Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Red Haired Tears

Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Red Haired Tears

[3rd POV] [New York Institute]

A few days has passed since Talia has gotten her new classes, and a few things had happened.

For one, she had begun training thoroughly in the force, and its ways. It was...weirdly easy. She wasn't sure if she had a natural talent for the force, or what it was, but she was rapidly progressing in her learning of it. She had already begun to levitate heavier and heavier objects, as well as force pushing/pulling objects of a large size.

She had also begun to regularly meditate in order to understand and connect to the Force even more than before. This had the rather neat side effect of growing her connection to her own aura and magic. She wasn't entirely sure what effect that would have for the two, but she was sure it would be useful in the future.

She had also continued to get more and more familiars, finding that she needed more. She had amassed another 500 rats, 250 crows, and 100 stray dogs. Giving her a total of roughly 1000 rats, 750 crows, 100 dogs, and 5500 vampires. A large army, but not enough for some of her future worlds she planned on going to in the future.

Her Werewolf powers had also been another subject of training, and had been progressing quite smoothly. Partially with Hope's help, who had almost immediately joined her pack, improving the physical boos by 50% (for Talia) and turning Hope into a combination of three different werewolf species.

Talia wasn't entirely sure how it was possible she could make Hope a member of her pack, while not being an Alpha herself, but she decided that it was better not to question these things. As it was more than likely the system that made it happen.

Talia had also shifted for the first time, and enjoyed a run around the forests outside New York with Hope. Her wolf form was...large, and powerful. With deep black fur and powerful silver


(This but silver eyes)

She towered over Hope's wolf form while in her own, as it was taller than any normal human, standing at roughly 8 feet tall. It was large, but still fast, faster than even her human form. Based off of pure physical attributes at least.

Besides training her new classes, and messing around with her new wolf form, Talia had also introduced Isabelle to her Tardis. The Tardis was...hard to explain, but Isabelle seemed to enjoy seeing the technological masterpiece that it was.

Talia had also taken the liberty of starting Isabelle down the rabbit hole of fictional shows. She started with Harry Potter, and then began to move to other ones, like Twilight, Doctor Who, Teen Wolf, most of the Arrowverse, and beyond.

Isabelle took to the shows quite quickly, and was...rather addicted to them. Probably because she never really got to watch that sort of stuff before Talia came around, due to her being so busy with the Downworlders and all of the responsibilities that come with being a Shadowhunter.

Now a days, downworlders were not really able to stir up trouble. Why? Because of Talia. She ended up using a Overlord spell that allowed her to create a map of New York, which would then track any sort of crimes involving downworlders, and it's location. It was a neat invention she whipped up, and a useful one for the Institute.

And with the new map she made, the Clave stopped complaining so much about the lost mortal instruments. Of course, she made several contingencies tied into the map, and tied it to the Lightwood family, so that only Alec, Isabelle, their parents, or their brother could use the thing. That way the Clave couldn't just up and fire Alec out of nowhere.

All in all, an entire week had passed. And the person Talia was waiting for, was FINALLY returning to the Institute.

'Hmm, she should be here anytime now' Talia thought with a small smile, as she sat in a chair in the main mission room. Alec, Isabelle, Hope, Magnus, Luke, and Simon were all waiting.

"When did she say she'd be here?" Simon asked, glancing at Luke. The group had been waiting for a little while now, and he was getting a bit restless.

"Should be right about...now" Luke said, before a smile formed on his face as Clary walked through the doors. A small smile forming on her face as she saw them waiting for her.

Talia inwardly frowned 'Something went wrong...her emotions are all over the place' Talia thought, not liking the sadness and anger that Clary was giving off. Which she could feel thanks to their bond, even if it wasn't cemented yet.

"Glad you're back, kid" Luke said with a smile, as she captured Clary in a hug.

After some more hugs and smiles, the group was sat around, with Talia looking at Clary. "So, what happened? You were at the Clave for nearly 2 weeks" Alec asked, wondering the same thing they all were.

Clary went silent for a few moments, before breathing in and speaking "The Clave...weren't happy with my dear old dad. And they seemed to want take that anger out on me, even if I didn't do anything"

"How? You helped kill the guy" Simon asked, confused.

Breathing deeply, Clary looked down "They-They want to strip me of my runes, and all memories of this place...all memories of my life as a Shadowhunter"

"What?!" Luke yelled as he shot up. Simon shot up as well, with the rest of the group frowning deeply.

'Just like in canon...but in canon the angels did it because she made the rune to kill Jonathan. so why? Unless...fucking leftover Circle members, isn't it? They couldn't win, so they want to at least get rid of the person they think got rid of their leader. That, or they fear Clary for the fact that she's his daughter.. And they more than likely have a Warlock ready to do it' Talia thought, a small scowl forming on her face.

"They can't do that though, you didn't do anything wrong" Hope said with a frown, not understanding the thoughts of the higher ups at the Clave.

Clary just chuckled in disbelief "It's partially because of Jace's grandma, she's one of the people pushing for it. She thinks Jace was innocent and refuses to believe the bastard betrayed


"Old bitch" Isabelle said with a soft scoff.

"And what of your mom? Jocelyn wouldn't just sit by and let this happen" Luke asked, knowing the woman enough to know that she wouldn't just sit by.

Clary rolled her eyes at that "Yeah right. My dear old mother hates my guts. All because I got Jonathan killed. She might not say it out loud, but I'm certain that she supports the Clave"

The group went silent at this, with Luke's eyes widening "Th-that"

"Look. It doesn't matter what I do or say. They're voting on it soon, and considering the amount of them that want me gone, I'm sure my memories will be wiped clean by monday" Clary said, looking down with a few tears streaking down her face.

The group went silent at this, while Hope and Isabelle glanced at Talia, who glanced back and


"Nope" Talia said with a shake of her head.

"What?" Clary asked, confused.

"I said no. The Clave won't be doing that" Talia said with a smile, looking Clary in the eyes.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Talia, it's the Clave you can't-" "Well, if they even try, I'll just kill all of them" Talia said

with a calm smile.

The rest of the group looked to her with wide eyes, knowing that she wasn't lying. Most of them had seen what she can do, and were quite sure that she could do it, should she need to.

"I'm sure they'd rather keep you around, then having to deal with me. Cause trust me Clary, they don't have the power to stop me from obliterating their little power tripping group" Talia said with a calming smile, looking Clary deeply in her eyes.

"And even if they did somehow do it, Talia would just bring your memories and powers back, she's strong enough to do it" Isabelle said on the side, with Hope nodding along.

"Why?" Clary asked, looking at Talia.

"Why what?"

"Why help me? We barely know eachother. I've been so cut off from you guys because of my dad, and all the crap that keeps coming. So why help me?" Clary asked, confusion swirling in

her eyes.

"Well that's simple. It's because I care about you Clary. Do I need a reason besides that?" Talia asked with a small smile, looking at Clary who was beginning to tear up. Slowly she moved forward and softly wrapped her powerful arms around Clary's waist. Clary flinched slightly, before slowly she broke down into deep sobs.

"It'll be alright love, I'm here" Talia whispered comfortably in her ear, while the rest of the group looked at eachother before walking away, deciding they they shouldn't be seeing this. Simon glanced at Clary one more time, before smiling softly and walking out. 'I'm happy for you Clary' He thought, having noticed the looks Clary had been giving Talia. "W-why? Why did my m-mom-" "She's an idiot Clary, and doesn't deserve a daugher as amazing as you" Talia softly whispered, as Clary sobbed against her chest. Her question being

cut off by Talia.

"Just let it all out, my love"

Sobs racked Clary's form as she finally let out all of the sadness and anger that had been

building up for so long.

She had been bottling it all up for...well, a while. Her mother being a huge factor as to why, alongside her father, Jace's betrayal, the Clave, and all the other things that constantly were wearing down on her. It was a miracle she hadn't done this sooner.

Clary gripped her lifeline as hard as possible, burying her face into Talia's comforting chest.

Talia softly and easily lifted the girl, before carrying her onto a chair where they could sit. Clary softly snuggled into her chest, while sitting on her lap, while tears continued to streak down her beautiful face.

'Poor thing...she's been bottling it up a long time now' Talia thought, softly stroking Clary's

vibrant red hair.

"*Sniff* thank you" Clary softly whispered after another few minutes of crying. All tears had been exhausted, as she simply lay her face against Talia's shoulder. While also trying to

ignore the warm and powerful arms that were wrapped around her.

"Anything for you, love" Talia responded with a small smile.

Hearing this, Clary slowly leaned her head back and looked Talia in the eye. Talia looked down

at her with a small smile, inwardly realizing what was about to happen '...She was quicker

than Isabelle...but I guess she just needed someone to love her, genuinely love her' Talia thought, as Clary slowly leaned forward.

"Mmmm" Clary made a soft sound as their lips softly touched, Talia could feel the bond snap

into place, while Clary felt it too.

Clary slowly melted into the kiss as Talia kept her close, softly locking lips with her red

headed mate 'Red velvet...' Talia couldn't help but think, noting the taste of Clary's lips.

'Oh god...I just kissed Talia!' Clary thought, as she slowly took her lips off of Talia's. Her face was as red as a tomato as she realized what just happened.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorr-mmph" Clary was cut off as Talia leaned back in and captured her

lips again. 'Red velvets my favorite' Talia thought as she heard a soft whimper escape Clary.

"Cute-"Talia purred as she took her lips off of Clary's.

"I-uh-do-don't you have Hope? And what about Isabelle?" Clary sputtered out.

"Do you think I'd kiss you again if the two weren't okay with it?" Talia asked with amusement

swirling in her eyes. Clary blushed slightly in embarrassment.

"Wh-what does this make us?" Clary asked softly.

"What do you want us to be? I know we haven't really...talked much, but I'm certain you can

feel the bond" Talia asked.

"Girl-Girlfriends. Only if that isn't to much to ask for of cour-" "Love, I'd love for you to be

my girlfriend. And I'm quite sure Hope and Isabelle will enjoy having a fellow "Sister"" Talia said with a small smirk, placing a single finger on Clary's lips to stop her from rambling. Clary couldn't help but smile slightly, before asking "Did you mean what you said before?

About wiping out the Clave for me?"

"Hmm? Of course. You are my mate love, I'd slaughter far more than just the Clave, if it means you, Hope, and Isabelle are safe" Talia said with a small smile.

"Mate? Is that the bond I feel with you? The one that makes me feel so...warm?" Clary asked,

looking Talia in the eye.

"Mmhmm. It's a complicated thing to explain love. Just know, I've got a bond with you,

Hope, and Isabelle, a special one. It makes us...connected, more than any other normal person" Talia said.

"Like a soulmate? But not so forced?" Clary asked. She had watched Twilight before, and new what a soulmate was, to an extent at least.

"Exactly. You're quite smart, you know that?" Talia replied, a smirk on her face as she pecked

her on the cheek, causing Clary to smile in response.

"*Cough* I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" A voice sounded out, causing the two to

turn, finding Magnus standing there, a small smirk on his face.

"Um-this isn-" "Please biscuit, the entire group knew this would happen. Looks like Alec

owes me a date now" Magnus replied with a smirk. "Wait really?" Clary asked with surprise.

"Well duh. You weren't entirely secretive with the looks you gave Talia, Clary. Even Simon

noticed, why do you think he stopped pining after you? Oh, and for the record, we're all okay with it. Not even remotely the weirdest relationship I've seen. I once saw a seelie get with a-" Magnus was promptly cut off.

"Nope! Nope! I don't even want to know" Clary promptly said, shaking her head. "Fine fine, it was an interesting story though. Anyways, the rest of us are waiting for when

you're okay with coming back out. We've also got several ideas on how to take care of the Clave problem" Magnus said with a small smile, before walking back out of the room.

"I kinda wanted to hear the story" Talia whispered, causing Clary to giggle.

"Seems all three of my little mates are just adorable~" Talia said with a small smile, pecking

Clary on the lips.

"Am not" "Are too" "Am not" "Are too" "Am Not" "Am not" "are to-"

"Got you" Talia said with a laugh as she got out of the chair, and plopped Clary onto her feet.

Clary pouted in response, but smiled nonetheless.

"Cmon love, let's go and find a way of fucking over the old bones" Talia said, offering her

hand to Clary, who looked at it, before taking it with a smile.

Smiling, Talia only had one thought in that moment.

'Time to fuck over some old bastards'

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That's the end of the chapter!

Originally this was going to be a date with Clary, but I decided that writing dates are...kinda

boring, so I did something a bit different. Plus, Clary is much more emotional than the other two, thus, she's a bit easier to get with than Isabelle and Hope were.

There's still gonna be details on some dates with Clary in the future, but probably in the next

world, where it'll be a lot more interesting to write a date at.

Sorry if that's disappointing, but trust me, I'll be developing Talia's relationships with Clary and Isabelle more in the next world.

Also, I think I'm gonna add Kara into the harem, and leave it to 5 mates in total this being: Hope, Isabelle, Clary, Kara, and one mystery one (but one I'm certain y'all will like). Next chapter will probably be shorter. And will probably be either the last chapter in this

world, or the second to last, as it is getting very close to the next world travel. Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

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