Versatile System Online

Chapter 252 An Much Needed Alliance

Seeing the man extend his hand forward, the princess felt wary. What if this was some sort of ploy? Was she in some illusion?

She subconsciously backed away from the dean. Her face was still full of horror. Having been so close to death, she felt like losing her mind. She didn't know what was happening anymore.

"Sigh… Amanda, I told you. She won't listen to me, you come and handle her. I am afraid, Silent Sword has gone too far," Spoke the dean.

He didn't continue pursuing after the princess to calm her down and instead let Amanda do it. After all, the princess wouldn't be too wary upon seeing a female talk to her.

"Okay, on it," Amanda spoke and walked forward. Her face had regained the rosy glow and although she wasn't back to her full health, she was healed to some extent.

"Hello, how are you?" Amanda greeted her with a smile. Knowing that the princess had just come out of a near death experience, she started it off slow to calm her down.

"Uhm…" The princess stuttered. Not knowing how to respond. She felt a bit better knowing that another female was there with her to calm her down.

"Don't worry. I am not here to hurt you," Said Amanda and took out a small bag from her spatial storage. The bag had some sort of powder in it as she took out some of it her palm and slowed it in the air.

"Arghhh," the princess screamed all of a sudden. She felt that the women in front of her had attacked.

"Clam down. It's just something to heal you," Spoke Amanda.

What she had just blown in the air was a powdered healing potion. Just by inhaling it, one would calm themselves down and it would also accelerate the natural healing processes of the body.

"Better now?" Asked Amanda.

"Mhmm…" Nodded the princess. She had indeed felt the powder in the air calming her down and also helping her heal faster. As she calmed down, her brain also started to work as she started thinking everything.

After some thinking, she came to a conclusion that the ones in front if her had no bad intent and even if they had some, she still had her major teleportation scroll with her. If anything happened, she would tear the scroll and teleport back to the sea temple.

After that, she was sure that her father, the sea king would take action and sort everything into order.

"Good… now please have a seat. Let's have a chat," Seeing that the girl had calmed down, Amanda decided to get to the topic. They'd don't have much time and the dean had to be at other places as well.

"Uhmm…" The sea princess nodded again.

Amanda walked forward, looking at the sea dragon; she smiled. She knew who the sea dragon belonged to and who the princess was.

She knew exactly that if anything happened to the princess, then the sea king would take severe actions and it would be hard to stop him. That is why she and the dean interfered before Silent Sword did something they wouldn't be able to handle.

Amanda turned to look at the dean and nodded. Both of them walked to a clean part at the beach. The dean took out a small circular device and threw it at the ground.

The device morphed into three chairs and a coffee table with some refreshments present over it. Then, motioning the sea princess to have a seat, the dean and Amanda took a seat as well.

Taking a sip from, the dean looked at the sea princess and spoke,

"We aren't here to fight. We want your help and want to form an alliance with the sea king,"

As he spoke, the dean took out a small emblem from his spatial storage and presented it to the sea princess.

The emblem had a scythe with two dark wings behind it while a hooded figure seemed to be shadowing over it. The emblem was every strange as the two scenarios kept on flashing in it.

At one moment it was a scythe with two wings while in the other it was the hooded figure. Not only that, but the emblem also gave off a dark and eerie aura. It seemed to radiate death and misery that would make any normal person retch in disgust. This was the dean's emblem signifying his authority and strength.

The princess took a glance at the emblem as her eyes lit up. She finally understood why these two were here.

She had dropped her guard now after she saw the emblem. She remembered her father speaking about something like this and saying that there were seven pillars who would support the chosen one.

She also remembered her father having an emblem similar to it. Though the figure on it was of her father's trident and the sea and it gave off the aura of the magnificent sea. The emblem gave off another aura that both the emblems had in common.

She didn't understand why but she was sure that her father's emblem was similar.

"Are you a pillar as well?" She suddenly asked.

"Yes, I am," Answered the dean.

Hearing this, she sighed. Her father wasn't waiting for nothing. There really were other pillars and that meant that the chosen one was real as well.

She smiled slightly. After all, her father didn't wait in vain. There might still be hope. Only she knew the real condition of the clans under the sea and how turbulent the times were.

"Okay, I believe you. What do you want to discuss?" Asked the princess. She was ready to negotiate and listen to the man's terms. As for the decisions to be made, she would only make them after confirming everything with her father.

"Well, we need support from the sea clans. You might not know of the situation on land. So let me enlighten you a bit," the dean spoke.

His expression turned serious as he explained the whole situation to her. From the invading monsters to the army that he defeated, he gave her a small outlook of everything.

"There are still the ones from System Online that are yet to come. So we need your help in holding them off on the shore and helping us secure the sea," The dean stated.

"And what do we get in return?" Asked the princess.

"Well, as we are right now. We can't do much to give you back as we ourselves are in a very precarious situation," The dean said.

"Hmmm… we won't support you if we don't get anything in return. Though, I will have to confirm it from the sea king and see what he says in return," Said the princess. She knew that the situation everywhere was very tense and didn't think that the person in front of her to be lying.

After all, even they had come from another dimension and they were here without any issue just because of the preparations that the sea king made for over a century.

"Sure. We will be waiting for your reply," The dean spoke. He knew that they really didn't have anything to give back and what they were asking was for nothing but a pipe dream.

"Okay. How should I contact you?" Asked the princess.

"Take this with you. You will be able to contact me from this and also, if this doesn't work. Just show it to the expert who will be here for guard. He will let me know," Spoke the dean as he handed another emblem to her.

This was very similar to the academy badges that the dean had given to everyone in the academy but had more functions than those.

"Okay," The princess nodded and then stood up. She motioned the sea dragon and climbed atop it.

"Rooarghhh," With a magnificent roar, the sea dragon leapt into the sea and vanished.

"Sigh… hopefully the sea king accepts to help us," The dean muttered in exasperation.

"Yes dear, I am sure he will just calm down," Amanda tried to calm the dean down.

"Hopefully," The dean muttered and then turned to look back. He saw a person standing there. His body littered with cuts as the sword aura around him threatened to cut anyone who came too close.

"Didn't I tell you to observe and handle the situation. Not to make it any worse," The dean stood up and spoke. He reprimanded Silent Sword because if the dean was a second too late, the princess might have died and the sea king would have sure asked for a huge compensation and even the alliance they looked for would have been shattered without ever starting.

"Excalibur," That's what Silent Sword said before his consciousness faded and he fell to the ground.

"That damned sword," The dean said in spite and walked to Silent Sword. He picked him up and let Amanda heal him.

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