Utopian System

Chapter 145: Chapter 145: System's New Home

Elio's family and Tarec's stood before the imposing central building, their eyes widening in awe at the majesty of the structure created by God himself.

Lena squeezed Rian's hand tightly while her five daughters clustered around her like a protective shield.

Her salamander, a constant companion since receiving it, fidgeted restlessly on her shoulder, its scales shimmering with an iridescent glow that seemed to reflect the family's excitement and trepidation.

A guard, his posture straight and his uniform immaculate, greeted them at the entrance. "Welcome," he said with a respectful bow, his voice warm and welcoming. "Please, follow me. I'll show you to your new dwellings."

As they progressed through the wide, echoing corridors, Lena couldn't help but reflect on how drastically their lives had changed. Just over a year ago, they had been scraping by on a mere 11 mana points a day, struggling for every breath and morsel of food.

Now, with over 100,000 points in their balance, the future gleamed with a brightness she hadn't dared hope for since her husband's death five years prior.

Finally, they reached an enormous door, its surface etched with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and dance in the light. "This will be the home of the Elian family," the assistant announced, his hand resting on an ornate handle.

As the door swung open, the contrast with their former dwelling hit them like a physical force. The room that greeted them was immense, easily dwarfing their entire previous house. Several areas were clearly defined: sleeping quarters, a dining area, a gathering space, and a central area dominated by a private exchange statue.

The furniture, though not extravagantly varied, was of a quality Lena had never seen before. Tables and chairs of polished wood gleamed in the soft light, beds with thick, inviting mattresses beckoned invitingly, and a large, plush sofa dominated the central area.

"This is... incredible," Lena whispered, her fingers reverently tracing the smooth surface of a nearby chair. Her voice trembled with emotion, gratitude and disbelief coloring her words.

Her daughters scattered, their excited exclamations filling the air as they discovered each new wonder. Rian had already launched himself onto the sofa, his laughter bubbling up pure and joyous.

"Mom, look at this!" Jeanne cried out, pointing to a wardrobe filled with colorful fabrics. "There's so much clothing!"

Lena approached, her hands gliding over the soft, luxurious textiles. Never in their lives had they had such an abundance of choice in attire. "It's wonderful, darling," she said, tears glistening in her eyes.

The assistant smiled, clearly enjoying their reactions. "This room used to accommodate large harem groups, but it's been adapted for your family now. The kitchen is fully equipped, and there's a private bathing area at the back."

Lena nodded, still overwhelmed by it all. "Thank you, it's more than we could have ever dreamed of."

"Mom, look!" Jacky exclaimed, running towards the exchange statue. "It's like the ones in the city, but just for us!"

Angie was already examining the statue's selection panel, her eyes wide with wonder. "There are so many options... Can we order expensive food today?"

Lena approached, her heart racing with excitement. "Yes, sweetheart. We can order something special to celebrate today."

Brenda frowned, her practical nature asserting itself. "But Mom, shouldn't we save? You always said every mana point was precious."

Lena smiled, remembering the harsh lessons they'd had to learn. "That's true, Brenda. But now we have more resources. We can afford to eat a little better now and then. Your brother said we should spend without worry..."

Jeanne and Lola exchanged knowing glances. They were old enough to understand the significance of this change in their circumstances.

As the family settled in, Lena couldn't help but think of Elio. Her son, her brave boy, had given them all of this.


Meanwhile, Tarec and his family were led to a nearby room. Though smaller than the Elians', it was still far more spacious than their previous home.

"It's... amazing," Tarec's wife murmured, her fingers reverently touching the exchange statue in their room.

Tarec nodded, pulling his family close. "A new beginning for all of us."


"Mom," Lola's voice pulled Lena from her thoughts. "Do you think we could ever be like Elio someday?"

Lena looked at her eldest daughter, seeing in her eyes the same determination she'd seen in Elio's. "If that's what you wish, you'll have my full support. But remember, there's no rush. Now we have the opportunity to prepare properly."

Lena gathered all her children around her. "I want you to understand something," she said, her voice soft but firm. "This change in our lives is a gift, but it's also a responsibility. We must use these resources wisely, not just for ourselves, but to help others when we can."

The children nodded solemnly, grasping the weight of their mother's words.

That night, lying in her new, comfortable bed, Lena absently stroked her salamander. She thought of her late husband, how he had dreamed of a better future for their family. Of Elio, working to make that dream a reality... and to maintain it.

"We're proud of you, Elio," she whispered into the darkness. "And we'll be here to support you, always."


Cassandra received the news...

Her servant, Marius, entered her room with a triumphant smile.

"My lady," he said, bowing slightly, "I have good news. The Thorians have accepted your offer. They're willing to hand over the 1000 cores for 100,000 mana points."

Cassandra felt a wave of satisfaction. The cores of the dead old man, a level 2 summoner, were a valuable acquisition. However, her smile quickly faded as she remembered the state of her balance.

"Excellent work, Marius," she said, maintaining her composure. "You may go. I'll handle the transaction personally."

Once alone, Cassandra checked her book. As she feared, her balance showed only 66,666 mana points. Insufficient for the purchase.

"Damn it, I thought they'd take longer to decide," she muttered. Times had changed, and it was no longer as easy for her to access large amounts of mana as before. The new regime had implemented stricter controls, and the old channels for diverting funds were rapidly drying up.

Cassandra paced the room, her mind racing. She needed those cores. Not just for their intrinsic value, but for what they represented: an opportunity to increase her level, a chance to maintain power in a rapidly changing world.

Finally, she came to a conclusion that she didn't like, but that was necessary. She would have to turn to her grandfather again, Saren.

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