Utopian System

Chapter 15: Chapter 15: System's Challenge

Elio finally managed to find Von Lucien an hour after feeding the turrets. The powerful summoner was in his office, studying some scrolls with a furrowed brow. When Elio entered, he looked up and his expression softened.

"Ah, Elio. Glad to see you made it, I knew you would. I'll need to brief you on the next challenge," he motioned for him to approach. "Have a seat, please. This is going to take some time."

Elio obeyed, nerves on edge at the prospect of facing a new trial. Von Lucien cleared his throat and began speaking in a grave voice.

"The fourth level monster is truly a formidable one. It has the ability to cast all the elemental spells you've seen so far: fire, water, ice and throw them fast at you. But that's not all..." He paused meaningfully. "It can also fly."

Elio's eyes went wide in surprise. Defeating a monster with so many abilities was going to be extremely difficult. Von Lucien seemed to read his mind.

"I know what you're thinking, and you're right. This challenge is truly arduous. To have any realistic chance of success, you would need to acquire some specific items and equipment." He pulled out a list and began going over it. "Top level magical armor, 8 magic spears, an anti-elemental cloak...the list goes on."

Elio swallowed hard. He could only imagine the astronomical costs of such items.

Von Lucien nodded gravely.

"Exactly. We're talking at least a million mana points, just for the basic preparations. And that doesn't include any extra items that might be needed during the fight itself."

The prospect was daunting. Elio felt his newly acquired optimism fading away. How was he going to amass such an absurd sum? Even at his new level, it would take him nearly 200 years to accumulate that kind of wealth.

Von Lucien must have seen the despair taking hold, for he quickly raised a hand in a placating gesture.

"Don't lose hope just yet, lad. Remember, your father found a way to overcome challenges without all the costly conventional preparations. With a bit of ingenuity and a well-planned strategy, it may be possible to significantly reduce the requirements."

Elio blinked, feeling a small spark of hope rekindle. "You really believe I can do it? Without spending a fortune on equipment?"

Von Lucien nodded with a slight smile. "Your father could, and I'm convinced you can too. Think on what I've told you about the monster's abilities and devise a strategy like the ones your father used to craft. If it's sound, with some luck we may be able to reduce the requirements for others to..."

He frowned and continued, "The system's most powerful armor and spear are extremely costly, there's no getting around that. But if you could manage a good strategy, perhaps you'd only need the armor and one or two magical spears, 100,000 points each."

Elio did some quick calculations in his head. Even that reduced amount was astronomical for someone of his modest means.

But at least it seemed an achievable goal given time.

"Train your throws and your skills," Von Lucien advised. "If you make decent progress or have a promising strategy, I may be able to assist you with part of the mana cost myself. But first, you must show you are truly committed to this challenge."

Elio nodded with renewed determination. He wasn't going to squander this opportunity Von Lucien was giving him.

He would work tirelessly, practice until exhaustion if needed. He would find a way to decipher a strategy for this new monster, just as his father had before him.

"Thank you, Von Lucien," he said sincerely. "I won't let you down."

The summoner smiled and nodded. "Very well then. Return to your quarters and begin preparations. Let me know when you have an idea to face the fourth level monster."


In the days that followed, Elio threw himself into an intense training regimen.

From dawn till dusk, he could be found in the practice yards, throwing a 10 mana points wooden spear, brooms from the cleaning tools and any other objects at hand, over and over again.

Naturally, his odd habits did not go unnoticed by his comrades.

"Mind telling me what the hell you're doing, buddy?" Kriz watched with raised eyebrows as Elio tossed a broom skyward yet again. "Trying to start some new witch-throwing fad?"

Elio caught the descending broom and shook his head. "I'm training my throwing skills for my challenge..."

"Throwing?" Brok joined them, wiping sweat from his brow after a set of squats. "What kind of challenge requires chucking things?"

"A very dangerous one, apparently," Elio replied. "Von Lucien told me I'm going to need exceptional aim to stand any chance."

Kriz and Brok exchanged skeptical looks before bursting into laughter.

"Seriously? Throwing stuff is your big strategy?" Kriz shook his head amid the guffaws. "Buddy, if that's all you've got, you're going to end up toast..."

Elio pursed his lips, annoyed at their mockery. "It's more complicated than you think..."

That fueled his friends' laughter. Brok whistled appreciatively. "Professional chucker, eh?"

"Exactly," Elio nodded gravely. "And that's not even mentioning the mana training cost and the stuff I'll need to buy, top level weapons and armor."

This time it was Ren's turn to approach, shaking his head with a worried expression. "Elio, my friend, do you have any idea how much level 5 weapons and armor cost? They go for 100,000 points."

Elio clenched his jaw in frustration. That was precisely the part of the challenge that most concerned him. He couldn't fathom how he was going to afford that armor and still have enough for magic training.

"I know, I know," he growled. "I've been racking my brain nonstop. The spears are the only thing I can use to attack from range and get past the monster's defenses according to Von Lucien words."

His friends fell into a thoughtful silence for a moment, until Kriz snapped his fingers with a mocking grin.

"Hey, why don't you just chuck one of those ghastly expensive suits of armor at the monster? With that three-man strength you've got now, I bet you could knock the thing out cold in one hit and save the spear cost."

Brok and Ren burst out laughing at the jest, but Elio shook his head, smiling despite the dumb joke.

"Very funny. Like I have that kind of mana points to waste on pranks."

"Well, it was worth a shot," Kriz shrugged with his trademark roguish grin. "Though in that case, let me give you some pro throwing advice..."

He squatted and picked up a broom from the ground before taking an exaggerated throwing stance. "The key is follow-through. You've got to keep those big, powerful eyes..." He put on a comically concentrated expression, obviously mocking Elio's skills. "...Locked on the target at all times. And then...!"

He made a motion to throw the broom, but instead lobbed it over his shoulder, accidentally beaning an unsuspecting recruit in the back of the head.

The poor lad yelped and staggered forward, hands going to his skull.

"Oops!" Kriz cringed with an embarrassed smile. "Maybe my follow-through needs a bit more work."

Gales of laughter erupted once more as Elio shook his head, momentarily forgetting his worries over the looming challenge.

He would have to find a solution to the dilemma, but for now, he would enjoy this moment of friendship and laughter with his comrades.

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