Utopian System

Chapter 149: Chapter 149: System's Disappearance

Zara strode hurriedly through the wall's corridors, her heart pounding with growing concern. Flare, her loyal salamander, clung tightly to her shoulder, its scales shimmering with a nervous ergy that mirrored its owner's anxiety.

She had asked Elio to teach her about level 4. True, she could have gott that information from Luci or Sele, but... the idea of spding time alone with Elio, of seeing that sparkle in his eyes that appeared whever he talked about new discoveries, was too tempting to resist.

But she had waited too long.

Determined to convince him today, she had set out to find him after helping with the distribution of cores to new recruits. After searching for hours without results, she found Sele and decided to ask if she had se him.

Sele's words echoed in her mind, each repetition amplifying her worry.

"Elio mtioned something about returning to the bottom of the monster sea. He seemed quite determined and reluctant to wait."

Zara shook her head, trying to dispel the image of Elio plunging back into that dless sea of creatures. Why did he always have to be so impulsive?

As she ed a corner, Zara nearly collided with Luci. The older man's usually composed face was etched with concern.

"Zara, have you se Elio?" Luci asked before she could speak, his voice tinged with urgcy.

Zara's heart sank, a cold dread settling in her stomach. "I was about to ask you the same thing. Sele told me he was planning to return to the monster sea."

Luci frowned, his brow furrowing deeply. "Yes, he mtioned something like that. He seemed quite affected after the experimt with 0 summoners gave us poor results."

Zara nodded, worry blooming in her chest like a thorny flower. She bid Luci farewell and continued her search, heading back towards Elio's new office in the wall.

As she approached, she spotted R and Micah gaged in animated conversation near the door. Hope fluttered in her chest, and Zara quicked her pace.

"R, Micah, have you se Elio?" she asked, not bothering to hide the concern in her voice.

R shook his head. "He's not here, Zara. In fact, he ran out several hours ago and didn't return."

"Left running?" Zara felt her stomach twist. "Why?"

R shrugged, his relaxed demeanor at odds with the tsion in Zara's face. "We were talking about the mana deposits mtioned in the Gesis book. Suddly, Elio got very excited and shot out like a bolt."

Zara closed her eyes, trying to control her mounting anxiety. What was Elio planning?

"Thank you," she murmured, turning to continue her search.

As she walked, Zara couldn't help but think of all the possibilities. What if Elio had decided to investigate those deposits on his own? What if he was in danger at this very momt?

Flare, ssing Zara's agitation, rubbed its head against her cheek in a comforting gesture. Zara abstly stroked her salamander, grateful for its reassuring presce.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of searching, Zara arrived at the training field. In the distance, she could see Kriz and Brok supervising a group of recruits. And there, resting after their session, were the four girls who had be hovering a Elio lately.


Zara approached Kriz and Brok, her voice low and tse. "Have you se Elio? Luci told me he hasn't be able to find him for over 7 hours."

Kriz's mocking smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of guine concern. "The boss? Not since this morning. Is something wrong?"

"I'm not sure," Zara replied, worry seeping into her voice. "He's be missing for several hours, and no one seems to know where he is."

Brok frowned. "That doesn't sound like him. He usually lets us know if he's going to be abst to visit his family. Did you check the ctral building?"

"I did," Zara nodded, her fingers abstly stroking Flare's scales. "I'm worried. He's nowhere to be found."

Kriz, for once, looked serious, his usual joking demeanor set aside. "Well, if anyone can survive trouble and take care of themselves, it's Elio. But if you want, we can help you search after we store the training equipmt."

"Thanks, guys," Zara said, guinely grateful. Th, glancing towards the four girls resting nearby, she added, "Do you mind if I talk to them for a momt? Maybe they know something."

Brok nodded, his expression grim. "Go ahead. We're not going anywhere."

As Zara approached the group of girls, Kriz couldn't resist one last quip. "Don't scare them too much, Zara! Remember, vy gre isn't a good color on anyone!"

Zara shot him a withering glare over her shoulder, but Kriz only grinned wider.

Zara approached the group of girls with a forced smile, Flare coiled comfortably a her neck, its eyes alert and watchful.

"Hello, girls," Zara greeted, trying to sound casual despite the worry gnawing at her insides. "How's the training going?"

Aria was the first to respond, her voice carrying a hint of amusemt. "Oh, it's going well. Kriz and Brok are... interesting instructors." Her salamander bobbed up and down on her shoulder, as if laughing at some private joke.

Zara nodded, carefully observing their reactions. "I'm glad. List, I was wondering if by any chance you've se Elio. No one seems to know where he is."

The four exchanged quick glances, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Zara. Flare tsed slightly, picking up on its owner's anxiety.

Mei responded calmly, her amber eyes meeting Zara's gaze steadily. "The last time we saw him was a couple of days ago, wh he gave us permission to help if we passed Ivan's training. Is something wrong?"

Zara hesitated for a momt, weighing her words carefully. "No, nothing serious. It's just that... well, he's be missing for a while, and we're a bit worried."

Valeria arched an eyebrow, her tone bordering on sarcastic. "Worried? Surely the great Von Elio can take care of himself, can't he?"

Valeria's tone irritated Zara, but she struggled to maintain her composure. Flare's scales flickered with a brief flash of heat, reflecting its owner's annoyance. "Of course, but as a leader, he has responsibilities. He can't just disappear without saying anything... Are you completely sure you don't know or didn't tell him something strange that could give me clues?"

Lila seemed to fidget, her gold salamander curling closer to her, as if seeking comfort. "Maybe... maybe we should say..."

Aria interrupted her quickly, her voice sharp. "Say that we're sure he'll show up soon. After all, he has a city to run, right?"

Zara narrowed her eyes, noting the interruption. The tsion in the air was palpable, and Flare emitted a soft hiss.

"Right," Zara said, her voice growing colder. "A city to run. It's funny, you know? A few days ago, you seemed very interested in talking to him in private. What was that about?"

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