Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 861 Recovering The Lost Levels [II]

The first wave started and the monsters started to climb up from the water to the shore.

"Ugh, even though they are supposed to be sea monsters, they still looked like spiders which is pretty disgusting..." Riko throws off a rock to a nearby monster before it was sliced by Atlas's sword.

"Just think of them as things that needed to be killed and you won't think too much of them being disgusting. Instead, you should be happy that something you hate is being destroyed," Rika shook her head before she throws her rocks as well.

That's how everyone is doing it casually, while my followers are doing the work. I know I am giving them a lot of work but this still helps them gain some levels slowly as well. And while my companions are relying on my followers to get experience points, I, on the other hand, am killing monsters without the help of my followers or pets. Although I am lower leveled like the others, my attack power remained the same as most of my stats are coming from the Versatile Weapon itself.

Even if I am on level 1, I can still beat enemies in one shot due to the Versatile Weapon alone, allowing me to level up a lot faster. I just killed 5 of these monsters and my level just jumped straight from level 20 to level 105 already. Quite fast, right? Indeed, it is fast. But that is a necessary speed. The faster I regained all of my levels lost, the better.

Aside from me, everyone is also getting their levels slowly. They are slowly regaining the power they lost and everyone continued to take advantage of the protection from my Followers to fight the enemies.

The monsters are dying left and right, even the desert wolves are having so much fun toying the monsters around, making this seemingly like a fun beach episode, though the difference is that, we are killing monsters instead of swimming in the waters. Besides, who would want to swim in the waters full of monsters ready to devour and invade?

We continue to fight more of the monsters one by one and soon, the first wave was over.

"How are the levels, everyone? Anyone who has yet to reach the level 100 threshold yet?"

Seeing that no one is answering, it means everyone broke the level 100 threshold.

"Alright. Seeing no one is below level 100, then for the next 9 waves, let's aim to level 200."

We only got a few minutes of break every wave and since I let the setting of the waves temporarily stop after 10 waves, this is basically going to be a survival battle until the end of the 10th wave.

Pandora seems to have bought a few skills already and when the next wave started, the usual gold chains appeared and she gave the rocks she was holding to Riko and the Rika as she decided to resort to her gold chains.

"Ooh, looks like Pandora is getting back on her groove. She is already turning into her old self once again!" Rika happily pointed it out to Riko who was focused on throwing rocks.

"That's why we have to hurry up and regain our levels. Once I hit past level 150, I can now learn my explosives spells once again," Riko grinned, not determined to regain her spells.

My parents are also doing great as well. With how the two are sharing their rocks, I can tell, they are currently betting who will hit the most enemies using the rocks my father was carrying.

The siblings are also doing fine. They both have steady precision, though I would give it to Sora as she was hitting those monsters squarely in the face every time and the monsters get momentarily stunned before attacking once again, showing that she had been precisely hitting the enemy's weak point.

Mr. Teddy is also doing great. Although his attacks were the same as Sora's and stunning every monster that gets hit squarely on their weak points, the way Mr. Teddy is throwing the rocks is very close to how someone throws a ball with malicious intent. And every rock he throws gives out a whirring sound that I can hear every time he throws it.

The elves are adapting fine but from the looks of it, they weren't expecting so many enemies in one go in one area like this as they were pretty much shocked to see the monsters washing to the shore for quite a while now. Thankfully, they seemed to still think properly as they are using their arrows to rain it down on the enemies they kill.

I thought Pixie would be lagging behind due to her small size and but no. She took advantage of her size, attached herself to Atlas who does close combat attacks, and fire magic bullets on enemies that are close to Atlas's kill zone. Hitting them with her magic bullets, she gains enough experience points every time her targets from the magic bullets die from the hands of Atlas.

Soon, the second wave ended, then the third, and the fourth. Because most enemies from those waves are weak, they were easily killed.

And from those challenges, we also got lots of loot. Most of them drop a lot of materials and they are easily gathered by us for fulfilling the request of Almira for materials for her big project. The metal drops are still the best here even though most enemies we are killing are basically hybrids of fishes and other sea creatures.

But due to how they die quickly, they were a great source of material acquisition.

But here comes the next challenge.

In wave 5, elite monsters appear and they drop lots of treasures when killed. But unlike the normal monsters, they don't die just that easily. They are much more resilient and dangerous as well.

However, everyone also has changed. Since we have leveled up, our powers are returning, and those skills we lost? It's getting there.

Because we have a bit more relaxing preparation time before wave 5, everyone took advantage of this and bought all of their passives and skills that have been lost. I still didn't waste my skill points at the moment and since this isn't my nerfed version, I don't know whether I have gained a lot of points to gain some new skills for later.

For now, I decided to keep the passives and skills until later and rely on the Versatile Weapon to fight and see how long the resilience of the weapon lasts.

"Prepare everyone, wave 5 is here..." Lina alerted everyone as big crab monsters climb up to the shore. We have defeated them before last time so we are not that surprised but the elves who have yet to see these kinds of monstrosities were a bit shocked at the new monsters. Compared to everyone who is clearly excited about a crab hunt, the three were not sure about what they are seeing.

"Let's go!"

Five of the crab monsters arrived on shore and everyone rush towards them. They are, after all, well sought after due to the fact that they are big crabs, and aside from materials, they also drop food ingredients that everyone wanted to obtain for later. They might be fearsome monsters from the eyes of the elves who have yet to see these spectacles before but for us who have seen these monsters over and over, we only see them as food sources or just materials in need of urgent harvesting.

"Let's cook these crabs in flames and let's see whether we receive a cooked ingredient dropped!" Riko then throws off large explosive attacks on the crabs.

"I think you got something there, Riko-chan. I shall contribute as well and perhaps we might get some crab parts cooked!" Rika seems to be salivating as well while she charges up flames on her sword before waving it to the crabs.

Because of everyone's view of the crabs as food instead of an enemy, the shortest amount of time we spent in wave 5 was very fast to the point that I doubt whether what we just fought are normal monsters instead of elite monsters. I even saw the crabs start running away instead of attacking after seeing everyone eyeing up for them and instead of killing, the crabs left before they can do anything dangerous.

And so, everyone continued to raise their levels and the monsters are progressively getting harder and more challenging while everyone is also getting stronger as well. They are also starting to equip their equipment as well. All of them are already returning to their old looks and with their armor and weapons equipped, everyone has joined in the battle and are now using their own weapons and skills instead of relying on the help of my followers.

Just like that, we are almost back to level 200.

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