Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Huge thanks to Jacob and Jeremy for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School] [3rd POV]

After leaving the headmaster's office, Talia had returned to her dorm room, and had simply worked on her classes until the party was drawing near. Humming, Talia began to think up a suit that she'd change her cloak into. It took a while to think up something good, but eventually she decided on a simple suit (?) that was comfortable, and looked good on her.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she cracked a smile 'Not bad, not bad at all' Talia made sure her wand was in its holster, before opening the door and walking out.

The hallways were completely empty due to the party, and knowing Lizzie, she was already celebrating it without her sister. Sighing Talia began to walk through the halls 'Probably best to go find Hope and help her find Josie. Knowing Josie, she probably let her mom out still, meaning she is buried alive somewhere'

Walking out of the school, Talia kept silent as she followed her instincts, and the mating bond that was pretty much directing her towards Hope. The farther she got into the forest, the more black magic she could feel. It wasn't all that strong, but there was a LOT of it. 'Hmm, the Necromancer isn't too shabby. I could probably get rid of his little zombies with a single spell though'

Hearing the rustling of leaves, Talia walked through the bushes and was flashed in the eyes with a flashlight "It's just me!" Hope who was holding the flashlight, pointed it down, while Penelope, who was holding a shovel preparing to wack her, stopped.

"I'm assuming you're looking for Josie because she let her undead mother out?" Talia asked, causing Hope to nod, while taking in the sight of Talia in a suit.

"You look beautiful by the way" Talia said, taking in the sight of her girlfriend in a dress. Hope blushed slightly at the compliment, causing Penelope to glance between the two with a raised eyebrow, and MG to smirk.

"T-thank you, you look pretty handsome yourself" Hope said, before Penelope cut off their little moment.

"As much as I enjoy watching you two lovebirds do...that. We should focus on finding Josie" Penelope said, causing Hope to break out of her little staring and nod. While Talia huffed but nodded as well.

"I think I hear something" MG said, before he began to dig near a grave. After digging up a little bit of dirt, a hand abruptly sprung from the ground, and gripped onto MG's foot, causing him to kick it off, and fall back, revealing a zombie.

Before anyone could move, Talia cast a silent and wandless Diffindo, cleanly slicing the upper half of the zombies brain off. "Looks like I was right in regards to it being a necromancer" Hope slowly turned as she heard the rustling of leaves, while MG and Penelope looked at Talia in slight surprise.

Noticing more zombies climbing out of the ground, Talia noticed about two dozen of them or so. "How do we deal with this? Magic?" Hope asked as she held her shovel tightly in her hands.

"I say we DIY" Penelope said, only for Talia to roll her eyes "No need, I've got a spell perfect for this situation, that I've been meaning to test"

Hearing this Hope looked at Talia and nodded "Do it" Smiling, Talia spoke "True Death" Instantly after casting the spell, all of the zombies nearby stopped, and dropped to the ground, actually dead this time. The effects of the spell caught everyone's attention.

"What the hell was that spell?" Penelope asked.

"A spell I made up. It basically just invalidates the weaker versions of resurrection magic, like the one we were just dealing with. The range is also pretty big, so we won't have to worry about any more zombies. Now, follow me, I can sense Josie" Talia said, causing them all to look at her in slight surprise at the effects of the spell, before nodding and following her.

"Here!" Talia said, causing MG to begin to dig with his hands, while using his vamp speed at the same time. Digging deep into the ground, Talia sighed in slight relief as MG's digging revealed Josie's very alive hand. Grabbing her hand, MG pulled her out of the ground, causing her to gasp for air.

Crying slightly, Josie held her chest while breathing in deeply.

[Slight Timeskip]

After getting Josie back to the school, Talia had given her the birthday present she prepared. It was a ring that she made with overlord magic, that had some basic enchantments on it, like passive resistance to paralysis, mind control, fire, and some other stuff like that. Josie had immediately put it on, and had found that she could siphon magic from it.

The magic in the ring would regenerate on it's own, and the amount of magic in the ring, was rather insane for TVD, which got another round of thank you's from Josie.

Currently, Talia was walking downstairs after giving Josie her gift, and found Hope sitting on one of the sopha's in the commons. Turning to Talia, Hope smiled "How'd she like your


"I think she liked it, if the borderline crying was any indicator" Talia replied, which got a small chuckle to escape Hope. Getting up, Hope walked forward "I think you still owe me a dance, don't you?" Hope finished with a smirk.

Talia rolled her eyes, and offered Hope her hand. Grasping her hand, the two slowly began to slow dance, Talia's hands around Hope's waist, and Hope's around her neck.

"You know, for two people who just dug through a forest, and killed zombies, we look pretty hot" Talia said, causing Hope to giggle.

Slowly Talia's handed lowered onto Hope's butt, causing her to blush "W-what are you


"Oh~ This is just a bit of revenge for teasing me earlier-" Talia grinned, causing Hope's blush to brighten as she felt Talia's hands on her ass.

Slowly the two began to kiss passionately. Moaning softly at the pleasure, Hope began to feel

a heat build up in her lower core. Breathing heavily at the feeling, Hope looked Talia into her

eyes and spoke.

"I...I want to do it" Hope said, a bright blush on her cheeks.

Talia's eyes widened slightly "... You mean?" Hope silently nodded, causing Talia's eyes to darken with lust.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to force yourself to do something you don't want to do" Talia said softly, causing Hope to reply "I'm sure...you're the one, Talia, I'm sure of it now" Talia hearing this, smiled slightly.

"Well then...why don't we get started?" Talia said, instantly teleporting the two back into their room, while setting up various spells to block out sound.

"Wait wha-" Hope couldn't even react, before she was lifted and dropped onto their now shared bed. Leaning over Hope's form, Talia softly purred huskily.

"After tonight, you'll be mine, and mine alone. I hope you're ready~"

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additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!


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That's the end of this chapter, sorry for it being so short! I've got some stuff I need to do, but

in return for this being so short, next chapter is WAY longer.

This chapter was also a bit of a pain to write, due to the episode not really involving Hope...like at all, not in this canon at least. Thus, a lot of what would have happened, didn't,

making it a bit hard to right. So, sorry if this chapter isn't that good, I tried my best to work

with what I got.

Oh yeah...next chapters smut btw []Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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