Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 18: Chapter 18 - Jarod's Plan

Meanwhile, Jarod Lei had been focused intensely on his cultivation, driven by his burning desire to overcome his brother and secure his position.

Jarod had thrown himself into his training with a single-minded determination. His recent breakthroughs had been nothing short of remarkable. Having recently advanced past the Core Formation third stage, he now stood at the peak of his current cultivation level, his strength amplified and his confidence soaring.

The rigorous practice had honed his skills and deepened his understanding of martial arts, and he felt a sense of invincibility that bolstered his resolve.

In the dim light of his private training chamber, Jarod stood before a wall adorned with ancient scrolls and mystical artifacts. His movements were precise and fluid as he executed a series of complex martial techniques. Beads of sweat glistened on his brow, and his breathing was steady and controlled. The energy in the room crackled with his burgeoning power.

With a final, decisive move, Jarod ended his training session, his chest heaving with exertion. He had spent countless hours pushing his limits, and it showed. His increased strength was not merely physical but also mental—he had gained a profound sense of clarity and focus. Yet, despite his progress, a gnawing frustration remained.

Jarod's thoughts frequently drifted to the recent events involving Sylvia and Aric. His heart burned with anger and betrayal. The engagement with Sylvia had been broken off by the Lei family, and Jarod now sought to rekindle that bond, not just for personal satisfaction but also as a strategic move to secure his own standing.

Desperation and determination drove Jarod to seek his father's intervention. He approached his father, Edmond Lei, with a deep sense of urgency. Edmond sat behind his ornate desk in the family's private study, his expression a mask of authority and contemplation. The room was richly decorated, with the soft glow of lanterns casting shadows on the intricate woodwork.

"Father," Jarod began, his voice steady but laced with desperation. "I need to speak with you about the matter of Sylvia and my future."

Edmond looked up from his paperwork, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What about Sylvia? The engagement was severed for a reason, Jarod. You know this."

"I understand that, Father," Jarod said, his voice growing more fervent. "But I have proven my worth through my recent advancements in cultivation. I am now at a level where I can surpass Aric and defend our family's honor. I love Sylvia deeply, and I believe that reinstating our engagement would not only correct the wrongs of the past but also strengthen our position."

Edmond's gaze grew stern. "Re-engaging with Sylvia after the previous engagement was broken off would be seen as a sign of weakness. It would imply that the Lei family is unable to maintain its decisions and could be perceived as attempting to appease the Song family out of desperation."

Jarod's eyes widened with a mix of determination and pleading. "Please, Father, I am asking for a chance to prove myself. I know that the family's reputation is at stake, but I am willing to do whatever it takes. If you allow me to speak with the elders and present my case, I am confident that I can convince them of my sincerity and capability."

Edmond studied his son's face, weighing his request. The patriarch's expression softened slightly, though he remained reserved. "You understand that re-engaging with Sylvia and the Song family could create a rift within the family and among our allies. There would be gossip and speculation, possibly even ridicule. It could also be seen as undermining Aric, which would be... problematic."

Jarod nodded earnestly. "I know the risks, Father, but I believe that with my newfound strength and determination, I can address these issues. I will face any challenges head-on and demonstrate that I am the right choice for both Sylvia and our family."

Edmond's eyes met Jarod's, and after a moment of contemplation, he spoke. "Very well, Jarod. I will arrange for a meeting with the elders. You will have the opportunity to present your case and argue your position. However, you must be prepared for the consequences if you fail to convince them."

Jarod's face lit up with a mixture of relief and triumph. "Thank you, Father. I will not disappoint you."

As Jarod left the study, his mind raced with thoughts of how to make his case compelling. He knew that the upcoming meeting would be crucial not only for his future but also for the standing of the Lei family. His cultivation, his plea to his father, and his determination to marry Sylvia were all part of a larger strategy to secure his place and demonstrate his worth.

In the days leading up to the meeting, Jarod continued to train with unwavering focus, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead. His goal was clear: to reclaim his honor, secure his position within the family, and, above all, to win back Sylvia's hand.

[Name - Jarod Lei]

[Age - 18]

[Cultivation Level - Core Formation (3rd Stage)]

[Strength - 30 (Normal Human Limit - 10)]

[Agility - 32 (Normal Human Limit - 10)]

[Intelligence - 29 (Normal Human Limit - 10)]

[Charm - 20 (Normal Human Limit - 10)]

[Physique - Primal Chaos Physique]

[Bloodline - Bloodline of the Ancient Asura]

[Cultivation Techniques - Primordial Chaos Scripture]

[Skills - Shadow Step Technique, Asura's Berserker Rage, Asura's Soul Devour, Asura Slash (Advanced)]

[Protagonist Halo - 39,300]

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