Villain of my own novel

Chapter 233 232. Troublesome Things.

"Hahahahahahahhahahahaha!!!!!!" Louie's first ever ominous laughter reverberated throughout the area, and the goddamn mosquitoes in front of him shuddered in fear.

"You!" A cold voice resounded in response to Louie's laughter, but Louie, who wasn't in his right state of mind, ignored it and dashed at the nearest mosquito.

The strange thing that Louie observed was the fact that he was sane, but he wasn't at the same time. He could think straight but couldn't control his actions; this was the first time something like this had ever happened to him.

His berserker state had always been another him, one who was filled with undying rage, but now he felt like he had become one with his berserker state.

Anyway, the matter at hand was far more serious, so he didn't bother to think anymore and gave into his instincts. He pounced on the nearest mosquito, grabbed his head, and slammed it to the ground.



Unsurprisingly, the mosquito's head exploded into pieces, and though the sight shocked the other mosquitoes, they soon glared at Louie and rushed towards him with a nonchalant smile on their faces.

Louie planted his left foot in the ground, took a martial art stance, and punched at the heads of the mosquitoes that rushed at him, and without fail, the mosquitoes' heads exploded on impact.

Louie jumped in the air and kicked the headless bodies of the mosquitoes that were still rushing at him while slowly regenerating. Soon, half of their heads regenerated and they still had a smile on their faces, and since Louie knew about how vampires fight, he didn't think much about it and began to use his mana, and now his punches had turned far more terrifying; with each of the punches that connected, the vampires' bodies exploded, but this time they didn't regenerate.


(AN: Omniscient POV)

An hour later.

"Huff....huff.....huff...." Louie was tired from fighting for an hour straight; he had almost depleted all of his mana; he was so mentally and physically tired that it wouldn't be strange if he fell unconscious right then and there; but his rage had yet to die down, even slightly.

Hundreds of blood lumps were seen sprawled out on the ground; almost the entirety of the street had turned bloody; Alair's and his mother's bodies were dried up completely; and even the few humans in the surrounding buildings had died because of the vampires, who dragged them out of their homes and fed on them while fighting Louie.

And now in front of him was a single vampire with an uninterested look on his face. He was almost 7 feet tall, with a bulky build and dark crimson-red hair and eyes. As he stared at Louie in front of him, his killing intent stayed as fierce from the start till the end as it had been in the beginning.

"I am a Rook." Rook introduced himself and stood with his arms crossed. What he just said to introduce himself was both his name and his rank in the graveyard.

Due to the orders of his majesty Azazel, he had brought 176 vampires, who were his subordinates; he brought them all with him, but all of them were dead by the hands of the man in front of him. At the gruesome deaths of his subordinates, Rook was just...


Even amid his huffs, Louie was standing tall while glaring at the man who called himself Rook. Rook suddenly frowned, and Louie tensed up, reading himself for what was to come. Rook fiercely raised his arm close to his mouth and...


"Hyyyaaammm~ mmm." Though unintentionally, his actions seemed to have provoked Louie, whose glare intensified and rushed towards Rook with all of his mana concentrated on his fists.

BAM (7x)

He soon appeared in front of Rook and punched at him, his punches shooting out at him as if they were from a Gatling gun. And up on impact, his fists produced some sort white sparks that covered Louie's field of vision, together with a thick circle shaped wind pressures were shot out, behind Rook's back and sides.

And even while taking all of these terrifying punches, Rook didn't even dodge, as if he were already dead, but even then Louie didn't stop his gatling, because his rage had yet to subside, even though he had killed all those vampires.

After a while, every drop of his mana reservoir had run out, and he was forced to stop moving. He slowed down gradually and halted, while staring at the white sparks on Rook's body with hazy vision.

"You done?" A hoarse voice sounded from the figure, which was blanketed in white sparks, and even though Louie didn't have even an ounce of strength to display any emotions, his eyes slightly opened wide in shock.

'I guess he is ranked "Rook" for a reason....' Louie thought inwardly.

'...f**k...' He cursed inwardly and lost consciousness.


"...." Rook gazed at Louie with a expressionless look on his face.

Even though they said that Louie was the target, Rook knew better, and he knew that the real target of this mission was White Swan, who was supposedly in the spawning grounds right now.

'I heard that the time difference between the spawning grounds and the outside is 3:1.... Will he be out after two more days from now on?' Rook thought. Even though he didn't show any other emotions on his face, there was this certain madness that drove him, and it was his madness to grow stronger, which was also the only reason he had become a vampire, because he could fight against the strong, even though the methods were very different from just fighting, and he wasn't much bothered by it as the killing intent of his opponents would thrill him.

'Will the White Swan be stronger?' Rook questioned inwardly, but looking at how "weak" his companion was, he didn't have much hope and was beginning to get more and more disappointed as he couldn't fight anyone strong.

'Maybe I should begin to "hunt" those in the graveyard.' He thought and remembered how strong Azazel's aura was, which his body unconsciously oozed, and grinned savagely as his eyes arched and his madness took over while his killing intent, which was 10 times stronger than Louie's, oozed out of Rook.


He instantly appeared in front of the unconscious Louie, kicked his abdomen, forcing his body to jump mid-air, Louie unconsciously coughed out a mouthful of blood and when he was four feet above ground, Rook zoomed towards him and punched at Louie's head.


Louie's body slammed to the ground loudly, and a massive crater appeared beneath his flopped body. Louie's head, face, broken elbows, and knees were bleeding profusely. Rook sighed deeply and controlled his excitement before picking up Louie like a wet rag and carrying Louie's broken body on his right shoulder.

"With this, I have cleared my mission...." Rook mumbled under his breath and disappeared with Louie on his shoulder.


While the trouble some things were happening with the Uncharted.

An average-looking man sat in the corner of a 20-foot-long, semi-furnished room with a lost look on his glum face. He had buried his head in his knees, which were hugged at the same time.

It has been quite a few days since he drowned himself in depression. He was having a hard time holding himself sane as he had started to doubt everything, even his entire life, which he had a clear memory of living.

The room was completely dark, so dark that even the man's figure might not be visible if not entirely focused on finding him. But the man himself wasn't bothered much by that fact, as he thought that only his problems were more burdensome than the others.

He had been theorising about the entire world just to accept the simple fact that he too was created by somebody who had nothing else to do. And soon another ominously fanatic laugh resounded in the room, which definitely wasn't the first time it had happened.

"Haha, ha, hahaha, of, of course, of course, everybody was created by God, and Eshwar is also a God, so it isn't that much of a shock, because all living "things" were made by gods. Right...haha, hahaha, ha." Jiwoo laughed out fanatically, trying to convince himself for the umpteenth time of the fact that he too was living and was very much alive, though the state he was in right now couldn't be called living.

He slowly raised his head and stared at the ceiling with hollow eyes that had lost all of their glint of life, and at the state he was in, he would have definitely welcomed death more warmly.

The thoughts of weather he was really living or if he was just another one of the pawns that were made to move the way its player wanted, haunted him every day whenever he began to think ever so slightly. He would have a nightmare about the fact if closed his eyes to get some sleep, at the day, he would get scared of all the "pawns" that were moving around as if they their own free will without even knowing that somebody else was the reason they were going on a walk, buying groceries, eating food, making love, and even caring for others. Everything the people did without even knowing that they were moving according to someone else's will horrified him, and the worst part of it all was the fact that Jiwoo knew. He knew who this "someone" was, and that was none other than Eshwar.

"I, I, I, I should have a talk with him." Jiwoo mumbled under his breath and trembled in fear of his doubts turning out to be the truth. Just the thought of Eshwar confirming Jiwoo's doubts terrified him, and he didn't dare to move elsewhere; he was too scared to even think about it, and his fear made him hesitant to go and voice his questions and...

Unfortunate for Jiwoo, his terrified life continued to strive for the next day.

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