Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

Chapter 842 842, A Waste Of Scrolls?

“What’s That Sound?”In the singular warehouse building, there were still players in the Eagle Group who did not have PK points and had yet to leave. Suddenly, they heard a loud sound from the wall of the building, and the skin of the wall began to drop dust. Shocked, they quickly asked each other.

“Could thousand miles drunk have broken our wall?”Someone wondered.

“Impossible!”Forever was not a fantasist. He walked to the place where the sound of the wall was coming from and stuck his ear close to the wall to listen.

“F * ck your ancestors! ! ! ! !”Forever was shocked to hear such a curse. Forever flew into a rage when he was scolded for no reason and kicked the wall. “Who is it! ! !”

A lot of people came forward and stuck their ears close to the wall to listen. The curse was still there, but someone finally recognized it. “It seems to be eighteen’s voice.”

Eighteen touch was hanging upside down on the wall, and he had just pounced on the wall. It was normal for his voice to be a little out of shape now, but he really didn’t recognize it when he heard the curses for the first time.

“What’s going on?”A group of people were surprised, but they didn’t continue to hide in the room. They rushed out of the room to check. When they looked up, they indeed saw eighteen touch hanging upside down in the middle of the building with one leg tied up. It was Dugu.., helpless, but he was still quite spirited. He was cursing at the top of his lungs, as if he was singing a folk song.

Gu Fei was also peering out to take a look when he saw the group of eagles appear on the street. He waved his hand at the group of people and asked, “Which city is this? Who Knows?”

Of course, the group of people ignored him and kept shouting at eighteen touch, “Idiot! Teleport!”

Eighteen touch was probably stunned by the sudden attack and did not think of this move. His hand was not tied up. Thus, he hurriedly fished out a scroll from his pockets. Just as he opened it, a bolt of lightning descended from the sky and struck him. If eighteen touch had been able to dodge such a quick attack under such circumstances, he would not have ended up in such a sorry state.

After interrupting eighteen touch’s teleportation scroll, Gu Fei turned to forever on the street and said with a smile, “Don’t shout so loudly!”

Forever was so angry that his fingers had turned white. He could only use eighteen gropes’death as a prison to seek relief.

Teleportation scrolls could also be considered as skill scrolls. Skill scrolls were similar to skill scrolls and had a cooldown. Once they were interrupted, they could not be used during the cooldown period. However, scrolls also had the advantage of having their own cooldown periods. Since this scroll was interrupted when it was being used, he could just change it to another one. Eighteen groped her pockets for more than one teleportation scroll and immediately switched to another one, preparing to use it. She thought to herself that Gu Fei’s lightning spell would not be good this time, and since his other spells were so slow, there was no way he would be able to interrupt it in time.

Eighteen groped her way through her wishful thinking. Just as the scroll was being rolled out and being used, she suddenly felt a blow to her head, and the scroll immediately turned into a CD. The item that hit him also bounced off the side, so eighteen hands did not even know what it was. Raising his head to look up, Gu Fei casually lifted a few bricks from the rooftop and smacked eighteen hands. Eighteen hands was in extreme pain, and the Eagle Gang players on the streets were also cursing in indignation, thinking that PK was PK, however, Gu Fei’s current method was inhuman and unkind, and he deserved to be struck by lightning.

Gu Fei threw another brick down as he explained to everyone helplessly, “There’s nothing I can do about it. My spells are slow! It’s not as fast as throwing things. I guarantee that I’ll use lightning when the Cooldown for lightning is over, Alright?”

Everyone vomited blood. Eighteen hands hung upside down for a long time, his face turning red as he screamed, “If you want to die, then give me a quick death!”

“What a Hero!”Gu Fei praised him as he nodded his head, “The skill is here.”With that said, he cast lightning once more.

Eighteen grope did not die even after being struck by lightning. Gu Fei was shocked as well, “He’s still not dead? As expected of an expert. How did he last so long? !”

The members of Eagle’s party were also coming up with random ideas. Some of them asked eighteen grope to bend over and cut the rope himself. Eighteen grope was so angry that he cursed in the channel, “You try bending over!”

It was obvious that this bend was quite demanding. Eighteen touch was just an ordinary person. He did not have the flexibility nor the strength of a waist and abdomen. Forever was indeed worthy of being the leader of Eagle Group. Now that he had thought of a way, he just needed to find someone to shoot the rope? In the end, when he looked around, he saw that there were only two archers in Group One and two, one kite and flowing mist. However, these two people had PK value, so they had teleported away to wash their PK points. However, this group of people had a few teleportation scrolls on them. Especially since they had fought for their boss, another person had distributed quite a number of scrolls. Of course, there were also scrolls with coordinates here. Once the news was out, one kite immediately turned around and came out of the building. Seeing the situation, he drew his bow and shot without saying a word.

“Eighteen, don’t sway! !”One kite shouted. Shooting a broken rope was considered to be an extraordinary archery skill in many descriptions, but the game had been modified by the system. One kite was a player who had played with the bow for such a long time, so it would not be a problem for him to shoot a fixed target, even if it was a rope, moreover, this place was not too far away.

One kite’s posture was unrestrained, and his bow was drawn like a full moon. He had the expression of a savior. On the other hand, Gu Fei’s lightning skill was good, and he struck eighteen once more, yet eighteen still did not die. Gu Fei, who had never cared about the game’s stats, could not help but ask, “How did you add the points?”

Eighteen touch gritted his teeth and did not answer. Gu Fei, on the other hand, had also noticed what eighteen touch was doing and guessed his intentions. He quickly grabbed the rope and tried to sway it. Eighteen touch resisted, using both hands and feet to create friction on the wall in an attempt to stabilize it. The rope tightened. Gu Fei tried his best, but in the end, he was unable to sway it any better. A kite-like arrow had already flown out, and its sound was hurried. It was still using the high-powered skill snipe.

This arrow accurately pierced through the rope. Eighteen hands felt his body relax, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. Just as he was about to fall to the ground, a feeling of electric shock suddenly swept through his entire body. Eighteen hands turned his head to take a look, he and all the other Eagle Legion players on the street cursed in unison, “F * ck!”

Thousand Miles drunk was simply too despicable. Just as eighteen touch was about to fall, he actually used a wall of electricity to connect eighteen touch to the air.

The curses were heard again, but Gu Fei remained unmoved. A kite angrily shot an arrow at him, but Gu Fei casually sent the arrow flying with a slap.

“You should be dead by now, right?”Gu Fei asked eighteen touch.

“You wish!”Eighteen hands was truly an unkillable cockroach.

The people below Eagle’s mass were really anxious to death. There were some in the priest formation, but eighteen hands was outside the skill’s range where there was an angle. Once he was inside the skill’s range, he could no longer see eighteen hands.

“Thousand miles drunk, give me a quick one. What’s the meaning of this!”Forever said in a deep voice.

“Alright, Alright. The last two times.”Gu Fei raised his hand and cast another lightning spell.

Eighteen Grope was still not dead, but this lightning spell and the fact that Gu Fei had said “The second time”made him look terrified. He looked at Gu Fei and cried out, “How did you know?”

Gu Fei laughed, “Appraisal!”

“Impossible!”Eighteen grope flatly denied it because he knew very well that the HP recovery equipment he was wearing was of a higher grade than his current appraisal skill.

However, when eternity heard their conversation on the street, he was suddenly enlightened. “100% appraisal! !”

“What?”Everyone was puzzled.

“His windchaser emblem also has a 100% appraisal function on the wanted target.”When eternity appraised it previously, he obviously saw the windchaser emblem’s function, but he paid more attention to the last random teleportation, he thought the other functions were meaningless.

“Eighteen, what’s the situation?”Eternity asked privately in the channel.

“This guy, his attacks completely calculated my HP and recovery. “His electric wall has continuous damage, and it has a certain amount of offset to my hp recovery. “Then he just said that he still needs to use lightning twice, which is just right...”eighteen touched said.

“It’s okay, he’ll be in jail if he kills you,”forever comforted.

“No... If I’m not wrong, his next lightning spell will be left at the end. After that, my life will be left with a bottom. Then, if I Fall, I’m afraid I’ll fall to my death...”eighteen touch said.

Forever was stunned. If they fell to their deaths, this kind of natural death was not considered a PK. Under some special conditions, the eagle group would sometimes make such a cheap move, so they were very clear about the system’s judgment in this regard, they did not expect their opponent to play such a trick on them this time.

Of course, the others had also seen the conversation between the two in the channel, but they were all at a loss. The cooldown of thousand miles drunk lightning had long passed, and as expected, he was not in a hurry to use it. He smiled and stood at the head of the room. A few more arrows flew like a crazy kite, but none of them had any effect. The others, whether they were archers or not, tried to find ways to do long-range attacks, but it was to no avail.

The instant the wall of electric current disappeared, just as eighteen touch had predicted, a bolt of lightning accurately struck his head. Eighteen touch took a look at his HP. It was indeed only a layer of HP, and he was still half a floor away from the ground, so the damage was certain.

Eighteen Touch glared hatefully at thousand miles drunk before he fell straight down. A loud bang rang out from the roof, and a white streak of light flew up amidst the dust. Gu Fei flipped through the quest and saw that eighteen fingers was still there. He knew that this death had not been attributed to him, so he naturally had to suffer the penalty of losing a level.

Gu Fei turned around and stood in the direction of the street. He faced the fury of the eagle gang and asked, “Who’s next?”

Someone from the Eagle Gang was about to charge forward, but they were stopped by forever. Staring at Gu Fei, who was on the roof, he coldly said, “Thousand miles drunk, this matter won’t end so easily.”

“I know,”gu fei said, “But it’s best for everyone to hurry up. Playing games for a long time isn’t good for your health.”

“F * ck you!”Eternity lost his composure and swore. Loyal MMO players hated this type of lecture the most.

“You have no choice but to admit it! Look at all of you, your heads are heavy, your legs are light, and your legs are weak. You have to pay attention to your bodies!”Gu Fei said.

Under Eternity’s lead, the Eagle Group gave Gu Fei a middle finger and turned around to leave. However, they did not expect Gu Fei to flip over and jump down from the platform. Everyone thought that he had committed suicide, but they did not expect him to use blink when he was about to fall to the ground. He landed very skillfully.

The moment he landed, he was not far away from them. Gu Fei said calmly, “Where are you guys going? All of you don’t have PK value. I’m still here. Do you guys want to leave?”

Eternity’s heart pounded wildly. He looked around him and saw that there were only seven players in total, including the kite that had temporarily returned. As for the six players who did not PK, other than eternity, there were only heavy warriors, two priests, a paladin, and a berserker.

These seven players would never be afraid when facing a normal opponent, but when facing thousand miles drunk, he immediately felt that this combination was riddled with holes. These two priests and a paladin were complete support. They would not block the attacks of others who were usually hit instead of hitting them. Forever being a dark paladin who had already cast the curse, according to the game’s settings, he had completely fallen into the darkness, he could not accept the support of a radiant priest, and the Paladin’s holy heal was not only not a heal for him, but also a damage skill. Without assistance, the battle with thousand miles drunk would immediately remind him of the layer of HP he had just lost... in that case, there was only kite and berserker Ming Yue left.

Ming Yue was ranked 27th on the warrior leaderboard. He was currently the only person in Hawk Regiment who was not ranked 20 on the leaderboard. Although this did not mean that his strength was the weakest among Hawk Regiment, he would never have the confidence to rely on him to block thousand miles drunk.

“I’ll hold him off. You Guys Go First!”Kite did not let eternity down as he bravely stepped forward. Eternity immediately cast an agility curse on Gu Fei. Gu Fei saw him raise his hand and immediately dodged to the side, causing everyone to be astonished. This guy actually wanted to dodge the curse. is his brain damaged? Eternity was quite nervous. He thought that Gu Fei would be able to dodge the curse, which was supposed to be a skill that could only be countered by resistance, but when he saw that Gu Fei had already hit the target, he heaved a sigh of relief. Gu Fei fully understood that this skill was similar to a priest’s healing spell; it was impossible to dodge it by relying on physical evasion. Otherwise, Gu Fei would not have been afraid of falling’s healing spell back then.

With two arrows flying at him, even though Gu Fei was cursed by agility, it was not difficult for him to dodge these attacks. He did not move his feet, but when he saw the trajectory of the arrows, he dodged left and right. As for the four men, they did not have the speed to block the attacks of two priests to a paladin. Gu Fei was also faster than them when he was cursed, so he immediately rushed toward them.

Without blocking, he used his specialty of being able to take hits and raised his shield to meet them. Gu Fei had plenty of combat experience, so he knew that it would be very difficult for a heavy-armored warrior to kill a person with a series of high-level skills. With the support of two priests and a paladin, he would not be able to take him down for the time being. Thus, he chose not to block or fight, wanting to chase after eternity. However, eternity knew that he would not receive any support right now, so he did not confront Gu Fei head-on either. Instead, he turned around and ran.

Gu Fei knew that he would not be able to match eternity’s speed after being cursed, so chasing after eternity was just a feint. Middle Path had already changed his target, and he shot an arrow at the paladin. The paladin’s name was ye Xifeng. He was ranked ninth on the knight rankings and was not low, but he was considered a more disciplined person among the Eagle Legion. He did not have any special skills on him, but the proficiency of each blessing skill was quite high. At this moment, he had already given everyone a mental blessing that added spell defense. With the strong support of the two radiant priests, he was not afraid of thousand miles drunk, so he raised his sword to meet him head-on.

Gu Fei swung his sword down, easily dodging ye Xifeng’s parry. None of them dared to be careless in the face of thousand miles drunk’s attacks, and all of them cast healing spells and whatnot. Who would have thought that... , gu Fei turned around at this moment. After taking a diagonal step forward, his sword finally landed on the Berserker, Ming Yue, who had rushed forward to save them.

One kite was extremely anxious at this moment. Relying on his PK value, he did not lose his level even if he died, so he tried his best to cover for everyone. He did not expect thousand miles drunk to dodge his attack so easily and pretend that he was not there. Seeing that his sword was about to land on Ming Yue, he used one kite to shoot an arrow, but it still did not help him in the slightest.

The sword steadily struck the target, and naturally, twin incineration was also cast the instant it struck. As for turning around, Gu Fei did not use twin incineration anymore. After being cursed by agility, he would not be able to use this move if he had to rely on the soles of his feet.

The two priests and the paladin were in a hurry to save Ming Yue, yet all three of them had just cast their heals on ye Xifeng and were unable to use it while it was on Cooldown.

How treacherous! ! ! Only then did everyone realize the purpose of thousand miles drunk faking so many attacks, and they could not help but look down on him. Meanwhile, Gu Fei’s lightning palm had already struck Ming Yue’s body, sending him flying with a single palm strike. Meanwhile, Gu Fei’s men were like arrows as they chased after him in the direction he had been sent flying. When everyone saw this, they realized that Ming Yue had even left their recovery range after being repelled, so they hurriedly tried to close the distance between them. But how could they be faster than Gu Fei? Gu Fei chased after Ming Yue while casting a lightning spell on Ming Yue’s head.

It was no longer possible for him to avoid the spell forever. He could only charge out from the side to stop Gu Fei. Dusky Cloud, who had been cursed by agility, was now at a disadvantage in a one-on-one fight against forever, but Gu Fei’s skill was not on the same level as dusky cloud’s. Forever was struck by multiple swords the moment he stepped into the range. Although the damage he received was not high, it still made him shudder in fear. However, he managed to seize the moment by blocking the attack. As soon as the three men stepped into the skill’s range, the skill’s cooldown was over as well, and they immediately gave Ming Yue a helping hand.

Eternal heaved a sigh of relief as he tried to retreat. His retreat was rather shameless. Even though Gu Fei’s twin incineration was about to land on him, he knew that he would not die even if this skill hit him, so he simply ignored it and turned around to run to the side, allowing the sword to land on his back. Gu Fei was also helpless. His opponent would naturally act like this after knowing that the sword was not fatal, which made him feel helpless.

At this moment, the doors of the warehouse were wide open, and the players from Eagle’s party filed out one after another. Eternal had long since informed them that thousand miles drunk had gone down the street, allowing them to turn the situation around and kill him. As for covering up and retreating, they were actually putting on an act. Eternity had long since realized that thousand miles drunk was also avoiding a direct confrontation with his team. Furthermore, eternity had sharp eyes and could see the root of the problem. It was because of thousand miles drunk’s series of powerful skills, being unable to insta-kill a high-end player with such powerful equipment was quite fatal.

“Thousand miles drunk, let’s see where you can run to this time!”One kite was in high spirits.

“What are you talking about?”Gu Fei glanced at the kite in confusion, then pointed to the roof. The instant mover had already gone up.

“DAMN! !”The eagle group shouted in unison, a kite face collapse: “You do this to have what meaning?”

“Wasting your scrolls?”Gu Fei asked.

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I heard that there will be double monthly votes at the end of the month. I don’t know if it’s true or false. If you’re happy, feel free to vote at once. If you like to vote until the end of the month, I strongly support you at this moment! (to be continued, please visit www.qidian. Com for more chapters

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