Utopian System

Chapter 32: Chapter 32: System's Cores

As the others left the office, Lucien turned to Elio, his expression becoming more serious and confidential.

"Elio," Lucien began, his voice dropping to barely above a whisper, "there's something else I need to discuss with you. Something that must remain strictly between us." The frog on his head seemed to lean forward, its bulbous eyes fixed on Elio with an unnerving intensity.

Elio nodded, intrigued by the sudden change in Lucien's demeanor. "Of course, sir. You can trust my discretion. Whatever it is, it won't leave this room."

Lucien approached a bookshelf and took out a heavy metal box, opened it with a key, revealing a smaller box. He carefully placed it on his desk.

"Normally, the next step in your growth would be to face the level 4 challenge," Lucien said, opening the box to reveal 10 small glowing cores. "But you know that there is another way to get stronger… For the first summon, you need 100 monster cores."

Elio's eyes widened at the sight of the cores. "Yes, sir. But I thought I'd have to overcome the fourth level first."

Lucien's lips curved into an enigmatic smile. "That's how it's always been, yes. But circumstances are changing, Elio. Someone changed the rules. In the process, I've also gained... advantages.

And with them, new priorities arise."

Elio listened attentively.

"The breaches have increased significantly in recent days," Von Lucien continued, his voice full of concern. "The elders seem to be... impatient. This increase is claiming lives, Elio. Lives of brave soldiers in the patrol and defender squads."

Elio felt a chill run down his spine. "That's terrible, sir. I thought we had saved them… Is there anything we can do to stop it?"

Lucien shook his head, a flicker of frustration in his features. "Stop it, no. We can only prepare them better with your technique. But someday I want to end this madness... And this is where you come in, Elio."

He leaned forward, his voice dropping even lower. "Thanks to my position and the control I've gained over all the soldiers, I can now make some... adjustments. Divert resources, including cores. It's not much, not yet, but it's a start."

Elio's eyes lit up with understanding. "Sir, are you saying that...?"

Lucien nodded, the movement causing the frog on his head to sway slightly. "That's right, Elio. I can help you gather the 100 cores you need. With the increase in breaches and these adjustments, in a few months you could have your first summon ready. Before you face the fourth level challenge."

The opportunity was incredible, almost too good to be true. But with it came a wave of anxiety. "It's... it's an incredible opportunity, sir. But wouldn't we be considered traitors? If anyone found out..."

"We would if anyone found out," Lucien replied seriously. "That's why it's crucial that this stays between us. No one, not even your teammates, should know about this arrangement. Do you understand the importance of this, Elio?"

Elio nodded solemnly, looking at the intense eyes of the frog for a moment. "Absolutely, sir. You have my word that I'll keep this secret."

"Good," said Lucien, satisfied. "But remember, Elio, this isn't a gift. It's an investment in our city's future. With your potential and a summon at your disposal, you'll be able to reach my level soon and become a powerful ally for me."

Elio straightened up, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "I understand, sir. I won't let you down."

"I know you won't," Lucien replied with a smile. "Now, there's another reason I'm offering you this opportunity. The increase in breaches not only means more cores available but also more danger for our current defenders. Did you discover if it's possible to damage the Locus at a distance with level 3 lances?"

Elio nodded. "It was possible, I tested it with my first trow sir. It's only necessary to completely cover the lance in nickel and apply a bit of magnetism to repel it in flight. As long as the lance is in contact with mana, it doesn't need to be level 4 or 5 to apply the thrower's damage."

Lucien stood up and began pacing the office, his voice charged with urgency.

"That's excellent news. We'll be able to arm all the 10,000 soldiers in that case. We need the new squads ready as soon as possible."

He paused, his expression darkening. "I know I've told you this before, but I want you to know the numbers. The delay in implementing the new method has already claimed 783 lives. Your technique, Elio, can make the difference between life and death for many soldiers. For families who'll never have to receive that dreaded news."

Elio nodded, understanding the pain. "I understand, sir. We'll do our utmost to train the new squads as quickly and efficiently as possible."

"Exactly," Lucien confirmed. "While I take care of diverting some cores for you, your priority must be training these new squads. Every day counts, Elio. Every soldier we manage to prepare with your technique could mean lives saved in the future."

Elio felt a new determination burning away the last vestiges of doubt. "I won't fail you, sir. I'll dedicate every available moment to perfecting and teaching the technique."

Lucien smiled, pleased with Elio's response. "I know you will. And remember, the faster and more efficient you are in training, the sooner we can finish collecting cores for you. It's a delicate balance, Elio. Your personal progress and the city's safety are now more intertwined than ever."

"I understand the responsibility, sir," Elio responded firmly. "I won't waste this opportunity."

Lucien nodded, satisfied. "Good. Now, go to your team. Celebrate your victory today, but prepare for the intense work ahead. Tomorrow we'll begin with the detailed preparations for the training program."

As Elio headed towards the door, Lucien added: "And Elio, remember: absolute discretion. The future of many, and ours, depends on it."

Elio nodded one last time before leaving the office.

The opportunity to reach level 4 and obtain his first summon was now within reach, but with it came an enormous responsibility and the burden of secrecy.

Upon reaching where his friends were waiting, Elio took a deep breath, composing his expression.

He would have to guard his emotions and the knowledge of what was to come. For now, he would focus on celebrating the day's victory with his team and preparing them for the intense training that would begin tomorrow.


As Elio rejoined his team, he was immediately struck by the eager curiosity painted across their faces.

They clustered around him, eyes wide with anticipation, reminding him of children awaiting a story.

"Well?" Zara asked, unable to contain her impatience any longer. Her foot tapped a rapid rhythm on the floor. "What did Von Lucien want? It must have been important to keep you back like that."

Elio put on his best casual smile, a mask to conceal the true nature of his conversation with Lucien. The weight of the secret pressed against his chest, making each breath feel deliberate.

"Oh, nothing too important," he said with a carefully measured shrug. "He just wanted some additional details about the magnetism technique we developed."

Kriz let out a laugh. "Seriously? He kept you back all that time just to talk about that?"

"Well," Elio replied with an enigmatic smile, "you know how Von Lucien is with details. He wanted to know exactly how we manipulate the magnetic field to make the lances spin."

Brok feigned an exaggerated yawn. "Sounds fascinating. I bet it was an electrifying conversation."

Micah, the most perceptive of the group, narrowed his eyes suspiciously. His gaze seemed to pierce through Elio's casual facade.

"Are you sure that's all? He seemed pretty serious when he asked you to stay behind."

Elio maintained his composure, grateful for the "poker face" lessons his mother had unknowingly given him.

"Totally sure. Von Lucien simply wanted to make sure we understood the importance of perfecting the technique for the new recruits. He emphasized how crucial our role as instructors will be."

Ren, with his usual precision, added: "That makes sense. The efficiency of our technique could increase by 27.3% with proper and consistent training. The potential impact on the defensive capabilities of our wall is significant."

"Exactly," Elio nodded, seizing the opportunity to change the subject. "And speaking of training, we'd better rest well tonight. Tomorrow we start with the new recruits."

The team nodded, the excitement for the new challenge quickly replacing their initial curiosity.

As they began to discuss their plans for the training regimen, Elio felt a bit of guilt settle in his chest. He hated keeping secrets from his friends, but he understood the necessity.


The following weeks were a whirlwind of activity. Elio and his team immersed themselves fully in training the new recruits.

Every morning, they gathered in the training fields, where rows of level 3 soldiers eagerly waited to learn the revolutionary magnetism technique.

Elio watched with a swelling sense of pride as his teammates adapted to their new roles as instructors, each finding their niche in the training process:

Zara, with her infinite patience and encouraging smile, guided the most novice recruits through the basics of magnetic control.

Her gentle but firm approach helped even the most frustrated soldiers find their footing with the technique. (She didn't hit… to many of them)

Kriz, with his infectious energy and boisterous laugh, kept morale high even during the most exhausting exercises.

His ability to turn grueling drills into games helped the recruits push through their fatigue, often without even realizing how hard they were working. (Were they working?)

Brok, his muscular frame a testament to dedication, demonstrated the technique over and over, his precision serving as an example for all.

Showing that even the most difficult aspects of the technique could be mastered with enough practice. (Also showing some muscle poses)

Micah took charge of the theoretical aspects, his calm and methodical approach perfect for explaining the complex principles behind magnetic manipulation.

His clear explanations helped the recruits understand not just the "how" but the "why" of each movement. (Also why you shouldn't ask silly questions to a sarcastic teacher)

And Ren, with his analytical mind always working overtime, developed increasingly complex exercises to challenge the most advanced recruits.

His ability to break down the technique into its component parts allowed for targeted improvement in areas where individuals struggled. (Maybe with overly specific calculations)


One morning, as Elio was supervising a practice session, a familiar figure approached the training field. It was Marcus, the young man who had insisted on a duel weeks ago.

His face showed barely concealed frustration as he strode purposefully towards Elio.

"Elio," Marcus called out, his voice carrying across the field and drawing curious glances from nearby recruits. "It's been two weeks now. It's time for our duel. You can't keep avoiding me forever."

Elio sighed internally, remembering the challenge he had hoped Marcus would forget in the face of more pressing concerns. He turned to face the young man, keeping his expression neutral.

"Marcus, I appreciate your... enthusiasm. But as you can see, we're in the middle of crucial training for the city's defense."

Marcus frowned. "So what? A quick duel won't interfere with your precious training. Or are you afraid? Is that why you're hiding behind these recruits?"

Elio felt a flash of irritation at the accusation but kept his voice level.

"I'm sorry, Marcus," Elio replied firmly. "But my responsibility now is to these recruits and the safety of our city. I can't abandon my duties for a personal duel."

Before Marcus could protest further, a familiar voice interrupted the conversation. "Is there a problem here?"

Elio and Marcus turned to see Varick approaching, followed by three of his usual "companions".

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