Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 126: Chapter 126: The Inheritance

Aric arrived silently on his flying boat, descending into the misty, ominous forest surrounding the Mountain of Shadows. The dark woods loomed over him, their twisted branches stretching like claws, as the oppressive energy of spirits and ancient magic hung in the air.

Stepping off his boat, he activated his Celestial Veil Technique, immediately blending into the shadows. His form vanished, becoming one with the wind. With his Mystic Wind Movement Technique, he moved swiftly and undetected, skimming through the trees as he hunted for Tyler.

Aric's eyes gleamed in anticipation. "The fool will walk right into my trap, thinking destiny is calling him," he thought, a smirk playing on his lips. He had already memorized Tyler's route, thanks to his spies. He was going to let Tyler do the hard work and, as usual, claim the prize at the end.

Meanwhile, Tyler sat on a rock, his face pale, chest rising and falling heavily as he caught his breath. The battle with the spirits had taken a toll on him and his party. His bodyguards, strong as they were, had managed to fend off most of the attacks, but Tyler's mortal state left him vulnerable.

His mind, however, was fixated on the puzzle that had been haunting him ever since they entered the Mountain of Shadows.

"When the star shines the brightest, the trees will reveal the path..."

The words repeated in his head like an echo. It had been days, and he still couldn't figure out the meaning behind the cryptic message.

"Why are these voices repeating this sentence? what does it mean?" Tyler muttered to himself, running his hand through his hair in frustration. He was tired, but he couldn't afford to rest. "I need to decode this... It's my only chance."

Kirk's top bodyguard, Yun Zhan, glanced at him as they rested beside the campfire. "Young Master Tyler, the voices you speak of—they're a clue. But what could they mean?" Yun Zhan asked, frowning.

Tyler rubbed his temples. "When the star shines the brightest... what does it mean?" His voice was strained. "Does it refer to the time of day? Nightfall? Or something else?"

Yun Zhan looked up, pondering the riddle. "Maybe the star isn't a literal star, but something else that shines. Could it be an object? A peak on the mountain? The moon?"

Another bodyguard chimed in. "Or maybe... the trees themselves are a part of it. You mentioned them. When the star shines, the trees reveal the path. Perhaps we need to look at the trees differently."

Tyler's mind raced, piecing it together. "Wait, the star... the brightest star might not be the sun, but something related to this cursed place. A particular time when the spirits or energy reaches its peak! And the trees—what if they're part of an illusion that only clears when the energy is at its height?"

One of the bodyguards perked up. "That makes sense, Young Master. When the energy around us is strongest, the spirits are at their most active. Maybe the path reveals itself then."

Suddenly, Tyler's eyes lit up. "At night, when the energy thickens! That's it!" he exclaimed, standing up with newfound determination. "We need to look for a place where the trees themselves might act as a guide when the energy peaks."

His team nodded in agreement, gathering their things. They began moving cautiously through the forest, keeping an eye on the trees and their surroundings. Hours passed as they scoured the area, searching for any sign of the hidden path.

Unbeknownst to them, Aric watched from a distance, concealed by his Celestial Veil Technique. He had found Tyler and his party hours ago but chose to stay hidden. He observed their movements, listening to every word as Tyler struggled to make sense of the puzzle.

Amused by Tyler's desperate efforts, Aric smirked to himself. "How predictable... Let him lead the way. Once he uncovers the inheritance, it'll be mine." His eyes gleamed with malice as he trailed them silently, his movements like the wind—undetectable.

Tyler and his group continued their search until the sun set, casting long shadows over the mountain. As the night deepened, the energy of the Mountain of Shadows grew heavier, and the voices in Tyler's mind grew louder, guiding him closer to the inheritance.

Finally, after hours of searching, they found it.

"Look!" Yun Zhan pointed to a grove of trees, their branches parting as if forming an archway. "The trees... they're moving aside."

Tyler's heart pounded. The voices in his head intensified, practically screaming now. "This is it! The inheritance is here!" he gasped, rushing forward. His guards followed closely, their hands on their weapons, ever vigilant for danger.

They pushed through the archway of trees and into a hidden clearing. At the center of the clearing stood a massive stone altar, covered in ancient runes that glowed faintly in the moonlight. The air around it crackled with energy.

As Tyler reached out and touched the cold stone of the altar, something unexpected happened. The ancient runes on the altar flared to life, glowing with a brilliant blue light. The ground beneath them trembled, and before Tyler's startled eyes, the stone altar began to shift, splitting down the middle to reveal a hidden passage leading deep underground.

A gust of musty air swept up from the opening, carrying with it the faint scent of ancient magic. Tyler's eyes widened in disbelief as he stumbled back, watching the stone part to reveal a dark staircase that led into the depths below.

"This... this must be it," he whispered, hope flaring in his chest once more. "The inheritance is down there."

The guards were equally astonished, but Yun Zhan quickly stepped forward. "Young Master Tyler, stay behind us. This could be dangerous." He gestured to the other guards, who immediately drew their weapons and prepared to descend into the hidden passage.

Tyler nodded, still in awe of the sight before him. The voices in his head, which had fallen silent, now returned with renewed urgency, urging him forward. "Yes... this is it," he murmured, his heart racing. "This is my chance."

Without wasting another moment, they began their descent. The staircase was narrow and steep, the walls lined with glowing runes that flickered faintly, casting eerie shadows as they made their way down. The deeper they went, the colder and darker it became.

As they descended into the underground chamber, the atmosphere grew heavier with each step. Tyler could feel the ancient energy pulsating through the walls, and the voices in his head urged him forward with greater intensity. But with every step, an ominous sense of danger loomed over them.

Suddenly, Yun Zhan raised his hand, stopping the group. "Wait," he whispered, his eyes narrowing. "I sense something."

The ground beneath them began to rumble, and without warning, sharp metal spikes shot out from the walls, aiming to impale them. The guards reacted immediately, their weapons clashing against the spikes, deflecting them before they could cause any harm.

"Traps!" one of the guards shouted, his voice echoing through the dark chamber.

They continued forward cautiously, but the further they went, the more dangerous the traps became. Razor-sharp blades swung down from the ceiling, nearly decapitating one of the guards.

Poisonous gas filled the air, forcing them to hold their breath and use their Qi to push it back. Each trap was more intricate and deadly than the last, but Tyler's guards, all in the Nascent Soul Realm, skillfully neutralized each one.

Despite the constant danger, Tyler's determination grew. "These traps are meant to guard something powerful," he thought. "I have to get through this."

The final trap was the most dangerous. As they neared the end of the corridor, a large boulder detached from the ceiling, rolling toward them with deadly speed. The ground shook as it approached, the sound of its movement deafening.

"Move!" Yun Zhan shouted, pushing Tyler to the side as the group split in two to avoid the boulder. One of the guards unleashed a powerful burst of Qi, shattering the boulder into pieces before it could crush them.

As the dust settled, Tyler breathed a sigh of relief. "That was close..."

After navigating the deadly corridor, the group finally arrived at a large, underground chamber. The room was vast, the walls lined with more glowing runes, and at its center stood a stone pedestal. Resting on the pedestal was a small, glowing orb.

Tyler went ahead and stood before the pedestal, his heart pounding with anticipation, the glow from the orb seemed to intensify, casting flickering shadows across the chamber. The air itself felt thick with power, a tangible force pressing down on everyone in the room.

"This... this must be the inheritance," Tyler whispered, his voice barely audible over the crackling energy. His hands trembled as he took a step forward, eyes locked on the orb, as though it was the key to his salvation. "If I can claim this, I'll be restored. My strength... everything will come back."

He hesitated for only a moment before reaching out to take the orb, the promise of power overwhelming his senses.

But before his fingers could close around it, a figure stepped out from the shadows.

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