Utopian System

Chapter 153: Chapter 153: System's Soap Opera - 4

Wh Zara called him an idiot and told him he "wasn't keeping promises or fulfilling his… duty(?)", something inside Elio snapped.

The pressure of leading the city, the eagerness to share his new discoveries, comparing himself to Fathoran, and now this... it was too much.

He stepped towards Zara, his eyes flashing dangerously, Ember bristling on his shoulder. "You have no right to judge me, Zara. You're nobody to tell me who I can or can't go out with."

The momt the words left his mouth, Elio knew he had gone too far. She was definitely "somebody" to him...

He saw the pain in Zara's eyes, Flare shrinking back as if physically struck, and a part of him wanted to take it back immediately.

'I didn't mean that,' he thought, his heart racing. 'I'm sorry, I...'

But his pride, his anger, wouldn't let him back down. Instead, the words kept flowing, each one more hurtful than the last.

"You know what? Yes, I'll go out with Lila. In fact, I'll go out with whoever I want. It's of your business, Zara. Or anyone else's here."

As he spoke those words, a part of Elio was screaming inside. 'What are you doing? Stop. You don't want this...'

But it was too late. He watched as Zara stepped back, as if his words had physically struck her. He saw her turn and walk away, and felt as if a part of him was leaving with her.

'No, wait,' he wanted to shout. 'Don't go. I'm sorry. None of that is true.'

He took a step forward, wanting to call out to her, to stop her. But he hesitated. What could he say now?

Ev as these thoughts tormted him, another part of his mind reminded him of his responsibilities.

'I can't let this distract me,' he told himself. 'I have to focus. The city needs me.'

With supreme effort, Elio pushed his emotions aside, burying them deep. He turned to the group, his face a mask of conflicting emotions.

"Does anyone else have anything to say about my personal life?"

Kriz, for once, seemed to be at a loss for words, Mirror Shot hiding behind his legs. Brok simply shook his head, his expression both disappointmt and concern.

Mei and Valeria exchanged a quick glance, recognizing the opportunity. Mei stepped forward, her voice soft but firm, her purple salamander coiling tightly.

"Von Elio," she began, "we're very sorry about this misunderstanding. It was never our inttion to cause trouble."

Valeria nodded, adding: "Yes, we just wanted to thank you for the opportunity you've giv us. And well, if the offer to go out with Lila is still on the table..."

Elio observed Lila for a momt, his mind working quickly. He didn't want to humiliate her in front of everyone, but he also couldn't keep ignoring the situation...

The best thing would be to keep up the facade and calmly reject her during that "date".

"Lila," he finally said, his voice softer. "Can we talk for a momt? In private."

Lila nodded, her eyes shining with hope and nervousness, her gold salamander curling closer to her. They moved a little away from the group, while Mei and Valeria exchanged triumphant looks.

Once alone, Elio spoke in a low voice. "Look, Lila, I'm sorry about all this."

"No, I'm sorry," Lila replied, lowering her gaze. "I didn't want to cause trouble betwe you and Zara."

Elio sighed, Ember nuzzling his cheek comfortingly. "It's not your fault. List, how about we meet early tomorrow in front of the ctral building? We can talk more calmly th."

Lila's eyes lit up. "Really?"

Lila seemed to be struggling with her emotions, torn betwe joy at Elio's promise and guilt over Zara's evidt pain.

Elio nodded, although in his mind he was already planning to explain that he wasn't interested in romance right now. It was better to do it in private, he thought, where he could be honest without the pressure of the group and with more time to explain himself.


As they returned to the others, Elio couldn't help but think of Zara. Surely she hadn't meant to offd him by comparing him to Fathoran; it was probably just the heat of the momt. Guilt began to gnaw at his conscice, but he pushed it aside. He had more urgt matters to attd to now… Right?

"Brok, Kriz," Elio called. "I need you to help me find Sele and Luci. We need to discuss what I saw."

"Boss," Brok began, his deep voice tinged with concern, "maybe you should..."

"No," Elio cut him off, Ember puffing up on his shoulder. "I've had ough of this. We have more important things to worry about. I need you to help me find Sele and Luci. What I've discovered about the mana deposits can't wait."

Kriz, regaining some of his usual humor, commted. "Well, at least we know you won't be distracted thinking about dates while we save the world, huh?"

The look Elio gave him made Kriz raise his hands in surrder, Mirror Shot mimicking the gesture. "Just trying to light the mood. Message received, boss. No jokes for now."

The girls said goodbye, and the trio prepared to leave. As they walked away, Elio cast one last glance towards where Zara had disappeared.

Kriz turned to Brok and murmured. "Well, that was... intse. Do you think we should try to reason with him again?"

Brok shook his head, his muscular rabbit mirroring nervously. "Let's give him a momt to calm down. You know Elio, he'll evtually realize what he's done."


As Elio, Brok, and Kriz walked away, Mei and Valeria approached Lila.

"Well played," Mei whispered, her purple salamander coiling tighter. "Now you have a real chance."

Valeria nodded, her gray salamander adopting an aggressive stance. "Yes, but remember our deal. If you manage to get close to Elio, we need you to..."

"I know," Lila interrupted, her voice barely audible, her gold salamander dimming slightly. "But... do you really think this is right?"

"It's what needs to be done," Aria responded firmly, her red salamander flaring up. "For our families, for our future. Don't forget that."

Lila nodded, though doubt still clouded her eyes. As she watched Elio walk away with Brok and Kriz, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. But the memory of her family, of the promises made, kept her firm in her resolution.


After a brief search, they found Sele and Luci in one of the wall's chambers. To their surprise, Micah and R were also there, discussing some mana calculation for the aid programs.

"Elio," Sele greeted, immediately noticing his serious expression. "What's wrong? Zara was looking for you all..."

"I saw them," Elio said without preamble, Ember sitting up straighter on his shoulder.

"The mana deposits."

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