and Abel exchanged glances, quickly froze their books and bags, placed them in the captain’s cabin, and returned to the deck.

Captain Gorick was looking into the distance through his telescope.

“Indeed, it looks like the clouds are swirling up from the sea… A storm in this area? Could that happen? Storms like this are more common further north…”

After a silent moment of scanning through the telescope, Captain Gorick muttered.

“That storm… something’s not right.”

The moment those words were heard, Abel saw it.

A glimmer in Ryo’s eyes.

Of course, it could have just been a trick of the light… but to Abel, it felt like confirmation.

“Ryo, you’re thinking of something mischievous again, aren’t you?”

“W-what are you talking about, Abel? You’ve got it all wrong.”

Ryo was flustered by Abel’s sudden accusation.

“Oh, so it’s just my imagination then?”

“Yes, exactly. It’s your imagination, Abel.”

“…So, what were you really thinking?”


Abel’s relentless questioning left Ryo cornered.

Ryo looked away, trying to whistle nonchalantly—only to fail.

Because he couldn’t whistle in the first place.


“Well, um… it was just a fleeting thought…”

“Yeah, and what was that fleeting thought about?”

Abel pressed, and Ryo finally gave in.

In a small voice, Ryo began.

“You remember, right? That old lady from Sera’s village talked about the floating continent… About how it’s surrounded by clouds and can’t be seen from the outside.”

“Yeah, I remember. So, you’re thinking that might be it?”


“But even so… doesn’t it seem too low?”

“Ugh… maybe… but what if it flies lower when it’s over the sea? “

Neither Abel nor Ryo had any real knowledge about the Floating Continent.

Just then, another shout came from the lookout.

“There’s something in that storm!”

Ryo and Abel exchanged a glance.

“No way…”

“The Floating Continent?”

Captain Gorick, who had been frowning while peering through his telescope, briefly lowered it and murmured.

“That storm is definitely picking up speed.”

At that moment, a woman approached and reported.

“Captain, all crew members are ready for combat.”

This was Lena, the first officer of the Lone Dark.

The second-in-command on the ship.

Lena was more accurately described as beautiful rather than cute, with her striking black hair.

Abel had once muttered while watching her walk.

“She’s… strong.”

Ryo had nodded in agreement, adding:

“She can use magic.”

Hearing this, Abel had widened his eyes in surprise.

“Is she the strongest person on this ship?”

“She might be. Best not to get on her bad side.”

Abel had whispered cautiously, and Ryo had agreed.

Of course, Ryo had already taken action to win her favor.

He had provided both Lena and the ship’s cook with ice baths.

Not cold baths. Actual tubs made of ice.

Filled with hot water.

Both women had been thrilled, something Ryo remembered well.

His strategy of winning over powerful allies was working perfectly!

“Ryo, you really are thoughtful about these things, huh?”

“Naturally. I help the strong and help the weak. Making everyone my ally is the best approach!”

It seemed that was Ryo’s way of navigating life…

Captain Gorick nodded in response to Lena’s report.

And asked.

“Lena, what do you make of that storm?”

Lena looked through her telescope at the storm.

After about ten seconds, she spoke.

“First of all, that’s not a normal storm. It’s more like… a monster covered in clouds and mist.”

“Hmm. A monster? But I’ve never heard of such a creature on the seas.”

“Neither have I. But… it seems like it’s chasing that large ship from Bor.”

“I thought the same. If you see it that way too, then we’re not mistaken. The large ship is fleeing. And it’s being pursued.”

The lookout shouted down again.

“The large ship is signaling with flags: R-U-N. The message is ‘Run!’ ”

Finally, the large ship from Bor had noticed the Lone Dark and was signaling them with flags.

“The storm is speeding up.”

Lena reported calmly, continuing her observation.

And then, finally…

“Something’s emerging from the mist.”

“What is…that?”

Ryo muttered, and Abel was left speechless.

Out of the mist, it appeared.

“That’s one massive ship…”

Captain Gorick remarked, and Ryo and Abel both nodded.

What appeared was an enormous sailing ship.

It had three masts, but its sails were tattered and torn.

Just by looking at it, it was clear this was no ordinary ship.

“It’s a ghost ship.”

Lena stated.


“No way…”

Abel and Ryo were both stunned…but their emotions differed.

Abel was purely shocked, while Ryo had moved beyond excitement to reverence.

“Even I’ve never encountered a ghost ship before. What about you, Lena?”

“No, this is my first time as well. But it’s an exact match for the descriptions of the ‘Ghost Ship Luri’ from legend.”

“The ‘Ghost Ship Luri’…you can’t be serious…”

Lena and Captain Gorick both grimaced.

“It’s gaining on us…”

“And it’s huge and fast.”

Neither Ryo nor Abel could take their eyes off the ghost ship.

The ghost ship rammed into the stern of Bor’s large vessel.

Simultaneously, multiple ropes were launched toward the ship.

“They’re preparing to board!”

“They’ll take the crew back to their ship and make them work… forever.”

Lena added, quoting from the old legend, confirming Captain Gorick’s grim suspicions.

“Damn it! I can’t just stand by and watch this happen!”

Captain Gorick shouted sharply, his voice small but piercing.

However, he quickly regained his composure.

The Lone Dark was a warship. Carrying an incredibly important mission.

An order that was, in effect, a royal command.

They had to ensure the safe delivery of their guests to the Free City of Kwebasa.

Captain Gorick said nothing.

He didn’t even glance in the direction of Ryo and Abel.

Yet, for those who understood, the unspoken tension was clear.

“Captain, don’t worry about me or Ryo.”


“I don’t know much about the sea or the politics of the eastern nations. But I do know that in situations like this… there’s a protocol to follow when another ship is in trouble, right?”

“In the absence of war, it’s customary for sailors to assist one another, regardless of nationality. However…”

Of course, this custom didn’t exactly cover ships being attacked by ghost ships.

It wasn’t in the rulebook. Still, ignoring a ship in distress was something no sailor could live with.

Yet… the enemy was a ghost ship, an entity out of legend.

If they tried to help, there was no guarantee their ship and crew would come out unscathed.

Worse still, if anything happened to the guests they were transporting…

Was it worth taking that risk, facing such dangers to help a ship of strangers?

“Captain, you’re sailors, aren’t you?”

Abel’s simple remark struck Captain Gorick like a bolt of lightning.

His body trembled, as if jolted by an electric current.

Then, with resolve, he raised his head.

And issued his command.

“Full speed ahead! All crew, prepare for boarding combat! We’re going to help the sailors on that ship!”

“Aye, sir! “

The crew of the Lone Dark responded with a shout.

They had wanted to help too.

As fellow sailors.

They couldn’t just stand by and watch as those on the other ship were taken away by the ghost ship.

“If it comes to boarding combat, honestly, we can’t predict what will happen. We may not be able to protect you both…”

“Don’t worry. Ryo and I can take care of ourselves. Captain, just focus on doing what sailors do best.”

Abel said with a grin.

Beside him, Ryo nodded in agreement.

“Thank you.”

Captain Gorick said, bowing deeply.

And so, the mission to confront the Ghost Ship Luri and rescue the crew of the large Bor ship began.

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