Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 61 Meeting The Principal

Master Fixten started a raid of the city in search of the assassins with the squad of 10 mystic warrior policemen as soon as he left the city's police barracks.

Today was a celebratory day in Obedin City as it marked the end of this year's graduation tournament, but amidst the celebrations moved a group of assassins.

At this point, the Black Python assassin group was already screwed.

Of the 40 assassins who came for this mission, the 20 who went after Rex were already annihilated. The 10 who went for Cassandra were equally eliminated, only those that went after Ben survived the onslaught.

After revealing his legendary rings and swallowing the red pill, Ben became unstoppable but he was not as ruthless as a vampire or Cassandra.

He killed 4 assassins as the remaining 6 slipped away and were the ones now on the run. They were merely on the run though; they were far from escaping.

After the age of awakening, humanity discovered a lot more than just mystic energy. Through his authority, Master Fixten already communicated with the surveillance department of Obedin City, and the locations of the assassins were already found.

What the ultra-surveillance satellites showed though shocked the experts who were behind the computers, it was a total bloodbath.

In Cassandra's case, the assassins suffered terrible deaths but the student was also in a critical state as she was in a pool of her own blood.

As for Ben, he was perfectly fine only with some surface injuries. He only sat on the floor as he seemed to have gotten a trauma from all that happened.

Once the ultra-surveillance satellites caught these, ambulances were sent as the 2 students were retrieved and swiftly rushed to the hospital.

Apart from the dead assassins, the ultra-surveillance satellites also pinpointed the location of the 6 assassins who were still on the run.

Master Fixten hunted them down!

Once they caught up to the first assassin, Master Fixten kept him alive briefly as he asked him targeted questions but once the answers sounded unsatisfactory to his hearing, he killed him without hesitation.

The same thing happened for the 2nd to 4th assassin until the 5th assassin was finally caught. Once this last assassin was caught, Master Fixten questioned him.

"Who ordered the death of the students?"

"Answer me now!"

"You won't survive this but telling me the truth will reduce the pain of death, you don't want to force my hand!" Master Fixten's face turned cold.

"…F*ck you!" The assassin spat and that was what resulted in his death.


Once he beheaded the assassin, Master Fixten turned to leave.

"Tidy up the mess".

The news that Rex, Cassandra, and Ben suffered an assassination attempt just after the end of the graduation tournament was suppressed by the academy.

First, the academy wanted to prevent panic from spreading and they suppressed the news with confidence because of their belief that the assassins could not do more harm after they were discovered.

Once they were discovered, Obedin City became their death ground.

For an assassin group of their size, Obedin City with its monstrous strength of dozens of intermediate mystic warriors and an advanced mystic warrior was too fierce for them to handle, it was like hitting an egg against a rock.

As expected, the threat of the assassins quickly fizzled out.

Master Fixten was the only one who went to visit Rex and his friends in the hospital as they recovered. He was worried about Rex's mental state after what he saw, but to his surprise, Rex seemed to have recovered.

Not just psychologically, by now, Rex already miraculously recovered completely from all his injuries which even baffled the doctors.

Cassandra's injuries were the most severe of the trio but after the emergency treatment from the doctors, she started visibly recovering.

Ben barely suffered any injury. What he suffered though seemed to be psychological as he kept on spouting barely coherent sentences.

"…I can't believe my PP survived".

"…Is that not a miracle?"

"…Damn! My PP f*cking survived!"

Any time that he started, the nurses politely excused themselves.

Later in the evening that same day, the trio of students were finally discharged but just as they walked out of the hospital, they met a man and a woman who were dressed in the trademark black and white uniform of Obedin Mystic Academy.

"Good evening, Masters".

"The principal asked for you".

That was all that was needed as the 3 students followed them to the part of the Obedin Mystic Academy where the principal's room was located.


Once the door was locked, Principal Dominic of the Obedin Mystic Academy looked up at his 3 students who were involved in this drama.


"Thank you, sir".

Coming before this legend of Obedin City, the only active current advanced mystic warrior of the city, Rex, Cassandra, and Ben were humbled.

They put on their best facial expressions as they faced him.

"Ahem…" Principal Dominic cleared his throat. "Well, as you can see, I am your Principal and I want to know everything that happened".


The silence stretched on for only a short while but even the principal himself had to admit that he phrased that wrong. Well, it was not his problem for not being a good public speaker, he would act like nothing happened.

"Rex Vector, you first".

"Sir, after I was ambushed by the assassins, I had to run deep inside the forest as I sustained more injuries. I barely survived a dagger stab to the chest and after that, I fell into a pit".

"After this, I don't know what happened following that".

"All I could remember was screams, some faint mumblings, and moans, then I woke up to see Master Fixten".


"I'm not sure, everything still feels blurry".

Principal Dominic cleared his throat again. "Ahem…, are you sure that this is the current account of the events that happened, Mr. Rex Vector?"

"Yes, I swear on my name!"


"Ok, next, Cassandra Putin".

Cassandra spoke calmly and fluently. "Sir, my friend went missing so in my panic, I set out to look for him. During the process of searching for him did I encounter the assassins, I was outnumbered and outmatched".

"I tried to resist but I failed. After being beaten to the point of death, I suffered one last slash of their sword to the face, then I fainted".

"Before fainting, the last thing that I remembered was a shadow creeping closer to the assassins from an adjacent direction".

"I don't know what happened after".

"When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital".

"…Umm, ok". The Principal was speechless at this point as the nonsensical response of the students finally caused his original personality to come out.

He yawned before directing an uninterested glance toward Ben. "What of you?"

Ben shuddered once he was pointed out. "I-I will speak!"

"I survived all because of the 8 magic rings and the red pill!"

"I confess! I saw them some years back when I went lizardry hunting in the neighborhood".

"It is not my intention to keep it a secret, I'm sorry!"

"…" Now, the Principal was genuinely speechless. "What a different breed!"

"Can I see the rings and the remaining 2 pills?" Before the Principal could continue, his assistant had already taken over from where he stopped.

Ben nodded in fear as he brought the 8 rings and the pills out, he sniffed in slight regret as the lady took them away from his hands.

"You can go, you will receive an official report later".

"Thank you, Principal".

Once the 3 students left, the assistant turned to face the principal. "Rex Vector lied but for the girl, I am not so sure, it was all so natural".

"What do you think?" The Principal raised his head to face his assistant.

"I am not too sure. Rex's case is special since we didn't have surveillance drones in the vicinity of the forest where he was attacked, so we cannot determine if he lied or not".

"As for Ben, the surveillance drones captured every one of his actions".

"Only the girl is different. Perhaps it was pure luck or experience, but somehow, she was able to lure the assassins to a location where the point of view of the drones was blocked".

"We could not get anything, the only thing that we got which strangely agrees with her explanation is the shadow that was captured by the drones".

"We can't confirm if this is the same shadow that she referred to".

"That's complicated then". Principal Dominic suddenly clasped his hands in resolution. "You know the drill, give it to the analysts".

This female assistant sighed on hearing that as she placed her hands on her hips, exasperated. "How can you be so lazy and uninterested in interesting things?"

"Lady, watch your tongue, I am never lazy!"


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