Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 129: Chapter 129: The Herbs

Li Yuan and his fellow Wentian Sect disciples stood at the edge of the Silvermoon Forest, gazing into the mist-laden expanse before them. The air was thick with spiritual energy, and the forest exuded an eerie atmosphere. The Silvermoon Herb, a rare plant that bloomed only once in a decade, was their goal. It had the power to significantly boost cultivation if harvested at the right moment.

Li Yuan stood quietly at the back of the group, a strange feeling tugging at his mind—a pull that had been growing stronger ever since they set foot into the forest.

"Everyone, stay close and keep your senses sharp," ordered Lin Su, the leader of their team and a senior sister to the rest. She stood tall and composed, her eyes scanning the forest with the calm confidence of someone in the Foundation Establishment Realm. "This place is filled with dangers, and the Silvermoon Herb won't come easy."

"Finally, some real action," remarked Xu Lei, his spear resting on his shoulder as he cracked his knuckles. A bold and daring disciple at the Qi Refining 9th Stage, Xu Lei always craved the thrill of battle.

"Senior Brother Xu Lei, you should be more cautious," interjected Chen Rui, her tone soft but firm. As the group's healer, Chen Rui was invaluable in their missions, her knowledge of herbs and her healing abilities unrivaled. At Qi Refining 8th Stage, she often had to keep the more reckless members in check. "We're here for the Silvermoon Herb, not to pick fights."

Xu Lei laughed, dismissing the concern with a wave. "Don't worry, Junior Sister Chen Rui. I'll protect you."

"Focus," Lin Su said sharply, cutting through the banter. "We're not alone in this forest. Stay alert."

The youngest of the group, Zhao Ming, glanced nervously at the towering trees. "Do you think we'll run into any Spirit Beasts?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly. Though he was in the Qi Refining 7th Stage, Zhao Ming was still inexperienced and often relied on the guidance of his seniors.

"Let's hope not," Li Yuan replied softly, giving his junior brother a reassuring nod. "But if we do, we'll handle it."

Lin Su gave him a brief nod of approval. "Well said, Junior Brother Li Yuan. Let's move."

They stepped into the forest, the thick mist swirling around them as the dense trees seemed to close in. The spiritual energy of the place was overwhelming, charged with an ancient, mysterious power that made even the air feel heavier. Every step felt like they were walking deeper into a maze of unknown dangers.

The group had only been walking for half an hour when a deep growl echoed through the mist. Lin Su raised her hand, signaling the group to halt. Her sharp eyes scanned the trees. "Something's coming," she said quietly.

Suddenly, from the shadows, a hulking figure emerged. It was a Moonshadow Panther, its sleek black fur shimmering faintly in the low light, its eyes glowing like cold fire. Behind it, two smaller panthers stalked forward, their powerful bodies rippling with each step. These beasts were known for their speed and deadly precision, often hunting in packs to bring down even stronger cultivators.

"That's a Foundation Realm beast!" Xu Lei exclaimed, his grip tightening on his spear.

"And it's not alone," Chen Rui added, her voice steady despite the growing tension. "We need to be careful."

Lin Su stepped forward, her sword gleaming as she prepared for battle. "Stick to the plan. Don't engage unless absolutely necessary. We need to get through this without attracting more attention."

The panthers moved swiftly, their sharp claws tearing into the ground as they lunged toward the group. Lin Su met the lead panther's charge head-on, her Spirit Sword flashing as she parried its attack, pushing the beast back.

"Li Yuan, protect Zhao Ming!" Lin Su shouted, her voice carrying the weight of command as she blocked another swipe from the panther.

Li Yuan's eyes narrowed, focusing on the two smaller panthers charging at them. "Stay close to me, Junior Brother Zhao Ming," he said, positioning himself in front of his teammate.

The first panther lunged, its fangs bared, but Li Yuan moved swiftly, his Lightning Fist Technique sparking with energy. He unleashed a bolt of lightning from his fist, striking the beast squarely in the chest. The panther howled in pain as it staggered back, but it wasn't down yet.

Xu Lei, eager to join the fray, spun his spear and thrust it into the second panther, piercing its side. "These beasts are strong, but they're no match for us!" he yelled, pushing the panther back with sheer force.

Chen Rui stayed at the rear, her hands glowing as she prepared to heal anyone injured during the fight. "Senior Sister Lin, the lead panther is the biggest threat. I'll handle healing, you focus on it!"

Lin Su nodded, her focus entirely on the massive Moonshadow Panther in front of her. The beast growled, its muscles tensing as it prepared to strike again. With a swift movement, Lin Su dodged to the side and slashed at its flank, leaving a deep wound that oozed black blood. The panther roared in pain but retaliated with lightning speed, its claws grazing her arm.

"Senior Sister!" Zhao Ming called out in alarm.

"I'm fine!" Lin Su responded, her voice sharp. "Focus on your target, Junior Brother Zhao Ming!"

Li Yuan was still locked in combat with the first panther. The beast lunged again, but Li Yuan sidestepped its attack, delivering a swift kick to its side before following up with another Lightning Fist. The electricity crackled through the air, hitting the panther squarely and sending it crashing into a tree.

Xu Lei, grinning, twirled his spear and landed a finishing blow on his opponent. "That's two down," he said, turning to see if Lin Su needed help.

The lead Moonshadow Panther, seeing its pack fall, let out a final, enraged growl. It charged at Lin Su with renewed fury, but she was ready. With a shout, she summoned all her strength and delivered a powerful strike with her Spirit Sword, driving the blade deep into the beast's chest. The panther let out a pained roar before collapsing to the ground.

The group stood in silence for a moment, catching their breath after the intense battle.

"Is everyone alright?" Lin Su asked, wiping the blood from her sword.

"We're fine," Xu Lei replied, though he was breathing heavily. "That was a good warm-up."

Chen Rui quickly moved to heal Lin Su's arm. "We need to be more careful from here on. If there are more beasts like that, we can't afford to get reckless."

After the battle, the group pressed on, their senses heightened by the encounter. As they ventured deeper into the forest, Chen Rui's sharp eyes spotted a cluster of glowing flowers growing near the base of a tree. "These are Moonshade Flowers," she said, kneeling down to examine them. "They're extremely rare and valuable for healing elixirs."

"Good find, Junior Sister Chen Rui," Li Yuan said, crouching beside her. He gently plucked one of the flowers, feeling its cool, spiritual energy pulse through his fingers.

Zhao Ming looked around, his face still pale from the battle. "Do you think we're getting closer to the Silvermoon Herb?"

"We are," Lin Su confirmed, her gaze fixed ahead. "The spiritual energy is getting stronger."

Li Yuan felt it too—the strange pull in his mind growing more intense. He didn't mention it to the others, unsure of what it meant, but he knew they were on the right path.

As they continued, the forest grew darker, the mist thicker. The air became colder, and the sounds of the forest seemed to fade into an eerie silence. They walked for what felt like hours, but then, in the distance, a faint glow appeared.

"There," Xu Lei whispered, pointing ahead.

In a small clearing bathed in pale moonlight stood an ancient tree with silver leaves. At its base, nestled among the roots, was the Silvermoon Herb, glowing faintly in the light.

"We found it!" Zhao Ming exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement.

But just as Xu Lei stepped forward to claim the herb, the ground beneath them trembled. From the shadows, a new beast emerged—a Celestial Fang Leopard, its sleek silver fur rippling with power. This creature was even stronger than the panthers they had fought before, its aura radiating the strength of a beast in the Foundation Establishment Realm.

"Another one?" Xu Lei muttered, his hands tightening around his spear.

"Get ready!" Lin Su commanded, stepping in front of the group.

The leopard moved with lightning speed, its claws aiming straight for Lin Su, but she was faster. Her Spirit Sword flashed through the air, parrying the strike and pushing the beast back. "This one's stronger than the others," she said, her brow furrowed in concentration. "We'll need to work together."

Li Yuan felt the pull in his mind again, urging him forward. His hands crackled with lightning as he charged at the beast, aiming for its flank. The leopard dodged his first strike, but Li Yuan was quick, following up with a second Lightning Fist that connected with the creature's side, sending a shockwave through its body.

Xu Lei flanked the other side, his spear spinning as he struck the leopard's leg, trying to slow its movements.

The battle raged on, with Lin Su delivering powerful sword strikes while Li Yuan and Xu Lei coordinated their attacks. Chen Rui remained at the back, healing any injuries that came their way.

Finally, with a well-timed strike, Lin Su drove her sword into the leopard's heart. The beast let out a final roar before collapsing at her feet.

"We did it," Xu Lei said, breathing heavily.

"Is everyone alright?" Lin Su asked, her eyes scanning the group.

"We're fine," Li Yuan replied, though his mind was still racing. The voices in his head were louder now, urging him toward the Silvermoon Herb.

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