Utopian System

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: System's Machinations

Lucien sat in his office, his face betraying the fatigue and tension accumulated after the last hours of chaos. The dim afternoon light filtered through the windows, casting long shadows over the scrolls and maps scattered across his desk. The silence that now reigned in the city was almost as unsettling as the roar of the monsters that had ravaged it moments before.

"Uncle," Varick's voice broke the silence, a tone of barely contained impatience in his voice. "Are you listening to me?"

Lucien looked up from the reports he was reviewing, his tired eyes meeting those of his nephew. "I'm listening, Varick. But you must understand that this isn't the best time to..."

"And when will be the best time?" Varick interrupted, his frustration evident. "I've been training relentlessly. I've mastered Elio's technique, I've even gotten along with him, just as you asked. Isn't it time for you to fulfill your part of the deal?"

Lucien sighed deeply, rubbing his temples in an attempt to alleviate the headache he felt growing. Recent events weighed heavily on him: the breaches in the barrier, the Locus that had managed to enter the city, the lives lost...

"Varick," he began, trying to keep his voice calm, "we've just suffered an attack similar to the one a week ago. Twenty Locus managed to enter the city… Twenty because the reduction of 1,115 soldiers created gaps in the initial defense. Although only 54 soldiers died this time thanks to the prompt response from us injecting more mana...

Four hundred innocent lives have been lost, we even lost your cousin Marcus. This is not the time to think about personal challenges, right?"

"But uncle," Varick insisted, "don't you think having more level 4 warriors would help in situations like this? If you allow me to face the challenge, I could be of greater help in defending the city."

Lucien rose from his chair, walking to the window. From there, he could see part of the city, the aftermath of the attack still visible in the streets. "It's not that simple, Varick, you also can die. The families have their reasons for maintaining the age protocol for the level 4 challenge. Changing it is not a decision that can be made lightly..."

"But you're a Summoner, the greatest and most influential leader from the five on the wall," Varick pressed. "If you talked to them, if you explained..."

Lucien turned to face his nephew, his expression serious. "Varick, do you truly understand the gravity of the situation? We've lost more than a thousand lives in the previous breach. And now this. If this continues, the wall will be on the brink of collapse. The families are more concerned with obtaining cores than allowing exceptions to their rules.

Being as hungry for cores as they are, do you think they'll give you a summon so soon?"

Varick opened his mouth to protest, but Lucien raised a hand to stop him. "However," he continued, his voice softening slightly, "I understand your point, I made you a promise. And I recognize your effort and dedication."

Lucien returned to his desk, sitting heavily in his chair. After a moment of reflection, he spoke again: "Alright, Varick. I'll talk to the families about your case."

Varick's eyes lit up with hope. "You will? Really?"

Lucien nodded slowly. "Yes. In any case, I have to meet with those damn elders. This time I won't go alone. I'll take Raelar and Selene with me."

"Summoner Selene?" Varick asked, a shiver running down his spine. "Crazy aunt Sel...? Uncle, I'm not sure if that's a good idea, her rudeness is the reason she got so high level being a woman, every time she sees the elders she starts a..."

"I need her this time," Lucien confirmed. "We'll need all the influence possible if we want to make the families see reason. Not just about your case, Varick, but about many other things that need to change."

Varick seemed about to say something more, but at that moment, the office door burst open. A young soldier, with a disheveled uniform and labored breathing, burst into the room.

"Summoner Von Lucien!" exclaimed the soldier, making a quick bow. "Excuse the intrusion, sir, but I bring urgent news. It's about the soldier you asked us to monitor with priority..."

Lucien stood up, his face showing concern. "Speak, soldier. What's happening?"

The soldier swallowed, clearly nervous. "Sir, Summoner Von Varen has been seen carrying Elio Elian towards the families' building."

A tense silence fell over the room. Lucien felt his blood run cold. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

The soldier nodded vigorously. "Yes, sir. Several witnesses confirmed it. Young Elian appeared to be unconscious or severely injured."

Lucien cursed under his breath, his mind racing with the implications of this news. "This is not good," he muttered. "Not good at all."

Varick, who had been observing the exchange with growing confusion, finally spoke. "Uncle, what does this mean? Why would Uncle Varen take Elio to the families' building?"

Lucien looked at his nephew, internally debating how much he could reveal. "Varick, there are things you don't know about Elio. Things that could put him in danger if the families discover them."

"What things?" Varick pressed, his curiosity evidently piqued.

Lucien shook his head. "There's no time for detailed explanations now. What you need to know is that if Von Varen has taken Elio before the families, his life could be in danger."

Varick, despite his... initial disagreement with Elio, had begun to feel respect during the past weeks of training together. He seemed slightly interested, "What are you going to do?" he asked.

Lucien moved quickly, picking up his armor and his max level sword. "I'm going to the families' building right now. Varick, I want you to find Raelar and Selene. Tell them I need them there immediately."

Varick nodded, his expression serious. "I'll do it, uncle. But what about my request?"

Lucien paused at the door, looking at his nephew with a mixture of exasperation and affection. "Varick, right now there are more important things at stake. But I promise I haven't forgotten your request. If we manage to get out of this crisis, I'll do everything possible to allow you to face the level 4 challenge."

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