Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Huge thanks to Mepbro 1, Rafael, Steven, Caleb, and Timothy for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! Anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Mansion, Outside Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

Talia was currently sitting in her living room, looking at the system screen that had appeared in front of her, while sipping on hot cocoa.

[Would host like to consume Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk?] [Yes/No]

"And what exactly do you mean by consuming the book? Will the book disappear?" Asked Talia

[The book's contents will automatically be transferred into your brain, giving you perfect memory of all of the teachings inside. These contents from the book cannot be forgotten. The book can be read again in the future if needed for something else. This can only be used on books gained through the system. Consuming the books through this method will give the user a rather mild headache after consumption]

"Well that is very convenient. Pretty helpful as well. Alright, consume the book"

[Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 consumed]

Immediately after that notification went off, Talia was hit with a sharp pain in her head, as she could literally feel the knowledge flood into her brain. Knowledge of the rather limited list of spells, and knowledge of how to cast them. Sitting for another minute, Talia sighed as the pain ceased.

"Lumos" Talia smirked as the tip of her wand glowed with a soft lumos at the end of it. "Nox" watching as the light was extinguished, Talia's smirk widened into a smile. The fact that she can now do magic, was something she couldn't help but get giddy over.

"Seems that learning and mastering spells won't be as bad as I thought...system, consume the rest of the books" Said Talia, having a rather good idea of how painful this next burst will be, but it will be worth it. Learning a spell like Flipendo will prove helpful after all.

[Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling. A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch. Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger. The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self- Protection by Quentin Trimble. One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander Consumed]

Yet again Talia was hit with a sharp pain in her head, this time it was much much more painful. Almost like the worst migraine you could have. Grunting she held her head as more and more knowledge poured into her brain. From creatures of the Fantastic Beasts book to herbs from the One Thousand Magical Herbs book.

It took nearly five minutes for all the knowledge to finish flooding into her brain, and for the painful migraine to cease. Afterward, however, Talia had a smirk on her face once more, the knowledge of these various spells, and the knowledge of magical theory will prove incredibly helpful for her dungeon escapades.

Sipping on her hot cocoa once more Talia hummed in thought 'That was far more than I thought, I didn't expect it to be nearly that painful either. But....this is better than what I was expecting. Spells like Alohamora will prove especially helpful in the future, being able to break through just about any normal lock is going to be VERY helpful. Not to mention the knowledge of herbs now in my head, I can only assume that some of the rewards from quests will be herbs. The spells should be more than enough for some simple zombies, especially that severing charm'

Drinking the last bits of hot cocoa, Talia put it into the sink before stretching in preparation for what was about to come. She thanked whatever being reincarnated her for the body that was in good condition, and would have a decent amount of stamina...hopefully.

"System, bring me into the dungeon"

After saying that Talia felt a pulling sensation as disappeared from her mansion.

[Welcome to your first dungeon host!]

[Dungeon Quest]

Kill 100 Zombies - 1 level, the full set of year two books, and 1 random item.

Kill the miniboss - 3 levels, the full set of year three books, and 1 random item.

Kill the boss - 5 levels, the full set of year four books, 2 random items, and one random powerful spell.

'Well, that is definitely better than what I was anticipating. The access to further books is more than enough, but items, levels, and random items? Seems like this system is very generous in terms of rewards. Killing 100 zombies shouldn't be too difficult, but killing both the miniboss and boss might be a bit annoying to do in one sitting. This dungeon probably isn't meant to be completed in one sitting then is it?' thought Talia while surveying her surroundings.

'Looks like I am in an apocalypse-type dungeon then, it's all destroyed buildings, the perfect, cliche apocalypse' Talia thought while walking through the streets of this seemingly abandoned world.

*groan* Hearing a groan-like sound coming from her left, Talia's head snapped to the side, seeing what looked like a group of 3 rotting corpses standing there, slowly making its way towards her.

Raising her wand, Talia took a deep breath before speaking while doing her wand movement "Diffindo!"

Talia watched with what is probably an inappropriate amount of glee as the heads of the three zombies were cleanly severed from their rotting bodies.

[Level Up]

Ignoring the level-up, she walked forward and got a good look at the damage she caused. The diffindo did far more than what she was expecting, she was initially wanting it to take out just one of them, but it seems to have done a bit more than that.

Feeling a surge of power flood her, Talia breathed in deeply as she felt the minor amount of magic she consumed flood back to her and some more. She was already stronger than before, likely by a decent bit as well. She now realized why it was that Dumbledore was only considered a level 75 in the system's eyes. It was because the difference in power between a single level was rather noticeable, for her at least. It was like her magic reserves just doubled, or at least got very close to doubling.

'I see why he's only level 75 now. The difference between a single level is like night and day. I can only guess that this only really applies to me, and someone like Dumbledore would be at a much higher level if the system wasn't this way. Looks like this dungeon is going to be even easier than I was initially expecting' thought Talia, as she stepped over the corpses, ready to

hunt some more.

[Short Time Skip]

It had been a little under an hour, and Talia had finally finished her 100th kill. She had leveled up from level 2 to level 10 and had gotten even stronger than before. The leveling process was far faster than she had anticipated, same with the killings of zombies. Going from level 2 to level 10 this fast was impressive, she had initially thought she wouldn't be able to get to level 100 by the time canon began, but now she thinks otherwise.

She had primarily been casting diffindo and flipendo, knocking back zombies and slicing them up with relative ease. The fact that the zombies can't move faster than a slow walk is the main reason why this is so easy to do. Now that her 100th kill had been completed, she had

completed her first quest.

[Quest Completed]

Kill 100 Zombies - 1 level, the full set of year two books, and 1 random Item [Claim?]

"Claim the rewards" Said Talia with a grin, happy with her rewards, getting another level, and

those books, the item was pretty good too.

[Level Up]

[Full set of year two books - claimed]

[Random Item = Ring of Magic]

[Ring of Magic - Lessens the cost of magic spells by 25%, Strengthens the effect of magic

spells by 25%]

"Well that is quite good, system, equip the ring and consume the books" Said Talia, as she moved to sit on a pillar from the ruins.

[Standard Books of spells, grade 2. Break with a Banshee. Gadding with Ghouls. Holidays with Hags. Travels with Trolls. Voyages with Vampires. Wanderings with Werewolves. Year with

the Yeti Consumed]

[Ring of Magic - Equipped]

At the assault of sharp pain in her head, she grunted in annoyance at the pain. The most annoying thing about this was the knowledge flooding her brain, the Lockhart books were horrible, and showed just how narcissistic the man was. But the spell book was helpful


"He really was a narcissistic piece of shit wasn't he? Literally all these books are talking about are how fantastic and handsome he was, while only talking about the supposed interactions with creatures a tiny bit towards the end of the books" Talia grunted out in annoyance. The fact that most of the books she just absorbed were next to useless is annoying. The only plus side was the spells from the Book of Spells, Grade 2. The memory charm, disarming charm, and freezing charm were definitely the best of the bunch.

Talia's face twitched in annoyance as she began to realize something "Since Lockhart's books

are pretty much the only thing in this set of books, I can't learn something like the slowing charm that was only taught in class. Fucking Lockhart"

Sighing, Talia began to think to herself 'Well...let's just hope the books for year 3 are half

decent. These spells I just got are helpful, but not enough to be truly useful in this dungeon'

Getting up from the Pillar, Talia stretched and began to move once more, ready to grind until she completed the last two quests.

While walking through the apocalyptic landscape, Talia slaughtered any zombie that got near

her. She didn't keep count of how many she had killed, but it was easily over 300 zombies. She had leveled up some more, but it had slowed considerably. She went from level 11 to level 20. She also noticed that the farther she went into the apocalyptic landscape, the stronger the

zombies were.

After walking for quite some time, the zombies were now moving faster, and weren't being

torn apart as easily as before. Of course, this didn't truly matter as she continued to level up rapidly, at level 20 she still shredded the zombies. She could cast diffindo with relative ease, and rapidly. She wondered why it was that she could cast the spell with very little drain, whereas people from Harry Potter would only be able to cast it a handful of times before being drained. She chalked it up to the system.

After walking for another 20 minutes, and slaughtering more hordes of zombies, all the while leveling to level 22, she FINALLY managed to find a large zombie in an open plain.

'So that's the miniboss? Looks like a weird mutated zombie. It's skin looks rather tough too,

might take a bit more than diffindo to kill this thing'

[Zombie Bruiser - Miniboss]

'Hmm, a mixture of diffindo, incendio, and flipendo should do the trick. Going for the ankles

with a diffindo should be enough to stop his movements, then flipendo to knock him over,

and finally some incendo + diffindo'

Slowly stalking towards the miniboss, Talia waited until the creature was looking the

opposite direction before "Diffindo! Diffindo! Flipendo!" she casted Diffindo in two rapid successions on both its ankles, then a flipendo to knock it over.

*ROAR* *ROHGH* "Well you don't seem very happy" Talia said, as she prepared her wand

once more for the downed creature.

"Incendio! Incendio! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!" Rapidly Talia casted incendio on each of its already cut ankles, hoping to cause more damage by hitting its cuts. Then she cast diffindo

on its head, trying to the back of its neck.

"Fucking christ, die already!" Talia said, rolling to the left as the bruiser launched a large rock

at her with its right arm. While the bruiser couldn't stand currently, it could still grab objects

with its functioning hands. "Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Incendio!" Talia weaved her wand in rapid succession, aiming solely at the bruiser's head. Grinning, Talia noticed the small cut that was getting bigger from each diffindo. After the fourth diffindo, the cut was noticeable, and nearly big enough to kill the bastard. Casting the incendio, Talia watched as the stream of fire

pound directly against the large cut. *GRAHHHHGH* *AGHGH* *ROARGH* "Diffindo!!" With one final Diffindo, Talia watched as

the bruiser's head, currently on fire, fell from its body.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Quest Completed]

Kill the miniboss - 3 levels, the full set of year three books, and 1 random item. [Claim?]

"Christ *Pant* that was *pant* annoying" Talia panted out, dropping onto her butt after

exerting so much magical power. Because while a few diffindo on their own was fine, casting literally 15 spells is still rather draining, not to mention rolling and dodging constantly. Wiping the sweat off her brow, she spoke out loud "Claim the rewards system, but don't consume the books just yet. Also, show me my status after claiming the rewards"

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Full set of year three books - claimed]

[Random Item - Protection charm your mind: A practical guide to counter legilimency]

'That...isn't bad. Assuming Occlumency is like what I have read, it will not only protect my

mind against mind reading and control, but will also make it easier to control my emotions, and allow me to process/absorb information even faster. Combine that with the ability to consume books from the system, and this might be a rather overpowered ability to have. Learning it shouldn't be too difficult, the system, consuming the book, and my decent enough emotional control, should make it rather easy to learn' thought Talia, looking over the reward she had gotten.

'Consuming these third year books would probably be for the best, as there are a couple good

spells that should be in there, primarily the freezing spell, banishing charm, and the full body-bind curse'

"System, consume the year three books" Said Talia. Deciding to wait until she leaves the dungeon to consume the occlumency book, as she doubts that's something she can just learn directly from the book in what is basically an instant. The only reason she has even learned these spells so easily is due to how easy it is to actually learn them, all it really takes is proper pronunciation, proper wand movement, and intent. All of which is incredibly easy for her. [The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3. Unfogging the Future. Intermediate Transfiguration. The monster book of monsters. Numerology and Grammatica. Home life and Social Habits of British Muggles. Spellman's Syllabary. The essential defense against the dark arts Consumed] Just like last time, Talia grunted in annoyance as an influx of information flooded into her

brain. Most of it was actually useful this time, but the Home and Life book was completely

useless, as it was wrong in various areas, and incredibly out of date. Even by the 1990's standards it was out of date.

The rest of the books were good though, especially the spell book, and the transfiguration

book. 'Hopefully the future books I get continue to follow this route, because these are actually pretty helpful. The numerology and grammatica book is pretty decent too, as it was basically used to predict the future through numbers, only to a limited extent though. Which I guess makes sense, kinda annoying it isn't like what they always say in those fanfics. That spellman's syllabary is pretty decent too, runes are an actually overpowered area once you

apply them correctly'

- Talia Morningstar | -

[Class - Wizard]

[Level - 28/100] [Species - Wizard?]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD] [Books Consumed - 23] [Current Universe - Legacies]

"Little late to show me this, but that's fine. The question mark next to wizard is rather

worrying. The fact that I am level 28 is good though. At the rate that I am going I'll be level 100 in a few days, and potentially even have another class maxed out. The fact that it tracks the amount of books I have consumed is nice"

"Well, time to go boss hunting" Said Talia, as she stood up and began to walk once more. Just like last time, she trekked through the apocalyptic landscape, killing any zombie that she came across. The farther she went, the more zombies that began to appear, and the stronger

they were. The hordes that she was running into were now over two dozen strong every time she found one.

She had also leveled up twice, getting to level 30. The fact that her magic "reserves" were filled again once she levels up, is probably the only reason she was still able to fight for this

long. She hadn't had any real injuries, thus, she was completely fine. The only part that might be a problem is her stamina which is slowly but surely running out. She expects that once she kills the boss she'll be out of stamina and won't be able to fight any longer.

"How many of these things are there?" Talia grunted out, as she stomped on the head of the

last of her most recent horde.

[Hidden Quest Completed]

Kill 1,000 Zombies - 5 levels, 2 random items, and 1 random spell [Claim?]

"So this system has hidden quests and everything. 5 levels, a random spell, and 2 items?

That's almost as good as the boss kill reward, except this is just a random spell that could be


"Claim the rewards system"

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Level Up] [Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Random Item - Severus Snape's copy of advanced potion-making]

[Random Item - Cloak of Invisibility]

[Random Spell - Apparition]

'Now that is good...very very good. Apparition is powerful in its own right, but Snape's copy of

Advanced Potion-Making is especially good. The fact that I have access to his various notes, and the few spells he made on top of that? More than worth it. The cloak of invisibility is also

good, being a deathly hallow would do that, I would have preferred the Elder Wand but this is good too' thought Talia, looking over her rewards.

Feeling the knowledge of Apparition flooded her brain, she grinned at the spell. It was really good, with the knowledge she had, and the way at which she masters her spells, she knew she'd be able to use it. The only real downside of using it, is that the farther she wishes to apparate, the more it drains her, and the more dangerous it becomes. It wasn't actually that hard to do either, it simply needed her to focus on her desired location, and then purposely disappear from the current location to the desired one. It also needed intent/determination to reach there, while also being safe enough to do so.

Safe to say, Talia had enough trust in her abilities to try it. Disappearing with a soft pop, Talia

reappeared a dozen yards ahead of her, completely fine and in perfect condition. 'Looks like it works. Rather well at that. Easier than I thought, the fact that I have my system

probably helps' thought Talia looking over her body, making sure she wasn't injured in any


Seeing as she was completely fine, she began to move once more. She had a feeling she was quite close to the boss. As she continued to move closer to where she assumed the boss was,

she fought zombies along the way.

There were less zombies, but they were stronger than the rest. Not the hardest to kill, but slightly annoying nonetheless. She didn't level up even once during these, she assumed that the zombies didn't give enough xp anymore. At least not enough to give her a level after only

killing 50 of them.


Before Talia could take another step, a deep, and incredibly loud roar rang in front of her.

"Well...this might be a little harder than I was anticipating"

[Zombie Dragon - Boss]

"Well sh-" *RAGHGGH* Before Talia could continue the large zombie dragon roared out a

large torrent of flames towards her. Rolling to the left, Talia grunted at the heat. "Looks like incendio is going to be useless on you." Talia growled out, annoyance marking

her face as she continued to circle around the boss, not staying still, in hopes that the dragon

wouldn't be able to properly attack.

"Let's see if this works! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!" Talia rapidly cast diffindo at it's eyes,

*RAHGGH* seeing as its eyes were currently bleeding, Talia assumed it was blind for the time


"Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!" Talia continued to cast Diffindo. It was practically the only spell she had that could actually do anything to this damn thing. She focused solely on its eyes, hoping to cut into its head enough to cut its brain. Because if it was

anything like the other zombies, as long as the brain was destroyed, the zombie itself would


"Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo! Diffindo!" Continuing to cast at its brain, she noticed that it was getting slower and slower. The stupid thing couldn't really move too

much due to its eyes being obliterated, but when it did, she had to either dodge, or apparate out of the way.

"Fucking hell, just die already!" Casting another diffindo at its head, she rolled to the left as

its tail slammed down on where she was just standing.

'This isn't working very well! Maybe a supercharged diffindo will do the trick!' Talia thought,

hoping this would work instead.

"DIFFINDO!!!" Flooding as much magic into the spell as possible, she watched as the spell

cleaved directly into its eyes and through its brain.

*Plop* *Crash* "Fucking finally" Talia said with a groan, as she held her knees and panted. "That was a lot

more difficult than I was expecting"

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

[Quest Complete!]

Kill the boss - 5 levels, the full set of year four books, 2 random items, and one random

powerful spell [Claim?]

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Kill All Zombies in this area - 10 levels, full set of year five books, 3 random items, and one

powerful spell of your choice [Claim?]

'Well I guess this is worth it...the hidden quest is a hell of a lot better than the actual boss kill reward. So after claiming these rewards I will be what...level 50? Damn' "System, claim all the rewards, but don't consume the books just yet" said Talia moving over

to sit on a rock.

[Level Up x15]

[Random Item - Ring of Instant Death Resistance: Grants the user resistance to instant death

attacks. Allows the user to resist 3 attacks. Cooldown is 1 hour] [Random Item - Deluminator] [Random Item - Book of Potions] [Random Item - Basic Hexes for the busy and vexed]

[Random Item - Practical Household Magic] [Random Powerful Spell - Fiendfyre]

[Please select the powerful spell you would like]

Without even a droplet of hesitation she spoke "The Killing Curse". She would be dumb not to

learn this spell, because even if she can get it later on, it is far too good for her current


[Powerful Spell - Killing Curse]

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Well that's that. This chapter was quite long in comparison to the other ones. Future dungeon

chapters will be quite a bit shorter than this one, as dungeons are not the funnest to cover tbh.

Below is a list of the books she has "consumed so far" and the ones she hasn't just yet.

| Consumed Books |

Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1.

Magical Theory.

A Beginners Guide to Transfiguration.

Magical Drafts and Potions.

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection.

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Standard Books of spells, grade 2.

Break with a Banshee.

Gadding with Ghouls.

Holidays with Hags.

Travels with Trolls.

Voyages with Vampires.

Wanderings with Werewolves. Year with the Yeti.

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3.

Unfogging the Future.

Intermediate Transfiguration.

The monster book of monsters.

Numerology and Grammatica.

Home life and Social Habits of British Muggles.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Spellman's Syllabary. The essential defense against the dark arts.

| Books that aren't consumed |

Protection charm your mind: A practical guide to counter legilimency

Severus Snape's copy of advanced potion-making The Standard book of spells, Grade 4

The Standard book of spells, Grade 5 Defensive Magical Theory

Book of Potions

Basic Hexes for the busy and vexed

Practical Household Magic

| Spells Learnt |

Diffindo, Flipendo

Killing Curse, Lumos

Lumos Maxima, Levitation Charm

Unlocking Charm, Locking Spell

Fire-Making Spell, Softening Charm

Mending Charm, Snail to Teapot

Reparifarge, Curse of the bogies Green Sparks, Red Sparks

Smokescreen Spell, Nox

Dancing Feet Spell, Disarming Charm

Engorgement Charm, Freezing Charm

General Counter-Spell, Memory Charm

Tickling Charm, Skurge Charm Owl to opera glasses, Fiendfyre

Apparition, Freezing Spell Seize and Pull Charm, Mice to Snuffboxes

Felifors spell, draconifors spells

Teapot to tortoise, lapifors

Cheering charm, Full Body-Bind curse

Banishing Charm, slowing charm Shrinking charm, porcupine to pin cushion

Vera verto, rabbit slippers

Beetle buttons, homorphus charm

Verdimillious duo spell, vermillious duo

Vermillious tria, fumos duo

Ice jinx, box blasting charm

Match to needle, switching spell

Avifors spell, flintifors

| Spells soon to be learnt |

Langlock, Levicorpus

Liberacorpus, Muffliato charm Sectumsempra, Toenail-growing hex

Summoning charm, Banishing charm

Substantive charm, Instant scalping hex

Pepper breath, Horn tongue hex

Bombarda, Aqua Eructo

Twitchy Ears Hex, Reductor Curse

Herbivicus Charm, color change charm

Silencing charm, growth charm

Locomotion charm, confundus charm Eradication spell, pack charm

Creating legs on teacups, leg locker curse

Disillusionment charm, snake-vanishing spell Everte satum, densaugeo

Human-presence-revealing spell, protective enchantments Tongue tying curse, trip jinx

Deprimo, lacarnum inflamari

Vanishing spells, inanimatus conjurus spell

Partial vanishment ferret to feather duster, goldfinch to golden snitch

Gobstone to skunk, armadillo to pillow Thimble to thestral, cauldron to badger spell

There are definitely some spells that I missed, or repeated. I probably won't update that

again, as there are way too many spells to pay attention to, and she will only use a dozen of

them. Most of them are pretty useless for her.

Eventually I plan on her simply getting a reward in the form of all the knowledge someone would be taught in years 1-7 in Hogwarts (includes all the optional classes as well). Basically

an absolute massive amount of knowledge, which will cover the bits that she didn't know. Almost as if she was actually there learning them. By doing this, I won't have to remember all these spells because she will know all the important ones. This would also include the books that would have to be read for this as well (obviously). This is probably one of the only universes this will happen with, but the sheer amount of knowledge she needs is immense. The full set of books from the system is based on the list of supplies in the wiki. Some books

may not be covered, but I am just going off the wiki and that's that. The sheer amount of spells in Harry Potter is actually ridiculous once you look at it. So, most

of the spells she uses will be the main ones, like diffindo, incendio, hell, even the killing


Chapter 3 End

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