Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 74: Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Chapter 74

[Location: Lake Lyn] [3rd POV]

The second those oh so familiar words left Talia's lips, the golden glow beamed off of her, from her arms, head, and even her legs. The golden glow of time energy beamed off of her into the sky, breaking the skyline above. The beams boomed out of her arms, obliterating every single Circle member in the surroundings. They couldn't even react as Talia directed her arms, killing almost all of them, insantly.

Not even the trees were safe, as they were obliterated from existence, as more and more energy flooded out of Talia, turning the surroundings, and the skies above, a bright golden.

Valentine watched in horror as almost every circle member he had brought with him, died, getting completely destroyed by the energy emanating from Talia. Hope and Clary watched in silent awe, as Talia's figure was completely covered with a golden glow, making her nothing but a golden glow of a figure.

The skies above boomed as she continued to emanate power. Slowly, her form began to change and warp. Her wounds began to heal, her bones began to rework themselves, her heart began to beat anew, as another joined it. Her hair began to elongate, her face began to warp and change, her spleen, liver, stomach, and all other parts of her body continued to warp and change.

The biggest change was her brain, as it began to be completely reworked from the ground up, becoming better than ever, as it began to work faster and faster. Talia was ignorant of the changes, as all she could feel was the power flooding from her, and the pain of her regeneration.

Even her clothes began to change, as they began to form into something new, that suited her new body more than her previous ones. The only thing that didn't really change, was her member, still as large and thick as ever.

"Wh-what is this?" Valentine whispered, fear filling him as he could literally see the power flooding from her.

"That, is Talia, you know, the one you thought you killed" Hope said with a grin, knowing that Talia was going to make sure he suffered for this. Jace paled at her words, knowing that the woman wouldn't let him leave, not after this betrayal.

"It'd be best to just give up on leaving, or summoning Raziel" Clary said with a smile, a wide, scary smile.

The two horrified traitors, and the two mates, watched as she continued to regenerate.

It wasn't just Talia that was undergoing an awakening, it was the items that were bound to her too. The One Ring that glowed upon her finger, began to glow with more and more power, as it grew from boosting her magical capabilities and senses by 5x to 10x. The Darkholds strengthening grew from 5x to 7x. Both items glowed with dark power, one upon her ring, the other within her very soul.

Slowly, the glow began to dim, as she slowly began to stop her regeneration, mostly at least.

Hope and Clary watched with wide eyes, as the glow dimmed, revealing Talia's new form, albeit still slightly glowing.

A more mature, feminine form was revealed. A gorgeous face with rather plump lips. Long, luscious blonde hair. Emerald green eyes that glowed similarly to a certain killing curse. B cup breasts, with a slightly larger arse, and thick thighs. A noticeably taller form, growing to 6'0, alongside a toned stomach hidden beneath her clothing, and toned arms. The most noticeable thing about her, was her clothing, which was a deep v neck that revealed the sides of her breasts.

She was much more...elegant than her previous self. Looking to Valentine, the new and improved Talia gave a small smirk, before blurring. The man couldn't even react as he fell to the ground, screaming in pain, with Jace soon following suite.

"You little worms really thought you won, didn't you?" Talia spoke out with a mature laugh. Hope and Clary couldn't help but blush at her new English accent, powerful, and much more mature than before.

"You may have killed me for a moment, but not even death can stop me. Certainly not now" Talia said with a smile, as continued to silently crucio the two annoyances.

"I let you live, and this is how you repay me. I see now that I had grown far too arrogant, and should have just killed you worthless trashes a long time ago. But, I suppose everyone makes mistakes, even me" Talia said with a sigh, as she lifted her hand.

"Goodbye, scum 1, and scum 2. I'm most certain that the two of you will be rotting in hell" Talia said with a wide smile, as she flicked her wrist.

The two couldn't even let out a word, as they were obliterated, leaving not even their ashes behind. The rest of the Circle members soon followed, not a single one of them even able to utter a word before they dropped dead.

Turning, Talia smiled lovingly at her mates. Blurring, she captured Hope's lips in her own. "Mmmh, I'm sorry about that Love. I hope you don't mind this new form of mine" Talia said softly, cupping Hope's cheek.

"I-I don't" Hope sputtered, feeling her knees going weak at the natural dominance her girlfriend was giving off with this new form.

"Good, I'll be showing you more of it later-" Talia whispered in her ear, before turning to Clary, her eyes softening at the tears trickling down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry you had to see all of that, Clary" Talia said softly, as she slowly captured the now sobbing girl in a hug.

"Let it all out, love. Good, good girl" Talia whispered softly in her ears, as Clary cried against her chest, ignoring the fact that Talia's breasts were very close. Hope watched on the side with a small smile, as Clary clung to Talia tightly.

"I-I though you died" Clary whispered, as she slowly began to calm herself.

"Darling, It takes a lot more than that to kill me. Not even the angels above would be able to do it, that, you can be sure of" Talia softly said, noticing the fear within Clary's eyes. "It-It's over now, right?" Clary asked, looking Talia in the eyes, trying her best to ignore the woman's very alluring lips.

"Almost, there's just one last thing we need to do" Talia said, as she slowly moved to where Valentine died at. Opening the bag he had been carrying, she brought out the two items inside. A certain soul sword, and the mortal cup. The other two items needed to summon Raziel. Grabbing the two, she walked to the edge of the lake. Hope watched with a small smile, while Clary couldn't help but ask "What are you doing?"

"What's best. Should these three remain, this whole conflict would just repeat in the future. Because someone will always want the downworlders gone, and will want power, just like Valentine. It's an inevitability. By using the wish, we get rid of that possibility. Plus, it's a wish, who wouldn't want it?" Talia said with an amused smile, as Clary nodded before becoming silent.

Grabbing the two items, Talia tossed them into the lake, before speaking "Raziel, hear me! I call upon the Mortal Instruments and summon you into this mortal realm!"

As she finished, water splashed from the lake, as a golden glow emanated from it. Flying out of it, a glowing angel appeared.

'So thats Raziel' Talia thought in slight interest.

"It has been a thousand years since I was last summoned to this place. Why do you summon

me now, child?"

"You know why. Afterall, it was you that tricked my senses, wasn't it? I didn't notice earlier, but I do now. Jace Herondale does not have the power to trick my senses like that, nor should be be able to sneak up on me. Hell, those Circle members should have been easily trackable, yet they weren't. Not only that, but I wasn't even able to react to him stabbing me. Meaning, you did something to weaken me, even if for a few moments" Talia said looking at the angel with a small scoff.

"... It would seem he is right about you, you are quite clever. Yes, I as well as some of my brethren, were the ones to trick your senses, but we only did it at Michael's wish. While we could not get into your mind to trick you, lest you sense it, we were able to trick your physical self, dulling you for only as long as needed. It was done so that you could unlock the hidden power inside of you, and it seems it has worked" Raziel spoke, noticing the annoyance clear in

Talia's tone.

"So you weakened my power, blocked it, all so I could undergo this awakening? You could have just told me, you know" Talia said with a sigh of annoyance.

"We simply followed the will of Michael" Raziel said.

"...You know I'm going to abuse that wish as payback, right?" Talia said, looking at the angel with a small smirk on her face, already knowing how she was going to get the most out of her


"Michael had expected it, as did I. Now, thou that spills thy blood, thou shall compel from me an action" Raziel replied.

Talia grinned, before a piece of paper formed in her hands, thanks to her magic. After writing

on it for a few moments, with some magic, she cut her palm, allowing a single drop of

glowing blood to trickle into the lake.

"I wish for everything on this paper!" Talia said, a wide grin on her face.

Raziel didn't respond, as he simply glowed with power, before his energy flooded back into

him, as if he folded back in on himself, disappearing.

The second he did, Talia's grin widened even more, as she looked at the system notifications. [Raziel has granted your wish, the wish was the following]

The ability to understand and write all Shadowhunter/Niphilim runes, even without the usage

of a Stele.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Clary and Isabelle's angelic blood is purified as much as you can allow, without them

becoming full blown angels.

Hope's Vampiric side, Werewolf side, and witch gains the power of their respective counterparts of this world, added onto her own.

The ability to read, write, and speak all languages after hearing or seeing them once.

A book with a copy of each and every spell within this world. Talia was tempted to go with more than that, but she decided to not push her luck. That, and

she doubted they had the power to do anything truly insane. But, the wishes she got were

enough for her, especially the book, the runes, and the ability to read, write and speak all


[Hidden Quests Complete]

Kill Valentine and the hidden traitor, Jace Herondale.

Rewards - 2 levels, 1 random powerful item (from any universe) (Claim?)

Summon Raziel and wish something from him

Reward - 2 random power items (from any universe) (Claim?)

'Claim the levels' Talia thought, as she looked to her mates. Clary and Hope both were

glowing, Clary more so than Hope. Hope's eyes glowed with power, as she began to grow

stronger from the new additions to her already powerful species. Whereas Clary was rapidly growing in angelic power.

Talia barely even felt the strain of learning over 500 new angelic runes, as if it was childs play. Her time lord brain far too powerful and efficient to be strained by such a thing. Talia also noticed her mind space was far stronger than before, if that was even possible. Her occlumency that she had been neglecting, improved drastically, as if it underwent an evolution or something. She doubted there were many people that could get into her mind

anymore. It'd only be possible if she went somewhere like Marvel, and went up against Jean

Grey or something similar.

Looking down at the book within her hands, she grinned as she noticed another system notification glaring in front of her.

[Would host like to consume Book of Every spell in the Shadowhunters universe?] [Yes/No]

'Yes' Talia thought. The second she did, literal thousands, if not tens of thousands, of spells

began to flood her mind. Most of which were completely useless to her, but some of them were diamonds in the rough, with a lot of potential for the future.

'Hmm, mostly useless junk, but some of these wards are neat. The demonic magic has some

use too, but most of these are outclassed by Harry Potter magic, TVD Magic, and Overlord spells' Talia thought, slightly disappointed, but not really all that surprised.

Looking to her two mates, she noticed they had finally stopped glowing. 'Looks like they're

done' Talia thought.

"How do you two feel?" Talia asked with a small smile.

"'"'Amazing"" They answered at the same time, each of them clenching their fists at the new power they felt.

"What'd you do?" Hope asked, looking to Talia.

"Just asked for a favor from Raziel, that's all" Talia replied with a smile, before stopping as

she noticed three people incoming.

"Looks like Izzy, Alec, and Magnus are here" Talia noted, as they walked out of the tree line, each of them looking at the area in surprise. The area was completely destroyed, with wreckage of fallen trees, destroyed stone, and dead bodies littering the place.

"Where's Jace?" Alec asked without waiting for even a moment. Seeing him, Talia glancced at Clary before speaking "He's dead, I killed him"

"Wha-who are you?" Alec asked, gritting his teeth in anger.

"Talia. I sort of...regenerated? I'm not entirely sure what to call it, but it is me. Jace was a

traitor, he...killed me, even if it was for a moment. He betrayed the Clave, and was working with Valentine" Talia replied, Isabelle's eyes widening in shock at hearing that she was Talia. "Jace would never do that!" Alec responded, angry at her for accusing him of such a thing. Magnus during this, was looking around, sensing the magic that had been cast, it was...powerful, and incredibly dangerous, dark even.

"Alec, she's telling the truth" Clary cut in, before continuing. "She was fighting off the Circle,

before Jace stabbed in her in the back, literally. He betrayed us, Jace...Jace betrayed us"

"N-no" Alec stumbled back, tears beginning to well up in his eyes at the horror of it all. "Where's the mortal instruments?" Magnus asked, turning to them.

"Gone. I used the wish" Talia said bluntly, not even deciding to hide this. She decided not to

even bother anymore, as hiding her power wasn't doing her any good, and was only making the Clave look down on her, as if she was weaker than them. "What'd you wish for?" Isabelle couldn't help but ask, ignoring the slight look of horror on Alec's face, who was still grieving over his brother turned traitor.

"A few things, you felt one of them, right?" Talia said with a small smile, slightly happy that

the trio weren't asking more about her regeneration, as she didn't really want to answer that


"That was the wish?" Isabelle asked with wide eyes, while on her way to the Lake a few moments ago, she felt power, more power than she had ever felt. It was like something inside

of her was unlocked, permanently at that.

"That was. You like it?"

Isabelle just nodded dumbly, thinking about what the wish could have possibly been.

"Let's get back to the institute, alright? I'm quite...unfond of this place, and would much

rather not stay here any longer" Talia said.

"On that, I think all of us agree" Magnus said, as this Lake and forest unnerved him.

"Good! Oh, and please don't throw up" Talia said, causing them to blink in confusion, before the entire group disappeared with a flash of light.

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That's the end of the chapter.

A LOT of people got mad about her dying, and to them I ask "Do y'all have no patience

whatsoever?" Like I don't want to be rude, but like have you never heard of something called "Story progression" and there's a thing called revealing more in the future, it happens a lot in


This isn't to my patreon peeps, as they've all been nice about it. But on some of my other sites I post on *cough* Webnovel *cough* people just don't seem to understand that the reason as to why Talia was so "weak" wasn't because of me forgetting how powerful she was, but for

another reason. A lot of them don't have any patience, and just come to conclusions before reading more of the story.

As not even Talia can block the powers of Nigh-Omnipotent angels, certainly not more than one. As far as I know, Angels in Shadowhunters are nigh-omnipotent, except when they descend/take on a human avatar, then they can be pretty weak all things considered.

I have not, nor will I EVER nerf Talia. This was something I always knew, and will never change. Her powers being weakened by nigh-Omnipotent deities was simply the best way I can have her "die" in order to unlock her hidden power. And that weakening is obviously not

permanent, and has already been lifted, after her regeneration.

It won't be happening again, as this was a one time thing she needed to happen, for character

progression and some other stuff.

To the readers who have patience, and aren't jumping to conclusions, thank you.

Anyways, enough about them.

Is the appearance I chose good? I sort of thought she'd fit, as Sophie Turner (blonde hair

especially) is pretty hot. That, and it keeps with the "Oh I look like a Game of thrones/House of the Dragon character".

She'll regenerate more in the future, but not for a long, long time. And it won't be through death...probably, unless she goes somewhere insanely strong/dangerous.

Next world is already decided and is an anime. Some of y'all probably already know what it is,

as it's a really good world for Hope, Clary, and Isabelle to get stronger in. It has some stuff

that can make Talia stronger, but not as much as the other three.

The world after that will be back to live action, as there probably won't be anymore anime

worlds after the next world...maybe.

Next chapter will be shorter, and will probably be her getting the items. The date between Talia and Isabelle will be happening the chapter after that most likely. While Talia will tie up some loose ends in a few chapters, before getting ready to travel back to TVD for a little while, before inevitably going to the next world. There will be some smut soon, probably in a few chapters. Originally there was going to be smut next chapter, but I decided against it, as I

honestly don't really like writing smut too much, it's sorta every 10-25 chapters sort of thing. Give me some class ideas, as the next main class will be voted on by my patreon peeps. With the sub class being my own pick.

Anyways, sorry for the long chapter note, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

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