Villain: The Play of Destiny

Chapter 435

Chapter 435

"Grandpa! You are still awake?" Feifei excitedly picked up the call and asked, but giggled at the brief silence from the other end.

"You had an accident today." Wei Sheng seriously said, and it was not a question.

"Yes." She brightly smirked at Rouxi, who was watching her talking with her grandfather. "I am fine though."

"Are you?" Even though his voice was as deep as ever, she could still discern his concern for her.

"I promise!" She answered and then smiled. "You should not be up so late at night."

"And you should not be driving recklessly." He admonished her.

"It was not my fault! That guy lost control of his car and crashed into me." She defended herself but smiled as she heard her grandfather sigh at the other end.

"Just be more careful, okay?" He helplessly asked.

"I will." And she happily giggled but then remembered that she was supposed to be mad at him. "Wait, I am still mad at you!" She declared, and pouted when she heard the old man laugh at the other end.

"I have sent people to look into the matter. If anyone has deliberately tried to harm you, they will pay the price."

"It was an accident, Grandpa." This time, it was she who was a little helpless. "You don't have to do it."

"We can't be sure, Young Lady. We have a lot of enemies. Which is why I keep asking you to always be careful."

"I know! But this really was an accident. Even Keith said so." She deliberately gave out the information and perked up her ears to hear what her Grandfather would say next.

"He might only be a few years older than you, but you should address him with respect, Girl."

"Hmph! He is my boyfriend now, so I can call him by his name."


She heard her grandfather lose composure for the first time in her life, and she enjoyed every moment of it.

"Why? Is there anything wrong?" She teasingly asked, and what followed was a minute-long stunned silence.

Even Rouxi was staring at her with a baffled look on her face, and it was quite a cute look.

"No matter what you have to say about it, I don't care. He is my boyfriend now. And I am not joking with you." She seriously said and waited for her grandfather to speak again.

"You convinced him to help you evade the marriage talks, didn't you?" Wei Sheng's guess was right on the mark, but Feifei was not in the least flustered about it.

"I might have, but he tricked me into agreeing to become his for the rest of his life. It sounds fun!"

Rouxi looked at her friend in dismay, and she really thought that the accident had caused her some brain damage. However, she did not say anything and allowed Feifei to finish the call before she confronted her.


"Hehe..." Feifei could sense the helplessness in her grandfather's voice. "You are scared of him, aren't you?" She meaningfully asked and heard her grandfather sigh at her words.

"You should be scared of him too, Young Lady. He is not an existence that the likes of us can stand up against."

"Why? Because he is some sort of God?" She rolled her eyes and asked, and Wei Sheng sharply inhaled at her words.

"He told you?"

"What?" She feigned innocence, having already gotten her answer.

Her grandfather was really aware of Keith's identity. Now she just had to find a way to make her grandfather give her the details.

"You don't believe that do you? He is just a strong Auror, but he has a serious God Complex." She laughed, and the silence that followed only made her laugh some more.

"You will be my doom. Why do you have to give your Grandfather so much to worry about?" Wei Sheng sighed again and then took a deep breath. "Answer me honestly, girl. Did you misbehave around him?"

"Hey..." She frowned.

"Feifei." Her grandfather called her out by her name, there was no room for joking around now.

"No, I did not."

"You convinced him to act as your boyfriend?" He asked the next question, and she rolled her eyes at it.

"Yes. He agreed to it, but only if I became his girlfriend for real." She lied, but was it really a lie?

"And you agreed to that?" Wei Sheng found it hard to believe that his granddaughter would do it.

Reckless as she was, and wilful as well, she was still not a dumb girl who would fall for a boy's charms.

"Yes." She answered.

"Why?" He immediately asked.

"He kissed me, so now he has to take responsibility for me." She revealed, and Rouxi's mouth dropped open at those words.

Feifei laughed as she could sense that her grandfather was on the verge of crying on the other end, and to her dismay he just ended the call after saying his next words.

"I will talk to Master Keith."

"Hey..." Feifei tried to stop him but the call was dropped, and then she pouted if she should call him back to stop him. But then she just shrugged and giggled mischievously before putting the phone aside and continuing to do what she was doing before she received the call.

Rouxi watched her friend set up the canvas, and then Feifei simply immersed herself in drawing a rough sketch of a butterfly on it.

She wanted to ask her questions, but she still kept quiet, not disturbing Feifei, and when her friend was finally done with the sketch, she stepped aside and turned to look at her with a bright smile.

"How's it?" She asked, pointing to the butterfly that she had drawn on the canvas.

"Pretty," Rouxi smirked and honestly admitted, not in the least surprised at how talented her friend was.

"I will start to work on it tomorrow," Feifei told her and then looked at her drawing and nodded contently. "Come, let's sleep." She walked over and grabbed Rouxi's hand, squeezing it assuringly, and her friend silently followed her to their room.

The two of them got changed as per their routine and then climbed into their bed.

"You are not going to take it off?"

Feifei paused at her friend's question and then looked at the pendant she was wearing on her neck.

"No, it's fine." She shook her head and then raised her eyes to meet her.

"He gave it to you?" Rouxi knowingly asked, and Feifie honestly nodded her head before she smiled.

"It is pretty, isn't it?" She asked showing her the pendant, and smiled even more brightly when Rouxi nodded her head.

"It is pretty." She said and then looked into her friend's eyes, waiting for her to come clean.

"Would you believe me if I told you that it is a very special pendant?" Feifei asked, and though her words made her friend frown, she eventually nodded her head.

"I will."

"It is a magical pendant, and this is what saved me today." She revealed and watched Rouxi frown some more as she looked at the pendant. "Keith gave it to me before the final race. And he let me keep it."

"He kissed you?" Rouxi asked, looking into her friend's eyes, and raised her brow when Feifei pouted but nodded her head. "Forced you?" She seriously asked and was quite relieved in her heart when Feifei immediately shook her head.

"He would not harm me, did not I tell you that?" She smiled. "And I think I like him."

"You think?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I like him." Feifei confidently nodded her head and sighed at the worry on her friend's face. "Rou."

"Yes?" Her friend met her eyes.

"Trust me on this one, please." She lightly smiled. "He won't harm me or you. I know it."

Rouxi again frowned at her words, but seeing the clarity in Feifei's eyes, and the seriousness in them, she eventually nodded her head.

"Don't rush into things." She advised, and her words made Feifei laugh.

"Don't worry." Feifei reached forward and hugged her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Oh, and I know that you like him too. I don't mind sharing him with you." She teasingly said, and Rouxi pushed her away.

"Behave!" She admonished, but could not help her smile as she watched Feifei heartily laugh at her reaction.

It was clear that her friend was messing with her, but Rouxi could not help but feel a little restless in her heart.

"So, how was your evening with Qingyue?" Feifei curiously asked.

"She's nice." Rouxi smiled. "We talked about Business, Calligraphy, and even Cultivation. She's quite strong."

"Of course, she is." Her friend rolled her eyes as if it was something obvious. "How did you find out?"

"Keith has a Shadow, her name is Yingying, and she was sparring against a girl named Ayesha. Ayesha is Qingyue's secretary and Keith's lover." She informed her and gauged her expressions, but did not find any real irritation. "Qingyue and I watched them spar."

"They are strong too, aren't they?"

"Yes." She nodded her head.

"Did you ask what Realm they were in?"

"Of course, not." Rouxi shook her head.

It was considered quite rude to ask something like this as most people tended to keep quiet about their Cultivation. At least, in the outside world.

Though she had never met her relatives, Rouxi knew that she hailed from the Qin Family, and her father had taught her a lot of things about the culture of Aurors in their country.

"I will ask them tomorrow." Feifei grinned, and her friend sighed at her words. "You are coming, right?"

"Archery?" Rouxi nodded her head. "Qingyue told me about it. I will go with you."

"You better not lose against her!" She merrily laughed and then got ready to sleep. "Good night, Rou!"

"Good night." Rouxi smiled at her and then laid down as well.

Despite all the thoughts running through her mind, the sleep came to her naturally, and within minutes, she was fast asleep.

Feifei, on the other hand, had a silly smile on her face as she recalled everything that happened during the last day, and she spent quite some time lost in the memory of her first kiss.

It wasn't anything like she had imagined, but it was still perfect, and she could not help but yearn for his lips and taste again. Eventually, she did manage to find sleep too, and even in her dreams, she found him with her.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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