Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 49: Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Chapter 49

Huge thanks to Nisa and William for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School] [3rd POV]

After seeing Talia slaughter their leader, as well as over 15 different crossbow wielders, the other soldiers immediately began to fire their crossbows at her, while each of the witches began to cast spells, all of them being an elemental attack.

Noticing this, Talia grinned, before blurring and going after the witches first. The first witch she went for, was the strongest of them, an older asian woman. Blurring in front of the woman, she quickly snapped her neck, before going to the next, and doing the same thing. The others that saw this, tried their best to hit her with crossbow bolts, but missed every shot, as she either dodged them with pure speed, or effortlessly caught them via telekenesis.

The others that were slightly smarter, tried to fire at Hope, only for them to drop dead, missing either their heart, or head.

Seeing that this wasn't working, one of the vampires yelled "We need to all attack at the same time! As a group!" The eldest of the vampires yelled, as he and the other vampires moved, so that they were encircling Talia. Talia noticing this, grinned, realizing that they were a bit smarter than she gave credit for. But, that didn't mean much to her, as she went after the eldest vampire next, ignoring the rather weak Werewolves, and panicking Witches.

Appearing in front of the vampire, she dodged a strike from the vampire, before slamming her hand through his chest, and ripping his heart out with ease. "M-Monster" He muttered out, as he dropped to the ground, dead. Snorting at this, she turned to the other vampires, while inwardly grinning as she felt a power increase, realizing that the vampire she just killed was roughly 800 years old.

Catching a crossbow bolt in her hand, she turned to the man who fired it, before launching it back at him, puncturing his skull, and killing him instantly. After that, she grinned, before blurring and focusing on the Werewolves.

The werewolves weren't much better than the humans, with each of them being a bit stronger, but not really all that smart. She went after the strongest of the group, this being a seemingly thirty year old woman. Said woman couldn't even utter a word, before her head flew from her body, with her two companions soon joining her.

Realizing that they were completely outclassed, the rest of the members who were surrounding her, paled in horror. Talia didn't care though, as she then went after the rest of the witches. None of them were particularly strong, with their magic being rather subpar in her eyes. While ripping the heart of one of the witches out, she used her left hand to block the strike of a vampire, before breaking their arm with a loud *Crack* "AHHHHG" The vampire screamed in pain, before it was cut off with it's head flying from it's body.

Talia was at this point, covered in the blood of the intruders, but she didn't care, as she blurred and finished off the last few witches. None of them could put up so much as a peep, as she ripped their heads off their bodies, and absorbed their age. The last werewolves soon followed, with them dying pitifully, hearts ripped from their bodies, and said bodies dropping to the ground like a puppet that had it's strings cut.

With the werewolves and witches dead, that left 7 vampires, and roughly 120 humans, all of which were continuously firing crossbow bolts at her, but each of them were blocked or flung back at them, killing them. Their numbers were rapidly decreasing as she killed any human that got close enough, while killing the few supernatural beings that they actually brought with them.

The seven vampires had dark looks on their faces, before glancing at eachother and nodding. Each of them blurred at Talia from different sides, but before they could so much as get close, Talia uttered a spell "Avada Kedavra" She said, as a avada kedavra flew three of them, in the form of a slash. Before they could try and dodge, Talia stopped them, stunning them in place.

As the killing curse hit the three, they dropped dead, leaving only 4 vampires, that were still rushing at her. Seeing this, she let out a small chuckle, before blurring and catching the fist of one, before ripping his entire arm from his body, causing him to let out a scream. But that didn't last long before he was hit over the head with his own severed arm, flinging his head from his body.

The last three vampires paled, but continued to try and attack her. Noticing two more strikes coming towards her, Talia hummed before tilting her head, dodging one blow, before redirecting the next attack, and slapping the woman's head from her body, leaving two vampires left. The other vampire that had attempted to strike her, soon lost their head as well, leaving only one left.

Looking at the horrified woman, Talia chuckled as the woman began to cry terrified. Seeing the vampire trying to run away, Talia rolled her eyes, and popped her heart via grasp heart, causing the last, and final vampire to drop to the ground, dead.

Grinning, she turned back to the group of humans, who were all looking at her tearfully, while Hope was looking at her in...lust? 'Damn...my babygirls a bit of a freak' Talia thought with a low purr, noticing the scent coming off her mate.

Noticing that the last of the humans were all grouped together, Talia hummed 'Smarter than the others, waiting for me to attack first. But...too bad I've got a spell that it more than enough to deal with them' Talia thought, before flicking her wand into her hand.

Lifting her wand, she began to speak, while channeling the dragon flame, hoping that it would finally obey her, and allow her to use it on more than just a singular spell. "Maximize Magic. Widen Magic. Boost Magic" Talia uttered, with a grin, before she opened her mouth and spoke out a spell she hadn't used in quite some time.

"Fiendfyre!" As she cast the spell, a mass of power flooded from her elder wand, as she grinned, feeling the dragon flame finally work in conjunction with her two other magic systems. Pouring from her wand was a massive western dragon, taller than the school itself, a deep red, the same color of the dragon flame, and was quite literally so hot it was melting it's surroundings.

*ROOOOOOOARRRR* The fiendfyre let out it's own roar, as it flew and dived at the group of humans, as they let out screams of horror "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" One soldier screamed, as The began to run as fast as he could.

That, sadly, didn't do much, as the fiendfyre construct slammed against the ground, and flooded the surroundings, burning everything it touched into less than ash. Not even so much as a scream left the throats of the humans, as the group of over 120 humans all died in an instant. The only sound was the boom that emanated from the fiendfyre hitting the ground, and the soft dissipation of the fiendfyre.

Talia grinned at the sight, as a screen flickered in front of her.

[Quest Complete]

Kill all of the Triad Soldiers [200/200] - Evolution into Upgraded Enhanced Original, All TVD Elemental Spells, 15 levels. [Claim?]

Seeing the rewards, her grin widened, before she decided to claim her rewards.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

[All TVD Elemental Spells consumed]

[Level up x15]

[Evolving into Upgraded Enhanced Original]

After reading this, Talia felt knowledge flood her brain, literal hundreds of spells slammed into her brain, as she quickly absorbed every ounce of new knowledge. The knowledge was quickly absorbed, before she stumbled at the pain that assaulted her.

Hope noticing this, ran forward "Talia! Are you okay?!" She asked, as she caught the stumbling Talia who was sweating as pain coursed through her.

"*Grunt* Fuck, I-I just need a s-second" She groaned out, as she felt the pain. Her soul was quite literally being reworked...again. This time, it was being evolved, upgraded, and


Hope just worriedly held Talia as she grit her teeth. Hope didn't say a word as she watched as Talia's eyes slowly began to glow a deep red, without a tiny hint of orange, whereas before it was much more noticeable. She watched with wide eyes, as 6 razor sharp fangs elongated from her mouth, four on her upper jaw, and two on her lower. Soon, veins appeared running down her cheeks, traveling farther down than before.

Letting out a low sigh as the pain finally ended, Talia let out a small grin as she leaned down and pecked Hope on the lips "Thanks baby" Talia said with a smile, causing Hope to look at her with a small smile, but worry in her eyes "What was that? Was it something to do with the you know what?" Talia simply nodded at this. As the two had made a deal to never talk about Talia's secrets in public, as they both knew that others would do anything they can to find out how Talia got the power she had.

Talia blinked as a notification appeared in her vision.

[Upgraded Enhanced Original - A combination of the Upgraded Original vampire, and the Enhanced Original Vampire, with none of the noticeable weaknesses. Grants the user a bite that can kill every supernatural creature, besides that of the Tribrid herself, and Gods. This is now the user's subclass. All of the users physical capabilities granted via the Original class, has been multiplied by 5x. All of the users physical capabilities in relation to this class will grow even more from levels than before, same with age. As well as without the limit an original would normally have. Has also improved the users compulsion, now being able to affect multiple people at the same time]

[1st Vampiric Ability - The first vampiric ability the user has developed as a side effect of their evolution. Allows the user to control, manipulate, and warp the blood of others in their radius. The extent of this is determined by training, the users level, and their overall power]

[2nd Vampiric Ability - The second vampiric ability the user has developed as a side effect of their evolution. Allows the user to get stronger by drinking blood, multiplying all of their capabilities by 2x when fully fed. This is further increased should the user be fully fed, via feeding off of supernatural creatures, multiplying all the users capabilities by 3x instead] [3rd Vampiric Ability - The third and final vampiric ability the user has developed as a side effect of their evolution. Allows the user to permanently absorb a portion of the magic of those they drain blood from. This currently only absorbs 5% of their magic permanently, but this will increase as the user increases the level of this class]

[New Title Function Unlocked for: Creator of Magic]

Advanced Creator of Magic - As the creator of an entirely new system of magic, by combining the magic of three different universes, the host has accomplished an immensely improbable feat. This title allows the host to create, combine, and change magic, magic spells, and magic systems with ease, much more than before, and in more ways than previously thought possible. This title applies to ALL magic the user may learn/create in the future. Should the user continue to create and combine magic together, this title may unlock further capabilities.

The user can now understand a tiny fraction of the concept of magic itself, allowing them to manipulate, create, warp, and change magic to a much higher extent than before. All of the users magical capabilites, including spell power, and beyond, has been increased by 3x. Everytime the user gains a new magic system, this is increased by another x. EX: The next time the user gets a new magic system, it would increase to 4x, then 5x, so on, so forth. The user can also perfectly control their spells, stopping the chances of them going out of control and harming those it wasn't meant to.

- Talia Morningstar | -

- | Master of Death | - | Advanced Creator of Magic | - | Host of the Dragon Flame | -

[Class - Witch | TVD]

[Level - 31/100]

[Subclass - Upgraded Enhanced Original | TVD]

[Level - 26/100] [Species - Wizard, Overlord, Fairy, Kitsune, Witch, Upgraded Enhanced Original?]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier Serum (consumed)]

[Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility, Ring of Freedom, Haste Boots, Boots of Hermes, Gauntlets of Atlas, Crown of

the Goblin Emperor, Earrings of the Goblin Empress]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 44]

[Spells Learnt - 100+ | Tiers 0-11 learnt]

[Mate - Hope Mikaelson]

[Age Absorbed - 7,345]

[Status - Partially Fed]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage, | Fairy Light, Mind, Air, Water, Fire, Technology]

[Maxed Subclasses - Kitsune (Thunder, Ocean, Music, Void, Forest, Time)

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord]

[Current Universe - Legacies]

[Dungeons - Prestige Goblin]

'Holy Shit...' Talia thought with a small grin, as she realized that she just got a lot stronger

from this. The new title function was especially powerful. She could literally feel how much

stronger she was now, clenching her fist at the power, she smiled and turned to Hope "Well, why don't I clean this up, and we can take care of Malivore, okay?" Hope hearing this breathed in deeply, but nodded, ready to finally transition, knowing that

she wanted to spend eternity with Talia. Seeing the nod, Talia softly smiled, before moving

and destroying the remaining bodies, none of them remained after she was done, not even the tiniest speck. After finishing the cleaning, Talia looked to Hope with a soft look in her eyes "Are you sure

you want to transition fully, love? Because onee you do this, there is no going back" Talia

softly said, stroking her girlfriends cheek. Hope leaned into the touch, before replying "I do, I'm sure of it. I want to be with you Talia, always and forever" Hearing what Hope said, Talia softly chuckled. "Alright then, I've got the perfect place to do

this at" Talia said, offering Hope her hand "I've already gotten a new change of clothes, and the blood you'll need" Hearing this Hope smiled "Lets do it" She said, as she held Talia's hand. "Well, let's get you transitioned, my little tribrid" Talia said softly, before the two teleported

out of there, as the barrier keeping the children, students, and teachers in the school was


Walking out, Freya frowned when she realized that none of the intruders were there, not to mention their vehicles were seemingly gone. Looking around, she also noticed that Hope and

Talia were nowhere to be found. She had a feeling she knew what they were going to do, and

inwardly prayed it goes well.

[Location: ???????????]

Reappearing in a large living room, Hope blinked in confusion, while Talia smiled fondly as

she felt a burst of nostalgia. "Where are we?"

"My home" Talia replied, remembering this place, it was where she first appeared in the

world, afterall. "This is where you lived?" Hope said in surprise, noting how big the place was, and how there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere.

Talia nodded, before speaking "I've got a good spot where you can transition" Talia said,

leading Hope upstairs and into her bedroom. "All I need you to do, is lay down, and I can do the rest" Talia said, causing Hope to nod, slightly nervous about this whole experience. "It'll be alright, love. I'll be right here the entire time, and not even death will take you from

me" Talia said, calming Hope down the best she could. Hope, hearing this, breathed in deeply and nodded. Laying in the bed, Hope watched as Talia softly stroked her cheek. "This won't hurt a bit love, and it'll be like you're floating in nothingness, before you'll reappear back here, right after" Talia said, having already known how this was going to go, as

she realized that the supposed Gods, seemingly didn't exist in this universe. Hope nodded at the explanation "Y-you'll be here the entire time, right?" "Of course"

Breathing in deeply, Hope gained a determined glint in her eyes, before turning to Talia

"Okay, I'm ready"

Hearing this, Talia softly smiled, before giving Hope a passionate kiss, before she as softly as possible, snapped the girls neck with her magic. Talia flinched at the sight, turning away. She knew that the girl would come back, but that didn't mean she had to like it any more. For over an hour, Talia sat there nervously, holding the girls hand, waiting. She also made

sure to change her into some new clothing, knowing that her body might change a little. After over two hours of waiting, Talia heard a loud *KRACKOOOOOM* of thunder, looking out the window, she smiled as she noticed the sky above was beginning to darken.

Hearing the soft sound of an intake of breath, Talia turned and smiled as Hope slowly opened her eyes. Knowing that the transition wasn't finished, she softly lifted the girl into her lap and whispered into her ear "Feed, my love" Talia was certain that Hope would be able to feed on her blood, she wasn't sure why, but she chalked it up to a Mate thing. Hope hearing this, hesitated for a moment, before leaning in and softly biting her neck, moaning at the taste of Talia's blood. Talia on the other hand, sighed at the sensation, as she

softly stroked the girls hair. Hope continued to suckle on her neck, akin to a baby sucking on a tit, before eventually, she leaned back, blood trickling down her chin.

Opening her eyes, Hope revealed her true face to the world, as the sky above boomed, and glowed an ominous red.

Smiling at the sight, Talia softly spoke "You look beautiful" Hope hearing this smiled, before capturing Talia's lips in her own. Talia blinked at this, before inwardly chuckling and passionately kissing her back. She knew that Hope's emotions were now heightened, so she imagined that the attraction to her was as well.

Taking her lips off of Hope's with a thin line of saliva connecting them, Talia softly grinned at

the soft whines escaping Hope's needy lips. "Such a needy babygirl I've got" Talia said with a teasing smirk, before pecking her on the lips "While I'd love to continue, love, we have a mud pit to kill. But, after that, we can have as much fun as you want~" Talia huskily purred in her


Hope shivered at this, enjoying the dominance that Talia had over her, even more so than before, due to her newly heightened emotions "Okay daddy" Hope said back softly, causing Talia to smile and give her another peck, before she lifted the newly turned tribrid off of her.

"But, before we do that, I've got something I got to deal with" Talia said, sensing a new magical presence nearby, one that would threaten Hope should it stay. Hope tilted her head, but followed Talia as she walked downstairs, and then outside, before walking up to a small sprouting sapling, and casting a spell on it, causing it to whither and decay. The sapling turned into ash, before even that disappeared into nothingness.

"What was that?" Hope asked. "That, was a red oak tree sapling" Talia said, causing Hope to blink in confusion, before realization hit her "You mean?" Talia nodded in response, causing Hope to surge forward and kiss Talia in thanks. "That's my thank you" Hope said with a

seductive tone. Talia breathed in deeply, having to control herself, lest she claim the newly turned tribrid right then and there.

"You're gonna pay for that later, you know" Talia said with a chuckle, while Hope just smirked "I like my daddies punishments~" Talia raised an eyebrow, before shaking her head in defeat, realizing that Hope had definitely gotten more bold.

"Well~ I'll make sure it's a good one then-" Talia replied with a smirk, causing Hope to

shudder, excited for the night.

"But, before then, let's take care of Malivore, shall we?" Talia said, offering her hand to

Hope, who smiled and took it. The two blinked from there, teleporting off once again.

[Location: Triad Industried Headquarters]

Reappearing, the two looked around, noticing the loud blaring of an alarm, as well as the

control panel in front of them. Realizing where she was, Talia grinned "Looks like we're

closer than I wanted us to be" Talia said, as she walked out of the room, before pointing at a large pit? That was below them in the center of the room. "That's Malivore? It's more...boring than I was expecting" Hope said in slight disappointment, causing Talia to chuckle.

"So all I need to do is drop some of my blood in there, and it'll die?" Hope asked, causing

Talia to nod "Yep, that should be more than enough" Hearing this, Hope walked forward, and

softly cut her palm with a small knife that they had brought.

Her blood trickled down her palm, before dripping into Malivore, causing a loud *BOOM* to

pierce the sky. The pit began to slowly...burn? Slowly a sort of fire flooded the pit, as it slowly burned into nothingness.

The two watched as the pit was burned into nothingness, dying for good. "Well that was

anticlimactic" Hope couldn't help but mutter, causing Talia to chuckle at her girlfriend, before blinking as a notification appeared. [Hidden Quest Complete!]

World Quest | Kill Malivore earlier than in canon, saving many lives, and ending the creature

for good - 25 levels, TVD Witch Evolution, All TVD Dark Magic Spells/rituals/etc, 2 random

powerful items (from any universe), and Multiverse Travel unlocked [Claim?] Blinking at the notification, Talia breathed in deeply at the sight, before turning to Hope "Love, it looks like I'm going to go through a similar situation as earlier, so let's get to back to my home first, alright?" Talia said, causing Hope to blink before nodding, as the two

teleported away.

Reappearing back inside her home, Talia looked to Hope, who watched her in slight worry, while Talia inwardly claimed her rewards, besides the two powerful items, which she decided

she would do after these ones. [Level up x25]

[All TVD Dark Magic Spell consumed]

[Evolving into: Supreme Witch]

Talia breathed in deeply as she felt pain flood her being, much more so than before. She had

no idea what was happening, but whatever the evolution was, it was big, very big. Hope's eyes

widened as she watched her mate drop to her knee, causing her to run and catch the girl, as she

began to sweat buckets.

"Talia?!" Hope yelled, noticing that Talia was gritting her teeth, as the sounds of bones popping entered her ears.

"Fuck" Talia grunted out, as she could feel her magic going rampant inside of her body, literally destroying it from the inside. The only reason she was even alive, was due to her being an original, and her overlord species keeping her alive. The evolution continued for a longer period than the other one, lasting an entire hour, in which Hope was forced to watch as Talia struggled not to scream in pain, which eventually did

increase to screaming at the pain. It was the worst pain Talia had ever felt, and even turning off her pain sensors didn't do shit, as it was her magic and soul itself that was in pain. Breathing in deeply, Talia let out a low groan as the pain finally began to cease after an hour and a half. While Hope was watching on the side, with a few tears leaking from her eyes.

As the pain finally ended completely, Talia's eyes widened as she felt her magic flood from


Hope blinked in shock as Talia's magical power began to literally shake the surroundings, the sky boomed as her magical power continued to rapidly increase, and improve, while the surroundings shook, and several things began to float off the ground. Before eventually, the floating stopped, then the booming of a storm, and then the quakes below.

In front of Talia's vision, was a new notification.

[New Title Unlocked![

First of her kind - The user is the first of her kind, a unique, and new type of witch unlike any

other. The user is the only supreme witch in the entire multiverse. The user is granted several benefits due to this. The user is completely immune to all forms of magical blocking, sealing, stealing, absorption, mimicry, etc. The user can now assimilate new magical systems into their very being, making their usage of said systems, stronger than before. All forms of spells are now much cheaper to use, allowing the user to use more spells than before. [Supreme Witch - A combination of Witch, Wizard, Tier Mage, Overlord, as well as a subspecies of the TVD world that was apart of the natural evolution. The user now gains much more magical power/capabilites per level than before. All magical capabilities have been further strengthened by 7.5x. The user now has absolutely perfect control over their own magic. The user can now assimilate new witch/wizard esque species into this one, further improving this. The user can now absorb magic from their surroundings, objects, spells, people, etc, just as a siphoner could, allowing them to use that magic to fuel spells, as well as refill their magical reserves. The user is now able to mimic spells that the user has seen, as long as they have the basic knowledge of what the spells effects are, are powerful enough to cast them, and the spell does not need a specific bloodline/ability/etc. The user can now silently cast any spell without it weakening the spell in any form. The user now passively has magic running through their very veins, causing the users physical capabilities to be boosted even further than before, increasing it by another 2x, while also massively increasing the users durability, due to them having a sort of passive magical shield around them, protecting against just about any non magical attack, the stronger the users magic, the stronger the shield. Finally, the user does not waste even an ounce of their magic when casting spells,

allowing the user to save much more magic, and cast far more spells, more often]

- | Talia Morningstar |-

- | Master of Death | - | Advanced Creator of Magic | - | Host of the Dragon Flame | - | First of


Kind | -

[Class - Supreme Witch | TVD]

[Level - 56/100]

[Subclass - Upgraded Enhanced Original | TVD]

[Level - 51/100]

[Species - Supreme Witch, Fairy, Kitsune, Upgraded Enhanced Original?]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier

Serum (consumed), 2 random powerful items (from any universe)]

[Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance, Resurrection Stone, Cloak

of Invisibility, Ring of Freedom, Haste Boots, Boots of Hermes, Gauntlets of Atlas, Crown of

the Goblin Emperor, Earrings of the Goblin Empress] [Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 44] [Spells Learnt - 10,000+ | Tiers 0-11 learnt] [Mate - Hope Mikaelson]

[Age Absorbed - 7,345]

[Status - Partially Fed]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage, | Fairy Light, Mind, Air, Water, Fire, Technology]

[Maxed Subclasses - Kitsune (Thunder, Ocean, Music, Void, Forest, Time)

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord] [Other/Absorbed Species/Classes - Wizard, Witch, Overlord] [Current Universe - Legacies]

[Dungeons - Prestige Goblin]

[Multiverse Travel - Available]


'That's...a lot better than I was hoping for' Talia thought, as she looked over her new species/evolved class. The class itself was way better than the previous one, as she could literally feel the magic increase it gave her, it being far above what it was before. She could also feel the magical shield around her body, and the protection it provides her. Hope seeing that Talia was seemingly now okay, ran forward and dove into her "Are you okay?!" She said worriedly, looking over. Talia on the other hand, chuckled softly and pecked Hope on the lips "I'm alright love, sorry for the scare" Hope hearing this, breathed a sigh of relief, but gave Talia a small glare "Don't do that again!" Talia smiled at this, but didn't say anything, causing Hope to narrow her eyes, but didn't say anything. Talia just chuckled at the look, before getting up with a stretch. 'I'll wait to claim those objects, until I'm alone' Talia inwardly decided. "Lets get back, shall we?" Talia said to Hope, knowing they have been gone for nearly 4 hours now. Hope hearing

this smiled and grasped Talia's hand in her own, as the two disappeared and teleported back to the school.

Reappearing in the front of the school, the two walked in. They both ignored the stares and whispers, as they were walking to their room, only to stop when Emma walked in front of them with a serious expression "You two need to go to the Headmasters office" Hearing the

serious tone, the two glanced at each other before nodding.

Walking, Hope held Talia's hand tighter, causing Talia to softly squeeze it back. Standing in front of the office, the two could hear the yelling Freya "You do not have the right to break

them up!" Hope frowned before walking forward and opening the door, with Talia on her


Stepping in, Hope stopped and frowned at the sight in front of her. Standing in front of the two, was the entire Mikaelson family. Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, and

Davina. As well as two others that Talia was slightly surprised at, recognizing the two as one

Caroline Forbes, and Bonnie Bennett.

Hearing the door opening, all of the people in the room, turned in surprise at the sight of the

two, none more so than the Mikaelsons at the entrance of a very pissed Hope.

"So you're the bitch that's seduced my niece"

"And you're the bitch that's slept with most of the western hemisphere"

Everyone's jaws promptly dropped.

That's the end of the chapter. Pretty sure this is by far my longest chapter, like...ever. But, I

had a LOT to cover, so I covered most of it!

Talia just got an absolutely massive increase in power. This is partially due to some of the

universes I have plans for, some of which still make her look like a bug. Hope has also finally transitioned fully, and is now the Tribrid. I honestly might have went a bit overboard with the

power increase...eh whatever lol.

Surprised with the characters that showed up at the end? I'd like to think that Caroline and Bonnie would come back to the school at the news that the entire Mikaelson family was coming by, not to mention an incredibly powerful witch that could potentially help with the


So after asking, it seems like a lot of people want another love interest, which I am a bit surprised about. So that might actually be happening, with it being Clary. I want to give her a proper love interest and not Jace, who I am not the biggest fan of. I think it'll be put to a vote, with it being either Clary as the next (and most probably final) love interest, or just Hope. This

vote would be across all the sites I post on (Scribblehub, Watppad, Archive of our own, Webnovel, and Patreon) said the vote will be over within a few days (probably Tuesday or


Clary as the second Love Interest

| Or |

No more love interests, just Hope

| or |

Other (A different second love interest, or beyond)

Make sure to vote! Oh, and please no spamming! This poll is just to give me ideas on how y'all

think, but isn't the deciding factor on whether or not it will happen. The next chapter will obviously be much shorter than this one, as you'd expect. Talia and

Hope will probably be leaving Legacies within 5 chapters or so.

Should I start putting Talia's current status at the end of each chapter, so it's easier to keep

track of? Mattering on what y'all say, I'll edit this chapter and add it in after.

Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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