Valkyrie Smash

Chapter 195 Scarlet Citadel.

A harrowing symphony of destruction and chaos followed the launch of hundreds of missiles, their ignition reverberating through the atmosphere shaking the ground beneath as they propelled themselves toward a single target.

The deafening noise echoed across the landscape, sending shivers down the spines of every Olympian and Valkyrie warning them of the impending doom.

The fighting stopped and all eyes turned to the scarlet castle that appeared out of nowhere. The Valkyries immediately realized what was happening. B3 was their leader; she was always calm and calculating despite what her appearance portrayed. If she chose to go all out and use her Scarlet Citadel, it means that the situation was a lot more dire than what they thought.

Atropos was motionless for one very long moment. Seeing the barrage of missiles raining down on her wiped the smile off her face and she clutched her sword preparing to move. Just then she felt something crawl around her leg. Glancing down for a moment she saw a glowing red cuff wrapped around her right ankle, the cord extending from it connected to a device sticking out of the ground.


The first missile landed and a chain of explosions followed silencing the fire spreading across the burning forest. The night sky lit up with the blinding light of constant detonations blending into each other followed by violent shockwaves that washed over the landscape tearing everything off the ground and sending it flying.

Five hundred rounds were fired in less than thirty seconds. The inferno they caused erased all life in the vicinity, and though the Nameless Element would soon return to its original dimension, the effect it already caused was more than devastating.

As new missiles formed in place of those that have been launched, B3's eyes studied the brightly lit battlefield, a sense of tension gradually building up in her mind. The first wave would've been more than enough to level an entire city, but a Valkyrie would be able to withstand it with her force field cranked up to its maximum output. The Olympians are supposedly made of flesh and blood, but most of them showed that they're capable of using abilities similar to the Valkyries and Nephilim. B3 was confident that their leader, Atropos, wouldn't be fazed by only this much. Her Limited Rift would surely protect her better than any kind of barrier, but it would definitely reach its limit sooner or later.

Noticing movements inside the inferno, a few dozen drones took off to the sky above the Scarlet Citadel. Different from the type their master conjured before, the new ones were loaded with the same blaster she used to corner the Olympian in her own trap a couple of minutes ago. Moving in unison, all of them pointed at a single point. Their barrels adjusted narrowing their openings then without pause all of them fired drawing a number of crisscrossing thin lines toward the still burning landscaping, which caused another series of detonations a second later.

As the flashing lights subdued something emerged from the sea of flames drawing the attention of all the drones. It was Atropos, her body enveloped in a layer of light blue as she propelled herself at a much higher spread than before thanks to the incorporeal red wings attached to her back.

She grimaced seeing what appeared like sparkling stars in the distance, knowing that another barrage of laser beams was about to rain down on her. Teleporting away did little to help. More drones were on standby ready to snipe her the moment she reappears, buying the few seconds the rest of the artillery needed to adjust their aim.

Weaving around the yellow beams, the Olympian looked for her allies, a part of her doubting that they survived the initial bombardment. To her surprise Perseus and the others were completely fine. Daedalus' barrier still held strong, but that might be because none of the missiles or lasers had targetted them directly up to this point. I think you should take a look at

Atropos was the most dangerous among them for sure, but it would've made much more sense to target the others since they didn't have the capabilities to withstand a bombardment of that level. Of course she would've jumped in to help them if that were to happen, but her opponent was too focused on her, which was both good and bad at the same time.

'Now, how am I going to do this?...'

Just as she began to consider how she would fight an entire fortress loaded with enough weapons to sink her entire fleet, the second wave of bombardment began following the sounds of ignition made by hundreds of newly created missiles. With the drones ceasing their attacks she was finally granted a moment of rest only to spend it watching the explosive spears heading directly at her. It was then that she noticed a slight difference in the velocity of each missile, as if everything was calculated to ensure they wouldn't collide with each other before reaching their target.

Normally weapons of this magnitude are used on a a large area, not a single point, but from the looks of it everything was concentrated on Atropos herself with complete disregard to how impractical it might be.

Obviously missiles were much slower than laser beams so the Olympian had all the time she needed to get out of the way. Unfortunately the moment she took off the missiles adjusted their trajectory and followed after her indicating that they were all equipped with homing guidance systems.

'Did she seriously create all of this using only the 23rd dimension?'

Knowing she had nowhere to escape, Atropos came to a stop and isolated herself inside a box created by Limited Rift. She closed her eyes to shield them from the light the explosions created and waited. Her abilities allowed her to separate the inside of the box from the outside, however some things could still get in, like visible light and some sound frequencies.

The explosions began the moment the first missile hit the outer side of the blue box, deadly flowers blooming in the sky like fireworks. As she watched the display from the safety of her fortress, B3 couldn't help but scowl seeing that everything so far has yet to put a single scratch on the enemy leader.

An ominous feeling sent a chill down her spine just as the last of the missiles detonated, then suddenly, the fire burning in the sky was suddenly put out as if snuffed like the light of a weak candle.

Small triangular shaped devices slowly gathered, joining together to form a number of white disks hovering around a single figure clad in glistering black armor, an ominous red light shimmering in the visor of its helmet as it stared through the walls of the Scarlet Citadel and directly at the red haired Valkyrie.

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