Utopian System

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: System's Rising Tide

Breach alarms blared one after another, their overlapping sounds heralding multiple incursions.

Elio and his team exchanged worried glances before springing into action.

"To the ramparts!" Elio's voice cut through the chaos. "Time to put that training to the test!"

As they raced towards the top of the wall, Elio's mind whirled.

Multiple breaches were rare, and the implications troubling. Had the families further reduced the mana allocation as Von Lucien had warned they might?


Upon reaching the top of the wall, they encountered a scene of controlled chaos. Defender squads were already in position, their newly honed techniques on full display.

Kriz, with his trademark crooked smile, pointed towards the horizon. "Well, looks like we'll have more work than usual today. Did anyone bet on a quiet day? Tell me who so I can kick their ass."

Elio followed Kriz's gaze. In the distance, three Locus monsters could be seen breaking through God's punishment at different points. Considering that two in the same area was already quite rare, their frequency was highly unusual.

The monsters, identical to each other as always, determinedly jumped to the parapet.

"Alright team, spread out and support the squads!" Elio ordered. "Zara, with me. Kriz and Brok, take the left flank. Ren and Micah, the right. Let's show what we've learned."

Elio and Zara positioned themselves behind a level 3 squad. The soldiers' faces were masks of grim resolve as they readied their nickel-coated lances.

"On my signal, begin alternating throws every 2 seconds!" Elio shouted. "Three, two, one... LAUNCH!"

At first, everything seemed normal, but something wasn't right. The monsters, though wounded, didn't falter as expected.

On the left flank, Kriz and Brok faced similar challenges. Kriz quipped as he threw: "These bugs have been training too, huh? Maybe we should invite them to our sessions."


Elio felt a pang of worry. Four full rounds to take down a single Locus. At this rate...

"Elio!" Zara's voice cut through his thoughts. "Another one's breaching!"

And so it continued. Locus after Locus, each requiring more effort than usual to bring down.

Elio's team worked like a well-oiled machine, their movements precise and coordinated. But even the most efficient machine has its limits.

Elio retrieved another lance, his mana reserves dwindling with each throw.

"Zara, how are you holding up?" he asked between breaths.

"I'm managing," she replied. "But we can't keep this pace forever. Something's off with these monsters."

Elio nodded, his mind racing. The Locus' increased resilience, combined with their unusual frequency, was pushing their mana to the limit.

"Keep at it!" Micah encouraged, voice hoarse. "We've almost got this one!"

With a final ear-splitting shriek, the enormous Locus collapsed, its body already beginning to dissolve.

A cheer rose among the defenders, but Elio knew they couldn't celebrate yet.

Locus monsters kept jumping through the rifts, and he could see fatigue setting in among the soldiers.

Elio watched with concern as another Locus broke through God's punishment. Like the others, it seemed healthier, less damaged than usual.

"Zara," Elio called, "mana check?"

She frowned, calculating. "With the tower exemption and if you spot me 5 for essentials... maybe 8 more retrievals."

Elio nodded, aware that his situation was similar. Thanks to Von Lucien, they had a bit more leeway, but still, their resources were limited.

"Team!" Elio shouted, calling everyone's attention. "Gather round, we need to coordinate our efforts."

As they huddled, Elio surveyed their worn faces.

"What's the plan, boss?" Kriz asked.

"These Locus are tougher than usual. Ren, theories?"

Ren's brow furrowed in concentration. "Based on our observations, I'd say they're withstanding 35 to 55 damage points, up from the usual 20 to 40. Could be evolution, or..."

"Or someone could be manipulating the tower's mana," Micah finished, his voice laden with suspicion.

A tense silence fell over the group. The implication was unsettling.

"Whatever the cause," Elio cut in, "we adapt. Brok, what's your mana status?"

Brok flexed his muscles, as if that could increase his mana. "With luck, about 9. I've been practicing my mana control."

"Good," Elio nodded. "You and I will take the lead there. Zara and Kriz, you'll be their second line. Ren and Micah, I need you to coordinate with the other squads. Make sure no one wastes their throws."

The team dispersed, the gravity of the situation etched on their faces.


After what seemed like an eternity, but was actually about 30 minutes, Elio noticed that his mana reserves were dangerously low.

"Elio," Zara said, her voice low with concern. "Our mana reserves..."

He looked around, seeing the same realization dawning on faces across the wall.

The lances flew once more, bringing down the approaching Locus.

Silence fell over the wall.

No more monsters were visible on the parapet.

"Did we... Did we do it?" Kriz asked, his voice mixing hope and mana exhaustion.

Elio was about to respond when a lookout's cry cut through the air.

"Locus! Three more incoming!"

Elio's heart sank. He met his team's eyes, seeing the same grim understanding. They were out of mana, and the monsters kept coming.

"Elio," Zara said, her voice tense. "What do we do now?"

Elio clenched his fists, mind racing. They'd trained for this, perfected their techniques, but now, because of it…

The majority had no armor.

He squared his shoulders, voice laden with resolve. "If we can't stop them at range, we meet them head-on."

The team exchanged glances, the implications clear. Greater risk, higher casualties.

But choice was a luxury they no longer had.

As the team dispersed, Elio couldn't help but look towards the towers once more. The Locus were approaching, relentless.

The real test was just beginning.


Elio gripped the handle of his spear tightly, feeling the weight of the metal in his hands. Without mana to empower it, the weapon felt strangely inert.

"Defensive formation!" he shouted, his voice resonating over the growing chaos. "Hold your positions and don't let go of your lances under any circumstances!"

The level 3 squads quickly regrouped, forming a solid line. Elio noted with concern how groups of 5 merged into larger units of 10 or 20 soldiers depending on the level of their equipment. It was necessary, but some Locus might slip through to the city, or squads might end up fighting two monsters at once.

Zara approached him, her face tense. "Elio, without the heavy armor..."

"I know," he replied, cutting off her sentence. He didn't need to be reminded of their vulnerability, at least they had 10,000-point resistant clothing, most soldiers didn't.

"Stay together and cover your flanks."

A bestial roar cut through the air. The Locus were approaching.

"Here they come!" Kriz shouted, his usual jovial tone replaced by palpable tension.

The squad of level 2 defenders moved forward, their shields raised high. Elio wanted to yell at them to fall back, that it was too dangerous for level 2s, but there was no other choice.

The first Locus rammed against the shield line. For a moment, it seemed they would hold. Then, with a horrifying crunch, the monster's claws tore through shield, bone, and flesh alike.

"Damn it!" Brok roared, his face contorted with rage and helplessness.

The screams of wounded and dying defenders filled the air. Elio felt his stomach churn, but there was no time for compassion.

"Hold the line!" he ordered. "Don't let them through!"

The level 3 squads advanced, their spears at the ready. Elio positioned himself at the front.

The next Locus charged at them. Elio felt his hands trembling, but he stood firm. When the monster came within reach, he thrust his spear with all his might.

The tip penetrated the exoskeleton, but not as deeply as it should have. The Locus screeched in pain and fury, its front legs thrashing violently.

"Don't let go!" He yelled, his voice barely audible above the chaos.

Elio watched in horror as the Locus' claws reached a nearby soldier, ripping open his chest with a single swipe.

"Push together!" Elio ordered, swallowing the bile rising in his throat. "Now!"

As one entity, the squad pushed their spears. The Locus, impaled at multiple points, finally succumbed.

But there was no time to celebrate. More monsters were approaching, and the defensive line was already showing signs of fatigue.

"Elio!" Zara called, her voice laden with urgency. "We can't maintain this level of casualties for long!"

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