Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 845 Intruders

I am not happy that things have reached this point. Seeing intruders like them trying to raid the house of my parents since we are currently here means they are trying to hold us captive and use our chances to find the Tree of Life while we are captive. I can see it from miles away why they can do this.

It seems Nobuhiko will do anything in his power to get what he wanted to get. But if he goes to this kind of extreme, then there is no point in helping him at all. No one else aside from Nobuhiko has the way to use these guys as a way to capture us.

Not only they are produced by the Nexus, but they are also sold in the future as well for AI companions. They are efficient and they don't leave a corpse when damaged and killed, making them easily disposable servants that can be used for any job. However, the moment I knew what they are, the easier I have time with them and I don't need to worry about leaving any kind of evidence.

Like many technologies, they run using electricity. However, when they are overloaded to the point that the energy reserves they have couldn't handle them all, then they will naturally malfunction and break.

My element specialty in the real world is the affinity to use electricity and I have been practicing it ever since. I may not be that familiar with using various forms of it, but I know how to make use of them to their fullest.

I sneak into their group. They still have yet to know that I am there. Even if they are AI, they seemed to have yet to develop a way to detect anyone who is in stealth mode, making them perfect targets for my idea.

Without breaking the Stealth mode, I grab their necks and unload voltage to their bodies that flow directly into their systems. They started convulsing and their electric charges starts to leak out. After a few seconds, parts of their bodies are exploding, and soon enough, their bodies flicker before they fall to the ground, "dead" and slowly disappear.

The other AI started to gather and immediately try to check what happened and are running diagnostics on what happened. Although they are AI they are not built smart. They still think like machines and they think of the best logical actions. Things that would cause their other companions to break down will cause them to check and analyze them. Seeing how they all came and analyze the area means they are not built in one single hive mind, but separate minds, otherwise, they would just send one to analyze and the others will continue with the job.

"Seriously, Nobuhiko. I don't know whether you are an idiot or a genius."

Still standing behind the AI, I immediately doused them with water magic, exposing my location.

"There he is!"

Even though they are basically machines, they don't get affected by water due to their waterproof capabilities like real humans. But that doesn't mean they are invulnerable to the power of water, and electricity combined. They might not malfunction with just water alone and their electric components, but outside power is still fatal.

"To those who are watching the eyes of these AI, perhaps you should all think twice about what you all are doing," before flashing them with a middle finger.

"NOW, DIE!" I then aimed down my middle finger to the ground and sent a large electricity voltage.


All of the AI started shaking and convulsing before they began to explode one by one, eliminating all intruders in one go.

That's when everyone went out of the house to check on what happened and they saw the scene of the AI exploding. As for me, I am currently scanning the surroundings. I don't want anyone who is lingering in the area escapes.

As I was scanning, a black car not too far started to move in a hurry. Inside are a few men and one woman who seems to be the one commanding the situation earlier.

"Running away huh?"

I didn't even explain to everyone what happened and immediately jumped off the ground, and chases the fleeing car. If they think the car is fast enough to outrun me, then they are wrong.

There's no need for me to run, jumping from obstacle to obstacle is much faster, and using them to give me an acceleration option, it's easy for me to catch up to them. When I was close enough, I took advantage of the surroundings and hid before jumping straight to the car and using the Versatile Weapon to grab a hold of a moving car.

"Shoot him!" the lady inside panics the moment I landed in the car. The men started shooting at the car's roof and I have a hard time trying to dodge all of them. I even got a few slight wounds from the passing bullets but thankfully, not fatal but a pretty close call.  I think you should take a look at

I didn't want to take too long in this car and decided to send a large volt of electricity to them. Who cares if the car is running, if they are trying to trouble my family, then this one is not even enough. I am just giving them mercy since I can't go full ham of violence or else, it might track me and might trouble my family more.


The high-voltage shockwave I released inside the car traveled to the passengers and I can hear their screams before they died out. The car didn't stop running though and I have to eject myself by using the Hook and Chain and dangle on one of the streetlights. The car on the other hand, without a driver to drive, crashes into a nearby tree.

It started smoking and I think oil is already flowing out of the tank, so I just ripped off a large part of the roof of the car and check the inside of it. The only person left inside is the woman I detected before and the one screaming as well. The rest are gone which means all of them are AI companions.

There's no way I will leave her there to die. She is needed for me to know what Nobuhiko is planning to do and I will have to interrogate her to learn more on this.

Grabbing her out of the car, I immediately escape with her in tow. A few minutes later while I am already far from the distance, the car exploded. Thankfully, there are no witnesses at that time therefore, I don't have to worry about it that much if authorities are ever getting hold of the car wreck, they will think it just crashed there, and without any bodies there, they might think the people inside have escaped. There are also guns left behind there so they might also think some crime happened and they are just escaping.

The woman I am carrying is unconscious but she is necessary for me to capture. Whoever she is, she is connected to Nobuhiko and she must have known some things on why they are out here and trying to abduct us in the first place.

When I arrived, everyone is worried including my parents.

"Manato! Where have you been?! We are so worried about you, are you hurt?" Mom immediately checks me, totally worried about me.

"A little injuries here and there but not too major, can be healed by normal heal, no worries."

"Next time, be sure to tell us first. We can't afford you to dive into danger just like that and leave us in hanging. You make us totally worried."

Then, their attention went to the woman I am carrying.

"Who is this, Manato?" Riko asked with a frown on her face.

"Someone involved by the mastermind who sent us the people who are planning to abduct us."

"Abduct us?!" Rika was surprised.

"I have a few theories on whose orders was it but I am quite sure the one who sent them out and tried to abduct us was none other than Nobuhiko himself. This might seem farfetched but the moment he used those AI people, I knew it was him immediately."

"AI people? Like robots?" Riko tilted her head.

"Close, but they are more like android holograms. They act like robots but when killed, they don't leave a body and disappear like a hologram program. They were recently advertised by Nexus company as their new product for assisting people and I remembered them being developed during the last time I went there so I am sure it was them."

"Then why are they doing this? Why are they trying to abduct us in the first place?" Father asked.

"There is one thing I know. It must have been involved with the search for the Tree of Life. And to ensure cooperation, abducting us and making us look for it while being strapped in a chair or any apparatus would be ideal than making us roam free. They want us to be their tracker, whether we like it or not."

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