Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 768: Getting Closer To Both Princesses

Chapter 768: Getting Closer To Both Princesses

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, the gentle hum of the Mediterranean breeze wafting through the open window of his luxurious Madrid apartment. The city glowed beneath the evening sky, but his mind was focused on more immediate matters. Since his enchanting evening at the royal gala, he had established a charming rapport with Princess Mariana and her sister Valeria. They were eager to meet him again, and he intended to turn their fascination into something deeper-much deeper.

With his knowledge of herbs and potions from his previous life, Wang Jian had concocted a special blend-an elixir designed to heighten feelings of affection and desire. It was potent yet subtle, ensuring that the princesses would not realize the influence of his potion as they fell under his spell. He named it Elixir of Enchantment, a fitting title for what he hoped would be a transformative experience for the royal sisters.

Over the next couple of weeks, he carefully arranged meetings with both princesses, seamlessly weaving himself into their lives. One afternoon, he found himself in a lavish café overlooking Retiro Park, where he'd invited Valeria for tea. As they sat outside, the sun dappling their table with warm light, he was ready to deploy his plan.

"Valeria, you've been on my mind," he said smoothly, his eyes sparkling with charm. "I was thinking about the last time we spoke about art. I found a wonderful gallery showcasing emerging Spanish artists. I'd love to take you there. It could be a perfect escape from the royal duties."

Valeria's cheeks flushed slightly at his words, her blue eyes lighting up with excitement. "That sounds amazing! I'd love to go!"

Wang Jian grinned, and as he poured her tea, he skillfully dropped in a few drops of his Elixir of Enchantment. "I thought you might enjoy it. This tea is my little secret-it's blended with herbs from distant lands. I learned about them from my travels."

Valeria took a sip, her expression shifting to one of surprise. "This is incredible! What's in it?"

"Ah, just a few rare herbs," he replied, leaning closer, his voice low. "I find that they enhance the flavors and, well, your mood." He watched her as she took another sip, her eyes glazing slightly with every drop.

"Oh, I feel a little... lightheaded," Valeria admitted, giggling softly. "Is it normal?"

"Completely normal," he assured her, his smile widening. "It's meant to uplift your spirit."

The two continued to chat, and with each passing moment, Wang Jian could see Valeria's defenses slipping. He admired her playful laughter and how the sunlight danced in her golden curls. The way she leaned in closer made his heart race with anticipation. Soon, they were walking side by side through the park, their hands brushing against each other.

"Wang, I really enjoy spending time with you," Valeria confessed, her cheeks rosy. "You make everything feel... different."

He turned to her, his expression earnest. "I feel the same way. You're enchanting, Valeria. It's easy to be drawn to someone as lovely as you."

As they strolled, he reached for her hand, entwining their fingers as they meandered through the vibrant greenery. She didn't pull away; instead, her grip tightened, and she looked up at him with those trusting eyes.

The effect of the Elixir of Enchantment began to manifest beautifully. By the time they reached the gallery, Valeria was enchanted, every laugh and glance shared between them igniting a spark that couldn't be ignored. Wang Jian led her through the art exhibits, noting how she gasped at every stunning piece.

"Every painting tells a story," she mused, standing in front of a vibrant abstract piece.

"And just like art, every person has layers waiting to be unveiled," he replied, stepping closer to her. "I feel like I'm just beginning to understand the art of you."

Valeria giggled, and for the first time, he leaned in, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. She looked at him, surprised, her heart racing.

"I—Wang..." she stuttered, but he gently placed a finger against her lips.

"Let's explore this moment," he whispered, his breath warm against her skin. "I want to know every layer of you, Valeria."

Days turned into weeks as he continued to meet both sisters. With each encounter, he made sure to administer the Elixir, and soon both princesses were utterly captivated by him. His charm wrapped around them like a warm blanket, and their trust in him grew deeper.

Mariana, the more reserved of the two, was also falling under his spell. During their outings, he found moments to slip her the potion in various forms-tea, a delightful dessert, even in an exquisite glass of wine. She was fiercely intelligent and confident, and Wang Jian admired her strength.

One evening, while dining at an upscale restaurant, he watched her sip a glass of wine and noticed how the Elixir was taking effect. She had been discussing her dreams of making a positive impact in Spain and beyond, but now her words were laced with admiration for him.

"You've done so much at a young age, Wang," she said, her eyes glimmering under the soft lights. "It's inspiring."

"Thank you, Mariana," he replied, his gaze locking onto hers. "But I can't help but be inspired by you. Your dedication to your people is remarkable. I've always believed that strong women make the world better."

Mariana smiled, her cheeks flushing. "You really think so?"

"I know so," he said softly, reaching across the table to hold her hand. "And I want to be part

of that change with you. Together, we could achieve so much."

"Together..." she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Wang Jian sensed her vulnerability; the elixir had softened her resolve. "Let's create a partnership," he suggested, his thumb caressing her hand. "In business and... in life."

Mariana looked torn, as if his words were both a temptation and a commitment she wasn't ready to make. "You're charming, Wang. It's hard not to be drawn to you," she admitted, biting her lip.

"Good," he said, leaning closer. "I want to be drawn to you, too. You're someone I want to share my life with."

As he leaned in, he brushed his lips against her cheek, and the effect was instantaneous. Mariana closed her eyes, her heart racing as she felt warmth spread through her. In that moment, she surrendered to the intoxicating feelings he had awakened within her.

"Wang..." she breathed, her breath catching in her throat.

"Just let it happen," he whispered, enveloping her in the magnetic aura he had carefully crafted.

Weeks turned into a routine, with Wang Jian alternating between the sisters, each encounter steeped in the effects of the Elixir of Enchantment. Both princesses were blissfully unaware of the subtle manipulation, caught in the web of desire he had spun around them.

He began to feel a sense of power in the situation, enjoying the game of seduction while

strategically positioning himself within the Spanish monarchy's inner circle. With each meeting, he gathered intel, connections, and allies that could bolster his growing empire and undermine Leon's plans.

One afternoon, as they all met for a royal tea party in the garden of the palace, Wang Jian felt the tension between the sisters. Both were eyeing him with equal affection, and he relished the challenge of keeping them both captivated without causing jealousy.

"So, Wang, tell us about your plans for InnovateX in Spain," Mariana prompted, her eyes shining with interest.

Wang Jian leaned back in his chair, considering his response carefully. "I aim to make InnovateX a leader in the tech industry here, but I also see opportunities in collaborations with the royal family. Perhaps, even initiatives that could benefit the people of Spain."

"Like what?" Valeria asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well," he began, "I've been thinking about education programs that could bridge technology with local schools. If you could lend your support, Princess Valeria, it would show your commitment to the next generation."

Valeria's eyes lit up. "I love that idea! I'm passionate about education and would love to get


"And you, Mariana?" he asked, turning his gaze to the older sister. "Your leadership and vision could help us create a lasting impact."

Mariana nodded thoughtfully, her expression revealing how deeply she was contemplating his words. "If we can make this happen, I'd be all in. It aligns with my mission."

As they discussed the logistics, Wang Jian could see the enthusiasm bubbling between them,

but he couldn't ignore the underlying currents of desire. He needed to nurture that further.

"Why don't we brainstorm some ideas tonight?" he suggested casually. "I could prepare a small dinner at my place. Just us three."

"Us three?" Valeria's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Sounds like a party!"

Mariana raised an eyebrow, but Wang Jian could tell she was intrigued. "I don't mind the idea

of a more casual setting," she replied, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

As the sun set that day, Wang Jian prepared his apartment for the dinner. He had set the table

with elegant dishes and prepared a delightful meal that would leave them both wanting more -more of his cooking and more of him.

When the princesses arrived, he greeted them with open arms, his charm radiating as he

ushered them inside. The aroma of the food enveloped them, and he poured them both a glass

of wine, again infused with the Elixir.

"To new beginnings and exciting ventures," he toasted, raising his glass.

Valeria clinked her glass with his, her excitement palpable. "I can't wait to see where this

takes us!"

Mariana's gaze lingered on Wang Jian as she took a sip. "You really know how to make a gathering feel special."

As they enjoyed the meal, Wang Jian found the perfect moments to steer the conversation, sharing stories of his life, his travels, and subtly weaving in compliments about their beauty and intelligence. The more they laughed, the more comfortable they became, and the effects

of the Elixir worked their magic.

"Wang, you really should share your travels with more people," Mariana said, her cheeks

flushed. "You have so many fascinating stories."

"Maybe I can share them more intimately," he replied with a sly grin.

"Intimately?" Valeria echoed, her eyes wide.

He leaned closer, a playful glint in his eye. "A shared experience is far more memorable than

mere words."

Mariana chuckled softly, but he could see her interest piquing. "What do you have in mind?"

Wang Jian took a deep breath, feeling the electric tension in the air. "How about a weekend

getaway? Just the three of us? A chance to explore the countryside or a cozy beach house. It would be an adventure to remember."

Both princesses exchanged glances, their curiosity evident. "That sounds tempting," Valeria

admitted, her tone teasing. "But only if we get to know more about you, Wang. You've piqued our interest."

Wang Jian chuckled, enjoying the banter. "Well, I'll make sure to reveal all my secrets."

As the evening wore on, the atmosphere grew more intimate. Wang Jian moved around the

table, serving dessert-his signature chocolate mousse, laced once more with the elixir.

"Here's a little something to end the evening on a sweet note," he said, handing each of them

a glass.

Mariana took a bite and closed her eyes in pleasure. "This is divine! You must share your recipes with me!"

"I'll share anything you desire," he murmured, allowing his eyes to linger on her lips.

The room buzzed with energy, and he could see their guards slipping further as the Elixir took

its full effect. "You know," he said casually, "I find that the best conversations often happen under the stars. Why don't we go outside for some fresh air?"

They eagerly agreed, and as they stepped out onto the balcony, the view of the city skyline

illuminated by stars was breathtaking. Wang Jian leaned against the railing, watching as the sisters took in the sights.

"It's beautiful," Valeria said softly.

"Not as beautiful as you two," he replied, his voice smooth as silk.

Mariana smirked playfully. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Wang."

"Good," he shot back with a grin. "Because I plan to take you both on quite the adventure."

As the night deepened, the trio continued their playful banter, with Wang Jian expertly navigating the conversation, ensuring both sisters felt special and cherished. He could feel the magnetic energy between them and relished the thought of weaving them deeper into his


"Who knew the city could look so magical at night?" Mariana said, leaning into him.

"Just like you," he murmured, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.

Valeria shot him a look, clearly feeling the same energy. "You're quite the charmer, Wang. How do you do it?"

"Perhaps it's the company I keep," he said, meeting her gaze with an intensity that made her


In that moment, surrounded by the enchanting night, Wang Jian knew he was weaving a tapestry of seduction and charm that would keep the princesses under his spell for as long as he desired. The thrill of the game ignited his ambition, and with the power of the Elixir of

Enchantment, he was determined to make both Mariana and Valeria his own.

And as the stars twinkled overhead, Wang Jian felt the thrill of conquest whispering through his veins, promising him the world he was destined to create.

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