Utopian System

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: System's Mother

The long-awaited vacation days had finally arrived, though with a bittersweet twist. Instead of the full seven days, they were granted only five, a grim reminder of the growing scarcity of soldiers defending the city.

But Elio refused to let that shadow dampen his spirits. This was the only break granted in the army's year, and nothing was going to ruin the time with his family.

As he walked down the narrow alleyways leading to his family's humble, but big god-given home, his mind wandered over what to tell them. Should he mention the challenge he might end up taking? Or would it be better to keep things light and enjoy this brief respite?

Before he could decide, he found himself at the rickety door of his otherwise indestructible stone house. Taking a deep breath, he knocked with a familiar pattern.

The door swung open, and suddenly he was enveloped in a warm embrace that nearly took his breath away.

"Elio, my boy!" His mother's voice, rough with contained emotion, greeted him as she squeezed him tightly. "Home at last!"

Elio melted into the embrace, letting his mother's familiar scent comfort him. "I... I'm here now, Mom."

After a long moment, Lena finally released him, stepping back to study him with critical eyes. "Look at you, so tall and strong. A man now."

"Haha, I was only gone a month," Elio chuckled, then added sincerely, "You look as strong as ever, Mom."

She snorted and playfully punched his arm. "So eloquent, just like your father. Come in, come in, your siblings have been bouncing off the walls waiting for you."

Laughing, Elio crossed the threshold into the small home he had missed so dearly. His sisters were already there, squealing in delight at the sight of him. Even little Rian joined the commotion with giggles and coos.


"Elio, Elio!" Jacky's shrill voice pierced the air as his eight-year-old sister barreled into him, closely followed by ten-year-old Angie.

"Easy, you two! You're squashing me!" Elio feigned being smothered by their insistent embraces.

"You promised you'd teach us how to beat the early levels!" Angie released him, eyes shining with excitement. "You have to tell us all the secrets!"

"What secrets?" A new voice joined the conversation as six-year-old Rian came over, eyes wide. "Eewio has secrets?"

"Not secrets, dummy." Twelve-year-old Brenda stuck her tongue out at her little brother. "Cool ways to beat the monsters."

"Monstews?" Rian's eyes grew even wider. "I wanna see!"

Laughing, Elio scooped up the rambunctious little one in his arms and walked to the living room. "Not yet, buddy. The monsters only show up when it's your turn to fight. You've got a few years before that."

"I wanna fight now!" Rian started swinging his tiny fists enthusiastically.

"Easy there, champ." Elio sat him on his lap. "The big kids go first. For now, you can watch and learn."

Jacky and Angie plopped down in front of him, gazes fixed on their big brother in eager anticipation. Elio smiled at their enthusiasm, remembering how excited he had been at their age.

From behind, fourteen-year-old Jeanne and sixteen-year-old Lola watched, feigning maturity but unable to hide their interest.

"Alright, here's the key to beating the first monster..." he began, savoring the way their eyes grew wider with every revealing word.


The next few hours passed in a whirlwind of hugs, laughter, and tales of the lives they'd led apart. Finally, when the celebrations calmed, he took a deep breath and turned to his mother with a solemn expression.

"Mother, there's something I need to speak to you about..."

With trembling hands, he withdrew the crystal containing the 10,000 mana points and held it aloft. "Take it. Use it to give them a better life, the one I'm sure father always dreamed of for us."

"Oh, already made peace with your father?" Lena's eyes twinkled with surprise and pride. "You could have saved it, my son. Our life is already starting to improve. You see, was my decision to bet on you correct?" She opened her book to check how many points her son had amassed. "Though if you wish, you can first gather mor…"

When she saw the balance, Lena's eyes widened in shock at the enormity of the gift. She looked up at Elio's face, but he showed no hesitation, only giving a firm nod.

Taking the gift with reverence, she nodded. "Thank you, Elio. I will use it wisely."


"Elio! Over here!" The familiar voices of Zara and Micah greeted him as he approached their usual meeting spot.

"Hey Elio, you're late!" Zara playfully shoved him.

Elio laughed as Zara hugged him tightly. "Sorry, I ate a bit too much."

Zara feigned indignation. "What? But I like you slim… Wait, now you can eat 'too much'? Damn, rich guy!"

Micah simply shook his head at their usual antics. "Good to have you back, Elio. Zara was starting to get.. For a moment, we feared you might have stumbled on level 2."

"And miss the chance to share the early levels' secrets with you two?" Elio winked. "Not a chance."

Zara's eyes went wide with excitement. "Really? You're finally going to spill everything you learned from your dad?"

"Of course," Elio motioned for them to come closer. "You have to be prepared for when it's your turn."

Zara and Micah plopped down in front of him, gazes fixed on their friend and mentor in eager anticipation. Elio savored their enthusiasm, remembering how thrilled he had been in their place.

"Alright, here's the key to beating the first monster..." he began, loving the way their eyes grew wider with every revealing word. (Wait, hadn't this happened somewhere else?)

He spent the next hour walking them through every tactic, every tip his father had taught him and he himself had verified. On how to face the fire monster, aiming for its weak points. The secrets for defeating the water monster without wasting energy.

"And with that, you'll be more than ready to conquer the first two levels!" Elio finished with a dramatic flourish.

"This is incredible!" Micah exclaimed in delight. "No one will be able to top my record in the frog!"

"In your dreams, Micah." Zara elbowed him. "I'll be the one defeating those monsters the fastest."

"Whatever you say." Elio held up his hands in surrender. "Just promise you'll follow my advice to the letter."

"I promise!" Zara and Micah chorused, their faces shining with determination.

Elio smiled at their zeal, a small part of the weight he carried dissipating. Despite the challenging decision he faced, seeing his friends so enthused and full of life gave him newfound resolve.

After that, they joined the rest of the family in an even merrier celebration than the day before, savoring the brief days they had left together. For one night, Elio could almost forget his doubts, lost in the warmth and love of his own.


As the sun dipped below the horizon on the last day of Elio's vacation, he found himself with Zara and Micah. The impending farewell hung heavy in the air, but his friends were determined to keep things light.

"Well, well," Micah drawled, crossing his arms. "Look who's not so damn skinny now… It helps your looks keep eating my friend. Just try not to trip over your own feet and become monster chow, yeah? They may find you appetizing now."

Elio chuckled, punching Micah's arm playfully. "I'll do my best. Maybe I'll even save a monster or two for you to practice on."

Zara rolled her eyes, but Elio caught the flicker of concern in her gaze. "Just remember, you 'big hero'," she said, her voice teasing but with an undercurrent of emotion, "if you die out there, I'll find a way to bring you back just so I can kill you myself."

"Aww, Zara," Elio grinned, "I didn't know you cared."

"I don't," she retorted quickly, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. "I just don't want to lose my favorite punching dummy. Or I should say punching stick!"

Micah snorted, shooting Zara a knowing look that Elio missed entirely. "Right, because that's all he is to you."

Zara elbowed Micah sharply, her eyes warning him to shut up.

"You two are weird," Elio laughed. "But I'm going to miss you both."

"Yeah, yeah," Zara mumbled, suddenly finding her shoes fascinating. "Just... Wait for us in one piece, okay?"

As they exchanged final hugs, Zara held on a moment longer than necessary, her heart racing. Elio, still distracted by his big decision, simply attributed it to the emotion of goodbye.

"Take care of each other," Elio said, shouldering his pack. "And try not to have too much fun without me."

As he walked away, Micah nudged Zara. "You know, you could just tell him."

Zara watched Elio's retreating form, her voice barely a whisper. "Maybe someday. When we're all free from our service."


Finally, on the last night, while watching his siblings sleep peacefully, Elio took out the small crystal his mother had given him earlier. He had sold the items and made a 100 points cristal as a good luck charm.

Only a hundred points, but in that moment it seemed a greater fortune than any amount Von Lucien could offer.

Elio had made up his mind at last. With the 10,000 points plus the extra daily point in case he failed, his mother would have no trouble supporting his siblings.

Tomorrow he would begin gathering the thousand points needed on his own to challenge the third level. But tonight, he allowed himself to dream of the future, of a better life for those he loved. Any price would be worth it to make that dream a reality.

With that comforting thought, he finally fell asleep, resting better than he had in a month.


The next morning, Elio said goodbye to his family with a lump in his throat.

"Son, before you go I have something for you..." Lena took out something wrapped in cloth, and when she opened it, Elio realized it was the disposable fire sword.

"Mother, I..."

Before he could continue, she raised a hand to stop him. "I know what you're going to say, Elio. I can see it in your eyes."

For a moment, her gaze rested on him... reflecting the resemblance to his father, and a shadow crossed her face. Then, she nodded slowly.

"If you have made your decision, then there is nothing more to say. Just promise me you will do everything in your power to survive and return to us."

Elio blinked, dazed. "But... how did you know?"

Lena gave a small, sad smile. "You are my son, Elio. And your father's son. The same fire burned in his eyes the night he told me he would attempt to pass the third level."

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Elio nodded solemnly. "I promise you, mother. No matter what happens, I will come home to you and my siblings."


Walking with renewed vigor, he headed to the meeting spot where his comrades would no doubt already be waiting. Right?

"Elio!" Kriz's familiar voice greeted him as he approached. "You're late, we were starting to wonder if you'd run off with your mysterious fortune."

Elio grinned at the jest, glad to be back among friends. "And miss your jealous faces when I eat? Not in a million years."

"Jealous faces?" Brok feigned indignation. "Damn rich guy!"

Ren simply shook his head at their usual antics. "Welcome back, Elio. I see your family time did you well."

"It was..." Elio hesitated, his mind wandering to the promise he'd made his mother. "It was exactly what I needed."

Kriz studied him curiously. "Well, well, so what great secret are you going to reveal now that you're back? More tricks from your dad for us plebeians?"

Elio gave a smile. "Better than that. I'll show you exactly how to beat the level 3 monster. Right after doing it myself!"

A sudden silence fell as his friends processed this. Then Brok let out a low whistle.

"Damn, rookie, you're really serious about this, aren't you?"

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