Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

Huge thanks to Doppelganger09 and AchylsApep for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Maple Hollows] [3rd POV]

After pulling into the town of Maple Hollows, Talia, Hope, Lizzie, and Josie made there ways around the main park-like area of the small town, trying to find any sort of clues on the Mummy. Talia had already long since cast a spell to find the thing, but wanted to follow canon for a little while, solely so she can draw Clarke out, and take care of him.

Walking back up with Hope, Josie who was also walking back to the group, from another group of Maple Hollows citizens, began to speak "Fun Fact: this town has the biggest ball of yarn in the county" Josie began with a smile, before adding "And nobody has seen anything strange" Josie finished, causing Lizzie to reply.

"This isn't exactly a hotspot of activity. Our hopes of finding anything are going up in smoke" Lizzie said, giving Hope a pointed look, causing the girl to turn to her with slightly squinted eyes "Wait, are you passive-agressively referring to that fire in my dorm room three years ago?"

"You mean the one you set on purpose to sabotage our spring break trip with our dad? No, Hope. Why would I talk about that?" Lizzie replied, sarcasm clear in her tone towards the end. Talia sighed openly at this, knowing full well who did it. Talia gave Josie a pointed look, causing the girl to flinch before Lizzie continued with a scoff "The only thing that we lost was a week of quality family time. Dad had to cancel the trip to deal with the damage. So mission accomplished"

Nervous, Josie interjected "You guys are just talking about ancient history" Josie said, before stopping as she heard a buzzing noise, and a bug flew and bit her, causing her to swat at, and crush it with a small "Ow!" escaping her.

"Something stung me" Josie said, causing the other three girls to glance at the sting, and "Ew" at it. Talia glanced around, before quietly muttering a healing spell, getting rid of the sting. Josie gave her an appreciative smile, before they stopped as they heard screaming in the background, and people began to run.

"Well...if that's not a plague, I don't know what is" Talia said, noticing the mass amount of bugs coming towards them. Instantly the girls cringed and began to run to the nearest building they could stay safe in, which was coincidentally a cafe. Hiding in the cafe until the bugs were gone, the four sighed as they walked out.

"We should probably find your dad" Talia said, looking over all the bugs littering the floor. A gross crunching sound being made with every footstep.

"This way" Talia said, causing the others to follow, while Lizzie began again "Does this way take us past the fire station?"

"Can you two please stop arguing? We are dealing with literal plagues right now. And Lizzie, how are you so sure that Hope did it in the first place? Who told you she did it?" Talia said, getting annoyed with all the arguing. Hearing her annoyed tone, Hope flinched and muttered a sorry, while Lizzie blinked at the question.

"Jossie did..." Lizzie said with a small mutter, glancing at her twin, who refused to look at anyone. Lizzie noticing this, stopped speaking, realizing that Josie may have lied to her, if her refusal to look at anyone else, was any indication.

Walking around the corner before the conversation could continue, Talia couldn't help but mutter "Well that isn't suspicious" As she noticed the people in hazmat suits, directing people into buses for what should be quarantine.

Climbing onto the bus, and sitting next to Hope, the two softly muttered to eachother, while Lizzie and Josie awkwardly stood together.

Getting to the small quarantine camp, they all walked into the main tent, behind Alaric and Emma. Leaning in slightly, Hope began to softly speak to the two adults "I don't get it. The locals that we met said that they hadn't seen anything, which means that the first sign of trouble happened after we got here"

"How did these people get here before the bugs?" Emma asked, realizing the direction Hope was going.

Talia hearing this, couldn't help but point something out "Hope, that's the guy we saw when going after Landon's mom, right?" Talia said, discreetly pointing out Clarke, which caused her to nod.

"It's Triad Industries" Hope replied, causing Alaric and Emma to breathe in, knowing that they were dealing with a rather big group.

Before they could continue, they were at the front of the line in front of a apathetic looking lady. "You together?" She asked.

"Yeah, you know, we just came in from Roanoke to see the giant ball of yarn you guys have" Alaric said, making up a cover story on the spot.

"And these are?" The apathetic woman asked.

"This is my wife..." Alaric said, talking about Emma, who awkwardly laughed, as he pulled her into a hug. "Emma. Uh...these are my daughters, from my first marriage" Alaric said, motioning to Lizzie, Josie, and Hope. Before continuing "And this is my daughters girlfriend. And Kaleb is..." "A good friend of mine, who's tagging along" Talia finished before anyone else could say anything, the woman raised an eyebrow, but shrugged in the end.

It wasn't entirely a lie, as they were good friends, and did hang out sometimes, alongside MG. Walking past the lady, Hope and Talia noticed Clarke standing there, causing Talia to make sure Hope didn't pay too much attention to him, as they walked past. Noticing the two, Clarke turned and watched them walk past, confused. Before he began to think.

"What's he doing here?" Hope asked standing in between Alaric and Talia, near a small water station.

"Probably trying to get the urn. Look at their gear" Talia said, motioning with her head, towards a suv outside, that was being filled with diving equipment, that would be needed to get the urn.

"Dorian..." Hope said worriedly, knowing that he was at the river, probably getting the urn right now.

[Hours later]

The group had been within the tent for a while now, with Talia sat next to Hope, who was currently talking with Lizzie and Josie. "Who is that guy?" Josie asked, talking about Clarke. "Some guy who works for Triad Industries, probably. He was in Kansas last time we were there, because your dad dragged us there to save Landon" Talia answered, causing the twins to blink, Lizzie opened her mouth, as if she was about to say something, before she stopped.

Seeing Alaric walk up to them, Hope and Talia glanced at eachother, before getting up and following him.

Outside, they kept quiet as Clarke began to speak "I work for an organization that keeps monsters and things that go bump in the night from public view. I thought I recognized you,

Jessica, and Lilith..."

"It's Talia" Talia said, before Hope also added "It's Hope, actually"

"I wasn't sure if it was a coincidence, so we searched your van. We know you're Alaric Saltzman, headmaster of the Salvatore School. We know a lot about it. You have a terrific reputation, especially Talia here, her allowing people to see the deceased, has sort of blown up in the supernatural community" Clarke said, giving a small smirk as he glanced at the girl. The man wasn't wrong either. Talia may not have been entirely understanding of just how huge what she did was. She effectively showed dozens of people their dead loved ones, even ones that had supposedly moved on, had been supernatural, or whatever else. The only reason there wasn't witches pining after her, is due to the protection the school has (primarily due to the Mikaelsons), and due to how powerful Talia is.

"Leave Talia, and the school out of this" Alaric said with a small frown.

"Look, I applaud your schools mission, and Talia's usage in magic. If you do your job right, it makes mine easier" Clarke said, causing Alaric to ask "So why are we still here?" "Well, I have an entire town that needs to forget what they've seen today. You know, it's usually convincing a farmer in Nebraska that he didn't see a chimera, you know, or a few ice fishermen in Minnesota that it wasn't a Yeti that ate their best friend" Clarke said, causing the three to glance at eachother. "This is an entire town. It's different. We could use the assistance of a vampire, and an especially powerful witch. I noticed the daylight ring on your


"Why not call it a freak swarm of bugs? Why erase it from memory?" Hope asked. Causing Talia to respond "Because then someone would inevitably recognize them. I mean, it's pretty obvious this is the work of a Mummy" Clarke nodded at what she was saying, agreeing.

Alaric grinned slightly, pumping his fist in celebration, at the fact that he was right about who the monster was going to be.

"I told you" Alaric said, before Clarke began to speak again "One of our drivers survived an attack by the river. He's been tracking the mummy ever since. He's still on the outskirts of town, but he's heading in our direction. We're a cleanup organization. Okay, we're not equipped to go to battle with a mummy. So...will you help?"

"Cut him off at the pass and keep all these people safe?" Clarke asked.

"Oh, these are kids..." "Kids with magic, in a town full of innocents without it" Clarke

responded, cutting Alaric off.

"We'd be happy to help" Talia and Hope responded at the same time. Both Clarke and Alaric glanced at them, with Clarke smiling slightly, although, Talia found it a bit creepy.

"I'm gonna need my weapons" Alaric said, causing Clarke to chuckle "Of course. Gather what

you need. Round up your friends. My team can help you with anything else" Clarke said, before turning and beginning to walk off.

Lifting the card as Alaric cleared his throat, as if asking what that was. "Malivore, or the portal to it, is near there, in Georgia if my tracking spell worked correctly. Said portal, is also coincidentally in the same place as Triads homebase. Look familiar?" Talia asked, letting him

get a good look at the card.


Talia was currently walking the mainstreet of the town, alongside the Twins, Hope, and Alaric. Alaric had his crossbow at the ready, while the rest of the group was trying not to say anything about how stupid that was.

They walked on the street for a little, before stopping as standing in front of them, was a genuine mummy.

"So, what, do we, like, rush it?" Lizzie asked, not really sure how to go about killing a


"It's seven feet tall. We hold our ground until it's close enough to attack" Alaric said, causing

Josie to respond "Okay, Dad, get behind us" "I can't do that" Alaric responded, causing Lizzie

to respond with "Dad"

"I have to protect you, all of you" Alaric said, causing Talia to deadpan "No offense, but you're pretty much manspread in front of four powerful witches"

Alaric blinked at that "Okay, good point" He said, before moving behind them, with the

crossbow still at the ready.

"Okay, what can a mummy do to hurt us?" Josie asked. "Probably something to do with those

bugs like earlier, we're about to find out" Talia said, noticing the mummy preparing to attack.

The mummy opened it's mouth, spewing a large swarm of bugs their way. Talia held her hand

up, creating a small barrier spell, causing the bugs to harmlessly hit it, and died. "Thanks" Lizzie said, causing Talia to nod.

"Should we rush it now?" Lizzie asked, causing Hope to respond "Not yet" The mummy

growled at them, as if preparing to attack again "Now?" Lizzie asked, causing Hope to respond again "No"

"I really, really think that we should rush it" Lizzie said.

"Wait! On three" Hope replied, before stopping and listening as the mummy growled "One..." The three tensed "Two..." Before she could say three, Talia stopped a spell from affecting Hope, and cast a "Incendia!" On the mummy, burning it into nothing but dust, while leaving

it's scarab talisman thing, and the urn.

"Worst spring break ever" Lizzie said. [Back at the Quarantine camp]

After "killing" the mummy, the group made it back to the camp with their urn and the

talisman in hand. They had "returned" the two over to Clarke, and his men before they made

their way to the van, which had been moved to the camp. Noticing Alaric walking up, Kaleb asked "So the mummy ain't actually dead?"

"Nope. That scarab thing on it's chest, is where it's bound. Destroy or drain that, and the

mummy will actually die." Talia responded. "So what now?" Lizzie asked, noting that they would have to wait.

"Until we get the urn, we wait" Alaric said.

"Why cant't we just give the mummy the urn? Is opening the portal to Malivore really that

bad?" Josie asked.

"Considering it's a void of darkness, with absolutely nothing inside except yourself, I can't imagine it'd be fun put into that thing. Not to mention the monsters that could potentially be released. It'd be better to destroy the thing when we have the chance, but we don't...not yet"

Talia answered, glancing at Hope who had glanced back.

Hope was pretty adamant that she wanted to be turned soon. Which Talia was willing to do,

but nervous about. Not because she was worried Hope wouldn't live, but because she was worried about Hope's heightened emotions, and the way her family will act, especially when there's someone that is most certainly stronger than them.

"Looks like the mummy's back" Talia said with a hum, noticing the people running from the

the tent, as the mummy slowly stomped outside, before roaring. "What the hell is happening?" Clarke asked, running up behind them. "I don't know; he should be dead" Alaric responded. "Well, clearly he isn't" "Yeah, I can see that"

"He's looking for the urn" Hope said, as the creature began to knock over the surrounding supplies and boxes.

"What do we do?" Clarke asked, a slight hint of desperation in his voice.

"I don't know, give him the urn" Alaric responded, acting, well at that. "Hey, can someone give this thing the urn?" Clarke asked into a walkie talkie. The man on the

other end, said that it was gone, causing him to respond "Wh-who's been in there?"

"Only our guys" The man on the other end of the walkie talkie responded. Putting down the walkie talkie, he turned to Alaric "Do something" Alaric just glanced at Talia who nodded, holding her hand up, the scarab flew off it's chest,

and into her hand. Handing it over to the twins, she watched as they slowly drained it, while the mummy prepared to attack, only to be stopped by Talia, again. Everyone tensed seeing it get prepared to attack, before sighing in relief, as it paused, with

cracks appearing in it's skin, while the scarab stopped glowing green. "The curse is lifted. He's gone" Alaric said.

"Well, Agent Clarke, we do any more work for you guys, you're gonna have to put us on the

payroll. Guess, we'll be, uh...on our way out of here" Alaric said awkwardly, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible.

"Whew" Alaric said exaggerated, before everyone began to quickly get into the van, wanting

to get out of there as fast as possible.

"Good night" Alaric said, as he got into the drivers seat. Clarke just gave a single nod, as the

car started, and they peeled off.

[Little bit later]

After driving for a few minutes, Alaric pulled the car to a stop, and turned off the engine. Sighing, Alaric began "Okay. So where is she?" Alaric asked, looking towards Kaleb.

"You doubting my skills?" Kaleb asked, before noticing Alaric's deadpan, causing him to sigh

and motion towards his window while saying "There"

Walking up was the same apathetic lady from earlier, with the urn in hand. Handing Kaleb the

urn through the open wind, Kaleb spoke "Thank you. Oh, and you may want to lay low for a

little bit, sweetie" After saying this, the woman walked off. "You're welcome" Kaleb said, causing Alaric to chuckle.

"All right, lets go home" Alaric said, happy to finally get back to the school after more than

two days being gone.

Before he could even start the car, Alaric paused as he noticed someone pull up behind them

"Wait a second" Getting out of the SUV was Clarke. Behind him was his men, who had brought Dorian and Emma out of the SUV. "They had Dorian and Emma" Hope said worriedly. "Oh..." Alaric said, realizing that he completely forgot about them. Sighing heavily, he grabbed the urn. "All right. Sit tight" Alaric said, getting out of the car, urn in hand. Everyone in the van kept quiet, as Alaric spoke with Clarke for a few moments, before handing

him the urn, and returning to the car, Dorian and Emma in tow. Noticing Clarke return to his car, Talia prepared herself.

Getting into the van, Alaric sighed "Looks like we won't be getting the urn back" Hearing this, Talia just let out a soft chuckle "You underestimate me, Ric" Hearing this, they all blinked and looked at her, before their eyes widened as she disappeared with a pop. Turning around, they heard the sounds of screaming, as three men dropped dead, one with his head missing, one with his heart on the floor, and the last with his throat slit. Grabbing Clarke, Talia threw him to the ground, with the urn in her hand. "Did you really

think i'd let you take this little thing to your little mud daddy?" Talia asked, causing Clarke's eyes to widen, realizing she knew his secret.

"Yeah, I know all about who you are. About your father, about what he is, and about everything he's done. Don't worry though, he won't be around much longer, neither will you, or potentially even your little brother, Landon" Talia said, an almost sadistic smirk on her face as she crouched in front of the man. She could hear Alaric, Dorian, and Emma trying to

get out of the van, but she put a spell on it to stop them. Not even the twins would be able to siphon it quick enough to stop her.

"Originally I was hoping you'd leave, and not be a fool, but here you are" Talia said with a

chuckle, before continuing while taking in the sight of Clarke's worry filled face "And I certainly don't appreciate anyone threatening those I care for. ESPECIALLY, not MY Hope" Talia snarled out, while using a bit of her "killing intent" that she had as a product of the

overlord class.

"So, I hope you have fun in whatever afterlife you go to, Clarke. And don't worry, your father

won't be too far behind you" Talia said with a smile, as she brought out her wand and uttering a spell, while using "The goal of all life is death" at the same time "Avada Kadavra!" She uttered, as a green beam flew into Clarke, killing the first son of Malivore, for good.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Baby Mud - Kill the eldest son of Malivore, Clarke.

Reward - 10 levels [Claim?]

Claiming the reward, Talia also waved her wand, burning the bodies to ash. Including


[6th Tail - The 6th tail the user has obtained as a kitsune. This tail allows the user to mimic another one of their tails, using that same ability with this tail. Example: The user can use this

tail to mimic their 4th one, so that they can cast two more spells at the same time, instead of

one, for a total of three spells cast at one time]

[Select new Fairy Type]




[Select new kitsune type]






Talia didn't even hesitate before choosing void Kitsune, and Water fairy. Both are incredibly

powerful in their own ways, with Void kitsune being particularly helpful. As it would allow her to cast stronger illusions, control the minds of others, get more power by absorbing the pain,

chaos, and strife of others.

After choosing the new fairy type and kitsune type, Talia quickly put up an illusion as her aura flared around her. Her aura was even larger than before, standing at roughly 8 feet tall, has 6

tails, and has a slight black color to it now, as it's eyes glowed a dark color, before it

disappeared, and so too did the illusion she placed.


- | Talia Morningstar | -

- | Master of Death | - | Creator of Magic | -

[Class - Fairy Light, Mind, Air, Water]

[Level - 65/100]

[Subclass - Kitsune | Thunder, Ocean, Music, Void]

[Level - 60/100]

[Species - Wizard, Overlord, Fairy, Kitsune?]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor, Salt, Japanese Steel Katana, Super Soldier

Serum (consumed)] [Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance, Resurrection Stone, Cloak

of Invisibility, Ring of Freedom, Haste Boots]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD] [Books Consumed - 43] [Spells Learnt - 100+ | Tiers 0-10 learnt] [Mate - Hope Mikaelson] [Maxed Classes - Wizard, Tier Mage]

[Maxed Racial Classes - Overlord]

[Current Universe - Legacies] [Dungeons - Goblin | Upper]

'...That new tail is incredibly strong, like...arguably the best one so far' Talia thought, as she

finished cleaning up the mess she made, even "getting rid of" the SUV. Walking back to the van, she finally got rid of the spells on the van, only to be on the receiving end of a yell. "What the hell was that?!" Alaric yelled, having watched her slaughter the four men. Talia hearing this, climbed into the van and sat next to Hope, who didn't seem to mind what just happened, not very much at least. She had seen worse with her family, that was for sure. She

also knew that Talia did it to help them.

"I was taking care of the trash. They were a threat to the school, and my Hope, so, I got rid of them. That's all" Talia said with a shrug, the others looked at her with shock, with only Kaleb seemingly getting over it. As while he didn't really like killing, he agreed that what Talia did was right. The twins looked at her in silence, thinking, while the adults in the van, had frowns

on their faces. While Hope blushed at the possessive tone that Talia used, liking it,

thoroughly at that.

"Talia, you can't just kill someone like that? Hope, do you have anything to say about this?"

Alaric said, before glancing at Hope.

"I think what she did was right. They were an obvious threat to the school. They would come

after us sooner or later, especially if they want all of the keys to Malivore" Hope said, causing

Alaric to frown.

"Look, why don't we just get back to the school, then y'all can have this conversation" Kaleb said, causing Hope to give the teen a thankful look, which he just gave a single nod at. Alaric hearing this, noticing the uncomfortable looks on his daughters faces, before sighing "Fine, but this is not over Talia. And when we get back, we're going to have a serious conversation onNôv(el)B\\jnn

what just happened"

Talia hearing this, just shrugged. Hope giggled slightly at the way her girlfriend didn't seem

to care about the potential punishment.

[Hours later, Back at the school]

After many more hours of awkward driving, the group had finally returned home. With Talia being more than thankful for that fact. Hope had her conversation with Josie and Lizzie, which Talia left them to, knowing that it wasn't something she should get involved with. Currently, Talia was sat in her bed, Hope sitting on her lap comfortably. "So...my Hope, huh?" Hope said with a smirk, causing Talia to grin "I did say you belong to me didn't I?" Hope just blushed slightly at this, before leaning forward and seductively whispering in her ear "Just as you belong to me, Daddy-" Talia grinned at her tone, preparing to flip her girlfriend onto her

back, only for the door to be opened by Alaric.

"Oh! Okay! Get clothes on! Rafael, MG, and Landon are missing!" Alaric said, turning the other way, seeing Hope beginning to take her bra off. Letting out a soft growl, Talia was about to

retort before Hope kissed her on the lips "Don't worry, I'll let you claim me later, Daddy~"

Hope softly said, sliding her shirt back on, and getting down. Talia just sighed and opened the door, before turning to Alaric and speaking.

"So, what did the mopheaded idiot do this time?"

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That's the end of this chapter. This chapter was QUITE long due to me wanting to cover the

rest of the episode. Next chapter will be shorter, and within three chapters or so, Talia will have her classes maxed out. There might be another smut chapter soon, too. Would y'all wanna see Hope use a strap on Talia? Talia would still be dominant (as I don't like writing Submissive mc's, just not my thing), she would still be in charge (as in she'd be pretty much

fucking Hope still). It's up to y'all.

Some special characters will be showing up rather soon. Can anyone guess who they are?

Clarke is now dead! Which completely fucks canon, and any possibility of it remaining even remotely similar. Next chapter will be a bit similar to canon, with one huge change coming

towards the end of it.

Next world is probably going to end up being Shadowhunters, as I ended up getting someone saying to just do a random pick for the next world (based off of ones I am willing to do) and that world won. After Shadowhunters will probably be ether OUAT (one upon a time) or Harry


Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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