Urban Super Almighty Student

Chapter 152

Chapter 152 - Crisis

The world record for the 100m sprint belongs to Jamaican athlete Bolt, clocking in at 9.58 seconds. At Riverdale College, the record is held by junior Xiong Lei, with a time of 11.89 seconds.

Upon hearing this, Ye Hao formulated a plan.

Once the ten students in Ye Hao's group took their marks, the referee sounded the whistle.


The command was barely out before Ye Hao and the nine other competitors burst forward, giving their all.

In the 100m sprint, there's no need to hold back; the goal is to sprint with everything you've got.

Within half a second, the group was stunned to see one runner pulling ahead with astonishing speed.

He crossed the finish line while the others were still halfway there.

The teacher timing the race was dumbfounded, quickly double-checking the computer's recording.

7.88 seconds!

The teacher's first thought was a computer error.

Then the second runner crossed the finish line.

13.62 seconds!

There was no mistake with the computer.

The realization brought a wild joy to the teacher's face.

Ye Hao had shattered the world record!

“Do you realize your time is 7.88 seconds?” he asked Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded, unfazed.

“Do you understand the uproar it would cause if we reported this to the General Administration of Sport?”

“You shouldn't report my time.”

“Why not?”

“I have no intention of competing in the Olympics. I wouldn't meet with the Administration's leaders if they came,” Ye Hao explained. At that moment, Zhang Lan swiftly removed Ye Hao's bib and replaced it with a new one.

“The 1000m race starts in one minute,” Zhang Lan whispered.

Without hesitation, Ye Hao followed her to the track.

The teacher responsible for the 100m results was speechless with astonishment.

And when Ye Hao completed the 1000m race, the teacher recording those results was equally thrilled.

Ye Hao once again shattered a world record.

“Come on, the standing long jump is about to start,” urged Zhang Lan, tugging Ye Hao along with her.

Zhang Lan had signed Ye Hao up for over twenty events.

That morning, he had competed in the preliminaries for eight events.

Ye Hao had qualified in all eight, which would typically mean progressing to the next round. Yet, the teachers had bypassed that step, placing him directly into the finals.

Having broken the world record, Ye Hao had no need to go through the qualifiers.

“You realize you could be making headlines in a couple of days?”

“I'm not bothered by that.”

As Zhang Lan and Ye Hao made their way to the school gates, chatting, Zhang Lan suddenly noticed something significant.

When Zhang Lan halted, Ye Hao did the same.

“What's the matter?” inquired Ye Hao, puzzled.

Zhang Lan ran her hand across Ye Hao's forehead and cheeks, her face awash with astonishment. “Are you even human?”

“What do you mean by that?” Ye Hao's face darkened slightly.

“You've just run three kilometers, and there's not a bead of sweat on your face,” Zhang Lan was at a loss for words.

Ye Hao replied with equanimity, “Three kilometers is nothing. Even thirty thousand meters would be a breeze for me.”

Upon reaching the school gates, they encountered Meixue.

Meixue had dressed up specially for the occasion, donning a new outfit and spritzing herself with orchid-scented perfume.

Clearly, Meixue had taken great care to prepare for Ye Hao's dinner invitation.

“Ye Hao, where are you taking me to eat?” Meixue asked, a touch of shyness in her voice.

“The Stardust Hotel,” Ye Hao replied. Owning the establishment, it was natural for him to choose his own hotel.

Meixue's face lit up with delight. “The Stardust Hotel is among the top five-star hotels in Glento.”

Glento boasted numerous five-star hotels, each with its own ranking.

The Stardust Hotel was at the pinnacle of five-star luxury.

“You're well-informed,” Ye Hao commented, smiling.

Meixue giggled, “I've always wanted to dine at the Stardust Hotel.” Then, a thought struck her, and she added, “But the meals there are quite pricey. Maybe we should consider another place.”

“I was thinking of treating you to a buffet, so don't worry about the cost,” Ye Hao said as he hailed a taxi.

“That's awesome.” Meixue assumed that the buffet wouldn't be overly pricey.

However, when she discovered the Stardust Hotel's buffet cost 998 RMB per person, she realized her mistake.

“It's way too expensive!” Meixue exclaimed in shock upon hearing the waitress announce the price.

“Our buffet is on the pricier side, but I'm confident that once you've tried it, you'll find it's worth every penny,” the waitress replied with a reassuring smile.

Ye Hao signed the bill and tucked his bank card away.

“If you think it's pricey, make sure to eat your fill,” Ye Hao suggested with a chuckle.

“Definitely.” Meixue nodded emphatically.

The trio followed the waitress into the restaurant.

Meixue and Zhang Lan were astounded by the array of opulent dishes.

“Oh my goodness! Lobsters!”

“Brown crabs!”


“Foie gras!”

Both Meixue and Zhang Lan were captivated by the culinary spread before them, having never witnessed such a lavish display.

They now understood why the meal was priced as it was.

“Now, let's indulge to our heart's content,” Ye Hao said, beaming.

Meixue, with a plate in hand, made a beeline for the lobsters with glee.

Zhang Lan, pulling her attention away from the feast, whispered, “Inviting Meixue to this buffet isn't just about making amends, is it?”

“What do you think?” Ye Hao asked, locking eyes with Zhang Lan.

After a moment's thought, Zhang Lan ventured, “I suspect you have an ulterior motive.”

Ye Hao simply shook his head, feigning innocence.

Zhang Lan continued to scrutinize him but couldn't decipher his intentions.

Given Meixue's looks, Ye Hao couldn't possibly be interested in her romantically.

So, what could Ye Hao want from Meixue?

Unable to come up with an answer, Zhang Lan decided to shelve the thought for now.

Midway through their meal, a young man suddenly bellowed, “What is this?”

His outcry instantly drew the attention of all the diners.

A waitress rushed over to the scene.

Upon spotting a cockroach on a plate, her face betrayed a flicker of concern.

“I apologize, this may have been an oversight on our part. Today, your meal is on the house.” It was clear that she had been trained for situations like this, and she quickly came up with a resolution.

In truth, she believed it was highly unlikely for cockroaches to be found in the meals.

Nevertheless, the hotel staff at Stardust Hotel knew that when faced with such incidents, it was best to offer compensation to the guests immediately to calm the situation.

Engaging in a dispute with a guest without concrete evidence would only put them at a disadvantage.

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