Utopian System

Chapter 24: Chapter 24: System's Plan

Von Lucien's office seemed to shrink as Elio entered, the weight of his recent achievement hanging heavy in the air.

The Summoner's face morphed between pride and concern as he gestured for Elio to take a seat.

"You've proven the value of magical magnetism beyond doubt, Elio," Lucien began, his voice low and measured. "Our little white lie about a new defender system will buy us some time, but we need to solidify this facade."

Lucien continued, "If they start digging, they'll realize it's a lie. To divert them from the idea that you may have interest in the fourth level… I want you to form a team of at least five throwers, yourself included."

Elio nodded, processing the information. "What's the exact plan, sir?"

"You'll teach them your recovery technique," Lucien explained. "We need to test the method's efficiency with less costly equipment, level 3 or possibly level 4 if I manage to unlock my monthly mana allocation. The elders are still... expressing their displeasure with me, but that's about to change."

"Monthly allocation? Displeasure?" Elio echoed, trying to understand the summoner's implications.

Lucien flashed a cunning smile. "At the next meeting, I'll present the fact that over 70% of the challengers survived thanks to the new information I provided, your strategy. It'll be hard for them to maintain their stance after that."

Elio nodded, beginning to see the larger game at play. "I understand. But why specifically five in the team?"

"If your battle method can be learned and replicated," Lucien continued, "we could restructure our defensive strategy. The current groups of 10 level 3 soldiers could be split in two, allowing for a faster response to breaches."

Lucien stood, moving to a large map on the wall. "My jurisdiction covers 200 towers, roughly 10,000 meters of God's wall perimeter. From the entire city's perimeter of nearly 50,000 meters, as one of the five summoners in charge of the wall, I control a fifth."

"A fifth, that's... enormous," Elio muttered, struggling to comprehend the scale. He only had his 500 square meter house for comparison.

"Precisely, and that makes it a nightmare to defend," Lucien nodded grimly. "Thanks to the recent conscription, we now have over 10,000 level 3 soldiers. But equipment... that's our biggest hurdle. It shouldn't be, but the elders are..."

Lucien delved into the current defense situation:

The families directly control 100 squads equipped with level 4 gear, each soldier costing 200,000 mana points, a total investment of 20 million mana made decades ago. These elite squads receive a salary of 10 daily points per soldier, totaling 100 per squad.

"These squads are positioned every 1.5 km," Lucien continued. "They rotate in 8-hour shifts to stay in optimal condition and ready to respond."

Elio's brow furrowed as he did some mental math. "But that's only 1000 soldiers. I assume there are more squads? Otherwise, the forced conscription seems... excessive."

"Correct," Lucien confirmed. "We have another 100 squads with level 3 weapons and armor. These are larger units of 20 people, paid 5 daily points per soldier, 100 per squad..."

"...Their equipment cost 40,000 per squad, a total investment of 4 million. They're also positioned every 1.5 km, effectively halving the response space to 750 meters. They too rotate shifts..."

Lucien's eyes gleamed as he shared a tidbit of information. "A curious fact for that inquisitive mind of yours: thanks to the attack difference between these soldiers (6) and the level 4 squads (7), we've deduced that the Locus' defense is 5 points. They usually have between 20 and 40 resistance points left after passing God's punishment…

…The level 3 weapon squads are double the size because, despite the one-point attack difference, the damage that pierces the monster's defense is actually halved for level 3 spears. Unlike the level 4 squads, we lose about 10 people from these 100 squads each year."

"Fascinating system," Elio mused. "But that still leaves us with 7000 unaccounted soldiers. I'm guessing they're the real issue here?"

Lucien's smile was both proud and grim. "Perceptive as always, Elio. With conscription, the elders planned to increase the level 3 spear squads to 250 and the level 4 to 200. But we've found ourselves with an unexpected surplus of over 3,000 level 3 soldiers. Now they're in a dilemma about resource allocation… Miserly bastards."

"Shouldn't they have enough mana to arm everyone?" Elio asked, intrigued by the numbers.

"They had budgeted approximately 25 million," Lucien replied with a hint of disdain. "Those old misers won't want to release a single point more. The goal was to slash breach response time from 2-3 minutes to just under 1 minute, reducing the response area from 750 meters to just over 300. But with this excess of level 3 soldiers, we need to rethink our strategy to reduce it even further."

Elio fell silent, processing the flood of information.

Then, hesitantly, he spoke up. "Sir, couldn't they just throw their spears if there are 10 or 20 people? Surely they could carry two instead of armor..."

Lucien's eyes lit up with understanding. "That's exactly the kind of innovative thinking we need, Elio. But while your idea has merit, it's missing a crucial element. I suppose you don't know because the defender squads only carry shields..."

He went on to explain a critical detail: While level 2 soldiers would need level 4 weapons to even scratch a Locus (making that strategy prohibitively expensive), they couldn't throw them effectively.

Even level 3 spear soldiers can't damage the monster if they're not in direct contact with the spear. Only a mana spear, or superior mana spear like Elio's case, can be imbued with the wielder's 'essence' to apply base damage in flight. The 'Ice Sacrifice' skill is necessary to impart that damage.

"I assumed you knew this from your father, and because your spear is coated in Nickel like those of the family squads," Lucien concluded. "But it seems you stumbled upon that solution for an entirely different reason."

Elio's eyes widened, understanding that part of his victory had been luck. "So we need to mark the spear somehow with our mana to apply our attack to it... That's why level 2 couldn't throw effectively. I see now. Forgive my ignorance, sir," he said, "When should I start forming the group?"

"Immediately," Lucien replied. "Select your companions wisely. We need soldiers with potential to learn quickly and adapt to new techniques. Once you've formed the group, you'll begin an intensive training regimen."

Elio stood, resolve etched on his face. "I won't let you down, sir. I'll form the best team possible and teach them everything I know."

Lucien smiled, placing a hand on Elio's shoulder. "I trust you, Elio. Your ingenuity and determination could be exactly what our city needs to fortify its defenses."

He reached out, pressing the monster's core into Elio's hand. "Now go, and prove to me that your method is not only effective but can be taught and replicated."

With a new mission and a fire burning in his gut, Elio left the office, the core a comforting weight in his pocket. His mind was already decided on the candidates for his team.


Days later, Elio found himself frustrated as he watched Kriz, Ren, and Brok struggle with the recovery technique. They'd been scouring the barracks for a fifth member, but so far, their search had been fruitless.

"What about that guy from room 1524?" Kriz suggested, wiping sweat from his brow. "He seemed pretty skilled with the spear."

Elio shook his head. "Considered him, but he has an eye-hand coordination issue. I don't think he can master the technique in time."

Ren let out an exasperated sigh. "At this rate, we'll end up asking Varick to join the team."

All four shuddered at the idea. Varick, though skilled, wasn't exactly the most pleasant person to work with.

"Maybe we should organize some kind of open tryout," Brok proposed, scratching his chin. "You know, invite all interested soldiers and see who has potential."

Elio considered the idea for a moment. "Not a bad idea, but Von Lucien wants to keep this as discreet as possible for now. Remember, we're supposed to be a group that's been in development for a while, not a hastily cobbled together group of misfits. To cover up my slip..."

"What about that level 3 guy who always spends his 15 points eating bread in the cafeteria?" Kriz suggested with a mischievous grin. "At least we'd have guaranteed entertainment during training."

Everyone laughed at the mental image of a chubby soldier trying to throw a spear while holding a loaf of bread in the other hand.

"Well, I guess we can always use him as bait for the monsters if things get rough," Ren joked, which was rare for him, earning a reproachful look from Elio.

"Come on, guys, let's be serious," Elio said, though he couldn't help but smile. "We need to find someone soon. Von Lucien is expecting results."

"How about we make it a contest?" Brok suddenly proposed. "The first one to find a suitable candidate wins... um... A month without having to clean our hole!"

Everyone's eyes lit up at the prospect. Cleaning the hole was, without a doubt, the most hated task among all soldiers.

"Deal," they said in unison, bumping fists.

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