Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 868 Completion Of The Walking Mansion

A month has passed by since we started our work for the mansion. Although we barely did much except for making the preparations for the mansion and collecting materials, we didn't garner attention at all from players. Almira also announced the closure of her shop as well which disappointed a lot of players but they can understand that Almira isn't going to keep herself permanently in the area.

Due to that, Almira managed to focus on the job without her need of tending her shop as a result.

As for us, we continued our small routine though we also added a few things we did while waiting for the mansion to be done. Instead of just idling by, we instead used this chance to gather intel, especially on the movement of the elves. However, we didn't have any good intel regarding that especially if every one of us is stuck in the Capital until and in the Dark Sea most of the time. Still, we tried our best to gather more intel than necessary.

To ensure no one knows us, I decided to make some masks. I have to master the Tailoring skill once again though to perfectly do it. I also made some slight alterations to the [Wolf Mask] that I use as well since it's a well-known trademark of Bladeheart. Not only does it involves my identity but it is also exposing me and everyone to great risk if I continued using it just as is.

Aside from that, the continuous production and assembly of the mansion's legs continue. Not only that but Almira also started testing the capacity of the mansion as well.

Not only the assembly of the legs are being done right now, but Almira is also measuring and using some stuff as well that she was doing to ensure the mansion will work properly. She ordered us to make an underground tunnel so that we can create the necessary components to move the mansion around.

And after a month of these tasks happening every day, we finally completed everything. The legs are now ready to function and we can now prepare for the testing.

"Master, the last leg has now been attached properly!" I shouted for Almira to hear it.

"Good! Is it properly attached now? Then move away from there and we can start our testing right away."

"Master, when you meant testing, we will leave immediately from here and never come back?" I asked.

"There is no point coming back in here once we started moving. Besides, if we come back again, doesn't that mean we will get more attention to the people that you guys don't want to alert in the first place?"

"But the mansion will make much ruckus once it starts moving on its right? Isn't that gonna garner attention as well?"

"Hey, who do you think I am to not think about that? I already ensured that magic circles are operating for the house to not make any noise during the movements and to also conceal the presence of the house during that time."

"Eh? You didn't mention this to us during the initial assembly of the legs and the house support."

"Well, I just put it there recently. After Rika-chan and I worked on it for a few weeks, the item was complete. You guys were not here during that time so when we installed it, we planned on telling you all about it. I guess we just kind of forgotten about telling you and your father about it."

I scratch my head after hearing it. Well, she is a bit forgetful and since I know her about this, I can understand why I never knew immediately. At least she told me now and knowing that there was such a thing present, then that would allow me to sigh in relief as well.

"So what next?" I asked.

"Alert everyone upstairs. Although I ensured that the things inside the mansion will remain stable, I can't guarantee it to be not shaky enough and just in case this fails, I already put a protection spell on the whole mansion as well to ensure that if the legs will fall, the whole mansion will not be destroyed in the process. Now go and tell them to brace since we will now be starting our operation to move out."

I nodded and immediately climb up back to the surface. Father and Rika are just finishing some work and noticed me go out from the underground tunnel.

"Is everything done, Son?" Father asked as he wipes off the grease from his hands.

"Yes. And according to Master, she wanted everyone to brace themselves as we will be moving out soon. Once everyone is ready, we will be departing soon."

"So soon? I thought it was a testing phase?"

"Well, we can't go back here anymore so I guess once we are done with the testing phase, the mansion will have to find a better place to remain for a while like an open field or a flat land away from civilization for a bit to tinker out things if something will go crazy," I explained.

"If that is the case, we should tell everyone to hold on properly."

With that, we immediately alerted everyone about the imminent launch of operations for the mansion. I also told them about the dangers as well. Thankfully, they are calm about it and didn't get too worried about the potential dangers. Once we alerted everyone, I returned to the underground. Because someone has to operate the legs, we extended the basement and made a separate room for the control panels for the legs to function. And Almira will act as the temporary pilot for now.

Still, I can't believe it. Seeing the work of Almira, I can say that if she is back in the real world, she would be a famous inventor and a robotics engineer as she managed to make things that are pretty much resembling a mecha. Who would have thought that Almira was able to make something like this? She was more of a blacksmith to me and I never knew she had much more talent in creating things like this as well as being a gifted blacksmith. If any of us have more capabilities in making technologies back in the real world added to this, then it would have been ideal. For now, I think what Almira made, for now, is the more sufficient way.

"Master, everyone is already ready to go."

"Good. Now, assist me with this. That way, we will have no problem later on."

As soon as she said that, holograms appeared before us showing the current situation outside in four different directions and one screen is currently dark.

"What's with this one? Why is it dark?" I asked.

"You will see later. But first, let's do this!"

And Almira pushed one button. The house shook and we can feel things seems to start moving. I looked at the screens and the altitude of the house is rising and the view of the ground disappeared on the screen. Not only that but the dark screen from earlier revealed to be some kind of surveillance camera placed beneath the mansion, which is meant for viewing the situation on the ground and to ensure that we will not be stepping anything like a carriage or a house by accident.

"Hmm, it seems we are successful. Have a look outside, Manato. Then once you do finish surveying the situation as well as the thoughts of everyone, return to me."

I nodded and head back to the surface. To my surprise, not only the mansion was carried over, but the soil as well. Our little garden was included in the mansion relocation process. I looked back on the last location of the mansion and what remained there is a big crater where the mansion was once located and a chunk of soil was also gone since the garden was also included. No wonder Almira made the foundation a bit tad larger than usual, it was for the sake of also including the garden as well.

Seeing the process of moving is proceeding smoothly, I went inside the mansion to look for everyone. I asked them to remain inside the house so that if things works wrong, the protection spell will keep them safe. Seeing it was safe to go out, it should be fine for everyone to know it.

"Hey, guys. We are now departing. Also, it's safe to go out now. Just make sure you don't lean too much on the edge. But everyone should be fine now."

Hearing that, everyone went out of the mansion and looked at the situation outside. Not only the scenery is magnificent, but it truly feels like we are now in some sort of futuristic aspect of the future where houses walk now.

Knowing this, I returned to Almira.

"Looks like everything is stable and good to go Master. No signs of problems as well."

Almira smiled and gave a long sigh with a big wipe of sweat on her face.

"Phew, mission accomplished. Now, we should find a good place to land, we will begin the checkup to see whether there are things we will have to improve later on for a smooth journey soon."

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