Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 854 The Abyss Difficulty [I]

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When we finished the shopping, the goblin is almost out of stuff to sell but he didn't complain as he got a lot of money in the end as we got many treasures and money paid as well. Thanks to our previous runs, we rack up a lot of money in the end, allowing us to be able to afford stuff. And since we pooled all of our money in one place, we can share all of the expenses during the buyout.

As a result of our shopping, we got multiple scrolls plus the scroll that I am looking forward to getting as well. We also got better gear compared to our beginner items as well, allowing us to be better equipped for the next difficulty.

"Should we use some of the scrolls we have right now?" Mother asked as we are marching to the final boss of the dungeon.

"No, Mom. We save it up in the Abyss Difficulty. That way, we won't be at a loss in the end and we can take advantage of it to save some mana as well. It's beneficial for us to clear the Abyss Difficulty with little trouble. It'll make the run much easier and faster as well."

Hearing my explanation, everyone agreed as well. Knowing the experience in the Abyss Dungeon, everyone can agree that the faster the clear in the Abyss Dungeon, the less headache you will get in the process.

We still making good progress on our battles and our battles has been progressively smooth. Might be because most of the enemies I killed have died so fast due to the Versatile Weapon's stats. My power is higher than everyone else due to this weapon's insane stats making me feel like a few levels higher than them.

And because they don't like me destroying every enemy in one go like nothing, and they barely get any contribution and they can barely fight, I only do the bare minimum most of the time and only assist in healing them. I do agree with them though as it is a bit boring indeed to one-shot enemies without much trouble even though our reason for keeping on fighting in dungeons is to get used to the fighting once more using our real bodies in the process.

Oh, and by the way, due to the reappearance of the titles, the effects of the title, [Death's Favorite] also took effect which increased our experience points quite faster than expected as well.

After we cleared Very Hard and Hell Mode, we shot up to level 10 pretty easily. And once we reached level 10, the stat distribution management was unlocked.

"I don't know what is happening but why is the stat management locked at level 10? Shouldn't we have this stuff already during the very beginning?" Riko scratches her head as she looked at Renatta for an explanation.

"Don't blame me, I am just using how the original system works for us. I didn't know this thing is already possible in level 1," Renatta shrugged. The other elves shrugged as well as they also think it is normal to unlock that feature at level 10.

"Wow, seriously? I think I was totally taking it for granted when Nexus was still the system we had. You guys have it hard," Riko was surprised but she didn't further the discussion instead, trying to ensure the three elves are not offended in any manner.

"Well, it's still a bit better system than the Nexus one. These stat panels are less in clutter and are more organized. The Nexus one is packed in one go so it's pretty much a lot of stuff," Rika immediately defended the current system instead.

"In any case, we should start distributing our points properly. We don't want ourselves in a bad situation later on."

Everyone nodded and we opened our stat panels and fiddle on them. As for me, I just put down two points in each parameter. I am a jack of all trades so being balanced on everything will help me out. Besides, most of my stats are reliant on the Versatile Weapon's stat increases anyways so it doesn't really matter.

"Everyone ready? We will now head to the final difficulty. We would have stopped going here once we reached level 10 but we already hit level 10 before we can even enter Abyss Mode. It's a waste not pushing through this, leaving after everything," I looked at everyone while I am fiddling with the dungeon settings.

"We should just finish it up. I don't want to leave things half-assed anyways," my Father who liked to complete everything is now pumped up.

"Alright then. Looks like all are ready to go. Now, we shall dive to the Abyss!"

The eerie-looking portal appeared, showing us the dungeon's abyss floor. Once it fully formed, everyone jumped inside the portal and entered the final difficulty.I think you should take a look at




Landing on the ground, everyone stood up as we ready our weapons since the slimes has already gathered around.

"It would have been much better if we don't drop from the sky if we entered the Abyss Mode difficulty but sad that it is a mechanic of the Abyss Mode," Riko sighed as she wipe off the dust on her butt.

"We can worry about that later. Ready up your weapons! The slimes are closing in!" Pandora alerted everyone as the slimes are now encroaching on us in large numbers. Compared to the increase in previous difficulties, the increase in Abyss Mode is much more noticeable. We just spawned in and dozens of slimes are already coming in.

I pulled out the scroll that I bought before from the goblin merchant and immediately tear it to pieces, allowing me and the others to receive the effects the scroll have.

"Son, what was that scroll that you just tear to pieces?" Father asked.

"EXP multiplier effect. During our entire time in this dungeon, all of our experience gains will increase significantly. If we combine it with my title effects, we can potentially reach level 15 or even 20 if we are lucky after this battle!"

Hearing that, everyone gained vigor as everyone enters battle stance. Who wouldn't be happy if their level is now ready to reach a higher state?

Because the number of slimes present is now much larger compared to before, everyone has no more qualms about me attacking and killing slimes instantly. After all, everyone has now their fair share of enemies to kill while I also have the same amount as them.

The slimes are vulnerable to magic so blasting them with [Fireball] a few times destroys all of them. Like always, I still managed to one-shot them just like before but with their numbers, it doesn't even matter.

We continue moving while we also continue killing slimes. We are moving slower compared to before since we have to slay slimes while moving around. Due to the slimes swarming all over, it's taking time to deal with all of them.

Continuously killing the slimes over and over, everyone started glowing signifying we have increased in one level. We still continue to fight the slimes and deal with them as we go. We even reached the point that we barely grab any of the [Slime Balls] that they dropped as loot as our inventory is already overflowing with them.

Everyone is having fun killing slimes now though so I guess it is fine. I can also notice that they are slowly getting back on their track as well since Riko and Rika are now back to their maniacal states of blasting everything using fire. My parents became quite a duo in dealing with the slimes, Mr. Teddy being a total martial artist by releasing countless punches on the enemies, the siblings with the brother being a perfect shield while the sister wiping out enemies harming her brother, while Pandora returned slowly to her original play style. If she regains back the [Chains of the Heavens] soon, she will surely be back to her groove and a way to fight.

As for the new fighters on our side, the elves are what I call quite amazing in what they can do. Renatta and Alena are both quite capable of using archery. Seeing them precisely striking the slime's weak points in quick succession, I can only say I am jealous of how quick they are in using bows as they can even rival someone who wields a gun in a gunfight. Labo on the other hand utilizes nature as a Druid and is extremely capable of dealing damage to enemies like a real druid. I am even taking notes on my mind on how he was doing things using the Druid class.

It didn't take us long to reach level 12 but we barely moved from our spot as we continue to fight tons of slimes. Despite my one-shot capabilities, the amount of slime is much higher than I thought it should have. I am quite sure they aren't this many and the number of slimes present I originally thought the Abyss Mode have have already exceeded with my kills and I am still killing them with no end in sight.

I don't know what is the case and I think we are holding fine. But this isn't what I have in mind when dealing with Abyss Mode. Does that mean, this is the real Abyss Mode now that the safety gears from Nexus Company was released?

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